your wish is my command
Your wish is my command
Please don't make me repost that.
Pfft. I got rekt last night with certain comparisons so I don't think I'm that pretty.
I really think you are.
And 122lb at 5'7 is actually really good, so I don't know why anyone would try to rekt you about it.
Hope you don't take that as defamation, was just going from hazy memory :c
I could do that, when are you moving?
maybe october, maybe january
When's good for you?
:/ O-okay...
And it wasn't about my weight. I was practicing makeup and apparently I look like Jenner and that really cut me deep.
Tsuchi really can be a dick sometimes.
I'm more offended that you'd think I'd be offended at that, lol.
The current meta, lol
-pet pet-
You seem really open today.
Mawile is super evil and not cute
It's like a big Venus fly trap...thing.
It scares me
That Norco really knocks you the fuck out.
I am trying to make it a habit. Holding all this in is really painful.
2 hours until I leave for my appointment... I guess I can do this...
Come play overwatch, asshole.
welcome back^^
Oh, that.
I dunno, I saw it and thought you were cute.
I think Tsuchi has has issues discerning facial structure, honestly, so your expression probably threw him off.
That is exactly what that back mouth is supposed to do.
The actual pokemon is the critter that looks like a small child.
My food is almost done. Let me go get it and then sure.
ty, I've just been silently lurking
I don't really have anything to say right now, just pretty down in general
You're so pushy.
Who is Meme Man?
That's what he gets for being one.
It was a silly expression, yeah. It was like a "lol idunno" faec :/
Down with the sickness~
It's all the same to me
I haven't, but there's so many I want to go to
i am meme man
I am pretty sick alright
Yeah, I caught that, it was topical.
Did you ever end up getting TC to work?
So like my sister's friends who are hardcore religious people come over occasionally to tell us about Jesus Christ and all the rad stuff he did back in the day
I went to go make myself some breakfast and some coffee and I offered them anything to drink (water, juice, coffee, etc) or if they'd like some fruit or something. They just wanted some water but I still gave em a small bowl of grapes.
They were telling my brother about jesus and I sat down at the table and was eating breakfast and listened to what they had to say. They asked me what my name was again, they were really nice though but then they told me how my older sister had told me that I was an Atheist.
Like don't get me wrong I wouldn't necessarily consider myself an atheist cause I feel that's too edgy and almost seems rude to call yourself that to religious people. I was all trying to explain that that wasn't the case but I feel like I just made things worse lol
What a way to wake up in the morning
What is your religion Holla Forums?
I don't think it's so bad that it's gotten easier to make music like that, people will always appreciate a good instrumentalist
Some time in September is good, since I need a haircut and most of my clothes are in Southampton..
Also have an exam September 1st and I really can't mess that up, so revision before that
I didn't think you would, but you never know, some people can be touchy about weight
Oh ^^ I approve, it's nice to have someone share how they feel about themselves.
-pet pettu-
I thought the cute thing was a trap and the mouth was the Pokemon part >:
Agnostic anglican protestantism
ok i will pester you then
bring sufficient lubricant based on your assholes elasticity
prognostic angle prohibitions
Did you tell them you're not atheist, you just don't believe in their phony frickin god?
Where do you live that a young person being an atheist is edgy?
Close enough to me that I can vouch for that
Got time to persuade some friends while it's still hot?
There is nowhere for a secluded in the national gallery, trust me, security cameras everywhere :v
WHAA! WHAA! /disturbed guy voice
:3c I hope your appointment goes well. That should help^^
I'm glad somebody got it. I'm wearing a more subtler/more work appropriate amount for my shift tonight to see if anyone says anything.
No. My internet up in my room is horrendous. I'm pretty sure it's gotten worse since we've put all the a/cs and fans in. That can't be a coincidence what with all the electromagnets and such.
Satan. I am my own god of my universe. Also chaotic evil, because I'm a selfish prick, but that doesn't necessarily count as a religion no matter how seemingly related :p
The openness itself might be nice, but the things I have to say are not.
