Egg thread

Why is Dr. Ivo Robotnik such a cool guy? Is it because he wants to kill all furries and turn Earth into a /clang/ dreamland?

He puts the animals into the machines though.

He did nothing wrong.

I don't see the problem. He's just using the enemy as slave labor.

He should have just asked for volunteers, there have got to be some talking animals around that would want augments.


How do you guys feel about Robotnik's brother, Steve?

Is he a cool guy like his brother?

Eggman is actually offering furries the chance to leave their cancerous lifestyle behind and become part of the future, but many of them are too far gone to realize it.

He's **a shapeshifting robot that came from a dimension which was accidentally
destroyed by Eggman and ends up psyop'ing the Sanic gang into hating each other
so that the Eggman from the show's dimension can win by fighting Sanic 1v1, but
of course the others catch on to Steve's tricks and come to rescue Sanic. It's
the closest the series has gotten to him losing against the Good Doctor.**

The biggest question for all is if Eggman will give us waifus in his eggmanland utopia.

Your clang is still furry on the inside you closeted furfuggit.

He actually was pretty badass in adventure 2.

Remember when Winnie the Pooh was Robotnik?

Eggman will make 2D real.

Definitely the darkest version.

But there's one problem with that.
Eggman is 2D himself

Wasn't there a recent comic that shows he paralyzes the underlings who fail him and locks them in a closet like living statues?

I-is he still /ourguy/…?


Pretty sure that's a mistranslation of womanizer.

again with this feminist shit

don't read the comics

If that's the case then a big bravo to the "localization" team behind that bio. Holy fuck.

D-do we get to… keep Cream? For scientific proposes, of course.


No, because he's fat ugly bald loser that for some reason thinks of himself as a genius.
So he's easy to relate for you.

My extent of all comic knowledge is gleaned from Holla Forums complaining or storytiming


He builds entire robot armies and airship armadas on a weekly basis.

I wonder where all those ROBOTS came from, thin air I guess.

That can't do shit against a couple of autistic animals.

Template thread

Another quality nu/v/ thread.

Fuck out of here you fucking degenerates.

That was written before feminism became the diarrhea insanity circus it became now.


That mod playthrough was fucking golden.

Because he did literally nothing wrong and is the hero Sonic's world deserves.


Being it says he's also a romanticist and self-professed gentleman, I think it's either Eggman says that about himself (so he says shit that makes himself sound good, but are false) and it didn't translate out. That or the localizers fucked up the gag of "He's a romanticist, a feminist, and a gentleman- according to him."

Fuck me it's been ages

Someone story-timed it here. Saved some reaction images & filenames.

I just started reading it about a minute ago. This shit is golden.

Who would win in a fight: Robotnik or Coldsteel?

Robotniks secret son.

Does this count as trap /clang/? You're dicking a robot and all of a sudden it turns out it's a furry.

But the animals aren't the machines. They are only being used as batteries.

Holy shit are these hilarious .


Do you think Eggman installed a fleshlight in Metal Sonic?

Robotnik is bestbotnik


Robot furries are still furries you fucking niggers.





me in the middle

Eggman likes his theme parks. Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Colors all involve an Eggman amusement park of some sort.

Does this mean rollercoaster autists are spared? Because I could sure as hell design some coasters.

Sonic CD has an amusement park in the background of Stardust Speedway (Good Future).

Good future? Does that mean eggmans future is the one where he succeeds?

There's also Carnival Night in Sonic 3.

Only if you can make them exceedingly dangerous for the occupants.

Well there's the old theory that each alternate timeline represents what the future would look like in the hands of each character.
Past = Sonic, things go back to the way they were before, nature rules all.
Bad Future = Eggman, rampant megalomania goes unchecked and the world is left in ruin.
Good Future = Metal Sonic, hybridization and technosymbiosis creates a utopia for all.

His goal was always to create Eggmanland (Robotnikland in the localizations). It's just in the last ten years he's managed to actually succeed a few times, but Sonic still smashes it anyway.


He still hasn't shown the cake.

Because of the P I N G A S

This will never be a game and it upsets me greatly.

I'd always want Advance Wars but with customizable units.

So you can have a large body + legs, but nothing to stop you putting small arms/weapons/head on it.
If you want to enter with a team of blueprints that are all high cost- you can.

Of course, you'd need to contrive a reason why other characters also get access to robots to fight with. Hell, maybe even multiplayer if you balance it.

Maybe other characters could be different iterations of Eggman. So you'd have your current guy, classic Robotnik, the various ones from the cartoons and comics, all vying for total domination.

Fine for online, main campaign it'd get old fast.
You could have some fuck who set up a robotics company that has had a meteoric rise- so now everyone has a bunch of robots for chores & home defense (except Sonic, who doesn't trust the company).

Have Eggman realize all the designs are based off his work and it give him even more motivation to kick the shit out of this new company (and earn more parts when he beats them).

What do I know, I'm not a game designer. I just want to conquer everything as Robotnik himself.

Oh you still could. Just that your enemies won't always be Robotnick.

Reminder that the Sonic Boom cartoon is absolute dogshit and not even Robotnik could save it, though he tried.

Like he came out straight out from Deviantart.

he's a robot from an alternate dimension where Eggman fucked up big time.


Something seems a little off about this Doctor Ovi Kintobor though…



That's because he is fucking Nigel Thornberry

but hes right

This shit makes me wish I could enjoy playing any of the Sonics after S3&K

Foes anyone have that edit of Robotnik smashing a prostitutes head with a baseball bat all the while yelling how he hates Sonic?

i haveth thine back homeslice



oh well