AFF or just dead/underrated games in general
If a dev is a retard it's their fault.
you can still play the game offline with bots and it still works fine, but it would be a million times better with an active player base.
Did this actually come out? Perhaps Holla Forums could get a server running.
Yeah but who the fuck wants to play with bots.
Still Early Access I believe. I miss when Holla Forums joined the Antareans and went full Sieg Zeon.
also I should mention it's been in development for like 7 years in the devs' spare time apparently.
I'd keep playing it if the UI wasn't shit.
New update just came out, I'm sure more people would buy it if it wasn't in Early Access.
They said they would shill it after the game wae done.
Kill yourself
Are you actually this retarded?
they're actually working on that currently
Thats the basis of any singleplayer game with enemies.
Your shitpostingis awful, kill yourself.
The problem isn't that it's multiplayer, the problem is that it's built as a multiplayer game.
Playing with bots doesn't fix the problems that if you don't play online it's a piece of trash you dumb faggot
I bought it when it came out, game was really buggy. Game would constantly reset itself (loadouts, graphic settings, etc.). Performance wasn't the best on top of that. The gameplay is fun but they really should have but a bit more work into bug fixing and optimization before releasing it.
Seems about right
Kill yourself
Yeah because everybody remembers how fucking fun Battlefield and Battlefront were by yourself
Wow think of all the memories
t, idiot who's never played doom
Nigger if you played those games offline it means you were too young to have either an internet connection or a Pc to play them.
Nice job outing yourself, maybe next time don't project so much?
Read the conversation.
what do you think a fucking bot is you fucking pretender child?
Heres your last (You) you underaged shitposting nigger.
>>>/back/ to >>>/cuckchan/, >>>/reddit/ or whatever other shithole you're from.
It's kind of fucking different playing in an empty map where there is no challenge, no carefully crafted level design, enemies that respawn constantly in random places where you have to do repetitive tasks to win isn't it?
I wonder if they'll ever deliver mod support.
So you didn't own either a PS2 ethernet adaptor or Xbox live to play those games online?
Why? Did Mommy not want to buy them for you?
you're a idiot if you think there's a difference between maps in single and multiplayer unless you're so far gone with casual tastes that you think cut scenes every other moment, scripted events and quick time events are what make a single player experience worth while
Did I offend your feelings?
that explains it
Right, so Doom and say Battlefield 3 online are the same thing. Despite them working in entirely different ways. And one having a lot of thought with the positioning of enemies, ammo, health. And having a clear goal. And actual challenge.
Nigger get your head out of your arse, play more games.
I own it and I'd be willing to play it with yew lads if we could organize something.
this is critical levels of not arguments
explain your logic, I really wanna hear it
Thank you for helping to ruin gaming.
I never had xbox live, what the fuck does that even have to do with anything?
I believe I've identified the problem
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong URL, twitter is two clicks down
AFF is great, the devs posted here a while back
the new update and overhaul to the HUD went a long way in improving it and it sounds like they redid the gun sounds since they're a lot more meaty now
anything before that did not have a internet connection inorder to play with other people and if you didn't have friends or a multi controller adapter then you only had bots
try playing quake once in awhile you plebiem
That's exactly what you said you dumb cunt.
You compared Doom to multiplayer games because they're, apparently, the same.
Are you actually brain damaged?
You do realise that I mentioned the PS2 Network Adapter and Xbox Live because the other tard mentioned them yes?
At least read the shit before you make an ass of yourself
sure if you project like this
you realize before that he btfo you and you just came back with "lol u poor fag" right?
Well now I have absolutely no idea where you're going with this.
Here you mention that maps in single player and multiplayer are exactly the same
Right after mentioning how Doom is exactly the same as this game because it had AI
If you wanna say that's not what you meant then go ahead, but it won't make you any less retarded.
yeah o.k just ignore the points you get wrekted at I'm sure people will forget that
I think we'll never know what he meant by this
Isn't the game in the gamenight chart?
This is the sad fact of a lot of indie, or even just smaller AA titles.
They build a cool multiplayer game, and then it's empty within the month. If there was a single player component (that isn't just "we put bots in"), then it might someday get a cult following, but since it's just a wasteland, it's dead for good.
RIP Strike Vector
RIP Shattered Horizon
RIP Titanfall 1
RIP 99% of battlefield clones
To be fair, I have a few fond memories of battlefield 1942 with bots. I used them for bombing practice. Once, as I practiced strafing some infantry on El Alemein, I started taking machine gun fire. From above. Thinking they'd actually managed to fly an aircraft without crashing, I maneuvered around to see who dared oppose me, and found that the bots had managed to get a Sherman tank suspended in the air, about two thousand feet up, upside down, and fully crewed. It was shooting down at me with it's pintle mounted machine gun, and swiveling the turret spaztically, as per normal bot behavior.
To this day, I have no idea how the fuck they managed that.
all of my feels