I'm playing through this game for the first time, I must say I am enjoying it. I just got past the UNATCO guys in Hell's Kitchen, and my pilot says to take the tram to Battery Park. Well, I show up and that Russian robot bitch is waiting for me when I get off the train. If I approach her, she becomes hostile after a brief verbal exchange. I managed to kill her, but is her meathead faggot partner killable? I've unloaded everything I could muster, and it's like he doesn't take a scratch. Is this a "supposed to die" fight? If so, that's some fake-boss-battle-tier bullshit.
Deus Ex Thread
As far as I can remember, yes. You could convince him to join your side if you helped him at the liberty statue and picked the correct dialogue, though.
you can stay by Paul's side in the hotel later on, the game always Jews you into fleeing.
I don't remember killing her, she was supposed to be your partner right? Enjoy the game though, one of my all-time favorites
So, there's nothing else I can do in that scenario? How fucking dumb, they should've made it so you could sneak past them or something.
Well, I don't know about that. All I know is that about seven 10mm rounds to the head is enough to get her to self destruct. She say something like, "I don't know what it's like to feel pain anymore" and she blows up.
Oh, never mind. There is a way of not killing her by surrendering. It doesn't really matter since she will die later on anyways,unless it impacts the relationship with the big guy.
You can't escape from that situation because it's vital for the story.
Gunther Hermann? They would probably let you kill him at any point but there's supposed to be a boss fight with him later in the game.
If he's talking about Navarre, which he should be, you should really remember killing her.
I think he means to say the game convinces you to take that option, even though there's another option most people won't realize is available.
Yes, I'm talking about Navarre, I killed her with no problem, but Gunther is invincible I guess.
There's another option? When I leave the tram, he immediately walks up to me and tells me that UNATCO want to capture me alive. I have exactly two options, either surrender or fight. If I fight, he's invincible, and I'll die no matter what. What's the other option? I did save him during the first mission, so shouldn't I get some dialogue option, or does that come later?
Gunther Hermann is invincible when you meet him in battery park. I know because once I glitched him into becoming hostile, and he uses the shittiest weapon in the game to kill every soldier, and giant robot there.
In the scenario he was talking about, not the one you're in, I think you have to get captured no matter what.
What a shame.
I don't know what he's talking about. At that point in the game you have no choice on the outcome, because it's the only way to segue to the next part of the game.
If you fight, you're captured.
If you surrender, you're captured.
If you run around him, there's a lot of enemies above ground and barriers everywhere so you can't run away.
If you kill yourself while ignoring dialogue, the game will assume an enemy killed you and the game move on anyway.
Technocrat Denton Ending > Dark Age Ending > Jew World Order Ending
Has he been infected?
Not yet.
You have two ways out of NYC after UNATCO goes hostile:
1. You get 'killed' at any point between Paul's apartment and the subway.
2. You confront Gunther at the top of the subway and get arrested.
Both end up with you getting sent to the next part of the game.
Yes, it is possible to glitch the game or otherwise abuse the dated AI and pump rounds into Gunther at the top of the subway stairs, but there's no other way out. You keep your equipment, so don't sweat it.
The underground UNATCO facility is genuinely frustrating to get through while operating under specific parameters. I want to do a no kill, no alarm, no knock out, ghost playthrough, but it seems incredibly difficult. I guess if I ignore the armory and all my gear and make a mad dash towards Denton's body, then backtrack towards the exit, I could do it. However, I want to save the NSF prisoner, and I want my gear, and I want to get that augmentation that the Man in Black is protecting.
I tried it like 6 times already, and it seems that Miguel the NSF prisoner can't follow you into certain areas (ventilation shafts), which means that you either send him on his own and he dies or you clear a path for him, which would involve combat.
Also, why the fuck can enemies detect you while you're in the middle of dialogue? That's some bullshit.
Why would you be undetectable during a dialog?
I guess the whole, "time freezes when you stop to talk to some random fuck about things that may or may not be inconsequential" is a convention of modern vidya game design. Is there at least a way to quickly back out of dialogue? So far, I've tried mashing buttons and all I can manage is to make the dialogue move faster.
that time freeze thing during dialog is a shit convention
but I don't think there's any way to back out of it.
You filthy fucking coward, your brother is cursing your name in hell right now.
are you telling me I could have saved him?
you can stick around the apt and fight your way out instead of hoping out a window like a bitch
Bitch nigger detected.
