Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/


If you scan the last pic with a home-brewed 3ds with the latest version of FBI, you can download and install XX directly from Nintendo's eShop servers. The game is also available on FreeShop.

Englishanese Translation:


>Ping's MHXX Dex:
>Athena's ASS for XX 0.21b:'s Armor Set Search for MHXX
>MHXX Skill Recommendations (WIP):
>Weapon tutorials and more:
>Information on item droprates, skills, monsters, etc:
>MH Wiki:
>MH4U Relic Chart:
>MH4U Relic Chart Detailed version:
>MH4U Relic Spreadsheet:
>MH4U Moveset Charts:
>MH4G to MHX Weapon Changes:
>How many times will I have to hunt in order to get _?:
>Athena's ASS for MH4G and MH4U:
>Attack Stat Stack Chart:
>Kinsect Flowchart:
>Kinsect Ingredients list:
>Arena Armor Recipes and Requirements :
>Steam Group:
>Hunting Music:

Other urls found in this thread:

In an attempt to get activity off to a good start, first a poll: What Armor Skills do you prioritize when making a set? Discuss.

Also, opening up a room for anyone who wants to hunt.

Pass: 2691

The usual taking turns, anything goes.

Thanks for the hunts guys, I should be getting ready for work myself anyway.

you too, sorry for leaving suddenly

Does anybody playing XX here have the Fox DLC cat they could send me? I want the Landmaster skill to make a meme cat but I think the only way to get it by yourself is to have transferred a save with it already downloaded and I started XX fresh since I skipped X/Gen. I tried fooling around with the nip XX save editor but the menu for editing palicos is way too complex to navigate as an illiterate.

Why the fuck is this allowed

FAIR AND BALANCED :^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
brave is somehow a more casual adept

I was under the impression that brave was supposed to be a higher skill style but nope. Honestly it would be a lot more balanced if they took away the brave dodge so you had to actually commit instead of having a free escape at all times.

Pretty much this. At this point i'm basically maining brave GS since it removes the need for quick sheath and all the other movement related skills.

I can't bring myself to play that abomination tbh, it plays nothing like GS.

Really? It's basically easy mode to me. I'm using it so i can quickly go from quests and farm material that you have to break.

It's easy mode yeah, but I've been maining GS ever since my first MH and it just isn't fun to me, doesn't feel like GS.

Biggest complaint I have with MHXX is how fucking rare they made essential skills like Focus and Evade Dist. GS got fucked hard by the lack of Focus everywhere, so people are forced to use styles to make up for it.

Not really, it was a problem in gen but now that all the top tier armors have tons of slots you can easily gem it in.
People use brave GS because it's easymode GS, not because focus is hard to get.

ged in

They also use it because it's better than guild in every way. But don't worry styles aren't a horrible blight that ruins the game

Should I play 4 Ultimate on 3DS or Wii U?

Shit I'm a moron.

Weebanon you around? Wanna play? Or anyone, really

Just got home, give me an hour and a half or so to shower and eat and get settled in for the night.

Bought a new Nu3DS XL today, I could play in a few hours after I get it and put my benis in it.

I ended up starting some stuff and I'll need ~2 hours until I'm able to play now

Be sure to check out if you haven't already

Fair enough.

shit that took way longer than I thought it would
you guys still wanna play


I finally got my hands on a 3ds and MHGen can finally play online after playing nothing but Tri and FU on the PSP. I just have a few questions:
-Is there any weapon that's useless in general? I've been using longsword for ages because I liked it's mobility but is it a liability in big/end game hunts?
-How the fuck do I select the same quest as someone else on a room? I'm tired of standing around like an autist.

Why did you get gen when XX is out(it's just gen with more content).
Also, to get the same quest as someone else you gotta press A on the quest board next to the counter

It came with it. I bought a used one and haven't researched on how to get the japanese store or however it works. I have little to no time after work. Thank you.

Oh and
Nothing really is a liability if you're good enough but hunting horn and gunlance have the slowest kill times out of them all.

thinking of picking up monster hunter 4 ultimate any suggestions?

Last time i played a monster hutner game was back on the psp and i quit after the first dragon

4U is probably the best for newcomers

Any suggestions? I know nothing

Uhnnn play the game? What are you expecting m8

what got me into these styles of games was Freedom Wars which i love immensely and i know that Monster hunter is completely different.
Im simply wondering like any suggestions for starting out, good builds and tips on how to kill certain monsters?

also how badly will the camera rape me?

Oh uhn, just don't use hunting horn or gunlance if you wanna kill shit fast solo, I guess.

Pretty easy to manage with the semi lock on thing, even easier with a N3DS. It's only really aproblem with Najarala(snek)

what are the best weps to start up with?

Experiment with each one, the early stages of the game put you through a lot of basic gathering and small monster quests to give you a chance to get a feel for different weapons. There are weapons people love and hate, but it's very much playstyle opinion.

The simplest and easiest weapons to start out with are probably Sword and Shield, Longsword, Dual Blades, and Lance. Lance is very plain, the simplest and least complex weapon, and it will teach you the value of positioning yourself very early on. SnS is fast and fairly simple, DBs are even faster and also generally better in most ways (in 4U), but have a "demon mode" mechanic where you toggle into a special mode that drains stamina, fill up a gauge, and then use up that gauge to enhance your regular mode's attacks. It's very simple, and very easy. LS is focused on filling up a gauge, using it to unleash a special combo, and then getting a temporary buff that grows stronger each time you manage to finish the combo (up to 3 times). You should experiment with a lot of the other weapons early on though, and see what feels most fun. Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are both very, very OP in 4U, and are extremely popular with people who don't want to learn how to actually play. Expect to be mercilessly bullied if you admit to using either. (Both are actually a lot of fun, and in the right hands really good, they just attract a tonne of shitters who rely on their most broken aspects as a crutch without being able to do anything else right; these sorts of people are often more of a harm than a help, because both of these weapons can trip up other players very, very easily.)

What the other guy said about naja is 100% true though, naja will camera rape you no matter what. He gets this weird camera auto-adjustment thing to try to compensate for his strange bodytype and movements, but it's broken and buggy so it makes fighting him hellish.

Kut-ku is gonna take your ass to school on when to attack and when not to attack, i hope you like eating dirt because your gonna be tail slapped all over the map.

Use items with your weapon drawn and fast combos with a lunging attack to close the gap and the all important OH-SHIT-ITS-COMING-RIGHT-AT-ME emergency shield that isn't as tanky as a Lance or Gunlance shield but will stop your HP bar vanishing as you lose the staring contest with a pissed off Tigrex.
Best weapon to use against Raths with flashbombs

Are damn awesome just demon dance to fill your gauge then spin2win, real DB masters are ninjas and never get hit at all due to them rotating at the same speed as sanic himself but made of evasion+1 and razor sharp.

