What game's pissing you off Holla Forums? Is it bullshit, or do you just need to git gud?
Angry Vidya Thread
Dark Souls 3 2v2 arena fights.
The night before I was kicking serious ass. beating people pretty easily, coming out as the greatest combatant most of the time.
Try doing it today and I'm getting my shit pushed in.
Fucking kill me.
this game is bad and i want my money back
If you're going to put in a scripted sequence don't fuck the player if the break the sequence in a really fucking obvious way. I have no idea how this got into the final game, let alone was never changed in a patch, or Dark Arisen, or the PC port.
The only game that's currently pissing me off deserves to piss me off because I'm a sucker who hasn't it quit it yet.
Shinobi (2002) but it's also the best game I have played in years.
git fucking gud
It's a moba
Even worse.
It's published by tencent
MUCH worse.
It was the reason why a certain shooter was dead
At least I didn't spend money on it and I will never do so.
Nice taste
I tried to play through Dragon Quest 9 again on a DS recently and holy fuck that game runs like shit on hardware. I don't know if they fucked with the game bringing it overseas but going into a menu to heal slows the framerate to a crawl and if you get antsy pressing the B button to mash back out of the menus the game starts eating your inputs and you have to sit there for like 10 seconds waiting for the menu to finally close.
You can also just kill the griffin at the first encounter and not have to go to the Bluemoon Tower at all, so I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
you deserve everything that happens
The AI are more useful than half the pubbies I've come across.
And user, the fucker came out right beside me and near instantly downed me, I barely had time to react.
Is the arena ranked? Or just a small zone you're ported to to fight it out among others like DaS2's?
Use your hands. Or get the mod that lets you equip anything and try magicknight equipment?
My buddy got me to play it with him once. All he did was yell and rage over vent until we finished. Mobas seem manufactured to cause optimum amounts of rage.
Sounds horrible. Why not try it emulated on pc?
It's not that I like the game, it's just that I like 3 characters out of the entire roster. The game itself is shit, unoptimized and lazily made. And if my friend didn't pester me to play it I wouldn't.
Overwatch. It's stomp or be stomped.
This is why I don't get how people like that shit game.
The game is completely unbalanced and its rare for a match to be close, its always a one sided stomp.
Fuck you. A close second is those absolutely fucking retarded catfights. Total goddamn bullshit, I haven't seen RNG so vastly stacked against the player since Darkest Dungeon
I killed the witches in the old lane, but haven't found the next place to go. I accidentally got to the third tombstone lanterns by getting killed by a hooded enemy with a bag, but everything feels like it has too much health compared to the axe quasimodo guys I was just fighting. It also seems weird that the second tombstone would only have two lanterns. It's bugging me that I'm this lost in one of these games. The only other times I've been at this much of a loss to progress was figuring out to walk across the strut in Anor Londo (eventually figured it out myself) and lighting the windmill on fire in 2 (needed online messages for help on that). It's driving me crazy that I finally got gud, just to become directionless.
I beat it last night, but man, those controls are fucking awful and some of the level design is questionable. There is a section where you are going through some dimensional thing on a platform. So it controls like normal at first, but then the path moves, but the controls change to the opposite direction without telling you. I thought it was a glitch.
It doesn't have as many as the first headstone, but you also can't really divide the game up evenly between the five headstones, not in terms of the number of checkpoints anyway. That Frontier headstone will have an area about the size of the town but all centered around a single checkpoint. If you've already fought Amelia she gave you a password to enter the next area. There's a note that tells you what you're supposed to do.
The game hasn't been good since the second infamy update. It just gets progressively more broken as time goes on. My friends and I can stealth the generic bank missions in under nine minutes easy. But when a fucking guard clips through wall over and over and fucking over again and OverShill will not fix their broken game, I get a little pissed.
King Lovaous' mind was poisoned. Didn't you read the lore?
Also, that's not my gripe, it was the stupid insta-death shit. The magic is useless except for Up+B. You can't beat the game unless you play on Hard, and it's way too hard.
Fucking battlebrothers.
I haven't been angry at vidya since playing the Adventures of Cookie and Cream with my brother around the 00's.
