How do we uncuck vidya

This is a legitimate question.

Basically we get railed with leftist propaganda, massive cronyism and "ethics" from our supposed "protectors of free press" and review sites, backdoor deals, and all other kinds of cancer.

Pic related. The fact that some normalfags not only latch onto a character but unironically treat them as a friend or daughter is disgusting. Waifus are fine but this is just friendship surrogate brainwashing. Disgusting. PS subscribe to your favorite streamers patreon for just $5/mo!

Other urls found in this thread:

Also this is probably going to be a (1) and done OP, I'm posting from my phone and my IP will change at some point. Polite sage

And this isnt even scratching the surface of cut-and-run scams like Kickstarter, abused developers, lazy and incompetent developers, IP abuse and misuse, overfranchising a property, or killing studios to remove competition

I'm a self-taught level designer and also planning on going through a Games Design course that will last 4 years. My ultimate goal is to find enough autists and create our own small indie studio. Right-wing vidya and German Waffen SS story campaigns will become a thing in your lifetime, you just need to have a bit more patience user

What is this, a picture for ants?

by making your own

Save your fucking money dude. Just make amateur games.

We've gotta gas the __

I can't read a thumbnail image and I want to.

Sorry the person who shared it with me got it from tumblr and they like to kill big pictures. I was able to read it fine by zooming in a lot.

Basically shit like
>Is this a Zootopia reference?

Gas the bikes, you cant move forward with flat tires.

Fuck you schlomo, I've been hearing that for years and I ain't buying.

You could just not buy shit games and play them instead of making shit threads like this one, OP.


That's because you have no vision and motivation is freeting. Discprin in the only constantru and must be worked on like any muscle-san.

This thread was just fine until you posted in it.


Perhaps you're overestimating the problem

I can't read the image, OP

Half of user base doesn't give a fuck about leftist propaganda and gaming media. Another half hates them.

Just wait.

Kill yourself.

I haven't bought a game on release in over 5 years. I cant fall victim to hype anymore

Half of it is a problem with the messages that the games endorse. Left-leaning developers pushing their toxic agenda are a blight on the industry, but not the sum of the problem itself.
The OTHER half of the problem is the developers that are neither left-nor-right leaning, but don't do anything to quell the fury of the consumers that demand the former. Things like OP's picture for ants occur when a producer or development team don't simply put their foots down and say, "hey, stop this shit." These people run rampant because there's not a single company or development team out there that does this very basic task.

Is that seriously the best image you have op

Seriously, that's how. Don't whine. Just do it.


It would be nice if I could actually see what it is…

I dont get it, why are they so upset ?????

You don't get to decide that the shit thread that you made is "just fine".

This is neo-liberalism, which is a right wing ideology. Here's a handy guide to differentiate between leftism and liberalism.

This is leftism.
This is liberalism.
This is leftism.
This is liberalism.
This is leftism.
This is liberalism.

Learn the difference, it could save your life one day.

Nor do you :)

Because only normalfags like Blizzard games and still play them. Because of this, theyre massive cucks and relentlessly consume lefty media and cuck culture. As a result theyre sympathetic to manufactured issues like #BlackLivesMatter because cops work for the government (darn you Trump!) and Trump is white, therefore a white cop is extremely toxic and problematic because it normalizes the issue

Hello Holla Forums. There is nothing liberal about thinking whites are racist, that is leftist. Liberal is not connected to the left or the right, see: any fucking political compass.

You are an idiot. Not only you go to a game design course, which is COMPLETE shit and you can't convince me otherwise, but you also will make politically focused games. Your games will be shit.

Murder every dev and publisher alive. Start over from scratch. Remember not to let women and homos into the industry.

The use Marxist critical theory as a basis for their retardation. Or is the Frankfurt school, "Not real leftism."?

You're both dipshits. Hipsters and especially progressive hipsters can and will ruin every ideology imaginable.

For the people who are supposedly making fun of leftists

Why are alt right so fucking whiny and TRIGGERED by every other thing that comes out. Holy shit stop posting.

Because enjoying leftist ideology in your games is being a cuck. Why would I subject myself to a 2deep4me leftist game when I can play a manly non-politically correct game or a game with no politics?


Don't, either do one where you learn coding or 3d graphics if you already know someone who could code for you. Not being specialised in either of these two and just learning little bits of both (I'm pretty sure that's how the course will be) won't let you gain anything.


No, that is neo-liberalism. You're regurgitating (((fox))) approved talking points without having any understanding of what the left or right wing truly are.
You're thinking of "classical liberals" aka lolberts.

Brain problems.

Pic very related.


Your stupid image doesn't stand against my argument. I have plenty of games to enjoy that are not infested with politics or blatant leftist propaganda. Either come up with an argument or fuck off.

god you people are so boring and repetitive

It's all a matter of forming your own organization and inspiring others to create the content that you created initially. You're going to have a really rough start.

A lot of influential entities like Github and ACM have a anti-discrimination and a "promote good causes" rule. More importantly though, is that those developers are in a environment where that ideology remains true for them. The east is mainly asian, but the west often outsources to minorities.

