Is there a better niche?
Tfw a game isn't just including your fetish its the entire crux of the plot
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dobson pls go
English translation when?
What's the fetish?
Breast expansion?
You can also make them as flat as you want.
From what I've seen of the game, they don't grow to deviant-art levels, which is good. Please don't prove me wrong.
Fucking niggers, I want my fetish in a game too.
What is your fetish user, it probably already has a game.
As long as it isn't loli more companies like PQube and XSEED are localizing fanservice games that wouldn't have seen the light of day not even half a decade or so ago. Then again being on a dying system might hurt it's chances.
Sequel claims to have z-cup, but they're just slightly larger than your average anime boobs at best.
Don't bully me
biosuits, although warframe has got me covered
none of these together though
they dont, breast binding reveal trope at max.
I wonder how long it will be until we have a ps vita emulator.
I meant I wouldn't want them at the same time
Literally senran kagura
Doesn't that have the bullshit where you can only remove clothing by taking damage, and you die if it's all the way off?
No oppai loli?
senran has you covered.
The ones on the DS let you activate a mode where you just rip all the clothes off in the beginning for an attack boost and def drop.
I think you're thinking of Akiba's Trip
I heard it's better than Neptunia U, so I'll give it a shot.
Keep in mind that oppai loli is only in the DLC for SK2. SV and EV have Minori but that's not quite the same thing.
oppai brother i am sorry.
Most likely never for it or its upcoming sequel. And not because of the state on the Vita, but likely moreso that the content is the sort that not a single western publisher seems to want to express the merest interest in. Shame because it seems like from here on, the only way the west will be seeing any new Matrix Software games will be if they go back to being Square's mobile port bitch (which is sad as they're a reasonably competent developer when it comes to actual game systems; Alundra, DQ V PS2, Avalon Code, etc having been by them).
In a way, yes. I mean, they did admittedly bring Senran Kagura over, though considering Marvelous is their parent company, that might hold more weight in terms of consideration. But even they didn't want to bother with Valkyrie Drive Bikkhuni, and Marvelous JP didn't seem to think anyone here would be interested in bringing it overseas in English until Pqube.
I found a video of a Japanese 2D rpg that revolved around my fetish in it but I can't find the game itself anywhere and I can imagine that there isn't an English transalation anyway.
I'm sorry to those 5 bucks I'll never see again.
Pirating it now.
Thank fuck the vita is region free.
True. And if memory serves, some user in the Vita threads that imported the first one made a pastebin of tips to aid westerners that don't outright know moon in playing it.
Vita means life nigga.
If you can find one.
At least your fetish is still alive, us size growth fags jack off to fucking scraps.
You doubt Nippon. Never doubt the masters of hentai.
The VD thing was a combination of factors really.
1 - XSeed already had a full plate. They're not known for working fast, and they already had a lot they were working on.
2 - lack of western interest. Like you said, it's the kind of game no western publisher wants to touch with a ten foot pole in the moral outrage climate.
3 - XSeed's employees actively shitting on the IP. I can't fathom what made Hatsuu think it was a good idea to be constantly tweeting about how bad an IP from the parent company of her employer was. Allowing PQube to localize VD was probably Marvelous' way of teaching XSeed a well deserved lesson in what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.
Only a few drawfags keep our fetish alive, and even then one of then became a yiff fag and a gun nut.
You think thats bad?
Theres few things worse than scat, feet and that guy who commissions every artist for "bbw musclegirl giga futa hyper anus renamon" but thats the low.
That's the most depressing thing I've read all day.
is there anything worse? Even as furfaggotry goes that shit is low.
I've found something worse. Artists have been refusing commissions from Trump supporters.
I've got a Vita myself.
Yeah, I can appreciate trying to be a bit better quality than most western teams, but I imagine that's how they lost Ys VIII to NISA.
I can't recall, was it just the anime itself she wasn't fond of (I've heard mostly poor things on that end of the franchise myself, or the entire package (anime, mobile game, and Vita game)? I still remember years back the speculation in threads that Hatsuu was "Xseeddude" from various half/vg/ threads. Given that from what I've heard, that poster stopped showing up after some autist user stalked them in real life; if they were the same, maybe that did a bit of a number on her. I don't know.
