Hello fellow red pillers, gamers and the other folks of [insert name of website here].
I had an awesome idea for Killing Floor 2 based on Moon Man Doom mod that I myself, unfortunately, don't have neither luck, nor time, nor skills, nor patience to make. I would call it "Generation Z".
If you don't get it, the Generation Z - modern age retarded society (generation) that is consistent of 1) SJWs brain-dead retards. 2) LGBT cock sucking genetic mutants and traps (trannies) 3) Pure cancer manifestation or bio-trash like furries, bronies, weebs and other garbage that in modern society is honored to be a worthless freak like them and even encourages to spread their retardness sickness among other non-infected citizens. 4) colored immigrants. Generation Z - the Z usually stands for Zombie in most games where Z is implemented; in Killing Floor's case, the Z would stand for Zeds. That's a double meaning, because modern society is already composed of zombies\zeds.
The idea of the mod came to me as I was discussing with some guy that this game most definitely needs furry skins just because, let's be honest, we always dreamt to shoot furries. But then, I noticed something interesting about Killing Floor 2 as a whole. It has Paris maps, a new Husk ability which makes him be a suicidal bomber, and even WW2 German Wehrmacht soldier skin for the heroes. Do you see the connection?? It's like Tripwire is preparing whole Europe for mudslim immigrant invasion. When I told such idea to my friend, he said - "Wait, are you saying, that sandniggers don't look like this?" which I replied with "No, the zeds are no way this ugly compared to these brown mutants", and soon later the idea for this mod has born.
The mod is a simple skin replacer for zeds with addition of all sort of new sound clips that, let's be honest, should have existed since beginning. The skins that represent our already dead socium.
Clot - Generic autistic furfags and bronycancer. Basically, they are mere product of jews and their cultural marxism propaganda, thus there are many of these. Clingy, cringy, brain-dead and arrogant as fuck, so they ignore objective arguments in form of bullets and still rush anyway; yet autistic and gay, thus wanting to hug you regardless, and that's how they grab you. Their skin is all types of fursuits (mostly fox) and bronyfags are just fat\skinny bald ugly old autists with mlp pictures on their t-shirts, some of which can be real hardcore cloppers so picture on their t-shirt would be something like a guy fucking a horse. Obviously all of them should spew all kind of cringeworthy shit.
Gorefast - Generic spics and niggers that think they're tough guys, wanting to fist you with his swag movements to show you who is the boss. Typical mentally unbalanced power wannabe bully nignogs and beaners with their own inferiority complex who think they're an alpha males and thus wants to prove it; i.e. just a classy niggers and spics. The gorefast is more burgundy red, so he would fit more as spics; the gorefiends are more black, so they would fit more as niggers, for obvious reason. The spics would have stereotypical sombrero and maracases (one is long, the one that is attached (or replaced) to their saber arm), some of which will have MS-13 tattoos; the niggers would wear half-mast pants like a true swaggot gangsta shits, along with swag golden chainlet, golden teeth and any other worthless trinkets\baubles that they steal or buy on welfare of white male tax payers, which is same thing as steal, some of the niggers looks like long-term prisoners. Once they meet you, they must say soundclips like "suprise motherfucker", spanish gibberish and whatnot, basically anything to make them sound like hot shit. Burning these with flamethrower, however, should make them play the loud nigra agonyful soundclips.
Crawlers - stereotypical ninjas in their black pajama outfits with katanas tied up to their arms, some of them wearing japanese school girl dress. This is both to mock the asians\gook immigrants, and some of the weebtrash too, especially meleefags who think katana makes them super hurrnurrful immortal wurrrior. That's why some of these ninja pajamas must be colored in all kind of toxic anime palitre to express its cringe. Although normal gook-ish ninjas make all types of stereotypical gook speech or long-tone nonsense, just like in Moon Man Doom; the weebs would say similar shit but in broken-japanese with nerdish english accent. The explosive crawlers that explode on hit must be the ISIS members who ironically have similar ninja pajama with mere ISIS symbol on these. So explosive crawlers would only be distinguished by extra ISIS symbol on their clothes and TNT attached to their body as well, and they scream aloha snackbar when they about to explode.
Killing Floor 2 Moon man Mod Idea
Wow, bet that's an original idea no one ever thought of. You should get a job as an idea man.
sage goes in all fields
Stalkers - triggered militariant ugly feminazis with pink\red hair or completely shaved head like big red, char the butcher, that one ugly shaved head freak saying memeous "die cis scum" and all other sort of trannies, traps and other hideous mutants. In fact, they are so hideous, they are literally invisible sometimes, but their disgusting nature sometimes comes up on light. They hate cis people merely for being cis people instead of being a hideous freak, trap and transgender, thus they attack on sight. Some of them are just ugly females with all sorts of colored hair (or shaved head), most of them are dressed in tight nazi outfits to impersonate fascists and express their fascistic nature, while giving a bad name to good ol' Nazis. Unacceptable! Oh, and some of them are straight up traps and overall ugly looking shemales (trannies), how can we forget such a cancer like that? Most of them just silently speaking shit like "die cis scum" and when shooting or hitting these with melee, they be screaming shit like "Is this sexual harassment?!" or "YOU TRIGGERING ME!", although for death scream of flames I'd really like the old and loud scream from Return To Castle Wolfenstein when you burn these pretty nazi girl, that scream is so fascinating and encouraging to burn these even more!
