And he's right about more than half of us. >>>Holla Forums11420404
He's thinks we're fucking morons
Other urls found in this thread:
What's stopping criminals smuggling contraband through those wide open grates?
Nothing. That's why every open borders reject in government keeps saying they want "see-through" walls because they're shit. That's why he's banned from using concrete by congress and is only allowed to put these up, because they're absolute shit.
this is getting pretty sad. the desperation is setting in.
We're not all yanks here Amerimutt lad.
The rest of the world is laughing at you for how gullible you are. He's just another useful goy of Israel, truly the Chosen peoples greatest Ally.
Also seeing this and the reaction from that Holla Forums thread, all they're doing is the SJW pattern of listen and believe, it'd be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
Well who the fuck am I kidding it is hilarious.
When do you think the mods will delete that thread?
Instantly. In fact yesterday, I noticed they have a new thing where they either edit or delete and re-upload a thread with pro-trump spin. nu-Holla Forums has gone off the deep end.
so its super strong tons of steel bars
who is the moron here
But is it Keynesian?
Whatever supporters he has left.
What chances does he have to get re-elected after all of this?
About as much chance as the soyboy in the tweet has for fucking this girl.
What the hell is their problem?
/r/The_Donald are the biggest neocon, pro-Israel cocksuckers on the internet. Nobody likes them, left nor right.
That's a fence and weak one at that what we wanted was a wall.
They spent more effort and time building a better wall to keep white people away from each other (the Berlin wall) than one on the US mexican boarder that is supposed to keep the invading shitskin gangs out of the US.
Does it make sense?
The sad thing is, according to the screengrabs some user posted here after Trump said to take all the guns before due process, they are still less cucked than nu/pol/.
They unironically shill for racemixing and "muh baste black men".
Holla Forums are cucked on Trump but T_D are cucked on everything.
Holla Forums straight up did that and became full CivNat during HWNDU when it turned out 80% of the anons there were non-whites.
Probably a red herring to keep gorillion anons from directing airstrikes in Sumer
One problem: Plans for the wall replacement project started in 2009.
One problem: Plans for the wall replacement project started in 2009.
I never posted in the HWNDU threads so I can't vouch for any of that.
One thing I will say is I'm sick of the Trump dicksuckers there, what the fuck happened to "We need to become Trump's toughest critics"?
He's building a fence you can climb up and down in 30 seconds, if you criticize that there they completely lose their shit and you'll be banned.
They're riding the Trump Train way too hard at the moment, there's a reason their userbase is slowly declining.
Watch out for believing Holla Forums spammers, it starts with shitposting about actual issues and sooner than you expect, you are actually posting unironically about drumpf being orange.
The shilling is happening because work on the wall just started, after two full years of commie narrative that it would never begin. As for the shape and timetable of the wall, we simply don't know yet: Trump says the military will build it, and it's not clear whether that is a fence or armor for concrete.
All the stupid crap about fences being useless is from kikes butthurt that israel won't be the only one with a wall. As for mexico paying for the wall, they are literally stuck on a 2016 meme that's already been laughed out of the door forever.
Look at the master baiter who skillsfully disguises himself among the ebil natsocs, who could ever tell he's pretending
Exactly, that's not a wall at all, that's a fence. And it isn't going to cover the whole border or keep anyone from tunneling around it. Why is nu/pol/ celebrating an expensive, ineffective, and incomplete fence? Why is nu/pol/ this stupid?
Based on the images, he's not building anything, he's merely replacing a previously existing fence, which had already been scheduled. This had already been posted yesterday on the thread about an unsourced tweet, claiming that the wall was finally under construction.
inb4 thread is deleted because expecting Trump to do what he promised is Jewish shilling, or some equally retarded excuse.
Nigger just shut the fuck up, the wall is shit and your stupid fucking memes won't change that.
Not everybody who disagrees with you is a shill, fucking Christ.
I got banned for not thinking anime waifufaggotry is conducive to saving the white race yesterday.
It's nothing like the previous fence in calexico. Let's not pretend this isn't just another Drumpf thread for overexcitable kikes.
Trump's approval rating is at an all time high and the wall is getting built, get fucked kike shill.
That you even need to run disturbance on a 12 IDs board is the sign you've completely lost it. And after you've been discussing for weeks that the whore was gonna have Drumpfs imbeached for good uh? Poor soy, you'll have to masturbate alone again at photos of readoll asses.
no way
Is it kino?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool? What an embarrassment.
So after Drumpf peaks and has two children and needs a beta provider?
You remind me of the Clintonites back in the 90's who kept defending Bubba Bill despite everything he'd done.
