Other urls found in this thread:
im not reposting it kyle you saw it
hi luka
I won't repost
reposting is for nerds.
This is my entrance
I will start his retraining immediately.
i know you wont disappoint me
What's your style? Follow the direction to a T? I almost always overcook. Slightly burnt is the only way to eat.
I can't make this decision for you.
Don't thank me yet, I only have like 1000 girl furs.
Fine, --I-- will repost.
nothing interesting.
excellent. and be sure to show your work.
I usually follow the instructions very closely the first time, then adjust as needed until I get it perfect. most things I cook end up doing just fine with the instructions being followed, but there's a few things I have my own way of doing and they turn out way better.
That's what my mom said. Boy, are you two in for a surprise.
mommy never liked me that way
Is that cup?
Alright time to go do things, see you guys never again
enjoy your vacation
george go knock on squash's door
he's jerking off
my cat? yeah, that's her. cute right?
goodbye person.
Please do it for me.
Well, you have shown be before, but yeah
i might have died a little happier not knowing that
looking for company~
oh, I forgot.
Do you have any favorites? I'd probably go with the Smart Ones turkey and mashed potatoes, or the Marie Callender Country Fried Chick and Gravy, which is a pain to make, but is also pretty impressive.
i hear craigslist is good for that
You never gave her a reason to.
I am like dangerously low on milfs. I didn't know my situation was so dire in the milf department.
It's not.
some of those meals really turn out great, but these days I'm super super lazy because I just don't have the energy for much. I've been really favoring these chinese food things that you pop in for 5 minutes and then eat out of what looks like a takeout box. they are incredibly good and have a decent amount of food in them for less than 2.50. the new ones I'm trying though are even better, they just take more work...
You forget everything, even that were married
even worse
how many horse dicked trannies do you have
I was about to say that isn't even legal but then I remembered that it was.
You cant escape the truth.
don't see no ring on this finger.
Youre right, I see a collar
Wait these aren't the launch codes
My brother gets the Tai Pei ones sometimes, I'm not a big fan of that cuisine though. You ever do microwavable pizzas? Those Digiorno ones really filling. I mean, the sauce is basically just sugar, but I'm microwaving pizza, I'm not looking for diced tomatoes here.
Actually, I think a few. Luckily.
don't see one of those either.
see you folks tomorro probably
tai pei, that's the one I get. I'm bad at remembering names without help.
I know the red baron ones are pretty good, but I am actually willing to put in the effort when it comes to pizza. it's very similar to microwaving anyway, just takes a lot longer.
goodbye bard. sleep well.
disaster avoided
dont die in your sleep bard
well I don't.
Try not to have your world fall down around you between now and then Bard okay bye.
Only beef and broccoli tai pei is good.
Thank god
Slaap goed!
a lot of them are good, actually.
Dont be gay
seems counterproductive to your apparent desires.
o shit whaddup
I get a mix of frozen microwave and oven ones. Jack's are good for thincrust, I mostly get them because they're cheap though. Mmm, cheap...
When life gives you lemons, look at gross porn to kill the sting.
My mom always gets the beef and broccoli at the local Chinese food place.
not my fault you don't have working taste buds.
yeah, that's kind of my main thing too, other than the simple ease of the stuff. it's all so cheap. eating for an entire day only costs like 6 bucks usually.
whaddup whaddup whaddup
there's nothing gross
they're beautiful
Youre a girl, so its okay
life would be so much easier if I was one. and even in spite of that I'm glad I'm not one.
If you're looking to diversify, the oven garlic breads are easy and filling. I'm also a fan of tater tots and hash brown, you don't even really have to flip them if you don't want to. The starch diet is the diet for me.
I can see why you avatar as someone with a fatty fatty boomballatty girlfriend.
Furry dickgirls offend me.
you're just a sexist
yeah, I should grab some tater tots the next shopping trip. I love them but I kind of always forget they exist.
Besides the gender inequality, lower pay wages, and that whole vagina bleeding thing, being a girl would be kind of alright probably
you know what offends me?
english words being unnecessarily made into katakana
Fucking hate that shit.
pay gap is a myth that has been disproved about a million times.
women have no less legal rights than men in the third world.
if you think about things logically, ie, not like a feminist, you can clearly see that men are actually at a disadvantage in a lot of ways. women get so much help that they've started to overtake men in pretty much everything, especially graduating from college.
but yeah, having a vagina would be disgusting.
the fuck is wrong with me.
western world.