Bloats - Now this is a hard one. I thought of them to be these triggered bitchy SJWs cuck people that complain about fat-shaming, name-calling and whatnot, most of them are feminazi too but not militariant one but rather a generic "I'm strong independent black women, no man can control me!" or "I'm a special snowflake, I can do to my body whatever I want and I'm pround!", or even more bitchy types like "this misogonistic patriarchy in vidja has to end now!" or even cringeworthy ones like "I dressed in the morning - I'm triggered, I'm getting showered - I'm triggered. I eat - I'm triggered, but if I don't eat - I'm triggered"; with typical modern american\european mindset of "I do what I want, and I hate people who do not precisely enjoy that I do what I want, even if it disgusts and affects other people". Basically this type of brats. As for soundclips, I guess classical whiney "stop triggering me you maniac!!" would work, but that is up for debate as I wish that every zed has it's unique playrole in the game with it's unique mark of all different types of cancer and genetic-inferiority without repeating same thing twice. However, the bloats would vomiting some random aids skrillex quotes like "you're a white man!" and carl the cuck's "you kidding me?!" and any other type of bullshit. Although while stalkers is more like militariant type of feminazis, the bloats are more like whiney, bitchy and with way too obviously inferiority complex disorder type of feminists, more of SJWs type. Can't say what bloat skin would look like, I mean, the Bloat as a zed already represent majority of what I see most SJWs as. Although that is very offensive to say, he's not as braind-dead and disgusting like them, though. They could have the Black Live Matter outfits as one of the possibilities (Bloat Live Matter).
Sirens - LGBT gay pride activists. These walking shitbags are pround of being an unstable genetic mistake and product of evil geniuses, thus they spread this cancer worldwide and shame anyone who doesn't behave like them. Basically as a dress they have all sort of rainbow LGBT flags tied to them everywhere and all that sort of shit that these faggots use when they walk down past the street on these fucking gay parades. This is actually a unique type of a monster, because it represents these very entitled and very loud spectrum of society that because of their stubborn, linear and close-minded worldview became a weakling fascists that hate to experience cognitive disonance or seeing some people not sharing their worldview, but since they are weak by nature (both physically and mentally), they can't actually fight, nor build logical arguments for that matter as they are braindead zombie puppets of jewish masterminds, so all they can do is make these tumblr\facebook\twitter blogs and posts where they endlessly bitch about these normal non-infected types of society, and obviously, scream outloud "RACIST!!!!!!!", "SEXIST!!!!!!!", "ISLAMOPHOBIC!!!!!!!", "HOMOPHOBIC!!!!!!!", "ANTI-SEMITE!!!!!!!", "XENOPHOBIC!!!!!!!", "PATRIARCHY-MISOGONY!!!!!!!" so loud that your eardrums pop and whole physical body is damaged. While not screaming and just walking, they can randomly silently say things like "…fucking white males…" in a vile whisper and any of the other dank memes you can think of.
Yeah man I agree. We are totally not Tripwire employees desperate to get new sales for our shitty game through a chan culture style mod wink wink ;)
Husk - Jihadist ISIS terrorist, a.k.a. generic muslim immigrant refugee. These are the representants of the sandniggers of modern society in white countries. The mass immigration of these mudslims is a serious issue in Europe, and they always behave way too bossy, clearly fits with the husk behavior, especially when husks respawn in massive squads. Technically, give the Husk a long black beard with turban to make him look like Bin Laden, tie his body with rolls of TNT and here you have it! Could talk arabic gibberish when just walking or chasing you, scream loudly arabic bullshit when they are spraying you with the flamethrower, and obviously scream ALAHUOKBAR when they are about to play emo and suicide explode to kill everything around. That's pretty much it, nothing else to add here.
Scrake - JIDF SWAT (GIGN) lobotomite minion. Another freak that I had vague ideas on about. Technically, the only type of cancer we left without mentioning, and that is a real tough one type of cancer of whole earth - the Jews. But as we know, the kikes don't fight themselves, they use armies to protect them, and bio-products that they create through media, obviously. The goverment (kikes) will obviously use police and most definitely the special forces (SWAT or GIGN) to enforce "love and tolerance" toward the new generation of retards through violence and pain. They are technically a literally obeying the goverment and whatever the kikes has to tell them as they suffer from extreme lack of critical thoughts and can only serve, so protraying them as lobotomites with executed significant amount of brain is perfectly fiting the specimen\zombie theme of Killing Floor. Basically, these lobotomite SWAT forces (or GIGN, if it's in france) obeying the Jews, thus they must have jewish israel flag symbol attached to them, perhaps random flags with the jew symbol, lobotomite cosmetical features around their head to suit their specimen character, random SWAT\GIGN symbols and large headphones which pretty much brainwash these SWAT and demand them to do whatever the kikes please. A SWAT\GIGN that has commandment to murder all these white cis males with chainsaw, looks normal to me. Since the SWAT\GIGN is pretty much a braindead slave lobotomites in hand of kikes that can only follow their commands, the huge speaker attached to his body where the jew is talking through microphone all sort of fun things like "goy never forget that 6 trillion of God's Chosen people were killed by aryan monsters such as yourself" whenever he arrives and other dank memes. While he's dead, especially burned to death, he would say things like "oh vey, it's another shoah!" and "oh gevaaaalt" and etc.