You pretty much did.
Like the fact that this thread isn't even remotely related to Holla Forums?
Just because that crazy war-mongering cunt would have been worse doesn't mean you can't shit on somebody who's still bad.
tfw Holla Forums is a better board for discussing politics than Holla Forums is. It's a bizarre and sad turn of events tbh.
retarded faggot
That's because you don't get banned instantly on Holla Forums like you would on Holla Forums or Holla Forums.
What could it mean?
brainlets will be offended by this post
its 4d chess retards
That's unironically the excuse some people give.
Wat he doo?
I wish we did have IDs right now. I'm certain there are more unique IDs pissed over this fence than there are chess-retards calling everyone they disagree with jewish shills.
I could just as easily samefag an entire thread on Holla Forums if I wanted to. Have you never heard of VPNs, newfag?
Spoiler that revolting shit.
Be easy on him, he just sailed from reddit tbh
Why don't you then?
Oh lord, what didn't Bill Clinton do?
He fucked a bunch of women behind his wife's back, fired a bunch of White House staffers for no reason, lied under oath and he got impeached.
Despite all of this, he was still widely loved by his democrat supporters.
There is no samefagging in this thread though.
Fuck off newfag.
Trump did 100x worse tbh
Clinton never betrayed his base.
they should've used that ability back in auschwitz huh
Ahh, hello fellow oldfag™
And only one term. smh
He also started a war to distract from his rape accusations, which ended up creating a fundamentalist muslim enclave in Europe.
I literally just reported your post for racism
I don't know how they would fare against barbed wire fam
The easiest way to tell if somebody really is an oldfag was and still is asking them to triforce.
Fuck Clinton, man. I hope he doesn't get remembered as one of the greats down the line just because he freed two people from North Korea.
Not me tbh
oh no no no
There's more salty kikes in the comments than a bar mitzvah in atlantis.
You think this is funny? smh Trump is going tocrash and burn tbh
so what, people in fucking wheelchairs will be able to climb it now? that's they only way it could be easier you dumb chesscuck
lol nobody, but sycophants on Holla Forums and reddit are buying this shit
time to leave achmed
reported for being a shill centrist cuck edgelord. The Don is going to MAGA, deal with it
Gas yourself kike, until literally yesterday you were gloating about the wall not being a thing. All you can do now is move the goalposts and bitch impotently
Go find your tinfoil hat stupid goy
>you lived to see the day that fucking (((BREITBART))) is less zog'd than Holla Forums
Holla Forums is probably busy jerking eat other off over this stupid shit
Not even that user btw
I'm from Holla Forums though
that's a lot of buzzwords my magapede friend
I said get a wall instead of a fence, faggot. Don't celebrate over this, praise him and tell him to do it better.
I said
You fucking retard. Don't wait for it, force him to do it and he will as he wants support.
I'm looking at a fence, faggot. That is a fence in the OP. If you wish to show me photos of a solid WALL being built, then I will retract my statement.
Until then, you burgers need to ride Trump's arse until he makes the 50ft wall he said he'd build.
10m isn't tiny you retard.
This is beyond pathetic
Based Mormons with magic underwear will save us
are you having a stroke magapede bro?
That is why nobody cares, kike. You are literally out of this argument
I don't think you know what that word means, laddy.
so many lies.
*sigh* time to stop larping kid, ok I know when ur 10 its fun to pretend to be a nazi and insult the jewish community and people of color etc, but if you want to deal with politics you gotta grow up and accept that to make MAGA you gotta accept the jewish people as allies, and the black community, and even the gay community, otherwise you cant make MAGA. stop with the egdy kiddie shit and start supporting The Don seriously, otherwhise leave this forum.
Are you that indoctrinated? Do you honestly believe your country is the only one with leftists, commies and jews invading?
laying it on too thick
thats what ur mom said last night
I would like somebody from nu/pol/ to address this.
Saved. Thanks.
he lied
Kikefy/pol/ is nu/pol/.
Real Holla Forums is /zenpol/, /liberty/ or any of the others ones that aren't controlled by the Turkish Jew that actively D&Cs his own users to make them think he's white.
So, gun control when?
oh no no no
Keep up with the impotent rage, you pathetic femicuck
Pic related, it's niggers scaling up the wall
None of them will in earnest, because they can't. Bringing it up will only get you called a "kike shill" or some other variation.
Holla Forums is literally Holla Forums+videogames. What about them?
/zenpol/ is a dead board and literal Holla Forums playground, pick up any discussion and it's all orange drumpf memes from redditors who think they're invisible
All Holla Forumss are real, they just happen to all be shit
You need to leave nupol
The wall is gonna be a big size. Thick. Solid. Tight.