Im being ironic, stop taking me seriously.
I mean, yes. I obviously am.
Stop being so sexist.
Oh, and those broccoli stuffed chicken breasts. Those are great. The best part is, I pick up those boxes of foil that come out like kleenex, just individual pull out segments that you throw on a pan, no more huge annoying dishes that I know in my heart I will never do.
My animes do it, though.
oh. I knew that.
I'm back.
That wall of text I didnt read says otherwise
I also do anything I can to make sure I don't have dishes to wash. I get the paper plates and plastic utensils and can usually make a plate out of whatever the packaging the food I cook came in. it's great.
that was an ironic wall of text haha
Yeah, I wasn't sure if you were pro women and being ironic or what.
Hey! I'm not scum! I'm a bottom feeder! There's a huge difference there! I eat scum!
With a brand new rap?
how much cum was there
Pokemon rap is the only rap for me.
I'm pro equality.
I do tend to dislike women though. not my fault they are all vapid, self absorbed, self severing irredeemable shews.
in black?
swallow it all
i LOVE anime!!!
You're clearly drunker than I am
Who even?
Test, I'm white as hell.
I'm completely sober at the moment. I'm waiting a little bit longer then I'm going to jump right back into it.
It's not a race thing.
Why are we mocking this, again?
wow rude.
Then you should have got the reference :^)
Because of name
is my bff luke still here
It's probably an awful thing, but my family has used paper plates and bowls along with plastic silverware for years now. It's so convenient that I don't even care how white trash it is. You can even wash them a few times if you want.
I meant the jail kind. Unless you also meant that....
Women are fine I guess. It's not their fault they weren't born the objectively saner sex.
I will. It will make me big and strong. Maybe I can eat little people then instead.
Is is basically high level bullying.
You love it.
I should probably slow down. Eventually I'll hit that wall.
You know. Where I vomit and start screaming at people
holy fuck my sides are obliterated
I had not even noticed it.
do you have vore
I should probably sleep.
go sleep retard
Night bro i love u
Why don't you?
I'm afk atm will be back on PC soon
I'd never bother to wash them, but yeah they are insanely convenient. they don't even really cost that much either. just no reason to bother washing stuff unless you feel like it, which I certainly don't.
yeah, see you get it.
sounds like you should slow down while you have the ability to realize you should slow down.
I am glad to bring you joy
Who even?
I am thinking about it.
I'm not sure. Kind of want to play Zelda.
Profess your love to me.
I love you.
[.jpg of an anime girl with a smug grin and eye bags]
It didn't even touch the sides.
I've submitted recently that you sleep for two hours and six hours of your sleep you simply replace with n64
of course not. not before soaking up all those juicy (you)s.
Thats so weak..
Some, but it's all hopelessly buried. Kind of like the vore victims.
Can you believe that some people actually go through more than one pair of jeans a week?
Sleep is death.
That very well could be it.
Fishing for those ninis.
"apathetic" is a good way to describe my general attitude on the best of days.
that's impossible. literally impossible. no one could be that needlessly wasteful.
im back on pc boo my bestest pal
I will smack you
not entirely sure how that would improve my mental state.
Wow, you are disgusting.
if my friend ends up selling me his miata i WILL wire the headlights like that
buy EDF and lets play
your songs are always such sad lyrics
I can do anything with a little tough love
miatas are so cute
im broke
If only I were rich enough to throw all of my clothes away after wearing them.
When everything is gross ew loses its meaning.
I'm secretly a very sad man.
I guess we'll have to see.
if I were the richest man on earth I still wouldn't do such a thing. it would just be so stupid.
i can beleive that
I wanna hug you irl
what are you drinking
Boo. Can we be friends. I mean. So I can save you from the furry degenerates.
Just wine, my man. Normally this is the part where I break out the whiskey, but I have a box of wine, so might as well keep working on that.
See what? You already know its true
Whiskey is my kind of lullaby
What kind of wine are you indulging in
Are you calling me a furry?
everything I used to know seems like a dream now.
I may have to play some Guitar Hero World Tour.
You made your bed, now yiff in it.
he's saying you and I aren't friends of his apparently.
Just a boxed merlot, I didn't even look at the brand.
You are clearly one of the furries.
Im right here though
that's absurd.
yeah but I'm sure you know what I mean.
I am really excited, here in the next few weeks I am shelling out a few hundred for a ps4 and rockband so me and my best friennd can play together
just into the guitar controller or were you much for the drums and singing?
