Haven't seen one of these in a while so I figured I'd throw one up. I'm really in need of ultrawide wallpapers as I recently got a new monitor that's 2560x1080.
Vidya Wallpaper Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What a shit resolution. 1440 is what normal people use. Also, whoever made these images is an idiot; you don't put black text on a black background.
It would still work as on text on multiple backgrounds. If you were to to have one static element and switching everything else. Visibility of static element would be less important because you would be familiar with it.
That said forth one is inexcusable. You have very well contrasting element already on wallpaper. Just lower the horizon so Metal Gear Solid will be above the sea.
I have a problem, Holla Forums. My autism requires me to only use wallpapers that: 1) have no text, and 2) have no faces, people, animals, or characters.
Shit I thought that was my only MGS wallpaper
Why does it hurt so much still?
is it just me or is the militaires sans frontieres one of the coolest designs ever made?
Let's just get the obvious out of the way
Second, third, and fourth are breddy gud.
Because we saw a glimpse of what could have been. Death Stranding will probably be an acceptable substitute for Silent Hills, if it ever comes out.
I see you are a man who likes his spooks.
It will only be an acceptable substitute if Ito's also involved.
i have a weird obsession with taking screenshots of hallways leading to a single focal point, and i find that first person spookers are the best way to get the screenshots i apparently require
This is all the shit I got that's worth a damn and hasn't been reposted in every wallpaper thread a gajillion times.
Don't you want to wife the Razgriz?
The first half of RE7 was so fucking good and tense and then after you defeat Marguerite the whole game onwards loses most of it's tense atmosphere it had with Jack in the main house and just starts to go downhill from there.
yeah, the ship section was a complete shit sandwich and destroyed all atmosphere. i still genuinely enjoyed re7 though, played through it three times
did you overdose on semen at your last visit of a gay bar or are you naturally retarded
Took some so here's the payment.
Some I use when October rolls around.
I would. I was simply referring to my wallpaper autism; see
Shameful. The artist deserves pain.
that Blaze and Spidey one are pretty nice.
You know, fewer wallpapers of better quality would be more appreciated than a huge dump that will just force the thread to its bump limit. Unless that's what you're trying to do?
I saved some so I'll post some.
Is this your first wallpaper thread?
I just have a really big wallpaper folder.
Anyone got other Shantae characters in the style of the Rottytop's one?
For him
To be honest, most of the unlockable art pages in Dragon's Crown could be great wallpapers.
It hurts.
Thanks man!!
I Really, really wanna figure out how to rip the data off of Muramasa so I can get to more of the backgrounds besides the few that were ripped by someone else.
My eternal fucking nigger.
This isn't a wallpaper, but it'd make a good one
Right you are Kenny. A quick resize worked fine enough. I was just gonna put some extra black space on a side but turned out fine, enjoy.
Nice! Though she seems a little….I dunno…
Sure when you look at it with the original side by side you can spot it's stretched horizontally. But due to there not really being anything too defined size wise it works. Only thing is the head is maybe less round then it should be.
Here's one where I did what I originally wanted to do (not really, there's some distinctive background so I just selected a bit on the right and dragged it out to fit into 1920), though it's a bit taller then 1080 due to the original image being larger.
Also posting some more just to keep the thread on track.
We need more Ghost Trick wallpapers.
tbh I just wanted to post that chub pic. Thought I had a pic of her with that effect, but I didn't.
Back on track!
wallpaper and lockscreen respectively
Do you have the rest? Most of the ones I find are stretched out trash.
Don't think I saved 'em all.
If anyone has Bloodborne WPs please post.
I am looking for a high res one of the Fishing Hamlet.
I don't think I have that one specifically, but I'll look
Top lewd.
very nice
I want to skullfuck 2B.
A2 is the superior yorha model, but, ya
Anyone have any Mortal Kombat wallpapers? here are the few I have.
Tony is king.
There were never enough FROG lewds.
That'll do for now.
Outside of the Honest Hearts DLC and some fighting game characters, why aren't there more Native stuff in games? Apart from the fact they're all too busy huffing gas while on welfare or running Casinos to make games. And SJW's would bitch about anything that did get made.
Felt like doing an edit on the Micolash pic and sharing Though I also had one of Nitto saying 'Sup but misplaced it.
Shit didn't mean to double post the last pic, whatever another round.
5 more years
I got these for buying Bayonetta's Digital Deluxe Edition.
These come in a bunch of different sizes, but these are the largest resolution.
I have a few
I'm out
Why do you keep switching IP?
Anyone have any Puyo ones?
Gotta new batch incoming.
Any TNG or Star Trek wallpapers?General space will do fine too
anybody have that TEEEEEEEEEEEEDUS video?
Why is he so perfect?
Metroid wallpaperfag has arrived
All for now.
I like these
why are curvy girls so attractive, Holla Forums?
Because you're a red-blooded man. That said, slim girls have their qualities.
That's it
The 5th, Cowboy Bebop … hits me right in the feels.
would true authentic RGB on a CRT make for good wallpapers?
crop at your own leisure
Need to contribute my part.
Why isn't the quote his real name: Jon "Go on a Jew safari" Jafari?
Don't make go through my archive again and ending up sad user.
Really nice!
It just works
Do you have source on either of those 3 chicks in the 2nd image?
Any Ghost in the Shell wallpapers?
Who is that *semen* demon?
nice, I fucked up the spoiler tag…
It'd help if you tried to center the images properly
Dark souls
All good taste.
I just found it that way
Neat. Vertex painting?
Who is that on the first pic? I've seen his face used as a reaction image a lot of times and I have no idea who he is.
nvm, found it.
Oh man, you've been missing out. There's a site with all the episodes if you're interested.
bump have some of mine
Good stuff. Thanks
All for now.
10 year anniversary for Halo 3 is soon. Maybe it will be released to PC
That's not Rookie, that's Buck. Rookie was killed off like a bitch in the book after Halo ODST and that Jun faggot from Reach shown up and asked Buck if he would like to be a Spartan.
Oh fuck, i guess its been i while, and yeah i know how they fucked rookie. The best protag, and we'll sadly never get him again.
Its why i dislike 343 so much, them just fucking lore and thinking that the halo games were all about lore to begin with. They just make it look pretty and have a 5th grade story instead of making great gameplay and then building a story to encompass that to enhance it.
Does anyone have some good syrian civil war stuff?
OC related
Don't remind me user, it's too painful.
For u lol
Last one I have.
more 40k
More 40k you want?