Got a problem with that kike nigger shill?
I shiggy diggy
the Orange Moron.
Impeachment in 30 mins comrade
America is going to shit.(Brit here)
this is like a demo for the real thing, the real Wall is coming.
kek, you actually thought you weren't glowing in the dark, nigger redditor
Mark is incompetent, but not actually malicious.
It's fine, but don't go expecting proper quality of conversation.
I wouldn't know, I don't use Holla Forums related boards since the election. Both sides are filled with echochambers and retards inviting redditors over to post le epic xD memes.
All I know is those ones are less shit than nu/pol/.
the stormweenie, folks
Do they think it's some kind of ebin joke to evidently permanently ban an IP?
I don't.
I'm from Holla Forums
think of it like early access for a videogame. They'll soon open a patreon account to finance the real wall, and I'll ready to pledge at least $1000 to it.
it's a very epic meme, there's no way I can recover
Straight out of Alinski's book:
What actually matters is enforcing the border with mexico to stop illegal immigration.
This was unironically the last chance for the US to climb out of mediocrity. They will never have a white president again
Is there anything more cringey then alt-righters?
Holla Forums?
STOLEN FROM /zenpol/
There is a massive effort all over the web to lie about this. It's unbelievable what they did with this bill. Complete, epic backstab.
It is literally the exact opposite of what Trump promised
-doe not fund border wall. It allocates funding for 33 miles of fence.
-no money may be spent on a wall of any type. Money may only be used on “operationally effective designs" that were in use on May 5, 2017.
-This REDUCES the number of illegals that may be detained for deportation. Again, REDUCES. The omnibus reduces the current number of detention beds–about 40,761 beds–by about 250. This means FEWER illegals can be detained.
-NO new ICE arresting officers/field agents may be hired. Fewer than 100 are provided for ONLY in support jobs–not the field. Trump said he wanted 1000 field agents originally. Trump is now prohibited from hiring any of those
-Increases number of foreign workers. H-2B visa program EXPANDED by 100,000 foreign workers. Again, expanded. Pay attention.
-Mandates sanctuary city funding (you know, the cities that protect illegals who've committed crimes like rape and murder) .
-The military will NOT fund the wall or assist with it. NOT happening. Pay attention to Mattis. His policy is to remain neutral on any political issue like building the wall.
Basically this.
Need to make an edit for this image except with Hitler also worriedly onlooking at a bunch of tradthot-loving weeb amerimutts
That's right, we like immigrants as long as they're BASED legal immigrants amirite??
nice fake news hillary shill
Redditors and halfcucks who believe they can pass undetected.
But the real, deep lesson that americans get out of your continued failures is: the only thing worse than Trump is anti-trumpists.
That's the actual bill.
Can you please link me to the real bill if that's a fake?
As soon as Richard Spencer and his goons started to co-opt new Right shit and infiltrate right wing circles everything went to shit. This collection of cringe neo Nazis is cancer
thank god, I hope he does get impeached
1) provides the much needed correction to Holla Forums
2) strips away the last delusion of American whites who think voting still matters
3) get revenge on the Orange Moron for being such an impotent piece of feckless shit
Delete that pic you fucking loser.
How are you going to enforce communism in a society without authority?
Back to reddit, there's a limit to how lame you can be
Make me wh*te boi
What's next?
Just because we hate Trump doesn't mean we are going to warm up to you dumb nigger gommies
Taxing it out of fast food and sugary drinks?
That'd cause the next WWIII.
This is your brain on chess
Even if you're LARPing, you still deserve death.
here you go kiddo
Holla Forums gets bigger every day. We had so many people that we even had to split the boards.
tfw drumpf not imbeached
1) Holla Forums still right
2) fucking white males still reminding you that you're a pozzed kike
3) drumpf still orange
Hillary can still win, don't worry
never change, stormweenie
I'm 1/16 Native american dumbfuck.
Why can't you lefties stop trying to rewrite history? Your board split because half the board didn't want to be associated with a cocksucking tranny.
tiny 10 "wall" is better say retards in this topic
apparently near double length "fence" is a joke
Keep telling yourself that trumpcuck. That was a rumor and it wasn't even a good one because that's not even the Holla Forums BO
I'm afraid that will never happen, Holla Forums
tfw a tranny's first desire is to pass for a woman, while a communist's is to pass for white
Still not proof
I'm not white see>>1239286
I posted these to the thread on Holla Forums linked by the OP and mods deleted it.