You said you smoke right or are you just a drinker
gross my man
I hope you can enjoy it
I'm about to get a doctor fired.
It's not good. But it's there.
What's wrong with you
I smoke sometimes, not a lot though. I don't have a steady supply any more.
so many things.
I can enjoy its effects, if the taste is less than mediocre.
I would do it BECAUSE it's so stupid. The first thing I would do is buy a family sized bag of doritos for every toilet in my house and just dump them in.
I sang a little, but I just did guitar mostly. My brother did some of the drums. It's definitely a fun party game, if it's something you can get into. For some people it's just not their thing.
I can see the appeal but for the life of me can't find it appealing.
Be ready
how ominous. very well.
Wine is fine also.
RIP Test.
You're a better man than I
A ways back I picked up a couple litres of a boxed red and it was the worst thing I've ever drank
I'm a real succor for those white wines, very a fan of Moscato d'iastis
so tasty
here in iowa we actually havea local winery called tasssle ridge
they make higher alcohol content than most whites i've tried and its still tasty as all hell
wine is better than beer at least. which is undrinkable.
The next thing I would do is fill the bowl of my standing lamp with toothpaste. I've always wanted to do that.
I work in ominous
Mostly because its something that I want to happen, but wont until I am re-situated when I get back from seattle next week
Do you want me to beat you up Cupcake?
on this we can certainly agree. the compulsion to just squeeze absurd amounts of toothpaste into things is pretty strong for me.
you already know that I kind of do.
well I look forward to it then.
mfw girls acting tough but instantly obey when you tell them to bend over
Dont get too hyper on me now
If you need your wine to be a little sweeter on the way down a moscato does the job. A strong merlot can be good with a meal, but this particular wine is overly bitter. It's not even high in sulfates, it's just got no flavor outside of "difficult to swallow", but it doesn't have too much burn because it's still just wine, so it's not so bad that I'm going to gag or anything.
Beer is okay. I mostly use it as a chaser for other things. Usually whiskey.
Stout beers like Guiness are definitely my favorite. The only beer I'd class undrinkable are IPAs
I'll try to contain myself.
all beer is undrinkable. but I keep forgetting that your taste buds don't work right.
I'll do my very best.
Don't be gross.
you're probably used to drinking liquor though
standards standards
No you dumb slut, you're supposed to get scared not turned on
Show your cool otaku cred
If you were to be honest with yourself, is the one who has weird taste buds you or absolutely everyone else in the world
oh right sorry. oh please soto don't hit me please no.
Yeah, im out.
everyone else in the world.
if I'm being completely honest.
bye bye
beer is objectively trash
no one would drink it if it didn't get you drunk
It's just the right thing to do, I think.
Standards are just missed opportunities, I hear.
i have the peret image for this occasion
it must be, if two perfectly normal people like us want to do it so bad.
I know I wouldn't.
But it does, so I might as well.
so many other options exist to get you drunk you have no real excuse for drinking literal pisswater.
i also hurt my leg somehow
what the fuck
though you can pretty much apply that to all other alcohol too, w/e
Then why do they sell beer that doesn't get you drunk and why do people buy it?
seems like you probably hurt your leg at some point while drunk, drunk enough you don't remember and also have a hangover. mystery solved.
People are fucking dumb.
I genuinely like stout beers. No joke.
now you're just being silly. vodka is marvelous.
They're bad with money too.
Why can't there be a president running on a sensible platform like that? It's an important issue. Along with making pumpkin flavored things available year-round.
Don't walk and drink, man. Haven't you seen those posters?
ur fucking dumb
and you bring us nicely back to the issue of your taste buds being off kilter.
You'll grow up some day :3
Dont tease me so.
because they're fucking idiots
Straight vodka is the absolute worst.
someone probably harvesting my bone marrow while i was passed out
i havent actually
W-Will you finally e-date me now Mordin-sama
I was about to go cyber you right now
bumping from
"hurddurr i was born without male hormones ergo beer is bad"
literally these fags
If you take it in quick shots it's not so bad.
But that's just to get drunk, not to actually enjoy it I suppose.
You really need to walk more when you drink, man, stretch out those muscles. It's no wonder your leg hurts. How irresponsible.
I rest my case.
pumpkin flavored things are alright I guess. a pumpkin pie with whipped cream on it is basically one of the best things you can ever treat yourself to.
you should run for president.
