*takes a nap*
*takes a nap*
Other urls found in this thread:
That guy's dead you know
I roomed with a friend of mine last year not knowing he was gonna launch a soundcloud DJ career and do awful sets on twitch every friday night
why are people so awful sometimes
The yoda chant is always the best part of the show. Was this your first Weird Al show?
The first time I went he played Albuquerque in its entirety for the encore instead of the Star Wars songs, it was jawdropping
...oh look another cute thread
i.. did not know that
Please tell me his twitch account. I need to see these past broadcasts.
What does that mean, Bardo?
eetistim for beakafeast now bwb
T-They are not clean at the moment. >///<
It can be boring, I reckon.
When are you drinking again?
brb nini
I was too young to fap then, thankfully.
fairy is a hard counter to dragon, yes.
yes, it was. I wish he had albuquerque, but the star wars duo encore was amazing. and that vocal thing in the middle of yoda was so great.
*had done
@ best friend user
I play guitar mostly
used to be into bass
check out my pride and joy!
It took me along time to get this guitar as it is but
I really love it
I would probably die for it
I love this guitar more than I love just about anything else in the world
what about you do you play anything?
First no tiramisu. Now no tentacles. Hmmph.
even analog faps were noisy... turning magazine pages was loud
Mmm, elitism. The breakfast of champions.
You and me we go back
gotta use the old brain box.
He died before they could finish his scenes
he originally had a much larger role
rip in pizza
You can see me come home from work in the background of one of them and I look pretty irritated
The Yoda chant evolves every tour, it's pretty remarkable to watch. I've seen him three times and last time they gave us front row tickets.
During the Straight Outta Lynwood tour he played I'll Sue Ya and blasted dollar bills with his face on them all over the place, I still have a couple of them
Makes sense, right? Fairies are seen as good mythical creatures and dragoon are seen as terrifying and brutal mythical creatures.
that's fucking awesome. I wish I had been able to go to more of his shows, but even just this one was fantastic.
You should be irritated. That is a crazy person thing to do. Now dish you saucy bitch.
thats a wealth of useless information... i love it
What do you mean?
fairy is just too manly for dragon to handle.
it's efficient if you have a good imagination.
Hopefully he keeps touring, his shows are pretty consistently awesome every time
I cannot
Excuse me, he was a good man
youve been around for like 3 years bruh
thats longer than most of my 'friends' would stick around
That's og status in my book
I'm sorry to hear that. sounds like sleep would be a good idea.
Getting so fucking pumped from just thinking about it, bro!
in this day and age its hard to come by...
i didnt know him and it was a long time ago
I'm just a lowercase g in an uppercase world, Bardo :/
yeah. he still has a ton of energy. I bet he'll keep at it. I hope he puts out another album soon.
watch out. don't want to blow a muscle.
I suppose. never been a problem for me. well, actually the problem is sometimes too much imagination.
His memory endures
He'll still put out singles but his record contract's up and he's said before that digital distribution is basically his future. I don't forsee another album
Next year he's dropping a complete discog box set though inside a replica accordian box which I am SO getting
No pain, no gaaaaame!
help me to dream again.. to imagine
im just not sure how to respond
thought you were going to bed...
It's okay
i should feel guilt now huh?
ah, that makes a lot of sense. whatever his method, I just want more songs.
I have lots of pain and no gain.
Actually I'm going to wallow in my own pity
I'm sorry I lied and I dont really know why
doyou really want me to
It could be fun. What do you think?
its cool breh... sama bes here yanno
Not necessarily
He'll probably still tour his greatest hits for years, i don't see the demand for that going away anytime soon. His fans are passionate as fuck
Know theres a place deep in my heart for you
oh good...
i just spaghttid everywhere
that's true. some of the people around were getting SO into it.
it is all fun and games until a wolf gets shanked
Changing bellybutton jewelry is still one of the weirdest feels ever, diggies.
yeah his shows attract a huge variety of people, it's really interesting to see
anyway goodnight
I will keep you safe. And maybe the wolf.
goodnight eisen. it's nice to see you around here more.
maybe thats my problem
no spaghetti
Weren't you planning to sleep at some point?
theres nothing left now, nothing i haven't seen... all imagination, all beauty stripped away. a carcass torn away. nothing left but this shell in a veil of fire
yeah. I am.