Vidya was always liberal, it's just that most developers now prioritize a good political statement over a good videogame. I've seen no ethnonationalionist game bsides ethnic cleansing.

They're literal Marxists. How do you even spin that?

Please enlighten me on the nature of true leftism, Commie-sama.
I am dying to hear your lectures on the nature of True Communism*

*liscenced and trademarked, Holla Forums 2016.

user, I'm not even moderate in my hatred for you bored fuckers badly roleplaying politics.

Because Holla Forums got infested by reddit. They used to be a shining example of white nationalism and all-right principles, but not anymore.

Yeah don't spend money on that shit. Get a 4 year comp sci degree if anything. I've been at this for about three years now with no professional training and I have a game on steam already.

Yeah, you can fuck off.

Don't get bitten by mazzos when the Jew does it for free.

Oh wow, I hit the Holla Forums nail on the fucking head.

You seem to be under the impression that you have any control in what gets made

It's a media extension and as such leftist lean towards it/spearhead it. You really think any producer is going to fund anything but status quo narrative in their games? The games don't follow this sell poorly/get panned/aren't properly funded.



Reminder that any /lefypol/ fags are literally from reddit >>>/monster/282222

The key to a good game is a simple story if any. Publishers and consumers may not realise this, but that's the real reason they all loved Dark Souls so much. It was just a game. No QTEs and lengthy cutscenes and plot twists everywhere, just pure gameplay. Even something like Zelda, which is by far not complex in story. We just need fifth/sixth gen games with 8th gen graphics. It's really that simple.

I hate this shit because it's turned Holla Forums into a fucking nightmare when posting opinions slightly contrary to their narratives. I criticized Trump ONCE for his stupid move in Syria and was permabanned.

It's one thing to keep those antifa and Holla Forums faggots out from your board and it's another to quell anything that might seem remotely "shill."

Well you get one or the other which do you prefer

It's somewhat improved lately.


Both boards are full of pussies that can't deal with someone telling them they're wrong.

I'd prefer not to get banned by a board I love that shouldn't be acting like those braindead fanatics over on reddit that can see no issue with anything their golden deity does.

if anything it's a Future Cop reference

Yes, Holla Forums is ran by a disgusting tranny, and the vols make imkikey look reasonable by comparison. This does not refute anything I've said and I'm from Holla Forums you stupid fuck, I'm just sick of you politically illiterate cunts discrediting us with shit like "liberalism = leftism" which makes us look retarded to the type of people we should be getting on our side.

/polk/s alright, I got into an argument with the bo there once and I was shocked to find that I wasn't banned. A board owners job is to be nothing more than a janitor. They're not a cult of personality, they're not an all knowing god, they're a fucking loser that spends 18 hours a day cleaning up the literary equivalent of pig shit.

calling someone a shill isn't an argument, you can't just proclaim that someone is a kike and end the discussion. Most people on Holla Forums these days can't even form a rudimentary argument for what they support, the board is completely devoid of conversation, it's just an excuse to post stale memes and ABSOLUTE MADMAN XDXDXD.

It's painfully obvious the vols don't give a shit, heils MIA which leaves the moderation in the hands of realmoonman and kampfy, also known as the niggers that ban people for posting meta shit, direct them to /polmeta/ then spam smug anime girls at them and ask if they're frustrated usually suffixed with ku ku ku~~. Fucking cancer incarnate. also it's possible that heil is kampfy but that's just conjecture

I've simply given up on Western games. Nobody can be trusted anymore.

The same same way you uncuck Hollywood, the music industry, television, the media, etc.

Nothing worse than the recent influx of redditpol trumpcucks.

That's not actually a thing, just using that word here will inform everyone that sees your post that you're a retard.


Stop playing them, stop buying them.
Make it a dead industry with no profit so normfags and jews loose interest.

nip games will still suffer the eternal localization hell tho

The same way you cure the world of most of its ills. Gas the Jews.

What .wad is that?


Well, I do writefaggotry for fun, so if some user needs mechanics documents I have those in spades.
I fell for the college meme, but I've almost completed a CompSci minor. I left the compsci major because the grading was (((curved))). It wasn't even the coding courses they were fucking me over on.

inb4 you just weren't trying. most of the people in the compsci major at this (((school))) drop out or are forced to drop out into IT. They even have specific transition courses for it.
Basically I can code pretty well but I'm no Knuth.

My weaknesses are art and sound.

I did have an idea for Making a cooperative tank game on the vive. Unlike steel shit batallion on the kinect, you'd actually be able to move around the cabin and interact with the things inside. Theme would be WWI and landships because they're flat with no turrets. (They have sponson guns.)
Could do mechs but they would need a flat cabin.

UE4 even has a hookup for it.
Never used UE4, but I was interested enough to do some research there. I have no space or money for a vive to develop with as it is.

So, If some faggot wants to do the art and sounds, and another faggot wants to do most of the coding, I've got a bunch of pre-prepared shit mostly ready to go, and I'll design and build levels and shit, as well as write story. I'll also be able to read and comprehend code, so long as it's well commented.
It honestly depends. I could get motivated if the right Holla Forumsagabonds get together on it, and like my material.
Still in college so I certainly wouldn't be able to full-time it, but I've I'm motivated I can justify to myself spending the majority of my free time on it instead of vidya.