I'm getting to the point where I actually like it. but the main reason I like it so much is how well it mixes.
and your organs as well. you should get that checked out.
pretty much. it's inconceivable to me that other people have opinions different from mine but somehow they do.
promises promises. you'll never do it.
yeah when you mix it
and that drink would taste better if it didn't have alcohol in it
but it still at least tastes good, unlike beer
I suppose it's fairly normal, with you guys learning to drink recently
They'll learn eventually. It's like coffee and wine.
pretty much all of those are correct.
Im going to kill myself.
i am 70% sure i just walked back and forth from the bathroom the whole time
my insides feel pretty good.
you should feel them
I've been drinking for years and at this point I'm basically an alcoholic. I like to enjoy the taste of what is going in my mouth though, and I have yet to find a single beer I can tolerate.
You may now abscond.
If I were to pick an absolute worst it's gin
that's lewd. and besides, I don't top
Sounds like more trouble than it's worth. I guess I might be willing to sit for president, or get pushed for president, like FDR.
Were you kneeling on tile? That would do my leg in. Where on your leg does it hurt?
gin is pretty fucking horrible.
please do it
How else will I get my (you)s, if not announcing it to the world?
whatever gets those important issues addressed.
I think beer can be good if it's cold. Hot beer is really awful though.
I'm trying to be nice to you now so please don't put me in situations where I have to be unpleasant.
I still don't really like it. Have to mix it with something or I'll have a hard time keeping it down.
Drink responsibly.
Please do not.
I don't do anything responsibly.
thanks for the bumps guys, we were just about to fall off the board
I mean, I can address them, I just don't know who I'm supposed to be addressing them TO. Or even where to write the address. Who sends mail anymore?
i am positive people are more versatile than they say
i didnt know there was another bone next to it
Throw out a contemptible opinion. Tends to work for me.
Fuck off mording you weren't even here when that was a possibility you fucking 15 year old piece of shit
bumps 4 life
You should. Being irresponsible is for rebels and dumbasses.
Took me a few years to get a liking to it. The states are not exactly known for their fantastic beer though so I guess there's that
Memes aside, an ice cold gin and tonic is pretty good
old people who can't figure out how to computer. and that age is dying rapidly.
I've tried many times and every single time I go limp without fail.
I'm the second one.
Aren't I older than you?
as in age, not the time spent on here.
Hey Darwin who do you think were better in terms of e-fucking, Mordin or Goggles
Like honestly e-fucking Mordin would probably take the cake cause when I cybered Goggles that nigga was so boring
But in terms of nudes Goggles would probs win tho
The person I used to call my best friend was very fond of Gin and Tonic
see, this is the part the baffles me. why you would not just find something you like right away or very soon after and instead force yourself to drink something you don't until you grow to like it is beyond my ability to understand.
My dad loves gin and tonic and martinis. I find them nauseating.
I like vodka martinis though.
Not if your darwin's whore n
Lies. Beer is good. It aint quite godly like whiskey though
ay bud
so is he like permabanned? nobody filled me in on this
you have my condolences. not really bottoming is better anyway
lol nice fucking meme
Time to break out the bourbon or should I stop while I'm ahead
I always hear people talking about that, but I've never had my leg hurt there. Dunno what it could be. Probably the roofer's hammer you took to it while on PCP.
Don't forget hipsters looking to hark back to the days of yore when men were tough and women were furniture. Yes, that is the way they will get women.
it would be nice to try at least once. I might need to use some kind of help supplement though.
those days were straight up better and everyone knows it.
Be a responsible dumbass.
Something tells me you've done none of those things.
Oh, right. In that case, feel free to continue.
Someone has to be. It sure as heck isn't going to be you apparently.
I'll consider it.
I had not noticed them.
Whoa wall inc
Being able to drink coffee allows you to invite a girl out for coffee rather than ordering a hot chocolate like a huge vagina
What am I even thinking, you guys inviting girls out LOL
It's a solid drink.
Peer pressure, everybody else drinks beer. Being able to go for just a beer with the guys is also nice. Don't have to crack open bottles of vodka or rum or whatever.
I'm not saying those are bad, quite the opposite. But beer is a great social lubricant.
Each to his own. Vodka martini makes me feel all James Bond-y
it's a sin to tell a lie
Holy shit Test are you an alcoholic now too?
You drink as much as I do on a weekly basis
God damn alcoholic, no wonder your beard is that long
You really have let yourself go
feel gud
But I'm glad you told the truth
guess I've never had the problem of having friends enough to acquire the taste.
arent you though?
hi testu
man i'd be awful on PCP
get a flesh light
What a skill.