The go-to weapon for nearly everyone due the hit-and-run tactics that keep you from eating red hot Rajang dick.
Draw attack, slap, roll, put that shit away and find an opening to land a LVL 3 charge on the head. Rinse and repeat.
Everyone has a pocket Great sword set for when serious shit NEEDS to git done, even gunners have a pocket GS set

The only weapon to feature on the French flag, R+B your way to G1 and don't forget to gem in Attack up L and only Attack up L.

fundamental fuck up

Nope! The weapons with the fastest kill times in 4U are IG and GS, CB is mid-high tier like DB from what I recall.

Doing it wrong.



Come join me in MH4U fagboys.
I'm farming g rank basarios and i want to make quick work of it, we can alternate with stuff you need.
Room 52-4245-2255-1677 pass 8888


i'm already playing vith someone

Why Basarios?
Got any really good GQ's?

i'm mostly done, now i'm up for anything

to anyone who doesn't know:
Bombs do FIXED damage, which means they'll do the same amount of damage no matter where you put them. So on Nakarkos/Atrulka/Lao, DON'T put them on weakspots as you'd do far more damage just shooting at them, and the bomb will also disrupt your teammates hard killing DPS.
Also, anyone wants to play some MHXX?

Fucking ell. Finally got a pattern 7 Hidden Axe with a power phial and it's poison.


Get fucked.
Wordplay isn't reddit tier you asshat.

He's right, though.

Gawddamn son.
Reddit ruins everything. Again.

Got a New 3DSXL to replace my broken one, been a good 2 months without it now. I thought I'd lost all 800+ hours of my MH4U data, turns out the save files were on-cart! Man i'm so fucking happy. Unfortunately, MHGen saves are NOT on-cart, so i'm having to start that from scratch. I'd only had about 120 hours into MHGen at the time though, so nothing major lost. Regardless, i'm pretty fucking giddy. I thought i'd lost it all.

Starting shit. Haven't even hunted a Large Monster yet.
Just starting again.
Bherna shit
GunLance. After vehemently disavowing the changes they made to it from MH4U to MHGen, i'm giving it a real shot this time. I still don't like it as much as MH4U's GL, but it's not as bad as I thought
Pink Rathian


also I hope you got XX not Gen

What's wrong with the gunlance? I'm debating between using it or heavy bow, because I like shooting things.

What did I fuck up?

Disregard, I'm retarded. Wish I could get the boot selector with a QR code.

You mean High Rank Lance?

Gunlance is the worst weapon in the game next to hunting horn.
Ironically lose the gun part and you have the most damaging weapon in the game


I didn't even know there WAS a Korean version, that must've been one hell of a fuck up

Anyone wants to help me with a HR5 huntathon in MHGen?


After a certain point of research gunlance excels at producing the most damage with minimal effort, especially since it's one of the safest weapons in the game. Don't know about g and g+(since dont play xx), but it works well pretty much until the endgame in gen where you probably should change your setups regardless of your main.
HH on the other hand is pretty much a FU tier useless. And I'm telling this as a FU mp HH&Sns main.

It's a gimmick weapon that people don't and won't get, because it's too gimmicky and doesn't shine in a true autistic scenario - TA.

The trick is
the changes overall make gl a better performing weapon.

Sorry I wanna beat a monster in under 5 mins if I do really well instead of 13, I guess I must be autistic.

I thought that was in p3rd when it was a mid tier weapon, though?

What the FUCK is going on with the site? Tells me my reply doesn't even go through, try to send another one, turns out it fucking did, try to delete one so no double-post, "oh hey fuck you 502"

God damn it codemonkey fix your shit

Dunno, didn't play much of P3rd. I played 3U a lot, and really enjoyed the GL play in that too though.

i know i know
I don't trust myself to not fuck up my 3DS a second time though.

You are retarded. TA performance doesn't have an equal or even remotely resembling performance scale to an average run. If it takes for you more than x1.3 the time with GL compared to your average hunt - you literally don't know what you are doing thus you don't know what you are talking about.
I'm sorry to break it down to you, but it actually was the worst in 4u.

Randoms are always there for you, unlike Holla Forums regulars, which on top of that can take more than twice the time to hunt a monster.

oh, right, now both posts are gone.

do explain.

If you think that a good GL run can get anywhere close a good GS run you're just clueless. I've mained both in 3U and yes, even back then GL had way, way less DPS on a solo hunt(even if it was butter smooth to use underwater).
Everyone I've played with so far has been mid tier at worst

>everything else gets boosted while gl stays behind

I don't think, I know.
and yes, you don't know what you are talking about if you bring this up as a backup for your argument.
Do you have any counter arguments to a statement that after the initial burn out (several months) it's pretty much impossible to gather a full room of shitposters to hunt with unlike randoms that can stay there for years or you are just trying to look good without any?

Also, that was a jab at you for stating that you'd hunt with GL almost 3 times longer than an average hunt. Though I wouldn't be surprised if my statement was true for the burnouts.

Let's see some proof then. I can say that on an optimum scenario, a GS hunt will take on average 450secs and a GL one will take around 780(on 4U)(against 140 GQ monsters solo). Feel free to explain to me why won't this hold true in other hunts.
Maybe read my post next time, I specifically said that he should get XX so that he can enjoy the Holla Forums regulars while they last.


And yeah, don't blame me on misreading an underlying context if you fail to do so yourself.
That's nice and all, but I'd say that it's more important to enjoy games and enjoy them at your own pace. Though that's a personal choice.

Like a clockwork.


I can prove the same in Gen or XX too, albeit with different numbers, although GL will always lose to anything except HH.
Tell you what, choose a monster that's in XX, ANY monster at all, I'll go hunt it with GS, you hunt it with GL, then we both post a picture of our kill times, sounds fair right? We'll see who scores best.

We could try that, sure, albeit there is a difference in philosophy and strategies related to the weapons and players in question, not that it matters much if results get a careful observation and understanding.
Zinogre sounds like a fair game.
I have only gen. If we are going to do this, then even though we are checking the time let's just compare chill hunts, maybe with a restart or two if something exceptionally unlucky happens, but that's up to you to decide.


Sounds fair, I'll need some time to arrange some high rank gear so that the competition can be fair though, as all my equipment is G rank at the moment.
Allow palicoes y/n

btw tell me your set so that I can get something comparable

I miss my cute farm and smearing monster shit all over the floor.