Neutrality is vulnerability. Anything that does not actively oppose leftism will be worn down and devoured by the normalfag hordes. The only way for vidya to repel them is to openly, uncompromisingly, and unapologetically oppose them.
Someday, we'll be at peace again, and those who would be neutral will have the freedom to. But we are at war, and will be for the foreseeable future. And the enemy does not believe in neutrality and reason; only in predators and prey.

fuck off. Games should be free from any sort of propaganda,left or right. I just want to play fucking videogames

when goons/reddit/leftypol shill,
post smug animu gril

Considering the recent trajectory of vidya, we just need to stay the course to get rid of a good chunk of cancer.
Even the AAA FPS treadmill is starting to show signs of weakness.
A market correction is coming.

Problem is that the publishers don't seem to give a shit about the market, same as Hollywood doesn't. They are ready to take the profit hits if it means shilling propaganda.

Sure, at one point this will become unsustainable, but we are very, very far away from that. Just look at all the money Disney is raking in despite vomiting Marxist filth at every turn.

You wot mate? Disney are Kings of capitalism. They've single handedly pushed copyright law to the abursd life of the author plus 70 years we have now. There is a reason it's called the Mickey Mouse protection act.(U+200B was here)

Fuck off to Holla Forums reddit,


make your own

Like I always say, we need Okada to come back to gaming and help redpill the industry.


How to fix gaming.

1) Utilize Let's Plays and other review type of content from people who are either open about their connections to devs or don't have any connections at all. As in, just watch like an episode or two of some random gamer's play through and stop there. No need to depend on major publications like IGN anymore or even metacritic for that matter.

2) Unless a dev has proven themselves very, very trustworthy, do not throw random money at Kickstarters and IndieGogo campaigns. Or if you must chip in, REALLY put some thought into this. We are not just talking about games, but your own finances here.

3) Demand that your favorite games go on to as many platforms as possible or failing that, email them to at least get their games onto the PC. Preferably on GOG. Here's something fun we could all do. Let's mass email Platinum Games to get Bayonetta and their other upcoming games onto GOG.

Any dev or publisher who actually is willing to port games in a form that we can control better without DRM needs our support.

4) Choke out consoles. We need to have more accessible platforms, consoles are nothing but black boxes that end up limiting games technically and even results in censorship of games as well due to company policies. As well as making people spend more money on hardware when that could be going towards an actual game. A market where an open platform like the PC is king will help everyone, consumers and developers.

5) Choke out bad players. Companies like Nintendo and many others who continue to crap over gamers need to be disregarded and protested. Piracy of their games is also not the answer because while you aren't paying to play their games, you are still a consumer of a product from a bad company. In order to show people mean business we cannot support them in anyway.


make your own game 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

do you have that picture in higher res?

Infilitrate it ourselves and profit off of the parasites cucking our media?
Then when the tides finally change, pop up and say "LOL I WAS ALWAYS ON YOUR SIDE GUISE :^)"

Don't do this. You'll only gain some semblance of programming/design skills that won't cut it in just about any professional environment, and have leftist garbage jammed down your throat during that whole time. The people teaching you most likely hate people who enjoy video games, and are the same people pushing for the Progressive™ nongames you're seeing pop up more nowadays. If said program culminates in a degree, it will be basically useless, since 90% of what someone gets out of a game design program is networking (and said networking just about always involves leftist ideologues, think the types of people who attend GDC).

If you're that intent on making vidya, self-learn even more. Figure out what role you want to take on in a team setting Protip: Idea guy is not a role. Then start to figure out the ins and outs of your intended skillset. Take no one's word as law, but don't completely disregard advice, no matter how bad it may seem.

Basically, learn from my mistakes.

You could stop buying shit games and dlc for one.
You know who you are.

It's funny how nearly all good devs didn't go to any faggy VIDEO GAME COURSES but instead started off as modders and shit.

Tell us more about the gamedev industry.

Well, my emoji spamming pal, it's more than just making games. We as consumers also have to work on our end. If someone who we actually like actually makes a game, how are they going to get any traction if places like Holla Forums keep buying the same trashy consoles and lining the pockets of people who actively dislike us with money? Real question here.


There's nothing wrong with games being political per se, the issue is how leftists go about making them political.

Since they know no one actually wants what they peddle (excluding tumblr, and no one gives a shit about them) they can't just come up with their own original content and try to sell that, no one is going to buy it. What they do instead is find content that is vulnerable to subversion and take over and then re-purpose it for their own ends.

I wouldn't give a flying fuck if leftists stuck with making Gone Homo all year old and shitting it out on Steam, it's a free market. Where I draw the line is when they pressure unrelated developers to fuck their own product up to appease them, act as content gatekeepers in localization making sure everything is kosher and lead an endless witch hunt against anyone and everyone that doesn't want to submit to their demented ideology.

Gotta make money off the ignorant with no clue on where to begin.
But we have the gaming industry to blame for that.

Knowledge is a weapon in this battle and (((The Powers That Be))) have decided to unload all the ammo and break all the triggers. Leaving people who can actually innovate completely in the dark.