I wait, I beat the game not on hard. What wasn't I suppose to be able to do?
The lore was fucking amazing, even though little there was. Each town/city had fallen to a deadly sin. I just down stab spammed most stuff, it apparently does the most damage. The last boss was easy, just tedious. It also reminded me on how much I hate boss rushes at the end of games, besides Mega Man.
On hard right? You dont fight the true final boss unless its on the highest difficulty.
Which is? fuck are you saying I have to beat this shit again. I am checking jewtube.
Yeah, if you play on Easy, you don't get to try the Tower of Destruction level or whatever. And you only get to fight Tanzra on Hard.
I was just trying to use them as some kind of way to keep progress of how far in I was, it's okay if they don't match up.
I got the cutscene, but the only password I remember was the hint on the locket that matched the note near the top of the healing church about the sky and cosmos being one. I haven't seen anywhere that asks me for a password, but I'll double check the grand cathedral tomorrow morning to see where I fucked up, thanks.
It looks exactly the same.
Hope you like fighting a boss where you can't see your health.
Okay, does it start on hard by default? cause I did not see my health when fighting the last boss and you mean the Tower Of Souls?
So you fought this dude then?
I've been using my hands, but that fucking medallion on its foot.
Whoever put that medallion underneath its foot, I hope he fucking hangs.
bit of advice for you, when you're doing catfights and have to mash and the mash turns against you, stop mashing, you can't win.
Save yourself some future carpal tunnel.
Mario Kart 8 (I got a Wii U late because it's super cheap used now). I'm trying to get all the stars in 200 CC, but you have to get 1st place 4 tracks in a row, and I can't not get fucked in the ass by items at least every third race. I can easily pull ahead of the AIs by pretty much constantly drifting as a heavy racer, but then I get hit with red and blue shells constantly and can't usually find the right items to block them all. A heavy racer means I can't accelerate as easily, and I get overtaken in the last lap usually, getting hit with often like 4 items in a row with no way to block and just losing the race. I've gotten 2 star and 1 star like 6 times because some item fuckery knocked me down and I couldn't recover.
Do I need to git gud, or is this game bullshit? I honestly can't tell. Is a heavy racer simply unusable in item-enabled 200cc?
Oh wow Tanzra's spritework looks amazing
Shame the battle is … pretty lame.
Playing Quake 3 against high skilled players always annoys me
I've been trying to play through Digital Devil Saga the past two weeks or so and I don't know if I could say it's made me angry but it's made me really question how the SMT franchise has been going on so long and has so many diehard fans because there's so very little in there that I could even comprehend people finding enjoyable.
I've tried really hard to find something positive in the game to keep me going and all I can think of is that the party demon designs are kinda cool. People have said DDS2 is better but I just can't understand how people enjoyed the first enough for there to be justifiable demand for the second to be made.
Cities Skyline
i cannot run it
Fuck Clownpiece.
It's still fun but man does it have problems.
They said Payday 3 is in development now. I hope they fix all the problems.
One of the biggest problems is the sheer number of weapons in the game, half of them are worthless.
The first game had a very small arsenal of weapons, they all fit a certain style of playing however.
The first Payday had 11 weapons.
Payday 2 has around 104, plus 50 or so melee weapons, 10+ throwables and a deployable sentry turret. Most players will never use even 1/3rd of the guns in the game; have you ever seen anybody with the AK5 or the AMCAR?
Payday 3 needs to either put a limit on the number of weapons in the game or make sure everything is balanced correctly. The former is much easier to achieve.
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
I don't know why I even try playing online co-op games with random people anymore.
Actual merits of the game aside, Stellaris has all this stupid little shit that irritates me.
>go back to mh4u with gf
>she will complain about feeling useless against apex bosses
Been working on .hack//G.U. lately. Keep running into the same blacklisted "outlaw" player when I try to help people in the fields that I encounter, and at this point, he can readily kill all my party members in one solid hit each. Given that I seem to keep encountering him, I'm not sure if I'm just really unlucky, or if it's become scripted and he won't stop being the aggressor until I do actually beat him. Which sucks since helping other "players" fend off PKers tends to get you some half decent items as a thank you. Not a really good way to know who's attacking who in advance, you just get a blue field of battle you can choose to intrude on and only then can you see. Can't ambush them either like that.