Will you stop crying if I go back to an earlier save and make sure he lives? Did you also cry when Aerith died, you pussies? Anyway, he shouldn't have been such a faggot and told me, "No, I'm not fine, I need your help, I won't live if you leave" if he wanted some fucking help. Instead he tried to play the, "oh, no, I'm perfectly fine, you don't need to worry about me" stoic bullshit. Well fuck him. He deserves to die if he's going to be like that.
Don't care.
I always found this series interesting. Just haven't bothered to play it yet.
I thought you had to kill Gunther regardless?
Get GMDX mod.
Basically it works like this
That's it.
Nope, probably the biggest flaw in the game in my opinion. If they're going to pull that bullshit they should have at least had it just cutscene you to the next area particularly since you'll be able to recover your shit later and you could easily waste tons of ammo if you didn't know it was unwinnable.
Git gud
At least they don't shoot you until you finish your conversation.
Listening to thsi kidn of guy is the reason why modern games are shit.
If they're going to remove all player agency you might as well make it a cutscene. I fail to see what having a poorly labelled 'you must lose this fight' moment adds to the game beyond frustration. If you want you could just have had the conversation have no 'fuck you I don't surrender' option or somesuch, the result is the same.
What a fucking monster
Yeah, I agree. It's pretty much lying to the players that think Gunther is just another enemy they can kill, but no dice. A cutscene would indeed be better.
It's like you want your own brother to die. I hope you don't have any siblings IRL, they deserve better.
They a shit.
Don't forget the sniffles.
I'm so jewish i completed deus ex without using any consumables or LAMs because they're a limited resource
I also do this shit in every mmo ever, I save potions and boosts until after they're useless or I stop playing
Wow you really need to apply yourself, gas grenades were the shit in Deus Ex.
Top Haha
Next you'll tell me that extinguishers and baton were shit.
I would understand if they forced you to stand still like it does to enemies but they don't, meaning your taste is shit
But muh stealth.
Baton is great.
But muh nothing personnel ghost run.
I just noticed something, when Walton Simons says to you
I though this was [CURRENT YEAR] and everyone uses credits now?
The whole point of using stun weapons for me like gas grenades, pepper gun, prod, and fire extinguishers was to stun the enemy just long enough to get a headshot on them. Otherwise I tend to just shoot them with the traq gun and run and hide. Also unless you have the dragon's tooth sword, baton is the best 2nd melee in the game.
It's still the 1st melee weapon in the game unless you metagame like hell and leave extra three inventory slots for the glowing meme sword.
That thing can break open containers you know. The highest you can get I think is breaking 60% if you have that strength aug maxed.
I'm not arguing that it's good at various things, but 4 fucking inventory slots in a row? Nah. I awlways have plenty 3006 ammo and a silencer, just as good for containers.
just stack that shit
I'm a fucking degenerate and yet I'm utterly disgusted by this.
When is GMDX 9 coming out of beta? I haven't replayed DX since last year and I'm getting impatient.
I have realized that JC Denton is a calm, cool and collected, well spoken professional, and that Adam Jensen is an edgy faggot.
exploiting dude sex is one of the most fulfilling things a man can do with his time.
I've got nerves of steel.
I was talking about playing the game, not fucking around, fam. Seeing how far you can break a game is fun, just a completely different kind of activity.
This movie ruined Dragon's Tooth even further for me.
blows up
That series of videos was great. Did he ever do any more?
na. last deus ex video on his channel was 2 years ago.
last deus ex was 2 years ago. then he did some other game noone cared about so his channel died
Does anyone know how to enable directsound 3D? I'm having audio issues with this game, I get popping and static and whatnot.
What are you running it on? OS, sound card, what are the settings in the game etc.
I figured it out. I used something called indirectsound. I guess it's some DirectSound emulator that can be used to activate the 3D sound. It's still popping in some places, but the sound is much better than it was before.
Deus Ex also doesn't like multiple cores, it fucks up the audio, if you restrict it to one core it helps.
Will DUDE SEX LMAO ever get a proper GNU/Linux port? I mean, it already supports an OpenGL mode.
No. It runs fine in WINE, though.
they're waiting for the year of the linux desktop, then they'll re-release it on steam as deus ex remastered for $29.95
Get on my level.
muh fps
Are you using deus.exe?
Yes. I fixed it now. I set the CPU to one core and I increased the audio latency to 60. The indirectsound.dll works fucking great.
Anyway, so I'm in Hong Kong now, and I killed that famous actress' cat, and she goes hostile. I didn't want to kill the cat, I thought I could shock it and it would just stop running around like a retard. I wanted to knock it out cause I was afraid that I'd get detected while snooping around her penthouse. Am I fucked? Will I have to revert to an earlier save?
