Something that isn't Cupcake or Luka.
Something that isn't Cupcake or Luka
Other urls found in this thread:
I imagine once Luka dries up the well here they'll just kill themselves.
Use one of those extendible arms from cartoons to push the buttons from the inside.
As long as there's dicks to suck for Subway money, he'll live.
You could have stopped, but you didn't. And now when marathon runners talk about "hitting the wall" you become erect. For shame.
sucking dicks for subway money would basically be a win win.
6 inch extra mayo
inb4 cute things
The guard blocks the railing that slides to finish the circuit to activate the pumps. It's an essential fail safe to prevent something like that. Unless someone is outside and activates the pumps manually there is no other way. I could go in from the top, but even then the injector is in place the whole time and only leaves a 4 inch gap. At most I could maybe crush my hand.
It's sad how disgusting they are.
I honestly hope they leave and don't come back.
You are going super hard on Luka, haha.
I hope they die.
Saves oxygen for the rest of us.
I want extra mayo on those pantsu
Walls, gfur, vore, hamburgers... is there anything that doesn't give me a boner? ;w;
Let's make a day of finding out.
I want all the thick mayo on my lips and nose
Ain't his life bliss?
Yeah, I know. The WW2 era of manufacturing was what called for such massive safety overhauls because most people working in the factories were either not the brightest bulbs or just horribly untrained so they tried to avoid accidents by just making the situation impossible to occur.
He's the longest person posting.
Older than Rin even, I think.
So that's unlikely.
Not like we were using the oxygen for anything important.
well I'm sure he hates it. you've seen the reaction when told that a cute girl is a trap.
I mean, I could try and fall into a basin of material.
It's kept hot so I could cook myself alive.
It's kind of small though.
True, but now qt is trying to change that get me excited over big fat bat tats
Goddamnit. ;w;
I don't think that would honestly stop him.
He pursues pre-SRS trans and even some guys. Maybe that just falls under "getting League skin money" but dunno.
What does that factory even make?
Those tits aren't canon, how can you be so sure that there isn't also a non-canon dingus?
Industrial plastics and rollers.
shush, embrace it
He dated fucking Lucy, who is infinitely less attractive than any cute anime maids, so I'm pretty sure Luka's standards aren't really that straightforward.
Oh, please. Everybody knows that you're batty about her.
exactly. I had a trap to hang out with earlier but they had to work.
moogs pls
For some reason, I was thinking it was something related to metallurgy.
Don't particularly know why either.
slow tiem is sloooow
Out of cigarettes.
Convince me to put on pants.
Bebop has joined Milky's Slutty Milking Mansion~, Swiggity Swooty I'm coming for that booty ( ° ʖ °), Use My Holes, I'm Νigger, Hatsune F***ing Miku, LoliconLovers!, Whore Gamers Of America, Hentai™, Ass Appreciation Group, Pony Butts, Gabe Newell Covered in Marijuana, Life sucks, Kill yourself., She Said She Was Eighteen, Stop invinting me to your uncool groups, ^^Hentai^^, NaughtyMeowArmy, THE HENTAI ❤ and Cum Lovers Anonymous.
:stop autism:
yip. Now I gotta wait till tomorrow to get muh car fixed and then get an excuse not to hang out from the trap.
You can buy something else while you're out, too. Like dinner.
Closest I've gotten was working for Kawasaki making motor engines. I was the guy who got them right out of the mold. I also refilled the molten basins.
Anything to cover those legs up. Blegh.
so normal sounding...
Like the casting of the entire engine block or just the components?
fixing fuel pumps and hanging out with traps? Webm related
this better?
bat is not for the sexual
Rouge tits ain't canon?
I thought they were!
George, come cuddle me and pick a movie so I am not sad.
The entire block.
I was also one of the only people who could cast the smaller parts that attached as well.
seems legit
everything is for sexual
no u
Dinner sounds okay..
but where would I go?
I do hate my legs.. maybe you're right.
She has tits, she doesn't have two waterbeds hanging off of her chest.
actually ky
watch eraserhead alone
bunny is definitely for sexual
Because some sort of cert or just because you were the only one capable?
I have no idea what the qualifications are for various line positions.
I don't know where you live or what's near you.
Five Guys? A bit expensive for a burger in my opinion, but it's good.
brb killing self for having such shit taste in best e-friend
is this more to your liking?