I could see that. At the same time though, from what I remember, Marvelous JP themselves had said they had no plans for it to come west either on their end, perhaps out of an idea that while Senran had proven itself in the west, a game like VD wouldn't mesh with the current (((climate))). Could have been Pqube eventually made them an offer and changed their minds on it, but even then if memory serves it could only be ordered online, while I expect Senran can actually get a retail brick-and-mortar release. At least it wasn't a Limited Physical Print only ordeal, the way TK winds up doing any time they actually deem to do a physical Vita release for Gust's games, using NISA as distributor (and reducing interest from some that would have been interested from the getgo).
But I haven't heard shit about any western publisher showing mild interest, or even acknowledging the existence of Omega Labyrinth. Guess breast expanding, crystal titfucking dungeon crawling is off the menu while action games about yuri weapons and stripping girls in combat can still get by (despite the journos autistically screeching when they do).
Not into your preferences myself, but I can kind of equate that to seeing a vidya composer you like wind up leaving the industry for a while, only to come back composing for eroge (as if they brought shame to local mainstream market and reducing themselves to a porn composer was the only way to try to get their foot back in the door).
MLP, 2hu, and KanColle are a scourge to the face of fan art. Though at least the latter two can still have good art on the technical end of things (speaking more about how those seem to be the three subjects that outstrip pretty much any other franchise to make fan art of any kind for).
Thank fuck hes started a ecchi seinen manga about a chubby elf girl that loves fries.
Stuffing/weight gain pandering rpg with sophisticated food prepping and nutrition systems when?
Please no, otherwise that sounds fun.
Fine, just make toggles for everything or even better, allow muscle building and make all of these systems have an effect on gameplay
What's really sad is finding a good artist and seeing that for the last [X time/images], everything they've done since has been for one of the three, either due to that being where commission money has gone, or them falling into the horsefucker/2hu/boatslut fanbase and it dominating most/all of their future creativity.
She only specifically discussed the anime because it was the only part of the IP that had come out at the time, but she made a lot of statements that showed that she did hate the series as a whole. One particularly telling statement was something along the lines of how VD was reminding her of elements in Senran that she found problematic. Yes, she used the word problematic. Tom is literally the only voice of reason in that company, and he feels so strongly against the way the company is moving that he's been taken off the credits of any future XSeed projects.
The one that fascinates me is this one guy so in love with the girl with the red tie and short shorts over stockings from steins gate he commisions EVERY lewd artist to do a series of commissions of her ass, hips and thighs getting fatter.
Like if you name an artist odds are good he commissioned the same art of the same character from them.
Patrician taste
Wot game? please tell me it's not a JRPG or mobile game
I remember checking around for a character I kept seeing crop up every so often in "new posts" on various Japanese art sites. turns out that sheer bulk of art of that particular character comes from ONE artist, and we're talking a couple hundred images thus far if memory serves. Either he's suddenly found what "waifu" means to him, or has some autistically devoted client that he can milk like a cow for easy money. I'll give both of them credit though, it's at least not a 2hu, boatslut, or some form of furfag shit.
never ever
There might be some doujin game about that out there though.
Could his standards drop so lo as to fap to Fat Princess?
If it leads him to buy Playstation All-Stars, sure.
user no. Sometimes dead is beddah.
That's okay, I don't want to waste to much porn time on video games
isn't this just furry by another name?
there's a text based rpg that comes close, at least with the fat and muscle building and stuffing
with optional vore
But guess what? IT'S FURSHIT.
at least there little in the way of visuals
i guess you're right. I feel retarded now.
time to replay the series again then
I'd criticize you for playing vidya because of fetishes, but I'd a hypocrite if I acted like I didn't do the same thing.
Or just go do the sad panda adventure.
Bastion main pls go.
Why does he have tits?
For some reason bitch tits are the in thing now with doujin artists.
I'd love to see a game about a cute inchling/fairy girl.
At least you have CONTENT
I have to go back to fucking /d/ just to get some content. I never want to go back to 4chan, but /gts/ never took off and I want my harlot growth fetish
Hakumei to Mikochi game when?
A Hakumei to Mikochi or a Shinmyoumaru adventure game would be perfect.
It's jap furshit, user, as in furry with better art and far less degeneracy.
Also did you ever see some kemonofag become as autistic as western furfags do? I think not.
The best.
That's really sweet.
I love it when lewd stuff has some actual emotion behind it.
You shouldn't ignore how he also mentions he became a furry.
I'll take a little furry if it means I get gun porn.
Woah now, user. Nobody was talking about gun porn. I may like machines myself, but firearms are going a bit too far, don't you think?
