how sad is it that an incompetent mentally unstable fat goy who sucks dick for israel with an incredibly short temper and massive ego was somehow better than the alternative simply because his economic policies are effective?
the absolute state of american politics
How sad is it that an incompetent mentally unstable fat goy who sucks dick for israel with an incredibly short temper...
Its what happens when you are given 2 flavors of diarrhea to choose from. Why the fuck do burgers allow that?
How sad is it that Europe is full of muslim rape gangs and child sex grooming gangs and they're allowed to do this because European cops don't want to be racist?
The absolute state of European "men".
this is burger education lads
they fell for the bipartisanship meme
t. 56% amerimutt tyrone smith
t. Bubba Joe Ja'Quavius Vasquez
At least you admitted he was the best running.
Its not like burgers have much choice
you just described pretty much described any western leader, at least until start putting muslims in those positions as affirmative action
yup, how is the eu any better? they're called globalists for a reason
*spends more on Israel than the wall*
Is Sweden the UK? Or Germany? Fucking retard.
Assmad samefag.
Disregard leftist mutts. Racemixing is horror, hence racism is good
*keeps guantanamo open*
*jokes about droning children*
But it's ok when democrats do it.
wrong board Holla Forumseddit