*is petted*
who said anything about seclusion
Hi master c:
Some people like that kind of stuff, some other.
Just say that you don't want to talk about it.
No, really. I'm sick, my health is really poor right now and I have this insurance thing in limbo and my doctor's appointment, after months of waiting, is finally next week.
I don't hold out any hope though.
As an afterthought, I thought I was agnostic for a long time until I found a term to describe how I really felt.
Agnostic Atheist.
The mouth thing is just a pair of horns, lol.
It uses that to crush things, but it also makes sense that it probably also protects it from predators.
But no.
She's a little qt.
Sounds good. You'll look great, sweetie.
That sounds poopy. My health insurance runs out this month cause I'm officially too old to stay on my parents'. Another thing to throw in the stress-pile.
I hope you start feeling better *huggu*
It's no problem, Welms~
I'm just giving my honest opinion!
Thank you :3
:p Flatterer~
I will catch ya later. Gotta get going to work. Have a nice night
I plead the fifth!
Enjoy your shift, Welma!
Fuck it, I'm gonna place that $130 weed purchase. My friends' opinions be damned, it helps me so much.
Same. It's just my animus posting hours are really whack, but I do hope to catch you on later!
Wow that's so rude
I try not to be super rude to religious people cause even though they may be annoying sometimes they just want the world to be a better place or whatever. Like they aren't doing anything bad but more like they're taking the wrong approach. But what do I know, I'm just a degenerate
I told them that I am not much of a religious person but I still respect everyone regardless, and practice good morals, etc
I used to call myself agnostic for quite sometime but then I just stopped caring about religion in general
planet earth
lol you'd scare these poor white folk away
That just makes one seem rude and and almost close minded
I want to be that guy that isn't religious but is still nice and accepted by religious people
I remember my highschool days too fam
You could say..
"I'm open to the idea of god, but I've never felt the need to subscribe to any particular religion"
Or something to that effect
This is not gonna go down like one of those japanese porn films on a packed train
Hi Ein-chan
I was talking with Ikt and Tokai about going but I think it's too late
I saw something in Sweden though and I'm sure Casper is up for going next year. It's just 2 days.
Cinderella Girls and catnip when?
what the fuck kind of porn do you watch
Seriously fucking alarmed by you right now. what the hell.
Am I the only one you're super rude to?!
n-nhh.. stop thatttt or i'll start kissing your feet right here
It's not close minded it's just for being humble and respecting other people's while not making a drama. Don't talk religion or politics with friends/family/colleagues.
It's the most apt.
My only firm belief is that everyone should find their own.
just woke up
i want those two.
Listen to me Soto
Tell them you're an Atheist, they'll want to do anything they can to change your mind and in return you fuck them
How do you feel about EDM?
I'm guessing you like a wide variety of music
Either of those sounds awesome if it can get organised.. 2 days and expenses but will surely be worth it
Would you drive to Sweden? And go across that insane underground bridge thing
I don't watch it I just know about it, don't get the wrong idea!
You've probably posted weirder stuff anyways..
I don't care about religion at all tbh, but if I have to label it I'm going to use the correct label.
Yes pls. Also the $130 is a single order of the vape juice. 3ml bottle. It lasts me over a month though and I can take it anywhere.
I'd rather be drugged so I don't remember it
Just two pictures?
Ok which two? :3
I do enjoy a lot although not the really 'basic' stuff if I can say that without being rude. I like a lot of different layers of instruments/backtracks.
I'll make sure you're drugged just enough so you remember it clearly, but also remember enjoying it.
Good afternoon.
i'm scared you might take them if i say them...
I wanted to say that you don't necessarily need to be religious to have good morals or be a good upstanding citizen but Im pretty sure they would have something to rebuttal my statement with and I know I'd probably look dumb lol
The irl Soto and internet Soto are two very different people, Mordin
I doubt you will ever meet me irl but I'm actually a very well mannered/nice guy
I have talked about religion with my family though when drinking and explained to them how I feel about them
My grandma and sister arent too different from me either
Whatever makes you happy tbh
Ive told some of them I was an atheist before like years way back and they seriously did so much to try and get me to be religious again
I didn't change tbh
I think they gave up
Holy shit they make vape juice with THC oil in it now?
