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Movie is pro-abortion propaganda
Liam Rodriguez
Jacob Thompson
Cameron Martinez
Lincoln Rodriguez
Is this a JIDF board…because I want in you dumb niggers?!
Liam James
Parker Russell
Julian Stewart
Brayden Diaz
Nathaniel Nelson
Holy shit this board fucking sucks. Even Holla Forums and cuckchan Holla Forums are more entertaining. Are you all shitbag rapefugees from other boards and/or assholes that still like Holla Forumsmics and buy Marvel, DC, and Movies? Fuck all of you assholes.
Jacob Stewart
fuck off back to (((Holla Forumsintendo)))
Robert Campbell
Cooper Hall
Parker Perry
Why don't you just fuck off back to /int/?
You are shit.
It's your fault for not sticking around /int/ you fucking AUSLEAFfaggot nigger.
Joseph Rivera
Nathaniel Anderson
Hunter Young
t. Far Cry 5
Tyler Lewis
Pagans would actually be based if they worshiped the sun instead of dead idols made by savage retards.
Jordan Mitchell
user, Paganism is a form of worshiping the sun.
James Russell
the absolute state of the modern right
Andrew Long
All religions are tbh
Jackson Edwards
oh you're *that* autist
Gabriel Garcia
Which is why chads make their own religion
Gabriel Thompson
Noah Phillips
Get that cock out of your mouth chaim
David Johnson
You will die like the rest of them.
Samuel Jones
I mean if you find Reddit entertaining then sure, I can see why you would think that way.
Cameron Edwards
But there is nothing here besides redditfags who were kicked out of their leftist hive. You like watching the televison though yes?
David Roberts
Who the fuck watches television?
Josiah Scott
Holla Forums is based centrist, cry more faggot
James Brooks
this post is propaganda
Thomas Walker
You're all a bunch of subversive faggots with the leftist snark. The lot of you need to be turned into fertilizer for all the wonderful plants I am going grow. Scum.
Cameron Adams
What are your newest additions to your garden, user?
Gavin Ross
No we are based libertarians who understand homogeneity is a requirement for liberty in society
Aaron Nelson
Where are you from user? What kind of plant do you like the best?
Sebastian Butler
I like the FBI plants that post on Holla Forums the best.
James Lewis
Like anyone else?
Luke Gonzalez
Varg wants more taxpayers because he's a welfare nigger.
Brody Anderson
Isaac Torres
You must be jesting my good sir.