Guard +2
Artillery Expert
Load up
lvl 4 shots
Deviant crab gl
Dragon Breath III

But that's the ultimate set, I could switch to an earlier one that is pretty much the same but
No load up
Non deviant
Blast dash III

I play with palicoes. Though in my case they aren't just useless distractions and can deal some serious damage\give serious advantage since they are high lvl boomerang support ones. I could switch them for lower ones.

I convinced my uni classmates to play Monster Hunter freedom (portable), we already have a server for us and shit, any tips for total newcomers?

Should've went with a freedom unite if you are going for a serious playthrough.

I was hoping for something faster to do solo like the rathalos tail in mh4u or the sakura method.

Pretty sure you can do the normal method and just farm 10 of the item to turn in and still get the things.

The new method gets you 3-6 stacks of 5-7 charms each. If you don't suck it's probably still faster.

why is that?

Because ultimate iterations of the series alone take at least 500 hours each, and you are going for a non-g rank game there.
Though if you are prepared for the trip, you could complete mhf and then "transfer" save(doesn't transfer progress) to mhf2 and then transfer to mhfu(does transfer).

explain this plz
what does transfer here?

Congrats on the find, user. I hope you crack your n3ds and make an eternal backup of your saves to your SD card as a result of this experience. On second thought, you may not even need to crack your ds, it might be able to be done via homebrew.

I never bother with charms
I just use homebrew

Basically there are 5 difficulties(well 7 if we count newer games):
Village low rank - very easy;
Guild low rank - easy;
Village High rank - normal;
Guild High rank - hard;
Guild G-rank - brutal.
(Newer games add Village G-rank and Above G-rank guild quests)
Village is solo quests, guild have multiplayer available.
Only ultimate games have g-rank and there are usually more monsters added that are exclusive to g.
MHF to MHF2 - some tickets that are barely worth anything I believe, just make it easier to do LR quests.
MHF2 to MHFU - items up to rarity 3(so no monster materials) and equipment up to rare 4(LR equipment), anything that doesn't fall into this turns into zenny which isn't worth shit.


Initial releases of Monster Hunter titles generally have lower and higher grade quests, with the higher grade unlocking after you clear the lower grade quests. Each title has also had a "G" edition of the game (Monster Hunter G, Monster Hunter 2G, etc.) which is the base game but with more content, including a G grade of quests which are harder than the higher grades from before.

ty m8

if it were as fun as grinding for rare monster parts I wouldn't mind

Alright, use wahtever.
6 stars HR topple the monarch quest btw. My skills were punish draw, crit draw, crit boost and focus

Fuck off, I'll farm for charms when the method involves doing something fun(Although this brach method in XX a step in the right direction for sure)

The talismans you get from normal play should be more than enough for what you need. The fact that you need to cheat to get perfect ones shows that you are over reliant on having more damage output than you should and thus you don't actually know how to play properly as a result.

By this same logic you could infer that you shouldn't make new weapons because you're overreliant on damage output, or never wear any armor because you're being overreliant on the defense it gives.
Fact is, I can build the standart meme set with all the damage up skills(crit boost, crit eye+2-3, sharpness/razor sharp, and weakness exploit) using crap charms that were gotten from HR hunts, all higher charms do is help you add utility skills to the mix such as HG plugs, tremor res, etc.
Addendum:Due to the hp bloat in G rank, there's nothing wrong with seeking higher damage outputs, as a few skills there and there can turn a 15 min hunt into a 10 min one. If you really doubt that I know how to play properly hit me up on XX and we'll hunt something

Except no because the numbers on weapons and armor are meant to be balanced with the same tier of monsters you get them from.
These are skills that give you more openings which is a much bigger deal that you seem to think. Earplugs for example gives GS a free level 3 charge to the face, possibly 2 if the hit causes a stagger.

I'll hunt whatever you want me to hunt with a 0 skill clownsuit.

Getting a perfect charm is pure luck, there is no skill involved. How is spending countless hours on mining runs instead of actually hunting monsters "earning" anything? You don't earn charms, because there is no measurement of skill or worth or ability involved with acquiring them; it's purely based on RNG, and how much time someone is willing to spend performing an extremely trivial and monotonous task repeatedly until they happen to get a favorable series of coinflips.

At least with this new brachy method it's not completely trivial and mindless grinding anymore, and faster than before.

How is getting mantles earning anything? Might as well just hunt every monster once with your god charms and save edit in every piece of equipment they can make afterward. Why the fuck are you playing the game if you don't even want to play the game?

I love how you didn't even reply to my proposal of we hunting shit naked, scared of being proven wrong?

You heard it here first folks, the gunlance outdamages every weapon in the game including the gunlance, and doing a simple charm farming method is basically just save editing in every piece of equipment

I'll go back to playing Monster Hunter, and you can stick to playing Mining Simulator, okay?

When the fuck did I say anything about gunlance?

Restarted once because he pushed me off the shortcut cliff. Would've been ~44 if he didn't run past the felyne pitfall trap.

Only a 36~ sec difference, not bad. How about one without cades now?

44, I can't into math.

told ya
I could try if you would insist, it's just that I'm accustomed to them in this style. That is If it's your crude spelling of "cats", otherwise I have no idea what you are talking bout.

44~ out of 350~ secs is a 12%~ difference. Keeping in mind that you used two cades, and that your damage would be much lower in G rank due to shells doing fixed values, I don't see how am I wrong. I'd expect the difference to become at least 25-30% in a G rank Zinogre

Well, I've only talked from gen experience and could only speculate what a proper brave would do. As far as it goes I did prove
given the context. And 1.3 is still within range of what I stated as an acceptable deviation.
This doesn't say much, since I could say that not using cats is actually beneficial to a gs playstyle and that we could keep in mind that you've skipped taking a hot drink just to get a bit of time. Come on, man.

I have a long, long way to go with this thing. I know it's a good weapon because I've seen people tear shit apart with it, but I can NOT get the hang of it.

an*, posting at 5 AM is a hell of a drug

Use the control scheme that makes select do the charge.
Select > A/X is your bread and butter damage dealer, does around 80~ MV total if you get a charge hit in and the finisher in.(For reference, a level 2 GS charge does 77 MV)

Just solo'd my first HR100 deviant, drilltusk tetsu.
Took a bit over 30 mins, I got really tired towards the end. Only carted once surprisingly. Punish draw helped less than I thought it would, even though it has 23k~ hp I only managed to stun it twice, must be the huge status effect resistance supers get as well. Took 4-5 tries(although in all the other ones I abandoned at the 5~ minute mark due to carting too soon, in this one the first cart was over 25 mins in)

So wow you were just wrong, go figure. Not only did you use cats, but you were still slower than the GS. The damage difference only increases in G-rank, so looks like Gunlance just like everyone knows, is the worst dps weapon in the game next to horn

You are retarded.