The future is now
pls love me and pet me and care about me
I'm psure you've hit off it before...
It has never gone well from experience.
More or less, honestly.
You've gotten needy all of a sudden.
All the sick events happens in Belgium/Netherlands
And yeah I'd drive there. The bridge is very impressive yes, you should come along too! :3
Think about all that potential Catholic pussy you could be swimming in
I would be very suspicious if I did. You're only nice if there is a purpose to it.
Lewds, we don't speak, but I appreciate the quality of the content you post.
lewds, we don't speak, but sometimes you make me cum
thank yoU
because i want to feel good so that i can be nice
Season 2 is coming soon and my folder will triple in size, maybe you can have it then
If the time comes and I can make it and I have the money, I would do it ^^
g2g sorry for people I didn't reply to, in a rush
...maybe one day i'll be able to have a folder just like you
Being a cuddle slut is a bad way to go about that, tbh.
Today I helped Bard recover his old Yui folder.
Felt pretty good to help a bro out like that.
tfw Subtle prioritizes you :3c
You're welcome, I do my best.
Cool, we can see what we can figure out next year. Have fun.
a what?
Pikachu seems pissed off.
does your mediafire update?
Same as in you'd be suspicious too, or you're only nice for ulterior motives?
Give me the folder
Lmfao why does everyone say that?
Well alot of people from here tend to say that, I kind of get it since Im a huge asshole on here and me being super nice irl would be pretty suspicious
Ask Ian, Freeman, Kon, Grim, Ene, Kitten, Ghostie, etc
I used to just use this place to vent most of the time cause no one can act nice 24/7
I'd be super nice irl then come home to blow off some steam on here
Kanra didn't really like the fact that I did that
its jelly ;~;
Nah but I haven't added much content you'd like to my folders anyway.
Blatant cuddle slut attention whoring.
I should know because I do I'm a cuddle slut.
It's a bad way of feeling good about yourself,
only slightly better than being a sexual slut.
You're evil irl
that's a shame...
thanks anyways.
at least it isn't a lewd way.....
I don't hand out folders. If you need your old shit just give me filenames and I can see what I can recover.
Soto is a pnice guy. Eh drinks and doesn't afraid of anything.
Of the evees or the person?
I also have a pretty extensive Coffee folder
'tisn't much better m'dear.
the eevee's that get all the attention, from it'ss trainer.
still is a small comfort in this big world ;~;
You never even came down here for drinks with me and Ian
You're the evil one tbh fam
I might have this Sunday off and it's my lil bros bday and Manny might come over so you two can come thru
Its gonna be one hell of a pizza party dawg
You already know beer and catnip go great with pizza
Oh and bonfires too
I doubt I work that day either
If i'm the trainer then whos my pikachu?
I'm totally down to spot Manny some gas money to be my ride, let that fucker know I'm always down.
Well I also know that Ian could've died running around all night in the streets while high on LSD just because you didn't care to look after him! That's not very nice.
Which one is it?!
Well, that was fun.
I'm back.
What vidya did you play?
Stealing my sunshine
You wasted my potg.
Overwatch with Goggles and one of the fur fags.
I am so fucked up on meds right now I can't really think. Sorry.
Hello, adulterer.
Please accept the mystery.
your pikachu will recognize you.
But I won't notice them.
W-what happened to the N64 titles?
Clockwork made me come play after my nap.
Though I'm kind of out of it to game.
Wow I mess up once and you keep bringing it back up, you're worse than a house wife I swear
If only you knew how many times I nursed Colbs back to good health after waking up hungover as fuck, or the times I safely brought him back home after barhopping and he was blackout drunk.
Don't start talking shit when you don't even know the whole story
Imma let him know dude
I'd rather feed Rin this dick rather than pokepuffs tbh
Nah I'm not really angry, I forgive you. But I got a penta.
your pokeball will
But did you get POTG?