As you can see, I've failed.
Doesn't seem to be going well.
What a handsome guy right there.
nothing does for me.
goodnight thread.
Night, man.
Night, Cuppers
Your life, euphoric
I've waited for so long
I'm crashing
Sweet foam in these eyes
Like a six ton mega bomb
Your heart, platonic
I've waited until this time
The force, erratic Like a deuce from a laser storm
Your spite, turns on me
Like a cloud cries in the rain
Your karma it's solid
You gotta wonder, it's all your own
You gotta wonder, it's all your own
You gotta wonder, it's all your own
Heaven knows.... Heaven knows
Still I felt so right
Guess I've never known before
Heaven knows....Heaven knows
Still I felt so right
Guess I've never known before
Heaven knows....Heaven knows
Still I felt so right Guess I've never known before
Your thigh,
Your hip
Like a melt down power zone
Pressed on me
With the very thought of love
Like a voice in a hurricane
Your heart, platonic
I've waited for so long
The force, excited
Like a life on a runaway train
Your spite,
Rush in to my mind
Your own,
Your soul
You're like ice on a desert plain
You're like ice on a desert plain
You're like ice on a desert plain
I hope Bard will be okay.
Hey shut up at least they had the balls to do it unlike EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON
I still need to replay the trilogy though. I've just started the second game but i'm too lazy to get going
Do what? I related because I said that to someone a while ago.
I'm drunk I need to go home
If I post smiling anime girls
So you're looking forward for the new one coming to the rest of the world in September too?
Drink some water.
YAY =w=
What did you take?
I really need to keep myself updated. I haven't even finished the fith. Anyway i gotta go.
Still in the building sadly
You should know by now I never succeed in my trials
I hate waiting for breakfast places to open on all-nighters though. Damn.
The question remains.
Well do check it out when you get the chance. See ya.
Cut back on all the drugs. Trust me on this one.
i dont get this
I just smoke weed
I've had this bottle of rum for a few days
Or not. Good luck.
I still want to feel like a cool guy
I'm sure you can find out
I dont have the heart to say
I'm sorry please I dont understand
What building? Where are you and why are you drunk?
Bard, there are no cool people here.
We drift deeper into the song
Life goes on
We drift deeper into the sound
Feeling strong
Embrace me surround me
As the rush comes
I guess I'm just in my room drinking so I stop feeling so volatile all the time
I feel like
in the next month
it will get better
but worse until then
And I am the least cool of them all
I wish I could leave but I cant
Please drink some water, Bard.
I'm cool.
You are minimalizing marijuana as a drug and ignoring the fact that it clouds your ambitions.
You will find more success with the new found clarity.
Also it all depends on what you define success as.
You ignored me. Not cool.
I was talking to cupcake! He was making me feel better then he went to bed.
He does that, yes.
He's never made me feel better.
Y'all must be talking about a different Cupcake.
Maybe you just have to be cute.
He has only raged at me.
It's even better if you play Overwatch with him.
I have some here in a jar on my bedside
thank you for caring about me even if you always seem so cold
I can try sometime
being sober is when its toughest
i usually smoke maybe a few times during the night
but it helps alot
thisgame is hard
♥ i enjoy his company.
you have to be nice to him in the first place.
You never offer.
I ask some times and no one replys
I would only join him in his ire, so no.
one cannot pour from an empty glass...
*offer extended
I would like to empathize wiith somebody
How are you guys feeling tonight?
But if one's imagination is strong, it was never empty in the first place!
*offer accepted
*steam requested
you can voice with me!
Of course it is going to be tougher sober. Nobody said it was going to be easy.
I hope he wasn't overly lewd with you as you are underage.
Fine. I ordered my dress, paid my cellphone, and fucked up my online drivers license renewal so now I have to go to the DMV. Still waiting on my girl-pills.
it's really depressing to have a backwards sleep schedule
i didnt even see the sun today
*steam unavailable
*hangouts requested
Hmm I'm not sure I've heard of that one
Why are you stuck nocturnal?