Super Silverwind nargacuga down!
18:13, way faster than I imagined. Way harder than tetsu, I'd often restart due to it carting me before the 5 minute mark. It ended up suddenly dying at less than 20 when I was expecting at least 10 more minutes of white narga cock.

You don't even have a fallback for your pathetic "GL is actually the highest dps in the game" nonsense anymore.
At least stop being an autist and admit you're a dumbass and GL is not a high dps weapon.

Is there any way to divorce the Start and Select buttons? When I change the option in the menu it makes both change over, which makes the menu inaccessible during hunts.

Also, if anyone's alive, we need to start opening up hunting rooms again, it's been a while.

Also, what's MV?

Soloing these super deviants looks fun, I'm currently doing Deviant Quests in Gen (Next up I'm doing Deadeye VIII).

XX or 4U?

I've been playing XX. My save data for 4G is gone, but I could start a new 4G file if anyone wanted to do that game from scratch.

I don't have any 4G data at all so we could go with that, let me just download the dlc and make a new character.

If you change the select/start buttons, you just gotta enter the menu through the touchscreen.
Also yes I'm up for a few hunts, just put a room up

MV are motion values, they determine how stronk an attack is. 20 MV does 20% of the weapon's raw, 70 does 70%, etc, etc.

Sounds like a plan

Damn, screw that, I'll just stick to RXA for the move then.

Sounds like we're doing early game 4G, if you're game for that.

Ah, those, always wondered where to find those.

Oh, damn. I only have a 4U save, not 4G, I'll have to pass.
Changes from X to XX are basically:
Spin2Win DB attack goes from 7, 7, 7, 7, 10+10 = 48 total to 5, 5, 5, 5, 10+10 = 40 on Adept and Brave.
Lance's charge finisher goes from 70 to 67

Oh and since you know japanese, there's a guide out with all the MVs of all moves of all styles in jap floating around, I don't know where to find it though

We'd be starting from scratch, though obviously if you don't already have the game, that'd be the kicker.

Fair enough, I'll have to poke around some more sometime.

Character made, downloading shit now. I wonder if DBs are fun.

Alright, running through the tutorial fight right now.


Nice, I'll pop in as soon as the cinematic ends

I'm getting a not found error, did it go down?

Fug, it didn't. Maybe you should try making one.



I think I realized the problem. I'm in Gen, not 4G.

Was about to ask if you were sure you were in 4G and not vanilla 4, but that would cause it too, yeah.

I don't have enough room to download the jap version of 4u, we could either play XX or the American version of X or 4U.

Ah, I don't even have an NA 3DS, so XX it is I suppose. Since it sounds like you went ahead and rolled a fresh character, did you want to work on that, or switch to the higher tier stuff?

If you're still around, sounds like we're moving to XX after all!

I'm up for anything, I don't mind getting higher level shit right away. Not too attached to XX considering I can barely ready anything.

I'm game for anything, just checking since if you're using a fresh character we'll need to open the room at the Gathering Area instead of the bar.

yeah the character is fresh off the boat

No problem, just switching up gear and I'll make the room.

Solo Atrulka in 8:14.

I really love gunlance user, it's just not worth it yet.

Pass: 2439

Thanks for the hunts guys, I should probably get some sleep anyway.

thanks for the hunts

What's your rank in 4u?

almost 280

When did MHXX release exactly in Japan? I want to get a good idea of how long its been since ports usually take about 6-12 months.

Around a month and two weeks

Oh okay. How is the translation on the custom patch? I may swap over to XX, been playing Gen and only to village 4* so I'm not too fussed about swapping.

I forgot to mention I'd likely get absurdly lost if there are a lot of things un-translated. That's why I ask how good it is

Everything except dialogue is translated. You don't really need the dialogue for anything so it works pretty damn well.

Alright cool. I just got around to trying out aerial switch axe in gen, shit's disgusting the damage output I can do. Are there any other easy mode weapon + styles? I honestly want to avoid them.

Brave anything is easy mode. I'd say that adept DB could be considered easy mode as well(it's so damn fun, though)

March 18th

Anything Brave, and most melee with Aerial or ranged with Bushido I would say. Hunting Styles as a whole are just really overpowered.

The amount of i.frames with no armor skills kind of disgusted me with adept. What is Brave like if it's more op than these evades?

Another super deviant down, Heavenly Eye Mizutsune, took 30 minutes. This one was the hardest by far.
To actually get some decent in I had to purposedly make it rage every once in a while, the worst part was that it's a guaranteed gold crown, it's big enough to turn most attacks that could be easily dodged in a single roll take perfect timing. Overall this was just a nightmare to fight. I opted out of earplugs for this one, since after a while I could just roll through the roars unscathed without any evasion skills.
I feel like punish draw helped a lot, although I only got one stun total, it managed to tire out mizu at least 3 times during the fight.
The last >10% hp were hellish, it will start ignoring its "rage when you're bubbled" mechanic and just start raging 24/7, it'd often stop raging, get hit once, then rage.

Brave is like adept but with even more power and instead of having to actually dodge you just hold Y and become invencible.

Neato, probably going to be one of those 'I only use guild and striker' memers because I like the traditional styles.

One last question, I don't know much about cfw. I have it all installed and using freeshop and everything, but how do I change the region and is it easy to do quickly? I have a lot of USA-locked stuff that I play and if it'll take like 30 minutes to region swap I just won't bother

That's the way to go tbh. Brave gets plain boring after a while, and makes you play like shit.
I didn't have to region swap at all to play online, just booted it up and it werked

So wait, I can just download XX via that QRCode/FreeShop and it'll boot/go online on my American device?

To be fair, with Bushido you're invincible to everything, whereas Brave seems to have some shit it can't Inashi through. I can't for the life of me figure out what though, it seems really random.


You can brave through LITERALLY anything, and it's even better than adept on most cases because the recoil animation is 100% iframes.

There's been quite a few times where I'm holding the button down and still got hit. At first I thought it was because of facing, but there's been a few where I swear I was hit head on from the front and Inashi still didn't trigger.

It only works if you're facing the same direction as the attack, yeah. But besides that everything can be Inashi'd through. Some attacks might have weird hitboxes(like barioth's tail swipe) and might hit you even though you're braving in front of them, though. Still stronger than adept on most cases

Dumb question, what is this "NTR Plugin" mentioned by the patch.

Havent played monhun since portable 3rd

Is XX even emulatable?


"Adept" is the Just Dodge/Guard from Bushido? If so yeah, I definitely agree that Brave is the better defensive and offensive Style, if only because of just how vulnerable you are in the post dodge animation, just it's happened often enough that I couldn't say in full confidence that Inashi worked on EVERYTHING.