I feel glad nobody on this board will ever become producers

After a reverse image search that took me all of 5 seconds, I figured out that your friend is sucking on cuckchan scraps that tumblrites are too stupid to save properly.

I hope these morons know that is dressed as a korean police officer.

I just want to make a JRPG that is Good and/or Fun.

That'll be a first.

Choose one

Same. It would suck to buy a game, only to be spammed with shitty mechanics and gameplay because some one decided to push their retarded agenda into it. We might actually have a Depression Quest tier game from one of these people and it will deserve to be hated.

- Keep talking about what games are good and bad. Not just here- anywhere. Don't let them turn 8ch into the only "safe-space" where you can call a turd a turd.

- Country Club mentality. You don't have to grill someone with 100 questions to make sure they're not a dilettante- and don't force them out either- just carry on at your pace. Those that want to be part of the community will learn.

- Mock those who try to put themselves above you. People enjoying ASSFAGGOTS or phone-games can do their own thing. It causes no harm. The second they act like they're the only voice worth listening to- mock them. Gentle "bullying" actually helps keep people from stepping outside of norms (in the extreme). Think of how SJWs used to tease & mock people when they thought they had the advantage. You do the same- if they are doing vidya stuff that isn't about enjoying or improving vidya. Those that try to carve up cliques with identity politics need to be mocked the most. You can tease people for shit-taste on what they like, but ostracize those who to "weaponize" audiences for someone's gain.

- Do some teaching. Offer honest advice where someone can improve if they're struggling to beat a game. If they're playing shit, don't tell them they're shit- ask them why they liked some parts that are shit. Then recommend them something that's better. But don't pander to the newbie, and don't acknowledge people that are arrogant, expect to be spoonfed, or act like an expert once they have your advice.

tl;dr Help people who want to be part of the community who are good people that want to give back to the community- ostracize those who are a bad influence on the community, or want to change the industry/community for any reason other than "make better games".

How about we kick out leftists and tell them to never come back? Seems to work out wonders IRL.

Completely ignore AAA games.
Don't buy consoles or merchandise.
Stop using Steam and other similar services.
Email developers, act like a complete centrist and claim you're sick of political messages being hamfisted into their work when you're just trying to unwind from the stress of the current political climate.

You're as retarded as leftists are.

Where did he say this?

Will anime nazis be playable?

Shilling, it works.

Give some spare change to the retards that make overcuck threads non-stop, they're autistic enough to disregard any criticism and keep on talking about the same shit over and over.

Well for starters how am I defeated? I never got to dictate what kinds of products people make outside of market forces from voting with my wallet. Big fucking deal if "normalfags" (which is a term only redditors who think /r9k/ screencaps were funny and or reflective of real events use and you need to fuck off back to reddit) buy shit games, that's their money to throw into the fire. Also
Like holy shit OP, how fucking dumb are you? Why bother with modern games?

Where is he gonna buy new releases then?



No fuck you. Generals only get worse when they're left alone. Don't be a faggot who lets his community go to shit because he didn't care enough to see a difference. If you see something that's ethically wrong in the industry supported here you tell them to fuck off.

More like
If the game is available elsewhere make an effort to buy it that way.

You're not very smart, are you?

What serious competition is there for Steam? GOG? Everything else is proprietary.

You can buy PC games outside of Steam, user.
Stores often have standalone physical versions of PC games and lots of smaller games also sell their games on services like GOG.
If a studio doesn't allow you to purchase their game on PC through any other way than using Steam, they likely aren't worth it to begin with.

That's my point. Don't support a monopolized industry. Why the fuck do you think piracy is so prevalent here? If you're supporting Steam you're a part of the problem.

If it comes with nothing else then it's most likely AAA garbodor and shouldn't be bought anyway.

GOG is the main competitor. I tolerate Steam for now, mostly because Humble Bundle games for Steam make games so cheap, but I would love to abandon Steam. Although I'd rather deal with Valve than Sony, MS, or Nintendo, tbh.

Steam isn't a monopoly. Learn what words mean before you use them, faggot.

Oh yea the "other" competitors are doing so much better. If you want me to say oligopoly fine but who are you kidding?

Yet. Soon, the only competition will be Origin and Uplay and you know.

Show me one fucking word of Karl Marx saying "kill whitey." Or of Friedrich Engels talking about automatically believing women without proof when they level a rape charge. Or of Mikhail Bakunin or Peter Kropotkin or any other notable socialist author saying anything that you'd hear coming out of Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian's mouth.

Oh, what's that? You can't? Hmm, it's almost as if you're spewing poorly-researched opinions on subjects you don't have the first fucking clue about.



Mate, TOR has been compromised for fucking years now.


Look it up yourself, lazybones.

I don't understand why they're even crying about it. They hate police that openly?

Lemme guess, you think you'll be hacked by all the scary anoonymoose?

But let me show you your retardation.
People take theories and apply them to different fields. in this case, lets apply marxism to culture instead!
It isn't a economic class war now, it's a cultural/gender/racial class war!
Instead of proles and bourgeois, it's niggers and whities and women and men.
And it similarly ignores all differences between people and forces "equality"

Pic related, something commienism will ruin production of.

