whoa, well I never meant to thread
but I've gotten what I wanted now
Whoa, it was never my intention to thread
To steal all the ops from you now
Whoa, well I never meant to thread
But for how much longer?! How do you know your condition wont worsen until you're just a hollow shell?
Kind...of....like.... Poster name here theyre easy too
I guess until the next near lethal car wreck at least.
yo are proj skins out
No idea. I don't play anymore.
its littt
Yeah exactly, Manny was all pussy whipped by her and he didnt even get it in
Yeah she is a pretty ideal chick, she's a huge nerd and is loli sized
Shit, if she didn't have that shitty personality i might actually be a gentlemen to her and try to ask her out and be loyal to her
Don't say such things. It'll be alright. Just hang in there for a little longer, okay?
one of the only good ones. well done.
your words warm my cold and broken heart.
wow soto with the shitanime of the season memes
You're not allowed to have another car wreck until we've had at least one hug.
wow doots with the faggot of the century award
That good stuff
rem is trash tho
Re:Zero is great tho
if life is done shitting on me for a while I probably won't be in one any time soon.
its all shit...
ayyyy but sama so mad tho rite
eat a dick doots
oh she mad
aint even mad niga u geh
You'd be gentlemanly and nice to someone? I don't really know if it counts when you only do it to gain something though.
Ohhh Manny
Pls tell me he didn't spend much money on her
I imagine she acts kinda ditzy to appear cuter
How did you even meet a girl like that?
Good, good. Now if the niggers can stop stealing my job long enough for me to make some cash, we'll be set.
Fuck! I am gay!? FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111
sama is too ownt
I just can't enjoy it much anymore.
good luck with that. being white is a liability now and unless trump wins it's only going to get worse.
herp im doot
fuck off cuppers you white priv fagboi
this tbh
Damn straight. Even Smokey is going to vote to ensure Hillary doesn't win, and he HATES getting involved.
Did you just take this or did you have this saved
Cute case tho
we've got to do something before the muslims are allowed to run in and ruin us like they already have with europe.
that phone is massive.
case looks more like a small wallet/purse type of thing.
Looks like the one my mom has
case 5/10
The meme machine
...although, those burqas could be useful for future cosplay...
yeah if you want to cosplay as a truly oppressed woman.
Can't wait till Christmas
Believe it or not Mordin, I am a pretty nice guy.
Pretty fucking shocking, huh?
How is that even gaining something? I dont want her as a trophy wife you idiot, I would actually enjoy being with her because we both have the same hobbies and are huge nerds. Not to mention shes the type that pushes you to do better in life which is kinda what I need in life tbh.
He rented a apartment for 3 nights for the convention which had a kitchen, washer/dryer and everything dude
Came out to $1300, I gave him 200 for letting me stay there and she only paid 80 dollars. I honestly didn't care but poor manny paid so much for the apartment, they were top notch though.
Nah she isnt really ditzy, she's acts kinda like a normie but is a huge weeaboo deep down sorta like me I guess
SOTO i better be #1 on santa list
dat manga/doujin reading monitor
hai grom
Kinda funny, I always remember sama being a little fuccboi for the past few years. Thought he would grow outta it
fuck i was wrong
so that stickied pony thread over there. it's 16 days old. do they only get like 4 posts a day or something?
doesn't that apply to you as well?
You would actually enjoy being with her if she didn't have what you think is a shitty personality.
What does this even mean? You'd like being with her if she shut up and bent over is what it means.
nah man
all i do is win
nm, uknoe... relaxin. hbu
my mistake.
its coo' man
It's not THAT slow. The community has actually rebuilt from the people who left it. Those voids were filled in by new faces...and they're just as mentally unstable.
the same
hey yea thats cool man
yeah but isn't there also a serial thread on ponychan's /oat/ board? I checked it out a few times and it certainly seems faster than the one here.
Manny noooooooooo
Why didn't you guys split it evenly?
Well you never know maybe she'll get more down-to-earth over time
Wouldn't know. Haven't been there in ages. I thought most would have migrated from ponychan to mlpchan by now. Are there even any familiar faces there?
hello luka.
be moar cute
luka gimme
last I checked there were quite a few. this was a while ago though. I'm sure that's part of why both threads are so slow though. after Holla Forums fell apart everyone went to all different places and that was that for the old gang.
but ponychan and mlpchan merged
And all ruined by one man and his obsession to try and create what he thought would be the perfect community.
i blame aeris
I literally just took it, my sister just gave me that icecream that I'm holding I have no idea why but I ate it already.
pf thanks
it's a thing!
yeah it's simple. I didn't want a plushe case
Yeah. This is an anime board.
Talk about anime.