Kinda, but it's a fun metaphor/substitution for orgasm.
It should be noted he requested himself be taken off for a complete nonissue.
show me the most loli girl in the game with the biggest boobs she can get
Oh yeah, forgot to mention why I even bothered playing it (sage/spoilered because anons who don't share in my autism will get triggered)
You could slowly increase your stomach capacity by keeping your character overfull long enough and yes, you could consume enemies if you got it high enough, and it had descriptions for all these actions and different volume stats for the enemies it's a simple system but for some reason the progression really did it for me
You got a whole list of races to choose from so I always played as a pig because the text mentions pink skin and never mentions the snout so I just pretend she'd humie or a pOrk. You could also force all the encounters to be female if you wanted.
works for me
Petite girls with breasts oozing out or tearing bindings is a treasure.
Some of those "expansion" scenes are just too tame. In a few of them, you can barely tell anything even happened. I don't want hyperinflation dobson-tier bullshit, but maybe something just a wee bit more would have been fine.
guns are for sexual and only for sexual
Jesus Christ was this game made with Unity?
I would accept up to graphiteknight tier. But he also started delving into hip territory and thats not my niche but seeing that girth?
i get it man.
Honestly with how quickly I'm becoming a full blown mechaphile I'll probably be humping my Mossberg by next year help
>tfw fetish for marriage and /ss/
Like, at the same time?
Oh sweet cherry boy.
secret loli boobs
Fire Emblem Awakening and pairing anybody but Nowi with Donnel
How does she fucking breath?
You're in no position to talk Mr. Breast expansion.
Take the deepest breath you can, have your pecks expanded? If so you're not human.
[citation needed]
user, tape two cantaloupes to your chest and now bind them until they are almost flat against you. You will either destroy the melons or your ribcage.
use water balloons, the same thing will happen.
From then on it's all uncharted adventures with your waifu. You can even marry multiple ladies(or anything living , actually), just crank up that charisma stat and build your harem.
You don't have the slightest clue as to how tits work.
is this boob pills?
No, silly, that's where zoo animals come from.
Yeah, good gameplay.
Yes, actually. The Unity logo is one of the ones that flashes by at the start of the game.
Regardless, the original Omega Labyrinth was amazing, and actually a top-tier roguelike even discounting the fetish appeal. The fact that all the boob expansion stuff is actually an integral part of gameplay makes it even better.
I'm hopeful the sequel does get translated - the fact that there's a PS4 port makes it more hopeful, maybe.
That's a great combination and I'll not hear you say otherwise.
My zoo animals kept dying when I use to buy them. Why would they allow this technology to children? I was too young to fugure it out then, I'm not smart enough to do so now. What am I missing?
Fantasica Bloodlines
It's a mobileshit game that's ending service in May
I enjoyed this stuff before Solatorobo user
Solatorobo just amplified my interest in it
It's basically Japanese anthro stuff
I fucking hate those goddamn japs. I don't know how they stand those kiddie pool deep mobile trash games. I even tried to get into wander crown for the qt deer and I just could not bring myself to play it. What the fuck is wrong with them?
Can anyone recommend me some bbw/WG games or VNs?
I feel compelled to help you because of those quads but I don't know any.
Quads demand. I think this may have weight gain, been a long time since I played. There's also Free Cities, just fill em up.
I'm not big on BE, but the game itself was a ton of fun, and I already have the sequel ordered.
It's for the normalfags, not for the gamers.
Eh, that pirate game is better for the fetish.
I know that they're controlled by the basement goblins, but the warframes themselves please my dick in a fashion few other videogame characters have.
The upcoming Omega Labyrinth Z might be more to your liking then, at least going off of what I've read on it before.
I imported the game to be able to model pirate tits to my heart's content it but I'll never be able to truly see their final form Though even in vanilla most of the girls get bananas for boobs if you pinch them past I cup or so.
Should've pirated for the DLC and translation so I could understand more than 30% of the story.
It was fun, and though most of it was pretty easy, the fight in the extra dungeon against the rival party was pretty challenging
I know I'm frustrated with an amazing preg and THIC artist who draws 99% futa, which pisses me the fuck off.
Same fetish, nigga.
The only difference is in the execution.
I only know of Censored Girls and even that in its original form is tame as fuck. It's not even obscure, it's such a vanilla fetish I'm almost ashamed and yet there's almost nothing, I'm lucky if a fucking erotic VN features a single scene.