I always hear bad things about the dmv
hopefully it doesnt take too long
Good day for business
Was stuck working myself
no am grump
He's gay, he doesn't like girls.
so he is a comforting sweet to me.
*error 404 hangouts file not found
*skype requested
*discord requested
doooo et
batr pls... das worden auf english
*discord approved
Probably not going to be very vocal here for a while
out of ambien :/
stayed up all night doing something dumb and slept until the sun went down
what doesit mean?
I havent ever heard that word before
guess you just
have to
stay up longer hhhaharight
I keep everyone out of arms reach, Bard. I try to be an open and honest person, but I'm also anxious and easily aggravated so I tend to not get too close, as it were. I probably am a bit cold. But I care for you and you genuinely have my sympathies.
He produces enough rage for ten men as it is.
lacking care or attention to duty;
negligent, neglectful, irresponsible, careless, thoughtless, heedless, lax, slack, slipshod, lackadaisical, derelict
you really don't think I'm a bad person even after all the shit I did?
This is a nice feeling
Thank you for sharing
I'm glad you can have it
It's a great feeling to have at night
Another reason not to play.
ya this is exactly my plan
i wish i had anything to pass the time
im caught up on all my shows and podcasts and now im jsut staring into space thinking too much
I was never trying to encourage you.
The only person that thinks you're a bad person is you.
Of course not. You are too conscientious for that.
That fucking feeling man
I am biding my time until no mans sky releases
Then I can loose myself in an infinite unierse beyond comprehension
anything to drink
I love you but not in a romance way
Thank you for your genuine Kindness
ilu2 m8 no homo bro
I still have until my birthday to go in, so I'm not really worried.
Well that works then.
batr is so cute when hes all morose and tipsy
im waiting for pokemon to come out so i can pretend im young again and everything is ok
i have rum but i dont know if itll jsut make everything worse
Rum makes everything worse.
k am on discord wat do 4 the 2 invite ppl thing
Seems a bit late to start drinking.
yeah it does
4 batr
you forget that i woke up at 8 pm today
ill be awake for some time
im not sure
alcohol makes time go faster
I hope its everything you want out of it my friend
This is such a sad one
mood appropriate tho
You're clearly the prosecution, you don't get to be the judge too.
I didn't forget so much as I think you shouldn't take that into consideration since you're still starting drinking in the dark hours of the morning.
Judge Judy and executioner.
judge judy is dank
me too
i hid 40 dollars for it i jsut hope i dont need to spend it before november
i guess ill save it for later then
Neru, no.
Darwin, what should I get for breakfast?
And we'll drink with Bard then.
thats so far away
that really sucks
what system is it for
Watch out, he's just going to say oatmeal.
Cause he's old.
judy or temeen jingiin tsuvaa
Three months will fly by.
I don't think he's that boring when it comes to food iirc
Pancakes with strawberries and cream. Omelette.
What did you just call me?
I have not had pancakes since maybe 2002 so that could be an option.
What do you usually get in your omelette? Sorry for dumb food questions, but I am sick of getting the same orders everywhere I go to eat.
sounds good
hope im still awake by then
nintendo handheld thing
i have a 3ds but it works on any of them i think
Tabasco is a must. Everything else is secondary but tends to include peppers and mushrooms.
i read this as tobacco is a must and was really confused for a moment
good taste in omelette though
i like yellow and red peppers in mine and some peach mango hot sauce
A spicy breakfast sounds legitimate enough.
What is your opinion on sriracha?
its cool tho... i can handle this... im fine... i ju
I like cheese and beef
very generic
I would talk with you but i cant talk rn
ketchup on pizza and pasta and everything is pretty icky
I would put it on someone's dick and suck it vigorously if they would let me.
its k tho... ima chil there with kitten and elma... no homo yiff
*riases hand
Wow, I had no idea you were a gay.
I lied to you all this time. Forgive me.
tabasco enema
The last one I got was just ham and cheese. I do not eat beef.
Could we maybe arrange that?