Why bother?
Holy shit this made me laugh: Holla Forums, autistic in the game and out.
Now you won't be able to star in a chink movie.
So did literature.
Are you galaxytrain
paul can't die in the hotel unless you leave from the window. that's the only way he dies. If you leave from the front exit he survives.
the game is fake as fuck and frankly pretty mediocre.
Kill yourself.
Turns out that Maggie Chow goes hostile anyway because she's a bitch and a liar and a spy who is working for da gubmint or something like that. My question is, why did she deliberately give you access to incriminating evidence? She gives you the access code for the police station and she knows that you're going to find out about her misdeeds, so you'd think that she would've at least sent someone to try and assassinate you or something. If you get the evidence before you arrive at her apartment, she won't be there and her fatty bitch maid will call the guards to swarm your ass. It's better to talk to her and let her lay on the lies, then just use her computer to open the secret door and steal the sword while you're there, and completely avoid the police station all together
I must admit that is pretty retarded. I went back to an earlier save and helped him kill all of the guards in the hotel, and so I thought, "yeah it'll be fine to exit from the window now" but it turns out that he dies even if you kill all the fucking guards. Alternatively, if you run past every single guard and make your escape through the front door, he will survive. They could've made it a boss battle scenario or something, where you have to manage Paul's health while killing X number of guards before he's guaranteed survival.
jesus christos
the chow thing always struck me as underdeveloped. I've played through this game a half dozen times and each and every time I get to the Dragon's Tooth/Chow part I'm struck by how retarded her plan was.
The only thing I can think is that she expected you to get killed by the police? But that's even dumber because you're a nano-augmented super soldier that's evading and fighting back against the goddam world anti-terror policeā¦ why wouldn't Denton just stomp those gooks like everyone else he's run into?
Your retarded reaction image is not going to take off; stop forcing it.
Alright, this all make sense so far.
I can do all this shit without arousing suspicion or making guards hostile, but I can't go into the conference room and pick the lock on a cabinet with some datacubes inside?
I'm pretty sure they're supposed to go hostile if you go down the secret staircase and get seen.
They don't. I found a ventilation shaft in the bathroom that leads to a nearby room with a single guard that overlooks the main hallway. I found a computer inside and a datacube that said, "Maggie has full access to the entire facility" or something like that. I hacked the computer, while standing in front of the guard, and I used it to shut down all the cameras. He didn't even flinch, nobody gave a shit. Then, I backtracked to the bathroom shaft again, cause I couldn't enter it from the room since the opening is vertical and on the ceiling, and followed it to an elevator shaft, which led me to the lower laboratory. I went down there, stole the augmentations, while in front of guards, then went into the room with the computer that has the ROM data, went up the walk way that leads to the secret staircase and pressed the button to open it up.
Will they only become hostile if you try and hack the security terminal on the sculpture? Anyway, the guards killed me when I tried to pick the lock on the cabinet doors that is inside the conference room. I was going to just hack the main computer to get the ROM codes, and use the new invisibility augmentation to walk out without a fight, but I noticed that there were emails on ROM computer, and I wanted to read them. I thought, "surely there's some login information somewhere" and decided to try and find it, instead of racing against the icebreaker to read each email. I thought, "there's datacubes inside the cabinet; maybe one of them has some login info for the computers in this building".
Incidentally, do all the computers/security devices in the game have corresponding login information that you can find, or is it only a select few?
You're supposed to die there, after that there will be spoilers plot blah blah blah, just die to Navarre or stay with Paul and die because it's a waste of ammo to fight her there. Also, you could have killed Navarre in the plane.
Interesting, perhaps you missed a trigger somewhere by using the path through the bathroom?
Most do, as far as I can remember, certainly any with important information will. I think there are a few that have to be hacked though. It's possible that all of them do but some do not have that information placed in the world.
No, he isn't. I am.
I'm pretty sure that if you get the message from paul that he says something like "I can make it from here" after you kill the MIB agents and shit on his floor (or let paul kill them, he has infinite HP lol) you can leave from the front entrance. deus ex's illusions are really shallow and it's really a testament to pc gamers lying about the quality of their games
I just strated too, i love it
I've played that part a bunch of times, it gets weird there. Paul will disappear completely if you don't keep him in sign or within a certain range during the fight. Don't know what happens then.