Why would someone make something about a thing that already happens in real life?
Remove the rape and change it into a guy who "trains" a trap sports team/cheerleading squad and I'd be game for that.
That's violence against womyn :^)
I know your pain though. I know it all too well.
Meant to reply to
this is the guy
You deserve it, nigger.
friendly bump
Because I don't want to have to actually coach, duh.
try a soccer team?
I was born in the wrong era.
It hurts to live.
Somebody kill me
Or make a katamari game for pc that actually has depth
Not that Wonderful End of The World shit that is broken because nothing despawns
Being praised for work makes my dick hard.
As a result I have perfect saves for fucking every katamari.
I even rolled up all the red roses, four times.
Thats more tame than i expected. Maybe you are just a super gentle M?
No clue but it feels very good. Only downside is overtime limits at work.
The Ultimate Goy.
I knew the legends were true.
Play cooking mama then. You'll cum bucketfuls
Already finished them, all of them.
Even finished Gardening Mama 1 & 2
Yu gev eet yu bess efurt?
would you give guy a head if he told you "good work" afterwards?
Sorry, I'm not gay.
What if he patted you on your back and gave you a thumbs up?
Tell us your fetish user.
Still not gay.
Either you have a very rare fetish or your parents did not love you at all.
Are you lonely user? do you feel kind of sad inside and want someone to hold your hand and stuff?
Well, I was an orphan and never did end up being adopted, maybe you got a point there.
I hope you find love one day user.
transgender, but not the shitty tranny shit
I know one of the Rance games has it, along with older eroge.
I took a look at that 7 pirates game and it does let you get to some crazy sizes. Although it's a shame that they just kinda raise the slider really high like the cheat code to some PS2 game instead of ever giving the girl a better chest model.
And I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it's super lame that these games don't have any kind of restraint. Like pirates or omega labyrinth you play these games and you get a shield that's just a boob or ride around on penis seals while fighting aliens that look like hairy ballsacks.
What I really want is a good game that take itself seriously but just so happens to have a lewd theme to it.
You want fromsoft to make CoC's
Just that something has it doesn't mean it's about it. I want a full game with it as a centerpiece, not a one-time gag
Rance series are full of humour, but don't really have enemies shaped as genitals and similar stuff.
I'm not super interested in big companies making straight up sex games. A text game would be especially disappointing because you know those goblin asses wouldn't be fat enough, the furry characters are going to have snouts, and I just can't stand having to look at weird animal dicks all the time.
Something like X-Change where the story revolves around this dude becoming a girl and how he has to try and deal with it (and all the rape)? Or Miss Adventures of Fred Ace where it's constantly changing back and forth as a secret identity?
Sengoku Rance was really fun. I think I played one of the first games and I wasn't really a fan, don't know about any of the newer ones. Or Daibanchou is really incredible once you learn how the combat works and it's more of a mashup with reverse traps, gangster girls, vampires, magicians, ghosts and millitary.
Something like that, but not centered on one character – shit gets boring eventually. It would be best if it was an actual mechanic such as shooting a gender ray at enemies or something, or something akin to Sengoku Rance where you'd have to put considerable effort into beating enemy boss, so that you can in the end turn him into a cute girl and have sex.
I'm not really into unfinished RPG maker games. Also, you are strangely well informed about this topic. Is this your fetish as well?
I played the first two. The best graphics and gameplay of 1989 weren't really able to satisfy me either, but the humour in the dialogue was great.
i've had daibanchou sitting on a backup drive for a long time. maybe i should get around to playing it
or finishing rance even once
these kind of people should be dragged outside and shot
You sound like the protagonist of a heartwarming >>>/gfd/ doujin. Please, fulfill your destiny and attract a cute waifu who headpats you and calls you a good boy.
Say no more, fam.
I'm so sorry user
(ACE test if anyone is interested:
Main issue I noticed with that test was with question 8, where it only asks if your mother/stepmother was abused, not a "parent or step-parent". You won't see SJWs caring about this and what it implicates, sadly.
Question 7, my bad.
Yeah, it's got some problems with that.
I'm not willing to put the effort tbh. so i gess i failed.
It's not really my fetish but there are a lot of lovey dovey stories which I really like and I guess there's just a lot of overlap between it and other stuff.
Something like gal-gun where you have to turn an all boys school into an all girls school to find your "true love" without ending up as a gay?