Does that make him my pimp? Do I have to pay him?
are you volunteering?
where u at bby
Then I can see why you never bothered learning.
Drinking beer is all I learned in high school huehuehua
Please, I don't want tho think about pregnancy on a relaxing night in.
Fairly few people would be a breeze on it, methinks.
I like to get them dirty.
Which mean mean olive brine added in. Not whatever you were thinking.
tldr fam
like nobody fucking reads your posts
Yes, but you can also get him to beat up people for you.
Mostly he's just going to fuck and beat you though.
Hello Boou
Wait is that Lucy?
No fucking way
I'm never going to be nice to you but like you enjoy that so in all reality this is a win win situation
seeing as squash is there too I'd rather visit.
actually that's been my main theory as well. when underage people drink it's always beer, so even though it tastes horrible they just deal with it because yay alcohol. I started at a proper age and so my taste is more hard liquor.
that dirty shit is disgusting
Are you turning illusions for money?
I really like green olives, man. I like the brine.
F-Fuck you too, Goomba-kun
You shouldn't even give him sarcastic responses man
Experimental, sour drinks are popular here at the moment. I see stuff with capers in it like whoa
Also the fact that it's pretty normal to start drinking at 14-15 here makes it easier.
Direct me to your post
Oh God, the day is breaking and I don't have my curtains up.
why would you not want to think about the miracle of childbirth
im great on percocet though. i love percocet so much i fuck it
Fuck it. Go for broke.
Destroy the sun.
yeah, good point.
you're a fan of the show as well?
Good idea
strange boy
in your drink, no matter?
Even worse
plenty start with vodka over here
and then everyone got bothered about teens drinking too much vodka as it was "like candy" when mixed, so now it's heavily taxed
spoiler: didn't stop people from drinking
Ew, I don't even like those on food.
I didn't think pimps fiddled the merchandise.
It's hard to be nice to you if you're being a cunt.
Illusions darwin. A trick is something a whore does for money. Oh wait I guess that's what I'd actually be doing, yeah.
You should mix it in with your coffee. Have some Perkocet.
I'll do the next best thing, destroy myself so that I never have to see it again.
Dude, don't you have to sleep at some point though?
over my dead body
in fairness to me i had typed out a post telling him good job for fucking up someone's job by being a fat piece of shit who pretends he has mentall illnesses but i erased it so that's less acknowledgement than i wanted to give
i have some self control see
I own all of it
they're not going to let him into the country club when we go for lunch later.
yeah your country is even more fucked up than mine when it comes to big brother sticking his nose in your business.
Then you are sorely mistaken.
this pleases me. it's my favorite show of all time.
I DON'T WANT NO PART OF YOUR TIGHT-ASS COUNTRY CLUB YOU FREAK BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 hours til work
then 2 days off
how about you buddy
wow. I can't stop laughing now.
I take it with cimetidine
Nah, Cupcake is more of an alcoholic than I am, fam.
My beard just happens because I'm the reincarnation of Gimli.
You say this a lot
you wish you were that tall.
Guatemalan Tamales have Capers, Olives, Almonds, Prunes, Raisins, etc
Its a fucking weird mix but tastes pretty great
Haven't I always been a cunt towards you?
Is that Tagamet or whatever?
it is true a lot.
I've got a week till school starts and nothing till then other than one visit to a strip club at some point between monday and wednesday that isn't even planned yet.
Yeah well youre gay a lot rekt
i just get generic. increases strength and duration according to hubby
Are you going to be the stripper or the stripee?
I suppose I've been bested yet again.
How do you know so much about this?
You used to say you'd stop after 6 months.
Do you get it legit?
in all honesty man Im going to miss you
you arent the friendlisest
but I really like having you in the thread
I hope your schooling goes well and make sure to drop by and see us all once it's up and going
You go to strip clubs much then?
Don't think it's healthy not having tight restrictions on that stuff but eh, country isn't on fire just yet
Nah I'm not good at eating them either. I had a drink called Lumumba recently which was pretty good.
I think the other would have been more entertaining but you're cute enough doing that.
I'm going to be the guy walking into the bar already drunk.
Because that's real life, man.
Watch Taxi Driver already.
That terrifies me on principle.
what does that mean
i get the cimetidine from walgreens
the percocet is from numerous places
what did I do this time?
it's fine. better to have less government involvement than more. even if it's dangerous.
i love percocet
What if I already did?
it is the fucking best oh my god
Nothing, I just have nothing to say anymore.
happens to me all the time. I understand.