It gives you i frames and "adept rolls" in the middle of combos if i heard correctly.
Like for the back+A backhop of the sword and shield, that becomes an evade.
I clearly remember sheating your greatsword also makes you invincible.

Sheating anything makes you invencible


On a PC? It's probably going to be a while before 3DS is emulatable on PC. The machine itself is broken wide open though, so it's easy to pirate on it.

Wew so its PSP all over again.

Are 3DSs soft-flashable or is hardware fuckery required?

No hardware modification required anymore, as long as you're on firmware 11.3 or lower (so anything below the absolute newest) you're good to go.

If I followed does that mean I have the NTR Plugin mentioned by the English patch?

Don't think so, you can always download it separately though

How would I go about that?

just jewgle ntr?
:^), but seriously, the patch page gives you the correct name and a link to it I think

Oh. That was easy. The shit I was finding when I googled NTR plugin was going over my head.

Shibby dibby there's nothing on my home screen to run.

did you install the cia through fbi buddy

Turns out that isn't NTR on the patch page that user said, it's just the translation patch. Where the hell do I get NTR?

I hate spoonfeeding

Does it matter if I have Luma and arm9loaderhax? I'm a complete retard and just follow steps

The BootNTR.cia is 404'd rip my life

Try getting it from here

Current firmware not supported

I don't know then dude, I may have the cia laying around, I'll look around it for you

By the way, anyone wants to play some XX?

Well, I managed to get it to work but MHXX won't update. It just says that it updated but it didn't actually update.

Weird, try looking for an update cia then

An update cia for MHXX..? I got it right from the freeshop, strange. I tried to just launch it outright but it just hangs on the Nintendo 3DS splash screen forever.

Back in the day I updated with a cia, yeah. Eshop took too long to get the update(maybe never did)

Where do I find the update cia's? Tried some looking around on google and there are so many different ones, what's the current version?

Current version should be 1.1.
I got it from a mega link from this thread

I found an update in eShop, time to play monhan!

Super snowbaron lagombi down, this was certainly the worst one so far.
The fight was quite easy, I got it on my third try as GS, but jesus was it boring. This guy had more health than the super mizu, with twice the status resistance(only got one stun, like 30 mins in, despite me focusing on the head 24/7).
To make matters worse, his hitzones are all terrible(25k~ hp, only butt and face take decent damage at 42 and 40 respectively).
Being a gold crown also made the hitbox of lots of his attacks wildly inconsistent, it seems to be impossible to dodge his circular spin without a degree of luck, and his snowball attacks will hit you on his sides somehow.
Almost 40 minutes, fuck me. Having to refresh hot drinks every once in a while only made it worse

I really want to try out XX because brave style looks interesting and I just got my hori grip in the mail, but my 3ds is fully updated and I won't be getting another one until summer. When I get my new one is it worth hacking the old just for XX or is the online dying at too much of an accelerated rate to bother? Also the grip is like sex in purple robes, holy shit its comfier than most controllers I've used.

I'm still playing a ton of XX myself, so I'd say it's worth it.

Sorry to break it to you but brave is too OP to be fun, but I'd say that yeah, it's totally worth it.
Online seems to be as alive as it was at launch, it'll only be hard to find rooms if you're farming some specific deviants that don't give any good weapons or armor(like redhelm arzurus).

Super dreadqueen dead.
Easiest one so far, did it on my third or fourth real attempt, even though I forgot whetstones. Carted twice because her head bounces off blue

The quest to beat all supers without using cheese mode styles continues.
This one was awful, that's all I have to say. Fuck dreadking and fuck ingle island.

The one with the "stick" on the left shoulder? Prepare for mild disappointment.

Super Shreadclaw dead! As dead as this thread, rip
This one is so much fucking fun, he has everything, precise, strong attacks, that can be iframe'd through, strong, flashy attacks that are hard to dodge, two different fight styles(ranged and close range), his claw sharpening gimmick, this is some really, really great stuff. One of the funnest ones so far, right next to divinesight mizu.

Is there an Holla Forums monster hunter discord server?
There's a 4chan one, and naturally, it sucks shit bad. People post tumblr memes, Pokemon, and half the users are tripcode enthusiasts.

for what purpose

The only other chat program people actually use is Telegram, which requires a phone number to join, will kick you out if you disconnect the phone so you can't use a fake number, and notifies everyone in your phone's contact list regularly of your telegram account, even adds them automatically without your consent, so they'll all know you're a furfag.

I don't care about any of that stuff personally. I don't care about invasion of privacy or power level meme. I just don't want to talk with people who use phones regularly. What better way to identify a normalfag than ownership of a phone? What reason is there to own one other than employment or friends? It's disgusting. A chat program of nothing but normalfags.

I'll take discord's reddit memes over that any day.

What, no. I meant it more in a "why do you need a group chat for this" kind of way.

I want to play with the same person(s) consistently instead of posting "i made a room" 10 times a day in these shitty empty threads where a different guy will join each time of varying playing quality/style, internet connection and HR.

Also, speed of communication.

Well, that has never been needed before, but by all means go ahead and create one if you feel like it'd help.
There's in-game chat

It's this one, and so far it works fantastic but the buttons feel a little loose which is fine. Ironically when I was looking up info and getting opinions on it people were saying the buttons were too stiff and sensitive.

Did some posts get deleted? It feels like glitches are going on.

Athena won't let me add charms. Is it happening to you too?

0.20b had the charm function come out a big buggy, try downloading 0.21

i am using 0.21

Are you adding them individually or using the impor function?

I also tried to update an old charm to see if it changes but nothing.

Uhn, weird. If you're on cfw, you could just extract the charm.csv from your save file and import everything at once

You are not one iota better than a candy crush addicted soccer mom, you piece of trash.
Do a flip, faggot.

Why is that anime yelling at a loaf of bread?

I just got pic related in MH4U and i feel like a goddamn french shitter.
I added handicraft and earplugs+ with decorations, and this thing could carry me anywhere, what the fuck.

It's actually a mango yelling at an isopod shaped phone.

Bon voyage mon ami.

On a related note, how the fuck do i get the sword and shield?

gg. Bien joue.

Because I've never stated that?

If there is an option to play with your hands and not with your ass, then people would prefer that option, same goes for communication - if there is an option to instant message or voice talk instead of communicating with crippled touch screen that has a character limit and is also limited to guild hall, then people would prefer the former.

There is, but they were kinda detaching themselves from these threads. I'll give you a clue "steam", with that you'll be able to find it with enough determination.