You make it sound lewd.
I play OW sometimes, but I am pretty bad at it.
To be fair it was Ian's decision to actually take a drug he'd never taken. He's learned his lesson though.
Without a doubt.
Join the crew. Feel free to join us if we're playing.
It's a chill crew.
And all gold meddles?
uhm.... yes?
Idk, ask if I can join first.
I joined a discord here once before and was told by the owner to "Never post in my discord ever again"
Thats not helping it sound not lewd.
It's my Discord.
You can join.
Okay 3 at least but 5 kills in a row is a potg in itself.
If you say.
I think all my crops are from lewd sources
it not lewd
I think you know they are.
I will webm it before I close down the game.
It's not lewd, Ban.
Theseius just wants your balls to notice her.
I trust you are being honest.
Luka is kind of a slut tbh.
I wished they saved locally to save me the effort of recording the reply or lose it forever.
you know one day we are going to have to do battle
will you be ready
The option would be nice.
Busted. Who is the loli you're posting?
Nice options get implemented last.
How do I waste 3 hours so I can go get Japanese for breakfast?
I would say sleep, I guess.
Try to do something meaningful for three hours. I can't imagine that will end for you in any other way than three wasted hours.
I have already slept a whole night's worth.
I am playing Overwatch with frelkzy and stuff.
Tell Freklz that he's a waste of your time, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Well, there is your time waster.
Also show Avery my control set up.
yuri~ is pure.
Luka has to be a girl for that to work.
He told me to tell you that you're wonderful.
He is okay.
*hugs tight*
Don't be a bigot.
Anyone is any gender they claim.
Don't let cisgender society keep the transman down.
Luka isn't trans.
He's an idiot.
The man's not wrong.
Avery is a beautiful woman.
She doesn't want to be shared.
He comes the PC police.
Let them come.
Even though I have no idea who Avery but with a name like Avery, it must be a girl.
Excuse me he is a bi species fox girl.
Refer to above.
It isn't his actual name.
Just a name I gave him when shipping him food.
Back from work?
what brought u back to posting?
Who is Dani?
Too soon, man, I'm having flashbacks to sfur threads.
nah... appointment. work later
Too soon? What?
Dani the space fox.
She didn't exactly hide when I looked for her
I fucking made it guys, I am leaving for my appointment soon. Thank you all for chilling here and keeping me sane.
I have no idea who that is.
What the frick...
gl hf
What is this conveying?
They were...just...awful to talk to .
The end of one appointment signals the beginning of another. The circle of healthcare.
Thanks, I will need it tbh =(
my appt wasnt healthcare... there you go assuming things
Honestly though, I had a worse time talking with Krystal.
go get em tiger... *rawr
Also a person I never want to see again.
Now I am tainted with the knowledge of him.
looloo buffs when
agreement maybe
pic related me irl atm
Thanks for answer though
I'll be your space fox.
Out of the meta forever.
I remember trying so hard to get good at lulu. It didn't work..
Conductor we have a problem.
Did you get your hair did?
There's just something about interacting with people like that. It's almost a religious experience.
Just let this happen.
no... bidness meeting over lunch
shhhh...just.....go to sleep......
"hardcore CP"
bard cuddle me.
You are welcome, I think.
Don't worry, I won't cap anymore of her. She's yours.
You must
Darwin drink coffee and stay awake
s-sorry im chaste
ilu irl though squash
what are you stull doing up ayways
I have no compelling reason to do so.
Way ahead of you.
"These train yards are messed up, man." "This concludes our business meeting."
I think I am going to need an adult before allowing things like this to continue.
discussion over staffing vs expense and manpower requirements. budget review... there you go assuming things again
I had an hour nap.
I had a nightmare and woke up.
I am an adult.
Milk and sugar?
what did you nightmare about?
I don't recall.
I am trying to show you my twisted affection.
Let this happen, you ungrateful shit.
squash bruh
Do you work today?
A man just after my head.
thats right
"These trains do the work of 2000 men." "Get rid of the trains, hire 2000 men."