We could take turns even.
This is about Sriracha.
Ihave never heard of that before
brb writing Darwin with sriracha on my feminine pee pee
I suppose we could use Sama as tribute.
Everyone was convinced I was anything but with my many conquests. I even had sexual relations with a human female to maintain the pretense.
Come to me and we will expand your culinary horizons.
What does that entail?
Restraining him, drawing a pentagram on his body with Sriracha, and lapping it up.
Oh gosh.
Ihave a pretty wide foofhorizon rightnow though
pastries and stuffs
I woke up because my Liru senses were tingling
I had a bad day guys. Seriously bad day.
Like... I've got a kitchen knife right next to me and I'm thinking... 'This will be less effort than anything you have planned.'
lets just us 3 group hug it out
my something was tingling...
heh... forgot i did this
We should start a bad day club. I had a very bad day too.
Huggles thread?
You should probably get that checked.
ill ask my doc if its okay, ty
Gotta play this during as well
I hope you do not hate me for this.
You will receive spicy food and be glad to have it.
Lost my ipod, keys, and got super drunk last night and saw my mum's ex boyfriend... had to stay over at my mum's house at 2am.
I can't remember where the human female thing was from.
Scan-chan, don't kill yourself or anything, but I could seriously use a blood tribute right about now.
You're the only cunts who I could make such a club with. I'd like that.
... I don't have any friends.
I don't have friendS!
That's rough bro. I'm sorry.
how do you feel today my friend
that is good one
*hugs tight* Stay strong scan man
I have faith in you buddy
I remember losing my mp3 it really ticked me off
its hard to go without music but keep your eyes out for another onen
man I got dumped so gimme a hug
22 Jump Street.
Like... I could slash myself and bleed on a piece of bread, if you like... not a cry of attention or anything, just... if I'm gonna kill myself, I'll have to see if I can slash myself.
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan
We are talking missionary. We are talking missionary. We are talking... the one where I am on top and she is on her back.
whats making you feel awful buddy
i dont wanna talk srry
My appointment did not go well yesterday, so we've scheduled another one for tomorrow.
That's kind of the main thing atm but there's gotta be a dozen other things on my mind.
Don't be, if anyone should be sorry, it should be me... but like, sorry ain't gonna cut it.
This is one of those 'I seriously fucked up' moments. And I have too many of those that brought me to this point.
we caould shit up doots tc channel again or i mean... as usual
I will talk, I won't cam though.
I mean.. paper would probably work better lol
bread would probably soak it up too discern a written name on it
too much to*
Let me rephrase myself. I acknowledge your pain and regret you have to deal with it, regardless of who's fault it was.
how do i talk to you people
It is a mystery user
im supposed to type with my penis...
I thought so but I wasn't sure. It DID sound like something from one of those movies set in space. There were a lot of those in a row at one point.
We want to burst through our ceiling, you gotta find another ceiling and you gotta burst through that one and you just gotta keep hammering ceilings.
You mean you don't?
Is cool, I'm just very tired and it is effort to type, I'm hungover as all hell and everything is just like... jesus.
But yeah, bread just came in my head, it is probably the best food I have in that requires no prep.
Will I get over this silly shit, Freeman?
hard to get accuracy going yanno.. aim
Who the fuck would want to dump you anyway?
You're hot shit.
klj;kje btrhis///?
kitten and elma make such a cute couple...
Fuck off with that.
It seems like an immediate trauma, but this too shall pass. You're safe now. Bad things do happen but it's only temporary. I believe in you SCANNER. Even in our darkest of yours our brightest of days are yet to come.
exactly... slam keyboard on balls, post results
pick a avatar and post about how you feel
how your day is
things you like or dislike
really just try to make friends and bullshit away the time
Don't read into it. Sama's fucked up with his e-pranks.
can i play u a song on gutar samoa
I dunno... just... the fuck.
Do a thing, I don't even know why I'm here.
is your avatar just a bunch of yuis with kamina glasses
I do not know where "yours" came from
of course barty
There was not a lot of space fucking in those, however.
There were alien sex in both star treks and guardians of the galaxy at least.