EVERYTHING is for sexual
some things arent
nice get
rabbits are not for fucking in their axe wounds qt
rabbits are for stew
Kaybe knows best.
A bit expensive? More like waaaaaay too expensive. Just go to McDonald's or something.
Watching it with someone is more the goal.
I am tired of being alone.
I'm not smart, but I excel at factory work.
It only took a month to outpace everyone else on my floor.
It's like $11 for burger and fries.
Not really expensive.
Watch what
You can get that at cookout and another side and a drink for like $6 tho
Considering how much cheaper you can eat elsewhere, yes that's expensive for fast food.
"Only" $11.
So I don't have to have a boner if it isn't canon?
Great, now I can't fap to 80% of all the hentai in the world.
work... k bai
I can hear George fapping to rabbits.
Not a huge fan of burgers, but a suggestion is a suggestion.. They have the neat 1000+ combination soda machines too, so that's what I'll look forward to.
Kaybe knows shit.
Relative to McGarbage or something, $11 for a burger and fries is kind of up there, but the same thing would run like $20 at a restaurant after tax.
It's not expensive by any means
but It's not "cheap"
Certs for trade work are sometimes learned on the job and they're the one that pay for the certification test so I had no idea if it was one of those types of deals.
A burger joint is like $7 for the same "meal" type thing with way worse and way less food.
im just going to start ignoring you when you do this
nu uh
I'll watch a movie with you
rabbits are for both
this better?
Cookout is literally about the same as Five Guy's.
I'm just saying that every Rouge image is a secret herm, that's all.
Everything is shit. Therefore I know everything.
Maybe at a shitty diner or something, we're talking fast food joints. That's pricy.
i'm breaking up with you
I have no idea what a Cookout is.
Just ignore me anyway.
I never went full time so it didn't matter.
I don't want to watch anything with anyone anymore.
Only a fool goes to a place with a drive through and buys a meal. You buy two sandwiches that are like a dollar and take them home to wash it down with your own damn soda.
Am I the only one who thought Yan should have posted Tsuriko with that stutter trolling bs?
I'm done
Pls QT, my cock is so confused.
Considering I don't know what that is
Yes, probably, weeb.
Better yet, just eat out of a dumpster and wash it down with someone else's urine. Or, if you're looking to splurge, your own urine.
Tsuriko is Troll-tan.
most likely.
Ah, fair enough.
I don't like my car smelling like fast food so I never take it home and always eat it at the restaurant.
I should try though. I'm trying to get double shifts at my current place. That's a good grand and a half a week at 80 hours.
I would have to sleep at work though.
You can't smell anything in my car over the smell of smoke, so that's a moot point.
this better?
I remember I used to post her whenever I was trolling.
Or fake trolling.
Or just being silly in general.
Berserk 2016 is the best show ever
you're always silly.
I always pull over to rest stops on the highway if I'm driving for so long I need a break.
Do you, like, rub it into your upholstery? I don't usually find that to be a problem.
Nice disinfo bruh.
But why bother? I smoke if I'm driving just about anywhere, it's not about taking a break.
proving my point
The smell of fries and grease stays in the car for a few days after.
I only smoke when I'm overtly anxious so I guess that makes sense.
That's after taxes and if I don't take them up on company rules letting me stay 2 hours and come in 2 hours early. I could also work through break. I'm asking the head boss of the floor today about it.
Start next week on the new shift if I can.
Gilgamesh seems like that hardass older brother with all the rules about his mid 60s restored muscle car
Like no eating in the car
no smoking in the car
no wiggling your ass on the leather seats
no rolling down the windows without latex gloves
*unzips dick*
his car would run on pure bitterness.
It is possible that our cars have just never not smelled like fast food, I suppose.
Do you put them out on your dashboard? I know a few guys who do that.
you know you want to
Back soon
It ain't proving your point if it ain't silly.
At least it'll build up a decent savings.
I drive a few years old import sedan.
I honestly do not give a shit about it. I just don't want it to smell or be overtly dirty/stained.
It's not a matter of perfectionism, just it grosses me out if it's dirty.
I don't think I have the energy for this. you are silly. more often than not.
How can you have smooth balls and be covered in fur
stop trying to make sense of furry porn
They're just latex animal suits, dude.
Filthy degenerate furs need gassing.
How can you have hairy balls and be smooth all over
It's not like I'm doing anything else.