Are you fucking retarded? You have slots for 72 pre set messages and they come out in a fucking instant, and will be seen first because only a retard will be focusing on some outside chat instead of the fucking game, I don't see why'd you need more outside that.
[why intensifies]

Then why in the fuck waste time interacting with them? That's what happened to 4chan's /mhg/ discord faggotry, now there's a neverending civil war between tripfaggotry attentionwhores on discord and everybody else in the actual threads.

There is never ever not ever a case where non-anonymous communities don't turn into pure cancer.

Well, the only thing I observe here is a lil bit of elitism with an attempt to distance themselves from a public eye.
And if there is some kind of attentionwhoring or holy war going then by far I'm probably the most dedicated shitposter, and I would be that way regardless if I joined the group or not. So I'd say it's pretty chill, sometimes too chill so that it's cold frost and no vidyagames could be played.
There is ever been a case where an anonymous community didn't turn into pure cancer?

Did you ask yourself this before saying everything that you've said? Of course not. Because
is not a smart answer to my arguments. The point is what MH chat doesn't have compared to a normal chat instant messaging, it doesn't have comfortable typing input, doesn't have a comfortable message length(because it's made for runes that have twice the efficiency per character) and is limited to guild hall.
now I know that you ar
e retarded and won't u
nderstand me by expl
aining this to you like
to a real human bean s
o I'll explain it to you
like you have a braind
I personally don't care
about in-game intera
ction and can roll with
whatever, but I'm not t
hat autistic to not bei
ng able to relate to ot
her people, like you c
urrently are right now.
If you love playing vid
eogames with your a
ss, no one is stoping
you, but don't go argu
ing with other sensibl
e people how playing
fps with a controller, f
or example, is more c
omfortable than with a
Now if that is not eno
ugh explanation then
I'll add a little more, s
ee how much it took t
o write a three, I mean
four simple sentences,
then imagine how mu
ch it would take to ex
plain anything to ano
ther person, if you ar
e autistic enough to c
ommunicate that way
then be aware that oth
er people might not be
such way.

Why'd you ever want to actually chat in game? The in game chat is for simple messages which fit the cap, such as
"cap pls"
"kill pls"
"forgot drinks"
"forgot 2eat"
"I'll sleep it"
"I'll para it"
"I'll trap it!"

Because sometimes you need to explain stuff in real time? Or just have a fun social/coop experience with people you got acquainted with.
The only thing that in-game chat can supply is comfortable interaction with randoms(since it's so limiting and repulsing to actually use for anything other than simple commands).

Eh, if I liked people like that I wouldn't browse anonymous imageboards.

I'd say in moderation, a certain bit of elitism is necessary - appealing to the lowest common denominator has killed countless franchises like Fire Emblem and MegaTen.

We run rooms in XX here pretty damn often though? I haven't personally been able to participate lately due to being sick as a dog, but we play pretty frequently here.

If you want to talk, that's what the thread is for though?

Any tactic or strategy, some specific mechanics or just explaining what you are doing and how, which doesn't directly relate to any of the former. Sleep bombing, teostras nova, bow coating swaps, specific help offerings(surely there will be times where 72 is not enough or you just didnt bother to come up with every possible situation imaginable), specific drop hunting and so on.
Well, some people like both.

Should've probably replied to the other person since I can see this from that point of view.
That can be precisely the problem and the reason for what I'm saying to be true. Now you are burning through XX, 2 years later(maybe even way earlier) it would be practically impossible to gather anyone to play gengen, even though thread would be up and running.
Context based in the moment comments made as a reply to the thread look exceptionally unnatural and rude to the ones that are not involved. In-game "lol" doesn't really cut it and you won't be holding the thing that you wanted to comment on for the entirety of the hunt, so it would be a lacking experience for people that greatly enjoy that kind of stuff.

"bring bombs"
What is pinging? It's not like you'd be able to type it up in a chat fast enough
What do you mean? Telling people to bring you coatings or saying in chat that you'll swap coatings?(Because ???)
like ???
Can be solved by telling people you need X break on in game chat(doesn't even need to be pre set, since you gotta do it before the hunt) and/or hunt pls/cap pls

If you're talking about a potential foreign version of the game, I don't see why that would be relevant? If anything that just sounds like a symptom of fans of the franchise not being willing to put up with terrible localizations that remove content and tone down the difficulty, all while insulting them to boot. I can't speak for everyone, but personally I would never play a Monster Hunter in English.

I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about here, sorry.

1st, the key word is explaining. As in, explaining sleep bombing, explaining teostras nova and how you will be pinging and so on and so forth. Not everyone is always on the meta and discriminating people based on a fact that they don't know something, well, you do that, and I'll stick with being more humane.
2nd, if you think just saying short hints is enough to fill others on everything that you are intending to do, then you must've been born yesterday.
Again, 1) in-game chat, as we've already established is not fit for explaining anything properly.
2) Saying that you need X, isn't enough to motivate/explain to others in detail why they should be following all of your instructions, even if you perfectly understand how are they required to do this. They don't.

You are so small of a minority that there isn't even a point in establishing your case.
English version works well for people that can't be bothered(or outright can't) to patch XX(and subsequently save transfer when gengen becomes relevant) that don't know jap(most people dont know jap). Then there are also people that are not up to date and are still playing 4u or didn't even start playing mh. For those it's wise to wait for a version that doesn't involve buttfucking.
It's bad to not have translations good enough, but it's even worse to not being able to read at all.
Player launching another into a flying monster stagger, cat stealing quest item and dying in lava, monster sniping you with a well timed projectile in an area that can only be entered by a continuous fall, comments on that kind of stuff. Or even more mundane things like 4u's mount fail via area exit or cham stealing your last mp. Simple "lol" or "fuck" shout out doesn't cut it and feels robotic, unnatural compared to, for example, a rage outburst. It's more entertaining to express yourself fully and have interaction out of it, even if it does nothing for the metagame.


Why'd I want to play with someone who doesn't understand either sleep bombing or teostra's nova? I might as well go to random at this point
If I'm gonna be playing with people who don't care when I say "I need X break", again, I might as well go play with randoms.


Because not everyone has the same experience as you? Some people might not have touched those topics, because they weren't really relevant to their hunts. Or they could know the basics but don't know the details, because why bother? Plus there are more and more new people playing monhun that can be quite good. Quickly filling them on meta in real time is more productive than being a dick.
The point isn't that they didn't get you, the point is they are not filled in on everything that "I need X break" implies and interpret your instructions or signals as trying to be bossy.
Anyway, here is another example of how separate IM option can be very beneficial. You play with a person you know and a random joins, maybe you need a competent random. So your buddy says "hey, he looks like a shitter", you say "nah, he is fine, look here", if there is no such option then that would create a tense atmosphere, that could be detrimental to someones enjoyment.