Trains dismantled the American middle class dream.
I'm on leave 'till tomorrow night.
I am glad you realized I only like you for your body. I could not find a delicate way of breaking the news.
i guess you should enjoy it then
I think I swallowed one of my stitches.
this thread is boring...
Is this not what you wanted?
I have so far.
Have you found your personality?
welllll it has taken me like 3000 games
and I still suck diks
I cry all the time ;;
yeah it's the same as yours so I threw it away
holy shit it's 4pm I thought it was like 11am
so r u
But you got good at sucking dick. Also I know that song.
check your clock silly
its only 3:16
You will have to play KARMA now.
Conductor we have a problem
It sounds like somebody hasn't spent enough time on leftypol.
Get in the only right time zone...
Keep that attitude up and I'll change that
Can't blame you, everybody wants a piece of this.
here i am but i dont see u
Maybe it's my inner spic but I really like the accordion to this tune
Have some porn.
ay gurl
you lookin fine tonight
you know whatd look finer?
Who is my competition?
I think you should stop posting while your meds are in effect.
Idid not
Wat do?
I feel great.
Taking over the world is the only way.
fuck the pain away
I do what I want
Gotta get me some of those
Oh, right, these things scarcely matter in solo queue. Maybe I will spam her one of these days.
Are you telling me my long standing respect for your lulu plays was a lie?
You are choosing all the wrong dialogue options.
Can I wish anything ?
Also, who wants to play Overwatch ?
there is no world... only corporations
Who is that guy?
who the heck r u?
what do you mean?
You in a dress?
Now that I consider the contestants, there suddenly may be fewer than I previously anticipated.
What's your thingy?
I'm Ikarous
Look behind you
I already gave the last of mine to someone.
I only have one last pill.
I chose the Paragon option.
h-ha ha
y-you haha..b-bed.....dress..heh
yush Iam awful
yasuo gutted when
azir gutted when
tanks gutted when
looloo buffs when
What thingy ? You mean my wish ?
-holds your hand-
Thr thingy between your legs boyo
Disregard them all and elope with me.
I thought all of those were already gutted.
That was like two patches ago, that's why everyone is playing malzahar instead now.
Sucking on my titties like you wanted me.
A thick and hairy penis, why ?
I'm booooored
Someone make a new thread
lmao these old fb screenshots tho
So one of my kids is Hugh jackmans niece
*smiles happy*
Huh? Right. What? Uhh. Huh? What? Right. Uhh
i dont know i am not the owne who is aksing
Nonsense, I know you can
i wish i could be a lovablae asshole playa that everybody likes
Back x)
Well you can have a folder now
But it will have two images in it, 'cause that's what you asked for..
Viktor is stronger.
-smiles with you and laughs softly-
Don't link music at me ever again
I will put that to the test later. If I can feed horribly during the first 15 minutes without getting a penta kill after two items, you might be on to something.
You are paying for all expenses, though.
mfw Kassadin is strong as ever and people doesn't know
You already are fam
Make content, new threads aren't going to solve your problems magically.
Wut ?
But, I don't know either. Why do people ask it that way anyway ?
I feel LoL nostalgic all of a sudden.
two characters*
i didn't say two images.
what'cha up to today?
They buffed him even.
I don't know what that means.
I think I stopped being good ever since they rebalanced Ahri so many seasons ago. That and I moved to NA to play with people.
Your Blizzard code thing.
This was nice
i needed that thank you soto you the champ
ask her to tell him you liked chappie
That is some far-removed starstruckedness right there.
what the heck do you mean YOU PEOPLE
j-just like my tv house doctor...
i met hugh jackman once. called him huged jackedman and we had a laugh.
Mass Effect.
Also if you want to add people to the Discord give them the link.
... was the lupus
I bet hes a great and cool dude to be around
Welcome back.
Naturally, that is my job as the man and provider in the relationship
Because of Kass?
Recently? Nobody seems to play him and he destroys things like Zed and Yasuo
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
iIt's never Lupus