This is one of the biggest reasons why gaming is so shit now, most normins will not only ignore DLC/Preorder/Unnecessary remaster judaism, loss of customization freedom in your games (both DRM or singleplayer cheats/mods and even configuration wise) and QTE action scenes that should have been actual controllable gameplay by now, but they will also defend those turds like you're insulting their families, without prividing any real counter-arguments or recalling something they like about the game, only using meaningless words like "hater"
And all this dicksucking just for defending a game that they throw away next month for the next big hyped flytrap because there's either not much worth discussing, it was buyer's remorse or they didn't even care about the game in first place.

That's what certain people want you to think. In reality, the problems are with the individual's implementation of Tor, which incidentally is spelled Tor and not TOR. Fucking newfag.

Lurk moar.

Well, I guess we'd better get rid of all kitchen utensils because the most household accidents occur in the kitchen.


Britfag here- I had to go with the meme since I couldn't find work and was put under an ultimatum. I was lucky in that the course did not force SJW shit onto us. But as for everything else…

They're fucking useless- they will tell you to study on your own and offer no help. The "tutors" (former students who became tutors with 0 industry experience) are too busy with paper-work or too inept to help you with study (literally will just tell you to google the engine's name & "tutorial")
And you're too busy doing bullshit reports and tasks you have no knowledge on you have no time to study anyway (and when you get stuck- you have no help. From them or most of the time online).

The only fucking thing I made was a UT3 map (badly balanced, people were sniping people as they went through the air on jump-pads), a custom weapon (grenades that got bigger as they bounced, including the damage radius + damage), and some other minor shit (something in a C++ or Python engine the tutor made- which no one understood. We were just changing vars.) Sure there was a group project- but you're relying on other people who chose to go to those courses instead of looking online.Meaning they're fucking useless, or they already know what to do- and are just they're to get the degree since they could do it on their head. Guess which one most people fall into? Hell, I was in the games jam the year that Surgeon Simulator game was made. Since the theme was heart-beats, all I wanted them to do was a rip-off of GMod Murder or TiTT with a heart-monitor to use on other players (and it wouldn't work on a player who was a vampire. But if the vampire player had recently killed, they had a heartbeat for a while). My group couldn't make anything in the first day. We had some 3D models & that's it. I never came back for day 2.

My year for the course had 100 people at the start. This halved every year with drop-outs and people who didn't pass. They tried to make us a jack-of-all-trades. So many people failed 3D modeling, they had to make another sub-course that didn't have 3D modeling in the curriculum and let students transfer to it. Most people went on to form (now defunct) studios, devs that forever worked on something not released, testers, making their own video-game review website, or unemployed or not employed in Vidya. One guy I knew was smart, and he is now making simulators that the fire dept. use.

My final year project was a paper. A fucking paper'. The tutor's highly recommended we make something playable- but no one could. Two or three of them made fucking /tg/ games myself included. It's actually worked out well and I'm selling it now. Out of 20 or so people showing off their final year work in some shit-show of an open day, there was maybe 5 tech demos. But what do you expect in the lessons where you do learn programming, the teacher has already built half of it for you, and doesn't cover how he built it.
Hey, you made a 2D sprite walk around in C++.
Hey, you the basis for an arcade shooter in UT3.
Hey, you made a 2D space-battle simulator over 3 or 4 years and you want us to program the AI for the ship. And you're telling us what scripts make it attack, or move- but it's up to us how they attack or move.
How did you make everything else up to that point?

I might have learned the basics of game design. Kinda. I know classes & vars in C++, but I have no idea how to do anything beyond modifying those vars or making my own sub-class. So I can make different guns or characters. Whoopie. How do I turn an FPS engine into an RPG engine? What do I do when I modify one of those vars or make my own class and it just says "Error" with no indication of the line or script that's wrong? Not a fucking clue. We also learned the extreme basics for designing a level to make players go down specific paths. I'm sure there's more, but it feels like shit I already knew, I just didn't have a fucking fancy name for it. But we'd do shit like play one of the Halo games because it had an allegedly good handicapping system for each time we played a map. What lesson did it teach us? Fuck if I can remember. All I remember is "Handicapping systems sure are fucking neat." I think I learned more from other people's failure. Don't aim too big. Back-up like a madman. Just because you're the only voice in the room who wants to take charge, doesn't mean you should. Never use a hated member of the group as an "attack dog" to nag at people not doing shit and play good boss/bad boss. (the last two were my own failure).

really makes you think

I'm "glad" I went to Uni, I learned some life-lessons and lived in a lovely part of the country for a few years. But it is not worth the money. Its not. It's not. I'm repeating this for the idiot who's reading this and contriving an excuse to think it's worth it- it really is not. You're in debt, hanging out in accommodation with shitty people (or an even shittier place if you've found accommodation outside the uni, run by a shyster who doesn't give a fuck as long as the house is in the same condition as the day you turned up), and you're odds of getting laid & the student bar are the same in any bar.