I like how everyone is ignoring the possibility of avoiding cases such as
having an actual chat helps more than you think

Because that possibility isn't relevant to what we are actually arguing and even if it was it can be countered easily by this:
Imagine these randoms telling YOU how to play properly.

At this point, I'd rather play with randoms.
If someone gets pissed over that he's a faggot who's probably not even from here anwyays, assuming we're doing turns(because turns is the way to go) then when it's my turn I am kang, if I say sub out people should sub out, likewise for breaks. Normally if I ever need a specific break I'll just targed it myself though, since one person focusing is more than enough to get it unless it's something like rajang's tail.(which is an useless break).
Why'd I play with both people I know and randoms? Seems retarded, 2 people is more than enough to clear every single quest already.
I'd rather not play with someone bad enough at GS to bring brimstone to any hunt, thanks.

You could've ended it here really.
Not pissed, reluctant to follow your every instruction, since they might think that they know better.
Back breaks if you aren't playing mount or ranged weapon, hellblade powders. It's easier to seize the moment via communication now, than somehow prepare yourself specifically for that break or search specialized rooms.
Farming hp bloats can be quite tedious.
Look, even in partial context you've managed to show yourself making a wrong conclusion about the situation allowing for someone knowing to be a dick towards you, in a theoretical situation of course.

Again, if I'm going to play with stuck up shits, I could go with randumbs.
Back breaks are mostly useless, if you need them so badly then you should play a weapon that can get them instead. You're not only allowed to use a single weapon the entire game you know?
Do you really need coordination to throw a flash and gather the shiny?
By all means, go ahead and get good please, the only monsters with real hp bloat are super deviants.
Using brimstone, not like using rapid fire rain, roundforce 3, ground slash, or other dozens of useless arts, only shows that you know nothing about the game and demostrates that you are on the level of a random. When I play with Holla Forums I expect people to be semi competent(more often than not they surpass my expectations and we have a really good time together);

*not unlike using…

Super stonefist hermitaur in a bit more than 15 minutes. This was the easiest one so far. He's not built for fighting LBG at all, and his face staggers are insanely long. No breaks at all since gunner for life, hitting the head only(sorry HH :^)).

Or you could just ask of your partner to change a bit of focus while you do your own part better than if you were to switch to a weapon that is able to get that break.
anyway, coordination would be quite nice for getting all 3 shinies instead of, less than 3 before the monster dies.

You are incoherent, instead of researching possibilities and quickly grasping upon a strategy that is implied, you go on a ramble of how I am incompetent, when you are yourself that way in a current situation while also acting like a stuck up shit. Why someone like you would even consider playing with you? Because, by your own admission, it's better to play with randoms in that situation.

That's a bit selfish of you don't you think?
If you're playing in group there's no reason not to go gather the things as soon as the monster unfocus on you(besides loss of dps but if you're farming charms it doesn't matter I guess).
With two competent players, how long would a random or two speed up the hunt? If anything it slows it down since it adds a risk of failure because randoms are cart prone.
This is a fact, brimstone is a shit art, if you're using it for a serious hunt, you're a shit GS user.
I never said you were imcompetent, unless.
Expecting a modicum of skill isn't being stuck up, because again, as I said, if I'm going to play with people who suck I'd rather just use randoms.
Because I host and regularly get into Holla Forums rooms? Because I can talk in the ingame chat instead of having to use a botnet for it?

Wanting a break is selfish. If you can quickly communicate your thought to a teammate and explain that he can easily get it for you, without you dropping your best equipment for the job and dropping down team's performance, then I don't see anything exceptionally selfish here.
You are missing the point.
I'd say at least by 30%. And I'd rather have that speed up. Because HP bloats, unsurprisingly, quite a long time.
HP bloats are usually not that hard, anyone slightest bit competent can do the hunt.
1. You are self contradicting here.
2. You are still ignoring whatever strategy that could be there that could make brimstone useful, creating a situation where I'd probably have to explain you, which I'm not going to do since you are arguing that a person from imageboards should be competent enough to grasp entirety of the situation with little to no explanation.
see 2., you are being stuck up.
That's a non sequitur. Whatever that you do run Holla Forums rooms perfectly fine or not is irrelevant, I'm just using your own logic as my own to make a decision about you, to potentially show you how it is shit.

take quite a long time.*

Wanting people to change their playstyles to suit your needs is selfish. Change yours instead.
There is no point, gathering shinies is as easy as that.
If the fight is being lengthy like that you're A- not doing your part or B- being inconsiderate enough to put up such a long hunt when you're not good enough to handle it.
If anyone can do it why not farm it with randoms?
There isn't though, if you had any grasp of GS and its MVs and arts you'd know so. Any small benefit that could be gained from having brimstone doesn't make up for dropping absolute readiness/lion's maw.
I don't see the point here, as you wanting/not wanting to play with me doesn't matter to this "discussion" at all.

What the hell are you even saying? You honestly think Brimstone slash is worth your art slot? The only time it's even useful is stacked with lion's maw to wake a monster up. With only 1 slot, lion's maw will do more consistent damage long-term. With guild or striker, if you don't have an evasion art for emergency escapes, you're a liability.

Isn't the source of your initial argument centered around Holla Forums rooms needing to adopt a discord? How, then, are the rooms irrelevant?

If those people don't mind doing so, how is it selfish? It's not like anyone is being ordered around.
Forget it.
A - Initial HP bloat has nothing to do with your skill. Because the key point is an overinflated HP value.
B - You are an idiot if you think that going multiplayer against Ceadus/jhen moron/lao lung like monster is inconsiderate to others regardless if one can handle it alone or not.
Because currently you can hunt with your bro and he doesn't mind.
No one is dropping any of the two.
Because it isn't supposed to be literally me. Hell, even literally it was you who wouldn't play with you.

I agree.
It was more about why something like discord(instant messaging service for coordination) could be considered useful by some other person. Thus for the point it is irrelevant whatever he runs a rooms or not, especially since it doesn't connect to what he is quoting.
It's more about being able to discuss who's duty is that and who can do it easier. Because in the end it isn't a big deal if you can communicate it properly as long as you return the favor(if there is something to return at all).


You're still asking someone to change their playstyle for something you want.
It affects how quickly you can take down the monster. It's not unfeasible to take down 20k+ hp super deviants in 15 minutes or less, so keep that in mind.
Those are brainless, very low risk hunts, this is why i'm advocating you to do them with randoms, if you're playing with someone who's good, why not do a fun and challenging hunt instead?
If he doesn't mind then why call randoms?
Striker GS benefits more from Lion's maw. I could run the calcs if you don't mind waiting, you're gonna lose a lotta dps for a negligible damage boost upon sleep.
I don't see why not, what's your argument for this?