More savings means I can move to the coast sooner.
Yeah, true.
Enjoy it.
Bleh, the coast. Why?
Hold that thought for a few hours actually, I'm about to be late. Whoops.
This conversation has run it's coarse.
I don't know. Lack of desire to stay anywhere.
Furry Rights Movement when?
Being a furry is a choice and it's not spiritual like religion
therefore discrimination against them is okay
Doesn't hurt to stock up on fertilizer and ammo just in case it becomes a real thing.
Fucking death to furries
lynch those heathens now
If they're furs, do they really have a life to matter?
I was trying to pick your mood up, damn it.
Just mindbreak me, fam
feels so much like Holla Forums right now. everyone so tsun for furries
i am giving up art
such a heavy thing to pick up. your tiny arms can't handle it.
alcohol is helping immensely.
what about simon?
when did you start?
My arms aren't tiny!
I got this, I got this!
they're certainly not large.
/ic/ bullying you?
I'll start lifting.
get swole
I have an ashtray. That just sounds dumb.
Goddamn conservatives
What's next, scat fetishist rights?
It's just in their genetics, of course.
Furries aren't people. They do not deserve the rights enjoyed by real humans. They deserve only death.
please no
ill feel weak
Dog-fucking is not in people's genetics
I'm just memeing, fam.
Memeing is not a license for retardation
sissy like you should be weak anyway.
This place is full of bigots.
The PC police is going to come in and figure out why you're not bending over for glorious progressivism and hugboxing.
You're the lewdest cutie for me, qt
they'll be coming to you first, no doubt.
Just to lift your mood.
Now I'm in a bit of a sticky place...
my mood can only be lifted so high anyway, so it's fine.
Fuck the police! They'll not get me before I detonate the vest in a furrycon.
how /d/ can you go?
It was pretty obvious I was just kidding, though.
it's film and tv. it was always film and tv. I get them, inherently. i've been playing against my strengths. time to cut the cancer, right?
B-but I'm a proud Barney Sandals supporter!
to someone who knows you well. sarcasm is hard online. I have this issue all the time.
better him than hilary.
not a lot better. but still.
Oh boy, sure am excited for more Loco filmbased tripe.
I'm no..sissy.. mhmwf
ah well maybe it don't matter, you're still so small that I can pick you up.
Trudeau for president.
That's okay. It's hard to translate tone and sarcasm through text.
Not as /d/ as you, that's for sure.
I just really wanted to post the picture
good poll
But I want to lift it, and do what I can.
I'll always be small, just for you.
okay but you know that you are, so.
dude that's seriously not funny. that guy is fucking canada up.
he might be better than hilary.
you do enough as it is.
There's nothing wrong with film and tv. You get them because you love them, too. If you love art then you can't just throw that away, either.
You don't know me. YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE
He's out of the running, though.
What poster would you least want to be trapped in a room with?
that doesn't matter. pretty much anyone would be less dangerous to the country than hilary.
you need to go deeper
Ich bin ein Berliner.
--Our Happy end--
"We would arrive in Kararagi, and rent a place to stay.
As long as we had a home and work, we would get by somehow...
Fortunately, thanks to Roswaal-sama, i have received an education, so i think i could
easily find work, even in Kararagi.
You might have to either look for manual labor or take care of things around me.
Once we had a stable income, we could look for a better place to live.
In the meantime, you could study or perhaps a year, so that you can find a decent job, until you can actually work.
We would work together...
And once we had enough money, perhaps we could buy a house.
Maybe we could even open a shop. After all, Kararagi is a thriving commercial area.
I'm sure we could earn a living on one of your fanciful ideas.
And once our jobs were on track...
Um, it's embarrassing to say, but we could have a child.
It would be half-demon and half-human, so I'm certain it would be feisty.
Whether we have a boy or a girl, twins or even triplets, I know they would be adorable.
I'm sure it wouldn't be all fun times.
And not everything would work out as I imagined it.
We might have only daughters and no sons, so you might not feel very proud of your family.
But...Even when the children grow and reach the age where they start to treat you coldly, I shall still be on your side!
We will be famous in the neighborhood as a couple of old lovebirds, as we take our time spending life together and growing old...
I would feel bad for doing it to you, but I would prefer to die before you, if possible.
I want to die quietly, lying on our bed, with your hand in mine, surrounded by our children and their children.