With the exception of programming, math, engineering, construction, or something that takes someone's quality of life into your hands (law, medical, banking) there is no university or even college degree worth doing. If you are out of high-school, get a job anywhere. ANYWHERE . Proof you can do work is worth more than a further education degree if you don't know what to do. University degrees are an overpriced slip that says "I can learn, and I know the basic theories of this subject." Big fucking whoop, everyone that's not a tard can learn, and no one cares how nice your drawing of a house is if you don't know how to build it. You will always be overshadowed by people who want that job as a career path. They have the qualifications & previous experience for it. No one will hire you in a non-vidya field because you have a vidya related degree. They won't. They won't. There are too many people looking for work, and you're banking on no one with the qualifications they are looking for turning up- which they will. No one wants unrelated degrees. No one.

I'm sure there's some magic course out there that does what if fucking says- but there aren't many. Learn programming instead.
Too dumb to program? Learn math.
Too dumb to do higher math? You can't make video games. You can't. You can't. If you could, you'd be looking it up already. I struggled with online tutorials (do what they fucking say, fine. Try to do it myself- unknown error with no fucking answer), so I was praying I'd get some help from tutors, even though it was a lost cause.
If you wanted to make vidya- the constant engine errors wouldn't frustrate you, and you'd get joy when you work out how to do it right.

Oh, and food production could hardly be more ruined than it is under capitalism, where the government pays farmers NOT to grow food in order to keep the price up when we've had the capability to feed the entire world's population for over 100 years.

Liberalism would not exist under communism or fascism. It is a byproduct of our degenerate capitalist system. Why haven't you taken the Evolapill yet, Holla Forums?

Somehow this feels relevant.

the only reason you go to college is for networking (you get to meet a bunch of retards in the same boat as you are) and to have a bunch of (((professors))) -in a way, the new priests- telling you to read a book and then ask you questions about said book.

No point going there. You can pick up the fucking books yourself and be done with a """5 year course""" in three months, except you won't have a fancy paper telling your employer how much of an useless and mouthbreathing faggot you are.

Only reason to go for specific courses is if it's required by law to do something, like being a fucking architect, electrician or plumber in certain countries.
epic simply fucking epic


This is unintentionally the most cringe, in the shortest amount of space ever.


I got 10 seconds in, how can you expect me to watch that shit?

Bill, no.

It has not only failed in practice, but been debunked so many times.
You can not make everyone equal. Whoever gets to decide what to do with resources has all the power and be inefficient in distributing those resources.

Christ, I'd even argue that you can be too old to start learning vidya.
"Everyone has 10,000 hours of being bad at something."
Assuming you worked 9-5 every weekday, that 1250 days. That's nearly 5 years (1250 / 252 working days a year = 4.960).
Then consider how long it takes to make vidya. 5 years per project roughly- if it's anything decent. And the first time it won't be decent. Your "magnum opus" (assuming you get it funded) could be the third or fourth game you work on. Hell, you might always be working for a studio on someone else's project- while you're underpaid and overwork in conditions rivaled only in Asia.

So if you started learning at 18, you'd be ready to make vidya at 23 and your first real finished game would be done when you were 28. If you started at 25, you'd be 35 when you were done.
A 35 year old person who walks into a dev studio hoping for a job. Notice how all the new developers are young? Notice how all the old developers already have experience? How are they gonna react to someone who is an adult, with no prior experience? Someone who's too old to get along with the rest of the younger team? Someone who's too inexperienced to be with management? The only time you see someone over 30 shilling vidya at E3 is usually someone who isn't a developer.

And that calculation is not including the few years you spend making shorter & simpler games to test out shit. That's not including the connections you need to make to get people to do the shit you can't (music, graphics, etc), assuming you don't spend another 5 years learning how to do each of those bits. Each. That's not including time you take off from learning for funerals, birthdays, parties, commitments, or days you get stuck on the same problem. And that's a assuming you don't work. And for a lot of you, you need to work as you have 0 income or family to live off. So, lets make it 9-5 a weekend, and those 1250 days over 5 years becomes 12 years (1250 / 105 = 11.90).

If you are over 20- I'd argue you will be too old to be employed when you have learned to make a game, and even if you can work in isolation and do it all, you'd be past your physical prime; so all that money & "fame" you have won't get you a young girlfriend. She'll be the same age as you. Past her prime.
And even if you are smart & learn it quicker- you'll be stuck in a shitty company that treats you like shit. You know better, but nope, you need to make iPhone trash, or a game with so much executive meddling it's AAA slop. And even if you're an indie, you're being judged by the most corrupt & clique-y reviewers yet. Sure they're respected less & less, but good luck spending 5 years making a game, only to get less money from sales than your 5 years working as a programmer in other industries would have gotten you (or maybe that's the clique talking, trying to drive out people so they have the industry for their friends. Good luck kissing up to HR- that happens in Vidya to!)

But, I'd argue we need more good publishers (let devs do their own thing, advertise to the right audience, etc) but I've got no fucking clue how you pursue a career in that and make your own company that turns a profit (since no fucking AAA publisher will change unless you become the boss- and that'll require soul-selling brown-nosing).