Also been trying to gear up my other party members, but aside from weapons (some of which I still can't find any good upgrades for in the wild), I can't seem to even deck them out in better armor because everything I find so far I get notified that "this player cannot use that armor". IMOQ was more straightforward about which classes used what, but with a name like "[X] Gown" I'd think my healer could use it, but no. And if this is anything like the first series, other characters that join you won't gear up on their own (though they do thankfully still level on their own). Hell, that might be why "Greedy Whoever" keeps one-shotting us (though there's no much to worry about from standard enemies in fields equal to/slightly above the party's level.
Also already had the game freeze on me once thus far, which doesn't bode well.
I can run it. It is just as annoying.
You wanted some futuristic city? lol nope.
You wanted your drivers to use 8 line highway? lol nope one lane is enough.
You wanted to continue playing your mega city? lol nope it will lag as fuck.
Sky Lines Magnasanti never.
The DS3 arena is an area you're warped to to fight it out. I guess you could say there are ranks, but they don't seem to have anything to do with matchmaking. After you get enough wins you get a medal next to your name that other people can see. You can go from stone to bronze to silver to gold.
The place you need to go is in the round graveyard area with the two church giants.
Titanfall 2. The last few games I've been at the top of the scoreboard, but my teammates either quit when we're behind or just suck absolute shit. I'm not gud enough to compensate.
You found a Wii U super cheap.
They want like $500 for s new one on Amazon
I decided to go back and try to get A+ on every stage. I'm not sure what pisses me off more, being shot from offscreen or Ash getting stuck when i'm trying to shoot someone.
Fuck off did 999 end up with lol ghosts.
It ended with pan-temporal telepathy due to morphogenetic fields. That wasn't a ghost you were dealing with, that was the trans-temporal shade of a girl who might live or die depending on what you do in the game.
Also sodoku.
Get a couple of Strider Pawns.
You can get up there later on when you fight Salomet.
Friede in DS3 AoA. Just too much bullshit, too many forms/waves of the fight.
I beat her first try on a blind run. My advice, use a crossbow in the first round. It's really effective at stunning her out of her attacks. In the second round, focus on the big guy. In the third round —–git gud—–
Other than shit taste, what problems are you having?
Look at this pleb and laugh.
This piece of shit of a game crashes on videos, not that i expected anything good since its from Bioware and Holla Forums casual like it
Its fucking trash, you people should just all hold hands and harakiri yourselves
Dark Souls is pretty fucking infuriating. I keep trying to forget the series exists because of how terrible it is, but the subhumans that enjoy it won't stop shitting the board up with it as always.
Playing hours of Persona 4 then falling asleep in a battle and losing all the progress because I forgot to save. Then play through all that shit again only to fall asleep again. That shit is hypnotic.
Sounds like a case shit hardware as well as shit taste. I recommend suicide.
this advice reminds me of fighting jeanne in Bayo.
Mash Y, if you're going to lose, dodge her wicked weave. Witch time. boom.
yeah, a fucking skylake with a 1080, fucking shitte PC amiright retard.
Good thing im not missing out anything, im off to play something decent
Have fun with your sour grapes you salty faggot.
>d-d-don't laugh at me! i'm gonna go play a GOOD game!!!
I would.
im actually relieved this bullshit happened, or else i would force myself to finish this literal garbage(really have to lose this mustfinisheverygameistart thing)
Nothing lately, need to play less casual shit.
Who wouldn't?
I wouldn't
I thought you left to go "play something decent"?
Is that some kinda slang for "stick around and continue whining"?
trying to get all S-ranks on Revengeance difficulty in Metal Gear Rising is some next level bullshit
gays out.
Yeah yeah, we know you don't want those grapes.