Fleshpound - The absolutely braindead Anti-Fa. What could be worse than a cancer, or even a cancer that is fighting and trying to spread it's disease among all of the people? The cancer that is so braindead, so blind, so much poisoned that it's training, pumping and growing in power to fight with anything that is not intoxicated yet. Basically, the Anti-Fa hooligans are the punks (the name already implies they are garbage) with either pink, red, violet or green iroquois haircut or completely shaved like skinheads. Afterall, these dolts trully believe that Anti-Fa is the "true" skinheads and the historical Nazi that existed pre-WW2 and even pre-election of National-Socialist Workers Party in Germany is mere "pitiful imitators" with "wrong and false ideals". Anti-Fa is brutal, trained, stubborn, dumb, violent bullies that pretty much knockdown and beat to death anyone who disagree with their "love and tolerance" worldview. They say any sort of provocative repeative slogans and other idiotic shit over and over, oh and full of insults toward the "racists" and "nazis", while in their worldview is anyone "racist" and "nazi" who isn't a complete cuckold that doesn't suck nigger's dick with joy and tolerance. Often they are just a huge bullies that want to pick up a fight with anyone because of their own flaws and bad past. They might be huge, pumped, trained and tough, but they are no match to the true Aryan Master Race. They have shitload of all different tatoos with Anti-Fa symbolism and all other crap. They sound tough yet very dumb. Killing these make them say whinney obnoxious sound that express the true nature of losers that they are. Good thing that these are rare at least.
Bosses (Patriarch and Hans Volter) - The Shillary Clinton and George Soros. They are basically the reason why these mutants and zombies exist and why there are so much of these. The Soros is the reason why we have so many immigrants in white countries and enforced love to these scum, and the Clinton is the one who advocate feminisim, promote gay culture and endorse any other type of retardness to spread and grow around, replacing old culture with a new one of cultural marxism. These characters are already famous and memeous, full of all possible dank yet poisonous quotes, lines and speeches that could be used either for meeting scene, for walking, for hitting them and even for killing them. Hell, you could even use Shillary sick evil laugh when she kills everyone of the player's squad. What else can be said about these two? Both are evil figures that are behind every cancer and evil in the world, both can be suited as either of Boss, both trying to destroy whole world with multiculturalism and honoring retardness. Although it would be more fun and ironic if Soros will be Volter and Shillary will be the Patriarch, because Volter is technically an "evil nazi scientist" and Shillary is against the "Patriarchy-Misogonic attitude and 'old mindset' of people".
So there is pretty much the whole idea of what my mod idea does and what specimens would look like. I tried to embrace the whole spectrum of cancer that is now progressing through our society nowadays without missing a single aspect of it. It sure would have heroes like Moon Man and Hitler if someone would make these, although from what I heard making heroes is really hard for Killing Floor 2. If you want to add new idea for specimens that you seem I missed, feel free to say your opinions about it (but do not completely erase some of them that I made, please, as I tried to show the modern society as it is in "all it's beauty"). If you however have at least some experience in modeling, you're more than welcome to contribute to this project. Thanks for reading and give me your opinion about what you think.
You're trying much too hard
No you're just too low IQ or too lazy to do it. Since such is probably genetic, you should consider doing everyone a favor and removing yourself from the gene pool. It's what Moon man would want.
Why would you ever spend money on that-
Oh I see, you're a lazy talentless retard. Makes sense.
Jesus christ you sound like a larping faggot
you typed this entire thing out just for people to laugh at you
sorry about this
13 year old tier edgy.
Try harder.
fuck off nobody is buying into your shitty d&c charafe
get it through your libtarded head
you dont belong here and trying to make Holla Forums look retarded isnt working
fuck off
Nice sage there friendo
oh fuck me
great job leftytard but saging is for cucks
what did he mean by this?
With posts like these, why do they have to pretend?
I miss old exodus Holla Forums.
As long as we get to shoot niggers I'm down.
This, the zeds are nice and all but mowing down nigger sounds more fun
sounds like an idea that someone from gen z would come up with
Are you retarded? the sjw dev's would never cater to "The alt-right"
Waste of time.
Take your ass back to L4D2 or Cancerwatch kiddo.
bump to piss off leftytards
didnt read
The thread.