I was in a no-win scenario ("Get a job or go to uni."- good luck explaining what I just did to your family). But not all of you will be.
And these courses only survive because people apply. Plebs will always apply, but so do people who are smart- just naive. People who'd find work in other industries if they didn't waste time. They day Universities shut "Game design" courses because no one can graduate or they can prove no one can be employed will come sooner when people who can design games just make games in their own home. And that's not even including the SJW brainwashing in the states.

You wouldn't buy from a bad dev.
Don't support bad education.



Capitalism is tyrannical right now. Socialism can also be tyrannical. My point is that the people screaming about how everything wrong with vidya is because of FUCKIN LEFTISTS REEEEEEE have a very narrow view of the subject and generally no fucking idea what they're talking about.

why do these people hate cops so much
i know the situation in america where the cops are fucking aggressive and infringe rights alot and even the cop here are corrupt but i dont think they're really that vilified of a lot
are they some sort of anarchist or shit

This made me sick. I literally had to vomit in my trash can.

Oh believe me, I know. I was trying to make the best of a bad situation. I couldn't even do that.
The students had no chance of employment or making vidya.
The tutors had no chance of educating someone properly.
I had no chance of finding a normal job (no one is hiring tradesman apprenticeships since all the poles & other foreigners took them. Or their own family + friends- which is fine).

My family said they'd cover my student debt for me, so I had nothing to lose.
Except they started re-decorating the house just as I left for Uni. They don't even say they can't pay it. They say they never said they'd pay the debt for me.
After 4 years of shit, not a single soul worth staying in contact with, and shitty living conditions; I've never had to hold back the urge to hit someone so much.

Like I said, I'm making /tg/ games now, and I'm hoping what I've made will start selling once the adverts & reviews roll out.
Otherwise, a 26 year old with his own company that shuttered in 3 yearsno "real" experience and a useless degree isn't appealing.

You just answered your own question.

honestly what makes it worse is that is fuckin
tumblr is so self-centered

I liked Bill Nye better when he did actual science, not this social work shit.

Except they're really not, at least assuming you can follow simple directions like stop or license and registration please.

A man who did a children's show manages to trick millions into thinking he's a real scientist.

As a brief aside, do you think it'd only take someone 3 months to learn how to make vidya?
What about the "5 years to make a game" thing I spewed earlier? Is that legit?

yeah,but the point d.v.a is from worst korea
i dont know why those fucks suddenly associate murrican cop culture with theirs

all those salty tears omg I hate the police now why would you do this to this character.


nah i believe murrican police are much too aggressive in enforcing the law towards minor offenders and alleged criminals and very non transparent
that said i dont completely distrust them,its a byproduct of older times

how did this even come to fucking pass like they clearly set this shit up and have people look at what people are gonna do. and went ya you can say all this nasty as shit on air

A valid point, but you KNOW their grievance is with how you have to hate cops, because they kill good boys who dindu nuffin and BLM says that we should be killing cops and sheit.

And this comes as a conversation because of an alternate costume for a fucking video game character who is not even a cop in the game's lore.



cant they make something fucking intellectual shit,like neil degrasse
i always liked startalk

After we find a final solution to the cop problem, can we do the same with the nigger problem?

What year is it?

Capitalism is a mode of production, not a mode of exchange. Capitalism and the free market are not related. In fact, it could easily be argued that capitalism will inevitably lead to a less free market via government collusion with the executives who get rich under capitalism by skimming off the labor of their employees. In a democratically managed economy, they couldn't do that.

you couldnt even uncuck this place

Oh no, I agree. I was mostly memeing, but there is only form of socialism that works. NatSoc.


Yea, and they put fluoride in the water to brainwash us

Any strictly economic solution will have little to affect how men treat each other, since it is but a symptom of the disease of materialism that has poisoned the common man.

I think much of Holla Forums may be interested in Strasserism, which legitimately has socialist traits, albeit in a nationalist framework. There's more than a few of them who don't like the pernicious influence of big corporations on the government. Hitler's take on NatSoc was pure banker dicksucking though.

Since I've gotten older I have come to realize that the majority of the designers just have closed imaginations. By this time there should have been a plethora of games in various settings with various protagonists with variable character traits and the freedom to do so much more. These days I'm finding porn games better written and with more freedom/better settings than AAA games. And I'm getting immersed more in them.

Most of this is true and I don't see anyone who is truly dedicated and by himself doing this. The thing about women is that as an old guy probably in your 40s depending on your genetics, you can still land a mid 20s bitch, women love older men, that is if you maintain a healthy frame. The thing about games is that depending on how old you get, you need to adjust your expectations. Someone who is already old and learning programming, art, sound, animations, writing, etc, need to come to terms that they just won't make a AAA looking game and will have to resort to indie games ala Hyper Light Drifter or something. That is, if you don't have money, money changes everything and if you do have it, you can easily hire a team.

Another thing that bothers me is that this place for some reason automatically shuns indie games, I don't know if that is the opposition doing this or if it really is the natural perception of people here, either because they have been burned in the past by indie games or because they are mostly the same. We shouldn't do this since it could be an user that made the game.

Personally I think sorcery is the only way to go. That or large scale military action.