Used to be but I developed anxiety and depression issues and just started posting tomoko
yui's a cutie though thats for sure
OH YEAH! I just remembered! This is that time of year where I have a mental breakdown! Like clockwork!
Like holy shit, I almost forgot.
And The room.
I think ill join you
this fucking feel...
I want off this Zoloft train.
Four years and the conductor has not killed himself.
often times i imagine the head of my dick as a strawberry as i mouthfuck yui
liru toying with the emotions... creul temptress
Like serious, remember last year?
I was living with crackheads. And the year before that, I had to section my mum.
I dunno, something about 'Coming up to my birthday', bad shit happens.
Srs though, I came here because I know you'd be here and you're the only weirdos you were there for me.
Hi doggy!
me mid or feed
Well that's a strange coincidence
me too
when is your birthday sacan san
ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau
I'll be 24, and back where I started when I was 18.
6 years and nothing to show for it.
Might be worth a visit to a therapist for a few weeks to see if you can't break and resolve the cycle. If you can afford it.
It is a heavy one.
If you are an Alkeemist make something better?
No for reals though, you either adjust to a med or you don't, and when you don't feel like it anymore that's time to ask for a gradual change.
Video games have taught me that if you hear angry Japanese shouting it's time to start running.
You're my favourite customer.
no thanks
Haha kibō no chikubi wa dorai jikkō shimashita
Whom you cannot recognize.
It's free, but booking a an appointment is time consuming.
I left the therapist to keep the shitty job I don't have.
day after mine!
The birthday blues are a real thing, Scan-chan. Just gotta push through it, diggy
my ass is killing me now... perfect
I don't take antidepressants. I'm making a reference to an old thread meme because everyone in this thread appears to be depressed today.
Maybe she just tells that to everyone who shops there.
im out of tasty beverage
How fucked up does one need to be to get some serious intervention in life?
Like, I've made some serious mistakes and I didn't get visions of god or sectioned or thrown in prison or anything! is bullshit!
you'd have thought world war 2 banzai charges wouldve taught us that a long time ago, eh?
There's a liquor store somewhere
I'll join you.
They said something about the others rioting and killing her in the rifftrax.
kinda messed up towads the end
@ sama
I jjust started eaning it when ou posted it ealier
We couldn't hear them in the cockpits and didn't learn our lesson.
Poor Shopkeeper #1. She will be missed.
Don't worrry
Ill stay consistent
Wait. the reason she doesn't recognize him is because he has his sunglasses on....
listnin... kinda has a wallflowers vibe tbh
mmm watcha say
But yeah, I think i got those and general existential crisis and more.
It's a creeping feeling in the back of my head.
'Even though I am here by circumstance, and my situation I'm in is merely small things after another, it doesn't make me feel less shit'
I actually play OW with the Japanese audio setting, so everyone is yelling in angry Japanese.
Please consider making some time. Therapy has helped me in a lot of ways and I do attribute my current situation of physical existence to it.
What does that have to do with Liru feels?
Oh, now I feel silly.
You're out of Sprite? wew
n-needs an action set up
l-listening to it is pretty bad .//.
but I will put in the work to learn it
shouldnt take more than a few days
and then can practice practice practice
The action on the high notes is killing me though mad
I gotta get a new bridge cause this one is filed away too far
at least everyone is depressed today and i'm not just a morose faggot by myself lmao
out of booze... i think thats why i was mad... deflecting, sorry
it can only get better bro. i like it
There was a second one?
It is really fucking annoying.
Youre' in good company
is this my fault
Doesn't matter. Going to nuzzle you.
I'm outta weed. My shipment should be here tomorrow though. We'll get through this bro.
Do the people at the café where they inquire about marks sex life in casual conversation count?
you choose to occupy a board full of broken people
you should really not be surprised when they get sad lol
Top of my class.
strength through wilpower... must... make it
I forgot the experience; I had not been here in a while.
This is not my Nepeta...
It's her dancestor.
Why? They sell things. Also looking closer at the flower shop scene, the way they handle the payment is very awkward and he does not take time to actually take money out of a wallet or something but rather he just stands there with a bill waiting for her to finish her line and then he gives it to her before she finishes anyway.
