I need a gangsta bitch, a gangsta bitch
I want a gangsta bitch, yo a gangsta bitch
I wanna "Gangsta boogie!" with my gangsta bitch
I need a gangsta bitch, a gangsta bitch
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Nigger there was a saints row 2 thread here with over 200 replies. It died because people stopped posting in it.
3 is better.
Fuck off my city.
and worse Shaundi
Do you guys realize that a shitload of people are just hunting (you)'s? a guy on the gg thread links to 4chan, and now this. Holla Forums is very crappy today.
Why did they ruin Shaundi
How likely is it that they're going to fix 2's PC port and remaster the first game, the first game is the only game deserving of a remaster right now because of it being stuck on the 360.
I will finish this game someday. I have this bad habit of starting games and then dropping them maybe 8 or so hours in. I don't know why.
You're missing out, SR2 is easily in the top 10 greatest open-world games made and one of the few games where you play as a bad person.
Probably never on both accounts.
Really would like that SR remaster though.
I'm at the part where those punk rock redneck metalhead faggots want to go to war with me over a territorial dispute or something. I've already defeated the asian gang and the niggers, so I've put some time into it. It's pretty fun, but nothing spectacular. Much better licensed soundtrack than anything cockstar has put out in recent years.
The rampage missions where you're supposed to destroy as much property as possible are fun.
You can play it on the Xenia emulator
It's glitchy and unstable, but it is playable
I played a bunch of Saints Row 2, it really sucked dick. The first was funny as a parody of GTA, it's not worthwhile as a series.
There was an attempt.
SR1 and SR2 are genuinely good games that take heavy influence from GTA but do their own thing and were made by a small studio of guys who had genuine fun making their game (youtube.com
We posting bosses now?
At least you made one
Looking back on SR1 though not many of the gangs were that memorable.
But I guess the Vice Kings probably had the better one out of the three
tfw the Saints got a time machine at the end of 4 and didnt even bother to bring back Carlos
Nope, wrong.
wait what? source?
If I want to modify my patch mid-game are there going to be severe fuck-ups?
I never understood what was so good about this game. Only thing I remember playing it as a kid was buying a bong and getting as high as possible then driving around.
For me it is :
I enjoyed Saints Row 2 way more than GTAIV (and SR3 obviously), SR2 was closer than what I expected of a GTA-like after playing San Andreas and Vice City. GTAIV looked good and had a bigger scope but everything else wasn't very enjoyable.
Pretty much this. It's basically everything I wanted out of a next gen GTA that we never have and likely never will get now that Rockstar has completely shifted direction on the franchise.
A unique and expansive location packed full of detail and things to see, tons of worthwhile content, genuinely good writing that balances drama and comedy really well, a protagonist who actually fits the game, tons of customization, etc.
Saints Row 2 somehow managed to be more expansive, fun, nuanced, and detailed than any of the games that came after it. I'm saddened to think that we'll never actually get another game like it again.
The shift in tone with GTA itself isn't a problem it's just that Rockstar has no idea what to with it and thinking that a serious tone and setting can't be fun. I don't know how you guys saw GTA or maybe I'm an autist when it comes to crime fiction but I saw them as subdued and mature games with some fun stuff to do. IV didn't have a hopeful spirit to it like the III-era games but it helped build the poisonous and monolithic entity that was Liberty City and Niko's strife, and all I'll say about V is that the pacing is trash and there really is nothing to do in a map bigger than the last game, none of it fucking matters anyway since the force behind what made GTA good all left/purged after IV was completed. It also hurts to say for me that SR2 is the better game than IV, overall.
Is there a shittier activity than Insurance Fraud ? The idea is nice but the execution is terrible, I can't believe than not only they kept this shit for SR3 but they also removed much better activites.
Is 2 backwards compatible with the xboner? Is that the best modern way to play it
just get it for pc and then mod it
Insurance Fraud becomes the best activity if you turn on the low gravity and evil cars cheats.
I tried it and you're right it's pretty fun, it's a shame a potential good activity is locked out behind wating to have to wait for cars that will never come and wonky dosh "detection".
thanks famalamdingdong
r8 my bossu
This mission in SR4 was fuckin a s t h e t i c
>Reminder that SR2's story only happened because they fucked up Julius's animation in the ending to make it look like a casual NPC rather than him being wounded and he was never supposed to betray the boss
Vid related, spoilers.
If SR2 is the best Saints Row, why can't I mod the boobs bigger without destroying the model?
4 is better
>bodyguard outfit for homies make them PMC-like and Ultor's force competitors. There should be joke about MGS, but fuck it.
This shit is mostly reused from Matt and Kinzie's SR3 missions. SR4 didn't really do anything creative it was all reused shit
sounds like terminal shit taste running rampant on Holla Forums again
SR 3 is the best game in the series. Too bad the series can't ever be as good as this game again.
Theres a limit to this shit
do they jiggle pretty good?
i got sr 2 free on gog did i do good?
is there anyway to make the controls less shit and the game better?
like some sort of community patch or mod?
Well it certainly helps that I can FPS to be slightly more stable unlike GTA IV where changing any settings seems to do fuck all (AMD 8320 and 290).
Nooooooo, my computer would get extremely performance raped even with changing settings.
That CPU speed mod should in theory make it more stable.
GotR with Handling Mod.
Wew, I just saw that there's a secret mission about Julius in SR2, I didn't know. It's a shame that instead of pushing the sociopath angle in SR3 we got some lel so randumb shit about how The Saints are TV stars now or some shit.
P.good if you ask me
Install and enjoy
Man I still remember when I found the giant bunny came out of the ocean, me and a friend just went exploring and found a bunch of signs pointing us in particular directions, when we got to the end a giant bunny statue came out from the ocean.
Just go to a freeway, its super easy.