I think you mean National Anarcho Market Socialism.

There isn't really much I can tell you that hasn't been exposed by Gamergate. I'm still stuck looking from the outside in, as I was never able to find a single position I was qualified for, so I've opted for general software dev instead, where I've found a bit more success.

Pretty good post series, hits a lot of nails on the head.

I'm not sure how other game design programs handle things, but mine had an extensive program to hook up students to employers, not just with game dev students. Yet even then, your best bet, unless you're a damn solid dev, is to play nice with the "right" people. I'm not exactly storied myself, but I've seen people with much weaker skillsets than myself get their foot in the door with comparatively little issue. This is relevant because so long as academia has connections to the industry, the people subject to their indoctrination will get preferential treatment as far as hiring goes, and games will continue to suffer as a result.

as always, its the casuals that are to blame for enabling all this shit

holy hell what happened to this man, normalfag memes destroyed him

Being a casual is just a symptom of the true problem, which is normalfaggotry.

You want to fix vidya? You want to fix EVERYTHING? Remove normalfags.

And it's been this way for possibly over 10 years now.

That was a good game.

I mostly agree with that. If it wasn't for the influx of casuals and the apathetic people who throw their money away we wouldn't have Corrupt publishers, SJWs, IPs dedicated to Pachinko, Themepark MMOs, kickstarter fraud projects, Hyping vaporware, etc. . But at this point in time it is too late and every asshole looking for a dollar is already sinking it's claws into the industry.

The first rule to OPs answer to this would be telling casuals to fuck off. but then there is still the threat of SJW controversy and Giant publishers trying to kill development, buy out other studios, and shutting down competition

Indies tend to be shit now.
And indies "from here" sell-out hard (Notch & YandereDev, but Notch has fuck you money and has gone back to speaking his mind). That's not even counting people who sell-out for legit reasons (more money for family, medicine, comfort for parents in retirement, etc).
I do think we should support good indies, but finding them is hard.

My one had one industry-experience tutor, who was so shit at tutoring they minimized how much he taught.

On top of this, they did have an apprenticeship program in prior years- but the companies they them all in testing and within a year they forgot what they learned in the last 2.

Liberals are the leftists useful-idiot shock troops.

Sorry you're stuck with them.

Treat it like here, with some tempering IRL.
Encourage people to lurk by not spoonfeeding.
It repels anyone who doesn't want to learn.

You're a fucking shill, you're not one of us.

All leftists are useless at best and socially corrosive at worst, they should all be flayed alive.

After Hillary threatened Bernie into endorsing her, nobody on the left wants anything to do with liberals.

is that truly how the Holla Forums leader looks? big if true and i want more pictures of it so i can laugh more

If the conditions are right, sure. By that I mean get rid of all distractions (women, neighbors, trash family members, normalfag friends) and focus entirely on reading/practicing coding.

On my senior year at highschool, the computer science "professor" taught me photoshop at a pace of a single task per week. It took 4 months for a literal jew to teach me (and my mouthbreathing classmates) how to crop faces and change colors, when it takes a youtube playlist 40 minutes. And then we abandoned photoshop to move onto vb6

kill me


spoiler that shit

I'm looking through the site now (God help me) but the reactions are just plain mixed. I guess the drama isn't as big as I expected.


We should have a sticky up or a website listing all the good indie games. What were your top 3 you last played? I found Valdys Story great. I don't know if Hollow Knight is good or not.

And the world is fucked. I mean damn, I'm cool with people getting dirty how they want but shit, you niggas don't have to scream about it in public.

Fuck this shit.

that's some weird fucking logic. please explain yourself, i fail to see the difference and both seem just as retarded to me. also, that skin's cool as heck


This isn't even a joke.
Go to r/socialism, they talk about Holla Forums on there. The users of Holla Forums shilled their board on reddit.

I mean, I went through a course in about a week. Just do all the lectures everyday and then do the assignments. It wasn't a vidja game course, but then again I'm learning shit that is useful. Like coding.
Also doing that learncpp thing. That's taken longer, but then again I've been on and off that for about a year now. Still, learned a hell of a lot more about programming from it than any of the college crap.

Nobody here is defending /r/socialism, the only board in history that banned people because they were triggered by catgirls. You're just making shit up.

They talk about Holla Forums with revulsion for being "brocialists" and "manarchists." Convenient of you to completely ignore the context, though. I suppose Holla Forums is pro-Jewish because they talk about Jews.

me likey

Funny that they would add a korean official outfit whilst all this shit's going on in korea irl

Who the fuck does this refer to?

Finally I can watch it without giving that any views

Fuck me if I understand any of that. "Christian left-winger" is what it seems to boil down to.

Exactly what it says. Liberals who pretend to be leftist while advocating for imperialist wars and shitting on anyone who wants to help poor people. The same poster calls Holla Forums an MRA/racist board there is literally nothing wrong with MRA, but for the most part that person's statements about the pseudo-left are correct.


So it's 2017 and did this guy get pozzed?

Fucking newspeak has made it almost impossible to have political discussion in America because nobody knows what words fucking mean.

Buy good vidya, don't buy shit vidya. It's as simple as that.