Yeah same color and everything
bad day?
yeah, I heard about that, but there's bound to be falloff every time that kind of thing happens. I never went anywhere when the Holla Forums threads died and I know I wasn't the only one to switch to the anime threads. you did too, amy as well. tracer is around here now, insider used to be.
who knows how many more have either moved on or disappeared since then. it was like 4 years ago that everything fell apart after all.
aeris can't be blamed for all of it. honestly the biggest blow was the final major ban attack, and by then we were small enough in number that it actually worked.
I know, I know. I was just saying.
also hello cooki.
tbh LoL and pokemon go is just as gay as mlp or dogfucking webcomics
Hi Cucpcake~
how was your day/night?
Have you been naughty or nice tho?
Why do you think my doujin folder is so massive?
It's pretty bad dude
Like if you roomed with her for like 3 nights you sorta see what I mean
It's not even that either dude, most of the time I think about fucking the shit out of some chick but with her that didn't really come to mind, it was more of a "Damn, it'd be cool to cuddle with her and watch some anime "
I know that isn't normal for me to think those kind of things so maybe I actually care about her.
I'm kinda scared of that too though so i just forget about it
Its nice to dream
More like BESTive
I had told him to get something cheaper so we can split it 50/50 but he wanted something super fancy and I was like Im only going to have 300 for the rooms so he was like give me 200 and buy 100 worth of alcohol
She is pretty chill for the most part she just gets kinda moody at times. To be honest a couple of people are pretty jelly of us rooming with her, apparently she has a shitload of fans/followers that are awkward weebs or just thirsty dudes. Then there's me and Manny who don't really try to get at her and just treat her like another bro, she eventually just became good friends with us. We went to her bday and have met up at almost every con for a beer or some food
using a folding table as a tv stand
the day has been like any other so far. mundane.
how about yourself? new phone case seems like a pretty exciting time.
n-naughty :/
It was a double blow from what I saw. Aeris attempting to split up the community by creating a second steam chat, and then another huge wave of bans as Smokey struggled to keep OPing threads.
just a meh day...
aeris definitely helped in making things very unpleasant and driving people away, but let's not give him too much credit. I'm sure he'd be too pleased with himself.
yeah. I get that.
do et!
meth day
tsuchi please go
Hey, hows it going.
yeah! I don't ever get new hings, my friend gave me her hand me down shoes and there so nice, I'll post pics later tonight, I love them all so much.
I have band practice in a few. Got a gig Saturday and Sunday.
I wasn't paying much attention to what I said in all honesty
I upgraded fam
You get coal you slut
im good yeh, hbu?
what instrument do you play?
Your puns are as bad as mine...I think we'll get along quite nicely.
You're right, lets change the subject before we accidentally summon him.
at least i have my thread freinds?
I don't think he comes around here any more. but yes, let's.
did he actually do meth or something? why is it even a thing?
a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless.
you already know how...
every body has a few at least.
I'm going to get back into 7 days to die to see what all has been added in the past 2 years I haven't played it.
if that was because of meth you should keep doing it. you look hella good these days.
good! headed out to band practice now tho, I'll ttyl
sing, drums, piano, guitar, bass.
there was arl tsuchi pic posted, he some how looked drug addled/pale.... ppl ran with it.
pretty shitty meme.
choochee not 10/10 poster but he no druggie
espec since slippin smiles some salami
hope you feel better.
I don't know what that is, but have fun.
damn. so talented. all I can do is sing, and only moderately well.
your post is hard to read, but I think I get what you're saying.
Well that's fair enough if he wanted to shell out for something quality
What's her insta yo :c
oh you're leaving. bye cooki.
give attenshun pls
im one hand typing because
update on gains?
It's minecraft for adults and with a heavier emphasis on a zombie apocalypse. One of the few early access games that are still alive and well because the devs actually keep their promises.
hello lenko.
I hear you live pretty close to me.
petting a cat? makes sense. mine always gets in the way too if I let her in the room.
of course.
ah. sounds dumb as hell.
hes asleep on my mouse hand
do I? where do you live?
You wanna know what's also dumb as hell?
close to you, apparently.
same state at least.
well you're doing the right thing to not wake him.
conversations need to start somewhere.
Did meth kill the bird?
lmao, you live in GA too?
....no, no. It'd be to scummy and predictable of me. I will not stoop to your level!
he dreaming, his whiskers are fidgeting like cray
my information must have been outdated then. I live in arizona.