*in sight
Can't be true cyberpunk if you aren't running a cyberpunk OS.
So, OpenBSD, then?
Of course, anything FOSS would count as cyberpunk.
OpenBSD was a bit too unstable for my liking though.
*teleports behind you*
*unshetes dragon's tooth*
If Paul is out of your sight he disappears, then you're alone with 20+ guys concentrated on you. Or sometimes he loses his unlimited health quality then you do have to save him for real (it's happened to me at least once, somehow). The old LAM trap is always the funnest solution, while you and Paul have a conversation the sounds of ticking and mass explosions is simply beautiful.
How do you convince him to ally with you instead of killing? It's supposedly possible.
wait, you can use the extinguishers as a weapon?
You can use cigarette smoke as a weapon, too.
Rarely you can use both and I think pepper spray to disable certain laser tripwires.
I always just hide in the secret cupboard when the MIB rush in, let Paul take care of that onslaught, then take out the remaining guys downstairs on my own.
It sounds awesome being in that dark little closet onlly hearing sounds of death and explosions and guns blazing for about 30 seconds, then nothing.
So I finished the second part of the VersaLife mission, in which you have to break into the Level 2 facility and destroy the Universal Constructor, which produces the Grey Death virus. Before that, though, the triad leaders invited me to the Lucky Money to do a thing, but I decided against it and went ahead with the VersaLife mission, thinking that I'd be able to backtrack and visit them when I'm finished. I go back to the Lucky Money, and my game freezes. Am I fucked? It's freezed on me twice now, should I just go back to a previous save?
Which you can't do in GMDX. Can you use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire if you get hit with napalm?
In GMDX Paul is no longer invincible.
Haven't played it, it's possible that they disabled it because it was already inconsistent which lasers it'd work on in the default game.
Honestly never tried it. If you can test (vanilla rather than GMDX) and report back I'd be interested.
Don't ask how I know.
Naw, they just tell you you're cool and hand you a bottle of wine. Not even exp.
Deus Ex is overrated.
people go on about muh choices matter in deus ex, turns out the only choices that matter are what you do in the last level. could have just had a shitty console with 3 buttons for the same effect
This is another major flaw in DX1 that isn't acknowledged enough. I love the game but the ending is a pretty convenient set of circumstances to explain why you can do a bunch of mutually exclusive options from the same fucking building.
HR did that and it's worse. At least DX1 has you do something a little more believable than three magic buttons.
No one says the game is a good example of choices with long-term consequences that will drastically alter the course of the rest of the game, they say it's a good example of providing a lot of choices to complete an objective.
It is functionally the same. I mean, I love DX1 but to say that the way it approaches the ending choice in a significantly different matter than say, ME3, is strange to me. Of course, it didn't bill itself heavily on the idea of major story choices the way ME did.
I agree it's functionally the same from a plot perspective but quite literally having some buttons on a console to end the game is downright silly, DX1 at least has you run around a bit for it so it's not quite as immersion breaking (in the moment you might not realise how silly it is to have all your options in one building even if you realise after you're done).
Given the option I'd prefer if Deus Ex did something like VTM:B and locked off certain paths based on how you've interacted with characters previously + ideally put them in believable locations instead of all in one building. That's not too much more work and is much more satisfying. As a whole I think Deus Ex's last fifth or so of gameplay is quite weak anyway.
Is this that big of a deal? Area 51 is an important location to all three endings.
original game good, sequels a shit
proper remake when?
There is always this one user who is always shitting on Deus Ex, also usually the one starting "Deus Ex is an over hyped turd" bait. Mass Effect 3 is a choice of 3 explosions, whereas Deus Ex is you going around shooting through genetically bio-engineered weapons, and robots, and obstacles to set yourself up for the ending(s) that you want. Mass Effect 3's ending is an explosions, then a pointless monologue where the only thing that matters is if everyone is glowing green and ED is alive or not, Deius Ex has full blown cutscenes and actually different results based off the ending you choose.
Only because all three endings are written in such a way to fit into Area 51.
Have you actually read anything else I've posted?
Repeatedly I've said that I both enjoy Deus Ex and prefer the way it handles its ending to the way ME3 or HR handle it (that is running around is better than a three-button ending) but it's still inferior to how games like VTM:B handle it.
Wait a second, why does everyone in the thread have the same ID all of a sudden? What the fuck did Chodemonkey do this time?
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to do that, at least in vanilla.
It's the same in every thread.
Well, at least we can still fucking post.
NSA proxy collecting all your deets before posting as you
how does it float?