Hey, all your bitching has made me want to play kotor 2 again. And since I don't suffer from crippling retardation, I can get it to run just fine!
nothing because I'm good at video games
Playing Sly cooper games on the PS2 and the second one has this weird issue of diffculty spikes while not unbearable makes the game a chore to work through. In addition, compared to the first one the distance for which on O press is valid to grab anything has shrunk so much it's throwing me the fuck off. While this didn't kill me but just made me angry, at times the field is just so fucking invalid I need to redo a puzzle 10 times not because I don't know the answer but that the game simply doesn't latch correctly. It was only during two puzzles though.
As something else that pissed me off the fact that one character got a new voice actress for the first 3 games and went from latin accent, to american english, to french accent pissed me off so much I had to take a break from starting the third one.
I like failing in video games because most of the time it's a way the game is telling me to improve and leads to a massive sense of accomplishment. If you find that failure is a common thing in video games, you must not give up and instead must work hard to grow and overcome the issues. If it's a problem with almost every game you're playing, it can be two things: You are playing bad games that do not accommodate skilled play, or you're just not very good.
Either way, they both require change, and you can overcome both of them if you do not give up.
im just shitposting while downloading like 6 real games, none of this retarded kotor like shit
but you sound pretty retarded m8, how else can i make it clear that i didnt like this shitty game for casuals and couldnt care less about it? do i have to shove some grapes up your ass for your brain to catch up to that?
Gosh retarded-user, it must be really awful being salty all the time. I pity you.
i thought this thread was about acting salty over shitty games, like Kotor 2, that wasted your time, im actually pretty comfy, i might go take a nap before going to the velodrome
Nigger you can't even run a game from 2004. The hell are you gonna play? Tetris?
There's a special hell for people like you.
There's a special school for people like you.
The second one came out less than a year after the first so it's likely a case of them just splitting one game in two. Also yeah they suck massive balls compared to the others in the series because they're designed like some sort of entry game that forgot hot to actually ease new players in.
get gassed
Got it on Craigslist for $100. Tons of people bought a Switch and are just dumping their Wii U.
but user I am not a sodomite or a Pedophile. I have a healthy love for 3D women. Why would you want to fuck a cartoon child?
Ys I Chronicles+. The vampire was absolutely infuriating until I could make sense of his pattern. Dark Fact was so difficult on nightmare I instead made a whole playthrough on normal, beat him and ended the game.
I still went back to my old save to try and beat him in Nightmare as a way to pass time. When I killed him I thought I was still playing on normal but my save file said Nightmare.
Sounds about right.
20G is hard.
Is it even possible to play battleniggers without savescumming? The RNG is ridiculous
jesus christ. you have several problems:
1: you're fucking retarded
2: download a goddamned patch there are like four that do everything from just fix the broken-ass game to adding in content that was cut
3: jesus you're retarded like holy fuck
4: start the game, ctrl-alt-del, processes, right-click kotor2.exe, set affinity, uncheck all cores but 0
5: have you never run an old game before
as bad as Fallout 4 is, its still way better than that piece of shit, you are just and edgy contrarian
i already deleted that garbage, but thanks anyway
I… I just can't do it, Holla Forums. I can't bring myself to play Warthunder anymore.
I loved the game so much when it was in beta, but now it's worse than shit. It's so fucking bad in every way.
Today, I had a team of faggots who got all excited over someone mentioning a anime called fairy tale and we lost the FUCKING GAME because they wouldn't stop talking about it.
This community, this game and everything in the WWII genre is fucking DEAD
Turn some cheats on just so you can blast through the game(if possible) and say you beat it. I thought the final dungeon was pretty cool(though it did have that trial and error bullshit you mentioned pumped to the max).
The second one does some crazy story stuff and you will either love or hate the restrictions it puts on you and your party.
All I got to say about the second one is I hope you like the Sun(also fuck the boss before the final boss, straight up hardest mandatory fight in the game).
How do you play a somnifacient?
I just dont accept some of the more bullshit RNG happenings.
Thanks for the help, but I figured it out though after walking into it and deciding on a whim to collect the items. I didn't go in initially because I didn't want to fight the giants and I never noticed the building. I felt really retarded when I saw the doorway. Kinda shocked at how the next couple of bosses were such pushovers compared to the previous ones, but I know that means the next one in the unseen village I walked into will be the worst yet.