He tried warning us, Holla Forums. We should have listened
native americans are white, I've read the book of mormon
One wildlife refuge was spared, but Congress funded 33 miles of new wall that would cut through protected areas in Texas.
Muh pre existince fenceeeeeee
He couldn't even afford the actual one. That's the chink knockoff hat
There he goes calling a fence a wall again!
To the tune of Hallelujah:
Well I heard there was a border fence,
That Donald shilled and so did Mike Pence,
But you don't really want a Wall now, do you?
Well it goes like this:
The cheat, the con, the GOP and the MAGA Don
The baffled Drumpf composing Drumpfelujah
Drumpfelujah x4
Well your faith was strong but you hate the jews
You saw him praying on the news
His yarmulke and the handshakes overthrew ya
He didn't cut the DACA funds
And he broke his oaths and he took your guns
And from your lips he drew the Drumpfelujah
Drumpfelujah x4
Maybe there's a Holla Forums vol
But all I've ever learned from Holla Forums
Was how to praise somebody who out-jewed ya
And it's not a cry that you hear in congress
It's not somebody who's seen progress
It's a cold and it's a broken Drumpfelujah!
Drumpfelujah x4
A butterfly refuge is not nature, that's man made.
You're a shitskin, yeah, we already knew mate. It takes subhuman intellect to believe in the economic system that turned south america into a banana republic. You have the qualifications.
He knew all along fam, why would he support Donald? Better off feeding some ants tbh
Rhyme scheme was a bit off
lemme guess, they appeared from great leader's kim jon drujmpf's farts, right? fucking inbred
I'll give you a zero two for effort
It's clear as day that the Omnibus funded 33 miles of new fence, not wall. Who are you trying to fool?
Why am I not surprised?
I still believe Trump was the best option available, but maybe Hillary would have been better in the long run from an accelerationist perspective. No guarantee of that though, this frog has been boiling for a long time.
Be honest. Is this You?
what an idiot
If hillary would have been elected it would have been the exact same thing except you'd have republicucks doing the protests.
Whoever wins, we win.
Who else then was a viable option in the election? Jill Stein? Bernie? That libertarian fellow?
Who's we?
Nice try goon, how's it going with the demoralization efforts? How does it feel to feel miserable for your entire day from dawn to dusk?
Holla Forums, dipshit
Maybe it's all an elaborate ruse, but knowing that almost all media is controlled by a handful of elites that don't give a shit about the people, and seeing how they shit on Trump and did everything possible to get Hillary elected, that's a good sign.
I do like guacamole.
At least he gets payed, you do it for free famiglia
Yeah nice try sweetie. Better luck next time 😄
Unless you're the voice of the collective unconscious of Holla Forums, there's no we.
What we truly need is an ethnocracy
This is it guys, we've hit peak soycuck. It's called 'pilpul': jewish rethoric is about answering back and forth with useless chatter, what counts is to always be talking.
See it in action here: the kike makes literally zero sense, but he will keep going at it.
You have a really short memory, don't you?
She would be protested for gun rights and for destroying the forth amendment just like Trump did
I am, thank you for asking.
You have zero reading comprehension, but I wouldn't expect anything more from a redditor
Please explain how that bill I posted is fake.
Pretty sure Holla Forums didn't like Hillary either, and were pretty pissed about the DNC shafting Bernie to give her the nomination.
Oh wow
Okay sweetums.
Ummmmm you're the only who's salty, blumpftard
All me, fite me faggot
They shilled for Bernie then Hillary won and they just wanted Holla Forums to lose.
Why do you leftists still think this cretin tactic works? It's obvious you're arguing in bad faith, so don't bother.
Oh wow again.
pic rel is me :p
At least he put his back into sucking that dick. Better blowjob than most real girls give.
For real, just look at their board. They're not big fans of mainstream libs. They liked Bernie, not Hillary.
Yeah that's true.
Trump gets to pound his daughter's poony, can't get greater love than that tbh
Do you like watching that tranny dick get sucked sweetie?
where's her tits?
actually watching it
The tranny was sucking, pretty sure the dick in question just belonged to some fat guy.
Oh my sweet summer child
Erm no sweetie, that great white cock was zerosugar's, BO of Holla Forums.
To be fair to the guacamole salesmen he's probably right on that
"You remind me of my daughter"
The absolute state of Holla Forums.
Do you guys think Trump ducked his daughter? Probably 50/50 chance in my mind
What did he meme by this?
Colorblind most likely
Probably the most effective thing you could say if you want to get inside a porn actress
Colorblindness is a threat to the sanctity of our nation.
Hillary would have signed the TPP and escalated Syria. Oh it's so sweet you pretend to care about gun rights and free speech now, you can really pass for one of the goys.