I'm gonna try to sleep for actual this time
Probably gonna end up back in a couple minutes anyways but heres a shot at it
Thank you everyone for tonight
Everybody going through tough times I wish you nothing but the best in your situation, and for a smooth immediate future
I love you guys
This is gud thread.
It has earned the blessings of the honk.
Sleep well.
i'mma bed, I will get my head straight and bounce back from this.
Bard, soon as I get my shit sorted, I'll be best boy and help you through bad day, you too Freeman.
Right now, little tender. Need to get my shit together. Nini.
What do you mean awkward? This is how I handle all my payments.
y so srs
u so sily
Fuck you.
ur tohu a shit
Please do.
Sure Windows, just black screen and log me out and reset my display settings for no reason. GJ.
more of that
I ate something for the first time in a long time. I hope I get my appetite back soon.
who is this person and why did i save this image
chen pls...
He did just now actually.
oh... see now it makes sense
than you based old man chan
Did you really not do this?
Why would you?
I don't but that's cause I'm a fag.
Freeman, should I beat Majora's Mask's water temple, or the water temple in Ocarina of Time?
all the images get capped... i know nothing, i see nothing
I hate this one so much more. I spent so much time swimming around those current thingies not knowing where to go for the last few things. The OoT one isn't actually as bad as people say I think.
and i was just asking coz shes cute is all.. jeesh
I actually don't have an issue with the puzzles, and love the setting for Majora's temple.
The one that really fucks me up is probably Ikana. Even though I could die happy in that place.
Get it?
gets so a nigga cant have a pulse... without the spanish inquisition
i expected it...
I dunno. It's anonymous and they are qt grills. Have you never participated in a "save one post one" thread?
Majora's Mask. I never completed it.
There is no shame to that.
I like the way the time mechanic works and how everyone feels like they're on their own schedules in majoras mask. I like everything about that game outside of the dungeons probably. Fuck I still have PTSD from climbing stone tower all the way to the top by the temple entrance and getting hit by a fire keese and falling all the way down to the bottom. This happened on stream and I rage quit. That temple is a bitch also. Darwin thought it was hilarious.
I also have bad history with the snowfall temple, because of the last part where you have to goron punch some layers off the middle pillar thingie. I never knew you could do that as a child, so the only way to get over to the last bridge with the roof and all the snowballs in it was for me to try to nudge on to it by jumping from the top and doing the jump slash on the way down, with mixed success.
I played the game a fair bit as a kid, but I had never gotten the fierce deity mask until when I emulated it and streamed it recently. Getting all the masks seemed like a really difficult thing to do back then, it felt like 100%ing a game or something, something really hard.
All in all, I enjoy the darker tones of majoras mask. It has a sense of wickedness to it that they didn't really do with any zeldas after that I think.
Sorry if that post got a lot longer than intended.
It broke the silence, it was more than welcome
The game was really well done for how little time the company took to make it.
I might consider emulating and streaming sometime if you want to watch.
6am=thread death
Sometimes I end up going on and on about things that interests me and it becomes very overwhelming for the other person.
Yeah, I like it a lot. I have a hard time deciding which I like the most between majoras mask and OoT. I like OoT a whole lot and I spent even more time playing that growing up, that was THE game I would play. Majoras mask is so different though. Unconventional for it's time maybe. And I was scared shitless as a kid and thought skullkid was the scariest thing since bowser from mario 64, so it sort of made the creepy bits even more creepy maybe.
I'd probably still say that I like OoT more as a game. It's a lot longer and a lot more polished.
meh nite ppl
Good night.
You never feel rushed in OoT so that might be a major draw. More time to just be there. Majora had more dynamic weather during the days. You knew when it was going to rain and such. It just feels more alive to me.
Bowser is a bit too clunky in M64 to scare me.
Skullkid's scream though.
I'm staying but I have no idea what to post
I was like 4 years old or something the first time I played mario 64. I used to run and jump into bed when I had to go to sleep because I was scared bowser lived under there and would grab my feet. Not even joking.