Who even are you lmao
You have to be super nice to Luka and Sci till Dec or else no gift
O-Oh jeez
I think the drugs and alcohol have made me age a bit faster
My eyes used to be alot more open back then but probs all that weed made me more asian
My upper lip also would always be curled up so Id always be showing my crooked ass teeth
Now they never curl up lmao, they probably gave up on smiling
$1300 tho Subtle
We couldve just got a decent one for like 600
I dunno if I should give you her insta or snap
Kinda sketchy
he's only into biological girls
hue.... faggit
I used to live there. Moved away in June.
good goyim
good idea. it's dark down here.
sounds pretty cute.
well, maybe you're just really good at taking pictures, but you definitely have a stronger look now. your face looks a lot better too. most people's faces don't seem to change much, especially after only a few years, but I dig it.
and my intentions were not to "get down" as the kids like to say.
It's terrible but I am lazy
that would explain it. the person who told me hasn't been around in a while.
pretty damn scary though. I still remember the change. slow but sure, and now you're a bigger faggot than I am.
Just your friendly neighborhood user.
colby you have my liligant folder?
pretty much.
Life dun fucked me up man
You gave it to me, I have since lost it
It's not even a month's pay and AX happens once a year :3
It's alright then
There's no way to say "I'm not a creep" without sounding like a creep lol
name names
he is sorely missed
Are you gonna tell me about it?
of course you would lose the best folder you've ever had.
I won't.
still pissed I cant find my moot screenie where he called me a perv..... just cause I called his boipussay a cake
But anyways, ya, gonna game for a while.
Later, wubs♥
that bird's tail is too long to be a pigeon
later. see you around.
you need to stop posting these things at me because I only open like one in twenty.
that one was good though.
Remember when Ian said he would never post with an anime character?
I remember 2013
Im not photogenic, Im usually drunk most of the time lol
You sound like a spoiled rich white kid rn lol
That kinda is true
besides if you tell her about this community its all over
I miss that nigga
So I was on tc one day while outside just drinking and this fucking bird just flies down and sits on my head.
He just chills there for like hours, I fed him some bread and he was just kicking it with me while on cam. He flew off but then came back the next day and kept coming back for almost a whole week
Then he never came back ;~;
Thats the treehouse ladder fam
could have fooled me. you take way better pictures than I do.
me 2 breh
hi master
I don't remember this, therefore it is a lie
Fine, only still images for you from now on
Bills and taxes, what are they? :^)
Sorry about that
Understandable, if my friends found out about this shit I think I would stop posting forever
good boy.
Colbs you were all about he 3dpd with me
then you betrayed us.
the leeg of 3d.
I am here to fulfil 3DPD destiny
Our neighbour used to feed a lot of doves in her garden when I lived with my father. She was a crazy bird lady.
I guess if you feed them, they come back, because she used to have lots of them sitting on her house and stuff. She's dead now though. Died a few months ago.
you used to post pony pretty hardcore.
i still do s-sometimes
when are you coming back I miss youu
good choice.
Luna my pone.
My pone maker,
you made scoot you fugger.
Do you wanna talk here or steam 'cause doing both seems weird
Pick 1
oh cool colored version.
I post what I want, fag.
Well you're bound to find out about the struggle eventually, there is no escaping being an adult
All my irl friends know that I shitpost and some of them already know most of the posters cause I've gotten drunk with them and even gave them a short description on every poster
A couple of my friends know about you tbh
Bring back Old Ian and Old Eva
Wow way to make the story 10 times more sad ;~;
she's pretty~
luna has some really good human art.
old ian liked to flash his cock n tc
My internet experience has helped me in real life
when was eva even here last?
even better version. why do I have all three saved.
superfluous testicles
Do it.
You going fam?
Imma drag Chii to the con too
I don't have much, this folder seems pretty small. and most of the pictures are bad.
Maybe, idk
Uh-oh. Looks like Reimu is in "alpha as fuck" mode, and is about to make you call her daddy. Sexually.
[ ] run away, and keep your dignity
[ ] surrender yourself to the pleasures that come with being her bitch
No aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cookie
luna my #1
is chii still a smoke bomb?
would be lit
what about scootaloo? poor girl must be so jealous.
She and I didn't get along very well anyway. She was somewhat of a burden on my family because she was really old and senile, yet she refused to go to a home so we had to take care of everything for her.
Uh-oh. Looks like Desu is in "autistic as fuck" mode, and is about to make you cringe. Terribly
[ ] Cuck him and fuck Subtle
[ ] Call him a faggot
cuck him and fuck subtle
that's a different pony entirely.
Yo soto
I heard you liked mokous
i blame paper
Alice is NOT a pervert !
why do you ruin all the fandoms I love
paper pony? oh yeah, I remember him.
desu is a newfaggot and cant even know alice
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
They're inherently ruined by virtue of existing
Ikr, I actually can't wait to get a graduate job
So this is how we're gonna get kewl new posters
You did WHAT