So, Deplorables?
Is there any official word on whether these are actually THE WALL? I thought these are just some cheap fences and the wall is yet to come. I read Trump liked the version that could be seen through at the bottom, but was solid at the top so kids couldn't climb it like some shit at a playground.
Saying you remind me of my daughter to a women you are going to fuck is never okay you slack jawed inbred sister fucking savage
But Trump escalated Syria, China, NK, and Russia.
They really like the excuses of "ban evade" and "chronic shitposting" over there. I still have no idea what the fuck chronic shitposting is. I have yet to get an answer on that
Read the OP tweet, Trump called it The Wall.
Grow up, sweaty
We already got the TPP lite and we are in Syria as an occupational force
inb4 some "pot hole meme" about the bombing of Syrian airfields
She campaigned on enforced a no-fly zone over Syria and shooting down Russian planes that entered. Which is pretty bullshit since Syria is a Russian ally and they requested Russian aid, not for America to show up and arm the rebels. If she had done that, we'd probably be in some sort of major conflict with Russia now.
Every single time I go back to ask why they keep defending Trump, even tho my ban is up, I get banned again for that exact reason. nu/pol/ sure is pathetic.
Yeah, it looks like Trump is bullshitting for brownie points with his base over the wall still not being built and claiming this gay ass fence as some victory, but I don't see anything saying that this is the wall itself.
You're just upset that no one ever hits on you, Ms. Hamwhale.
4chans Holla Forums is actually less cancerous
Yeah, so where's the full blown war then? Assad would have fallen like in Libya by now. The entire muh Russia thing exists to push Trump against Putin and return to the globalist plan. NK is not even a thing, it's obviously just posturing for internal affairs.
There's new moderation at Holla Forums, this guy named Heil is batshit crazy and will ban you at the drop of a hat. Just being surprised by the new wordfilters like Islam being filtered to Religion of Cuck (which doesn't make a lick of sense and reeks of /r/the_donald "democrats are the real racists" bullshit) is enough for a month ban.
What is it user?
Murrica isn't at war because Murrican army is full of fat trannies and dykes. lol your country is a joke.
It's not the wall, but Trump tried to lie to his supporters today and claim it is. It was already well known that this is a fencing improvement that was in the works before. Trump signed away his last chance at getting a wall in his first term with the omnibus and after trying to get money from the military and getting slapped down by the pentagon, he has to resort to lying in a last desperate attempt.
Really don't give a shit if we do fuck up Russians or Syria but Trump has definitely escalated the situation video related is all those dead Russian mercs
Funny how Trumps big steel tariff has a exemption for every single one of these nations BUT Russia and China, I wonder why that is?
You might as well link to a Milo Yannopolous tweet
it means you triggered his poor feefee's
Also, he only tried to take military funds for the wall when he realized he destroyed his base by signing that retarded omnibus. If he had any intention of using that method before, he would have done it.
Not saying we should be friends with them, but it's definitely bullshit. Trump isn't perfect by any means, nowhere close, but he's still better than that conniving bitch would have been. Literally any of the other candidates including third parties would have been better, so that's not really a very high bar honestly.
You might as well linked to the Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı website
Genius, only someone who believes communism is going to make him rich can possibly be this bright
Well there's no telling in the land of make-believe.
I'm half convinced ImKampfy rebranded as Holla Forums and doubled down on his bullshit after catching so much heat.
>ImKampfy rebranded as Holla Forums Heil
Your disguise holds up, kike
What could it mean?
Every time.
I remember back when it was Kampfy, "The Real Moon man" and Hail over 90% of the moderation of done by either Kampfy or Moonman. Its pretty obvious Hail was a alt account.
But you're not: you're just a shill from Holla Forums who uses all their retarded talking points, from orange to sexism.
The actual trumpists who disavowed him, use different memes. Those are actually interesting to engage: they bring up valid points. All you do is being retarded about worthless details because you live in the furor of deceiving others to join your worldview. No one likes a manipulative imbecile like you.
Trump got caught lying hard today.
He tweeted about a meeting for the start of the wall. And it started, that's it. Now the whole argument here is about the pics attached.
Give it time, he's surrounded himself with warmongers and neocons. It won't be long before Assad "gasses his own people" again and the American military – which Trump has illegally and indefinitely stationed in Syria – will be called to retaliate.
Escalating all these costly wars is not America First, it's more of the same old shit.
But it's all 425212316740 dimensional chess! See, when Americans kill Russians, it's actually hurting Israel because, uh, well, it's chess so you must listen and believe.