To say, "I was so happy," as you all look on..."
my very own popura
noooot, pure propaganda
Wait, I have to post /d/ stuff too?
too lazy to look that up. I think it says you are a bernie? something like that. I have no idea. they tried to teach me german in the "you're so smart aren't you special? :D" class in elementary school but they didn't count on how lazy I was even then.
you definitely are.
Because they're a fat pathological liar with a penis and neckbeard and smell like cheese?
Because they're a gay pedophile rapist?
I am a Berliner. It's a famous Kennedy quote.
so boring
That, and the possibility that they'll have a violent autistic meltdown.
zero evidence
But you aren't a trap or a child.
Very low.
It's k, Cuppers. They tried to tame me too. But then I stopped taking the pills, and it all became clear.
I have plenty.
good work.
Has Returned
It does not take away from the fact that it is a disgusting entity.
even more propaganda
I doesn't always feel like it.
N-not that small...
I wish I were that small...
The fuck is he gonna do?
Pull out a katana and say how he totally uses it to kill dogs?
>scoots bodyslamming ui screaming for the children
I need this
it's not really propaganda if it's true
and for that I apologize. I'm trying as hard as I can.
Added to the next Threaders-FC card.
in the OCTOGON
Man, looking back now, I got in trouble for the stupidest of shit. They put me in time out for wanting to play with toys instead of make shitty drawings for the elderly at the retirement home!
Pooping is a communist myth.
I wouldn't want to be trapped in a room with Tsuchi
listening to his edgy dribble and lame jokes for hours on end I'd probably kill myself before the meth withdrawal rage took over and he killed me anyways.
I also got in trouble a lot. it took them a while to decide to put me on pills.
I'll make you feel that small
you have been misled
oh god yes
but girls dont poop
tsuchi would be perfect because he would very likely ignore you the entire time.
sure don't think so.
[citation needed]
Girls don't exist
One could only hope
how are your gifs all so shitty
Brb, toast.
What should I cook tomorrow?
No Kids Allowed
Its fb shit what do you expect
He has to intentionally downsize them.
It's not just his gifs.
He's got piles of jpegs of ever-increasing artifacts.
Why do I get the feeling that's about me
Hi Eisen
"They'll help you focus" they said. "You'll be a model student" they said. But did any of them bother to ask what you and I wanted?!
im gonna ask my love!
huh but you're..
ohh I got it! *wink*
girls don't exist
thats just for fun sometimes
i'm confused
but okay
this is very upsetting
What's up with you?
she will only back up what I say about this. you're a sissy.
no. but why would they care
Just anxious to get back to college at the end of the month
nothing to fucking do anymore
where have you been
*Takes a shot*
Fucking kekworthy
more alcohol for me.
Finishing degrees and starting others
It takes up time, dood.
Are you closer to California or New York?
New York I guess
Time to get fucking hype
No, California
You're supposed to say California
but why
Cuppers' theme song.
Time for sleepy.
and toofbrush
gimme da nee nee
i want the nee nee
so how are you, totally not girl?
We must await the answer!
wrong. it's this.
nee nee
nana =w=
I've never been good at these trick questions, dammit
I'm fine, mostly just wondering what would give you the impression that i'm a girl
Think you can get out to California for 9/11?
I think there's lots of nees in here
Lots of pos too
doesn't matter what she says, you are a sissy either way
For 9/11?
Are they having another one?
Well I hit the gym, got a raise, and might go out tonight
this was not a bad guess though, tsuchi.
cool, give me 20 bucks
No you dipshit.
If you can get out to LA for 9/11, I'll take you to an ELO show.
When I was playing GTA V, it was one of the songs on the classic rock radio and every time it came on, I just proceeded to drive through the sidewalks.
Why should you need to apologize?
It's my own inadequacy.
I don't want to find out how you mean.
huuuh I don't think that gir-boy.boy.
It's all manly over here and there.
she doesn't know .-.
I would love to do that but I'm not that free yet
There's nothing illegal about running away as long as your parents file you as a missing person.
I'll give you 20$ in wampum
I have played over 200 hours of gtaV. this song is nice. I like others from that station better though.
stop that please.
she doesn't have to. I won't tell anyone.
I'm just not sure I can run that far is all
sure seems like a lot of work.
I'm not some smelly native american hooker like you're used to comforting you every night while cry after climax
it's mostly just petting you a lot and poking a lil fun at your size.
b-but this is public
no one pays attention to me, so it's okay.