>>>absolute readiness/lion's maw.
>>No one is dropping any of the two.
>Striker GS benefits more from Lion's maw. I could run the calcs if you don't mind waiting, you're gonna lose a lotta dps for a negligible damage boost upon sleep.

Then you're dropping absolute evasion, which is arguarbly even worse. You've no idea how much you benefit from a free sheath.

Quick sheath exists and lengthy jump animation isn't exactly free.

It's free because it's 100% iframes, it allows you to drop level 3 charges on moments that would be otherwise unsafe because the monster would use an attack soon afterwards.

Properly landing level 3 charges is never unsafe.

It is though, on various situations. All you're showing me here is that you can't play GS for shit.


Why not just enable infinite health at that point

Let's see all those super deviants without solo'd without absolute evasion/readiness/brave style/adept style then gayboy



So zero? Okay.

What patch?

But you just agreed with me earlier that any theoretical foreign localization won't be relevant because we already have the real game.

"most people" also don't play video games. It's pretty well known that a significant majority of Holla Forums either knows, is learning, or is interested in learning Japanese because it's such a key skill to video games.

Not sure what that has to do with anything at all.

But the one that buttfucks you is the foreign version.

I don't know about you, but personally, I'd rather learn to read for myself rather than have to deal with people I know that are obviously lying to me when they say "trust me, this is TOTALLY what it says"

I'm not seeing the value or entertainment in this. What do you mean?

This is what happens when you let discord/steam faggots in.

or the game just is mediocre so they don't have anything to do but argue.

Go back to bed Kotick

You'd have a point if every post before the discord/steam faggots came in wasn't game discussion and room posting

Come on, don't have to be so defensive about it :^).

No, this has happened almost every mh thread since the dawn of times.

You don't know what you are talking about.
You are not supposed to read it literally.
What are you even talking about.
Yes, I agree that around 95% of people visiting Holla Forums would be somewhat benefiting from learning japanese and thus are somewhat interested in it. That doesn't make them stop being lazy fucks and actually go out of their way to learn it. The fact is majority of Holla Forums doesn't know japanese and would prefer any kind of english version over the original japanese.
You should've stopped right here. Minuscule amount of people knows japanese and even less would go learning it for the sake of MonHun dialogue.
I didn't agree with you neither earlier nor in that sentence. The only reason why gengen isn't relevant yet, is because it doesn't exist. The moment it comes out, it will be the current definitive version. I'll repeat the points why, most people from v dont know japanese, gengen wouldn't require patching, gengen would be a 2nd release which will attract a lot of people(both new and the old ones that transferred from XX, and the ones that didn't want to transfer but all of their buddies did so they have no choice).
In other words, there is something wrong with you that prevents you from relating to people that can enjoy social interactions, be it because you have troubles originally enjoying it or relating to others.

That is what playing an English version of a game amounts to.

But it does.

I've been consistently seeing the exact opposite. There are no good English localizations, and everyday more and more people refuse to put up with that shit any further.

Fair enough, I did some backtracking and it was a different ID I was thinking of that posted that. Carry on.

Why would they have no choice but to transfer from XX to a bootleg? That makes absolutely no sense. XX also doesn't require patching either, so I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from, even if you're pirating FreeShop alone runs just fine.

Perhaps. Either way, not sure what it has to do with video games.

No, that is what arguing on imageboards amounts to, nobody in normal conversation in game or out of it exemplifies that experience.
Most people are not into jrpgs and anime related series of games, other than those there is pretty much nothing else that learning japanese can offer.
Let me bet, in localization outrage threads. Where the only point is to overreact and be angry. Outside of those, sadly, no one cares, even on this same board.
No one is stating that someone would say that, objectively, translations are superior to original texts in general. What is stated is that being able to read(no matter how horrible of a text it is) is better than not being able to read and that people would pick that option when it comes their way because it's times and times easier than learning japanese that they don't particularly need for anything else.
It might have been me. Link a post number and how exactly I might have agreed with you.
Are you dense? There is even a part in the sentences that you are quoting that is dedicated strictly to answering that question.
For christ sake.
English patch is supplied separately from the game(most people from v dont know japanese), updates lock out the online until one becomes available on one of the pirating platforms.

>most people from v dont know japanese
I don't know where you came from, but please, it is time for you to go back. You don't belong here. You don't fit in here. It is very obvious that you have been nothing but a nuisance to these threads since you have first arrived. Please, for everyone here, and for yourself, go back.

If you were here long enough, then you would know that even if there were a place where I could've come from, then it doesn't exist anymore in that form. I will be a nuisance for as long as you have a problem with dissenting opinions.

Anyone wants to play XX?


Pass: 3591

Up for anything, take turns posting.

Thanks again for the hunts, let's do more when I'm closer to consciousness.

Nah I just checked and reddit is still up.

I glad you care so much about your home.

That's right. People who care about their home have an interest in telling outsiders to get out.

I'd be up for some more, if anyone else wants to play XX

Forgot this one, super hazewing malfestio is dead.
Super unpredictable, absolutely wrecked my ass when I was using GS. But just like regular malfestio, DB fares really well. Most annoying part is that his roar's stun lasts for more than 6 frames, so you can't demon dash or roll through it.

Guessing you're long gone by now, but if you or anyone is up for XX I should be around for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

Does anyone here have MH: S?
I'm hype for the western release and i wanted to know, how does it perform on an "old" 3DS?

Play with better people maybe?
Soloing is still a thing too

If you mean Stories, don't be hyped, it's god-awful. You know how people shit talk Pokemon by saying it's just elemental Janken? Stories is LITERALLY Janken.

i just want something comfy

Well, it's up on the FreeShop now, so go ahead and try it if you want. It's mind-numbingly dull though.

why would i?
The version for europe is gonna have a bunch of added stuff

You asked you dumb nigger

oh right.
Well i don't have a hacked 3ds, i was planning on buying

Unless it somehow magically fixes the core combat mechanics, I wouldn't bother with a foreign version.

If they release a demo, I strongly recommend you play that before spending money on it also if you have an EU 3DS, I recommend you hack it ASAP, there's not much point in a region locked Western machine

sadly i'm on the absolute latest firmware because of multiplayer

Well, hang in there, they'll catch up eventually.

What is the best monhun game for the psp?

Most content: Freedom Unite
Most polished: Ph3rd.
Keep in mind you can play both. Ph3rd should have ~100 hours worth of content while FU has ~300-400

user you are aware that MH has it's own servers and therefore bypasses the version check right
you didn't just update your 3ds for no reason, did you?

New thread