Dashchan is R.I.P., Ouroboros is R.I.P., I'm using chan buraza right now but I absolutely hate the fucking layout
Mobile 8ch app?
Other urls found in this thread:
I use everychan but to post I have to open browser, otherwise the layout is phenomenal
Ouroboros works on my machine.
And it's a lineage OS thing without GAAPS.
Fuck off phoneposters, you're the cancer that killed cuckchan.
Honestly. I use Chromium (called the stock browser) for CyanogenMod13. I would use Lineage, but it's at Android N, which has no xposed support yet.
Or does it?
Hey does Android nougat support closed yet?
Not at all.
I'm more comfy than you
Looks crammed as fuck. That's not comfy for me
It isn't, but if I didn't like it I could change a setting or two. I just wish I didn't have to open browser to post. Everychan just doesn't get updated. I still recommend it.
Forgot image
Is there any app that lets you post? I see no use for it if I have to open another app. I just want an all-in-one damn it!
Never used it, never felt the need to use it. The only things i ever use my phone for, i can use with muh free software.
Abstract art Live wallpaper plus White Icons Pack makes for a beautiful phone screen
A-user…that's lewd…!!
What is wrong on using a browser in your phone?
But xposed is free
We have to go deeper
I still don't know what it does, though
So be it
Also show me! I wanna see
Where is your god now?
I'm too lazy to explain, but it opens up your phone a bit more. I have adguard pre-installed, but you could install minminguard and YouTube adblocker.
I refuse to get Google's botnet software though.
Getting vertigo
Before this thread becomes an epic reddit screencap, here.
Chan Burauza if you are on Android
if you leave your house at all you shouldn't bother trying to be here 24/7 to begin with
Does it do anything that Adaway and Webtube won't do already?
Both of which you can get for a song on Fdroid?
Hey. That is sexy! Here is mine. Never bothered with the theme unless it somehow helps with performance
It loses something in a photo, because that background is moving around like an earthbound battle sprite it's stolen from.
Just use the fucking web browser you stupid faggots, you dont need a goddamn app for everything.
Uses a bit less resources and gives you a wider range of customization with compatibility with databases from other apps for maximum ad blocking. Pretty much it.
Is there an app to keep you from being a little bitch?
As cool as that is, i don't think it's worth giving up weekly os updates and all the advantages Nougat has inherently for it.
What, you don't have a designated shitting phone for shitposting? Step it up.
Every browser I've tried doesn't work for shit for imageboards.
Oh yeah. If you have Nougat. Don't bother.
Hey the thread is bumplocked! We can shitpost as we pleeeeaaaaase!!
Ok I'm done now
Now I'm actually done
It's like pottery
what theme is that?
Wow, fag
I'm glad that in the last few screenshots Louis CK is practically completely gone. It's like we sent the cuck into the void
It's Neutron. Best audio player out there.
Crack it with Luckypatcher
Use with ARISE.
Last one
Yeah, i was asking about the buttons, not the music player.
why is this fucking thread still here
not only is this Holla Forums talk, this isn't fucking video games
aqua, get your head out of your ass and get moving
I use everychan. Kinda meh, but works at least
Hope the airwaves give you cancer
I have 4 computers.
Shitposting from the shitter is certainly not an issue.
there's Overchan
i have zero idea if Exodus still works
Exodus can get the text but not the images.