Your laziness is worse than mine!
Where do you even reside.
How is it work to copy .mp3 files to a folder?
I see
mine is unbeatable.
because it's less work to not do that.
Can camming be classified as exhibitionism?
having mp3s isn't cool anymore, you see
It's a truth, though.
O-oh, okay.
They accept booze not wampum nerd
I crai every time I come in someone besides you
You're my favorite cum dump Yan
How was your day? ^^
I won't engage in this anymore. you don't get to be me at me.
You don't deserve a PC
Oh. I was born near you.
I bet they had to drag you out of the womb at birth because you didn't feel like squirming around in there
they are.. but they conspire in silence
what do your pretty eyes see sir?
unless you get mad, I get scared quickly off that.
someone bought it for me.
probably. I don't know. birth is disgusting.
guess your "secret" is out then.
It's the place to be, of course
I see a red door and i want it painted black
It isn't self depreciation, though.
Well, we'll see.
marry me already faggot
I'll be your lazy neet cumdump waifu anyday for free rent
Pretty shitty
My point stands
You ever visit cheeseheadland?
then knock it off.
that wasn't the word I want.
because google said it was wrong when it was right.
Fuck you, google.
your point is pretty pointless, because I don't deserve anything.
I was just stating a fact.
If I were more competent, maybe I'd be able to help your mood better.
I've never heard of such a place
and apparently Google hasn't either
your competence is not the issue here. it is your inability to be alcohol.
Haha god you're so cute
That spot is taken already though
I sorry
Why so shitty?
Wisconsin, doofus.
Then maybe I should be able to be alcohol.
help me cover it up
Juuust no mad please ;-;
Was I supposed to know this
Yeah something like that
if you really wanted to help you would do this for me.
Bloodchan isn't real you dumb faggot
Lots of upper back pain and a cold.
what's in it for me?
You live a hop skip and a jump from it. Have you never heard the term Cheese head?
No I have not
because I don't live in Wisconsin
You cheeky cunt
Nah I actually have someone irl
Ah that sucks. Wish I could help you, but you're sick so stay the fuck away :x
Shiro already has a cumdump waifu?
Do you not get out?
Of Michigan? Not often
-sneezes in your face-
If you have someone irl then stop asking me to suck your dick all the time you creep
it is a great art
huwm whadda ya want?
But I'm too incompetent to be alcohol.
more alcohol.
I bet you'd be some super girly drink anyway.
*pokes* Aren't you Erins bf or something? Stop giving up your boipussy so easily
Also not dating the woman just yet.
That doesn't mean you'd ever stop drinking me.
seriously? it's been weeks. the hell is holding you back from claiming that bitch?
you'd run out eventually. the alcohol always does.
When do you become an adult?
Kick that bitch to the curb
I haven't given it to you even once you desperate closetfag
I am an adult
I'll never run out.
But you'll have to start drinking to find out if that's true.
And you can't take a trip to california?
never ending booze is tempting as fuck.
you can have some of my belgian heavy beers
but im gonna sleep now, so nite nite, hope you feel better soon
Quite so m'lday
I don't know.
It sounds like too much.
I'd probably taste like care, and worry, and concern.
No because I
1. don't have that kind of autonomy yet
2. am broke
3. am in college
beer is disgusting.
thank you tokai. sleep well.
I would give it a try at least.
The power of Queen Cooki?
Turn a gay man straight for a night.
I wouldn't fuck cooki with bloodchan's dick.
I'm doing that thing where I worry about someone now.
Finding out who she is before I waste my time. Going to claim her on our next date though
Nah my bitch is in it to win it.
Home cooked meals, buys me gifts, and other things I'm not going to share ^^
seems like something you would do.
like it matters who she is. just stick your dick in her already.
What if I'm already straight?
This sounds made up
I'll turn you gay XD
I'm laughing really hard.
I wouldn't touch bloodchan with a 50 foot pole
Already did though lol
Scary isn't it? Someone from this place actually enjoying life
Cooki pls no
I like being sraight
oh, then carry on.
I'll hook you up with Cupcake, you'll love him.
No not that, just what you described
some people just aren't normal.
Also fuck AZ
I'd rather just play with your butt if I was gay
How's Cooki's life going?
She is super legit. Introduced me to all her friends and co-workers already. Enough about her though
way too hot.
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