I meant do you have a prescription for the Percocet, as it is a prescription drug.
Your younger sis doesnt tell you anything?
My imouto starts talking shit on me once she sees me with any trace of some amount of facial hair and starts calling me ugly and says I should shave it or else I wont get any girlfriends
We never made it past the 6 month mark
To top it off its a more gelatinous type of masa thats used, with pork in a achiote sauce, wrapped in banana leaves
I know I'm not super friendly, but if I was any nicer it would just be fake. I try to be genuine, man.
I really didn't show up as much last semester when school started getting bothersome, but who knows, I might get my shit together and be around just as much this semester as I have been all summer.
I guess that's doubtful, though.
I've been here for a year now.
You have met a terrible fate.
I just ignored her until I had a genuine beard.
Now she likes touching it and says "yeah it's pretty cool".
probably most doubtful
And that's toatally fine and cool
just dont forget about us when you get out
You can just copy the answers to your homework into posts so that we know what you're up to. And then ten years from now some kid desperately looking up the answers to homework problems due in two hours will have to drag through pages of obese midgets getting it on for the sweet nectar that he desires.
doctors are very stingy though. probably due to people like me lol. so some of them are from this girl who skims leftover drugs from people who get it prescribed it for like dental work and injuries.
holy shit test has an incest relationshi p with his sister
you reading this?
Wanna do a game of League or is it getting too late?
Go back in time and save me onegai.
I've only known you for like only 4 months
How much do you take, and how often? The tolerance on that stuff is a bitch.
Much too late. My internet was not cooperating all day either.
I would be too tempted to change other things.
a year.
You can yamete all you want
No one will taskete you
what the fuck are you talking about, dude
Don't worry about that, man.
all according to keikaku
this is gonna be great when you and her are in my harem
tn note: keikaku means plan
It's not a fucking doujin, nigger
It rarely seems to do that, does it not bother you?
Swedish fish should just neck themselves
It's better to have live and learned? Is that what they say?
You don't ever think about future generations googling homework answers? Where's your imagination?
Sometimes, but occasionally it can server as a nice pretext not to play with certain people.
Hardly any learning involved.
This website deletes posts eventually
I think they need help
just dont spawn an incest baby and idgaf
i normally take 5 mg and that can get me high but i recently got 10 mg from that girl i mentioned which gets me to a point where i'm almost a little too high. I'm not taking them a lot due to supply and i dont want to get like dependant. 8 bucks a pill though which is pretty good
Yes, great
ITT we summon UI to come evict swedish from the thread
I believe in the all-powerful secret archives, Al. I have faith.
There won't be incest sex you sick uck
You fucking wish faggot
If I had known you for a whole year I would've treated you nicely and like actually respected you for lasting that long in this community
Nice meme tho
You take the boipussy I take the mouth
Nigga, whatchu know about doujins m8
You don't know shit about lewd images
Don't ever use the excuse on me for that purpose.
would you not consider a threesome incest?
There is supposed to be a U in 助けて Im pretty sure.
Do you guys ever have a n intense couple seconds of nostalgia
it feels like you are back in an old period of your life
everyting is okay and feels alright for a couple seconds and then it slips away
I love that feeling
I was 15 again for a couple oof seconds there
Yeah, that's fairly cheap. Is the condition chronic, or are you going to be cut off from your doctor eventually?
I only ever used it on that person who was annoying me the other day.
what a dumbass
you know a niggas cool shit when he's willing to let you at that bp and take the mouth for himself
I love you the way you are
this is a safe space. you're two consenting adults. what is the problem.
frequent migraines. dunno
youre going fucking crazy bard
get off the opiates
He who doesn't understand history is doomed to repeat it?
You posted on our board back in july I'm pretty sure.
There are plenty, most of them genetic, some of them just stem from my puritanical morality
if i had opiates beleive me man I wouldn't be posting as tomoko
I don't really miss being 15 that much.
Know what triggers them?
Think of it this way, Al, you can go with Puritan, or pure 10/10.
cant let the church ruin your life.
stress, bright lights, sometimes nothing.
I promise you my exhentai profile only has the dankest shit on the net I dare you to challenge me
Oh naturally
what were your teenage years like?
I dont really miss mine that much but it was a nice eexperience for a few seconds
sometimes ill feel 5 sometimes ill feel 17
I dont have love for you
but I have immense respect
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Blessed are the forgetful for they get the better even of their blunders.