I think that if you don't have the patience to finish Rance you aren't going to have the patience for Daibanchou. You have to manage the unrest in each of your territories while also trying to raise money for items and dungeon expeditions and in order to do that you have to expend troops that won't be able to recover since they aren't actually resting and also won't be able to join in the next fight unless its in their territory. It's not so bad in the school or city level but when you get state and country wide territory it becomes a real pain juggling dudes around.
Oh yeah, DT2 is a great game, probably sincerely one of the best. Cosplay monster girls are kinda lame but the dungeon layouts are fun/frustrating, the fights are challenging, and I absolutely love that elemental/physical resistances actually mean something in this game and it lets you know what type of attack each enemy is using so you can try to counter it in the future. The only thing stopping me is that my Vita drowned in the lake and if my memory card is broken it'd be cheaper to just get a PS4 or something than replace it.
My favorite girl is Lilian because 9/10 she's going to kill herself, aggro more monsters, or stun/poison all of us, but when she gets lucky it's game breaking. And her passive evil eye works to interrupt enemy spellcasters like 99% of the time.
I feel like I'm missing some context unless this is futa.
Vampire hunter was captured by the vampire and turned into a girl so she could feed on his/her milk instead of blood.
They sleep on their side I guess
Fuck you faggot, guro is great. Especially if it's also /monster/
>No_If Yes, enter 1
How is that an "adverse" childhood experience? It was fucking great for me, it made it so easy to play those fuckers against each other.
Ow the edge
It is back, faggot.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Guro is trash.
You are trash.
What the fuck is this shit, user?
Just found the source, thanks man.
I think I found two new fetishes: Vampires and Gender Bender.
If it's the game I'm thinking of, you can just add in your own species to play as now, since it's text based, it's really easy to just play as a human.
Vampires are unholy perfection as waifus that don't die by age and can give others their powers. Also absolute Elder God tier in corruption of heroes in general, most of all with yuri.
I know that feel
Are there /ss/ games? Bonus points if the shota is feminine
Closest I've gotten is making a small flat arisen and a tall thicc pawn in Dragon's Dogma.
What, you hadn't played VTMB yet?
I fucking wish
Diapers would only work for retarded joke games, since there's almost nothing you can do with them from a mechanical perspective aside some "don't shit yourself" gimmick.
What about a game about protecting your ass?
Could be used as armour.
Or if the game has you loked up somewhere and this is the only piece of clothing.
>not some werediaper shit, just general changes limit is werewolves and the like
>Furshit, futashit, trannies and traps everywhere.
I just want a game where the main character is cursed and slowly changes into some sort of monster against his will before either accepting it and embracing his new form, or being corrupted by it and giving into the new body's will
What is it that's so sexy about /ss/?
Do you self-insert or something, or do you do it for the shotas themselves?
Can't speak for others, but for me, /ss/ is one of the few places where you consistently see sexually aggressive girls.
pretty sure it's self-insert which mirrors my neet manchild existence in real life. At least I want to believe I'm not actually gay
They already made the best transformation game
It's call Reality.
Self-insert. Also, If you have a fetish for 8-10-foot-tall women it's much easier to be ~4 feet tall with a 6-foot-tall woman than actually finding a 10-foot-tall woman without health complications.
>Fetishes are anal and public but veled sex
Why live. Japs, and only japs, did a few videos of girls being fucked/masturbated behind a counter, while talking to customers. But I can't feind said videos to save my life, let alone a fap.
Why live?
My sex drive as a preteen was insane but nobody wanted to molester me. This is the only way I can live out that lose opportunity.
To be fair, Jynx Maze did a breedy good video in which she fucks while serving lemonade on a beach. Many of my descendants were wasted with said video. Generations and generations of House Garcia died so Jynx could look a customer in the face and moan shamelessly.
If you want to get really Fruedian with it, probably because I grew up as an emasculated little faggot with all the powerful people in my life being women, so I find little boys being pushed around by older women hot.
what does that mean?
I think he meant veiled.
Most porn videos, Jap or not Jap, have anal scenes in them, they aren't exactly hard to find.
This is the kind of creativity I like to fucking see.
look into changeling the lost.
Because students fucking teachers is hot.
Because kids penetrating for the first time their teachers and babysitters and reducing to a lewd undignified heap is hot as fuck.
Does he browse /k/?
I hope the way they teach kids about this shit is different nowadays, because when my parents got divorced, my takeaway was that I was probably going to be an abusive shit.