Witness me deny blood chan
Witness me deny blood chan
Hail lord Satan~
you poppin an attitude!?
Desu likes you
t-t-that's a boy!
Desu likes you is like saying
pew pew
poppin caps
I thought those were her tits for a second
Btw, does the tilde escape filters?
im really bored
I'd imagine
So you changed your name and avoided filters, is what you're saying, right?
Rob Schneider was a stapler, then he was a carrot, then he was Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb, then he was Kenny, and now.... Rob Schneider is.... A polar bear!
I would never say anything like that
I'm going to rape you...
Then why change your name explicitly after saying you'd leave it unchanged, and telling people to filter you?
ビープ ビープ
That should have been "after explicitly saying"
I have no idea what you're talking about
Fine never mind.
Fucking fuyukai desu
You never said no~
Don't get me wrong, I don't really care.
But you should at least make an effort to keep your word, since that's all a person's worth.
You win >.>
Fiiiiiine, I'll do it for you
I'm done
don't scare me like that master...
*hugs warmly*
-huffs in your arms and is happy-
everything is ok~
I have depression from video game withdrawal
Are you an aeroplane
yeh ♥
Check your wings for stowaway felines
i hope this doesn't change our friendship at all now that you are a flying machine
as long as I stay in your arms everything will be okay..
bye again
how you like what i'm dustin'?
i have conducted a thorough sweep, but they are crafty critters.
you were always the wind beneath my wings.
Depends what you are dustin' I guess
wind is actually detrimental to planes I think more like they move forward and push the air under them because of the angle of the wings right
But it's a nice expression thank you
sabrina is a better plane than you are
flowers 'n' crops 'n' junk.
*pats your head with my right wing*
ive never heard a plane make that noise
so i bought some glasses today
scoots says he wanted to do dirty things to me with them on
engine trouble!
scoot, keep your hands and bodily fluids off this innocent librarian! i will cropdust your house.
Thank you sabs sometimes he frightens me.
oh yeah makes sense
rip plane
Like... Maize?
in his defense, you are lookin' good.
stawp, stawp! i'm already deaaad!
hi. i crashed.:3
he died how he lived - full of pesticides.
or what the indians called "corn".
i know. they are too big though. Need to get smaller ones.
also i found blond die in the bathroom. i'm not sure what i would tell my mam though.
is your corpse still warm? I need a nut.
MMF shot me down.
They look nice on you. And ummm...tell her you're cosplaying Draco Malfoy?
You cannot get access to it. The NTSB has transferred it to a secure lab.
lies. They can have it when it's full of warm milk.
Whaddup Squishy lady
what will you do now?
maybe. Or maybe I will continue being black hair cute.
are you having a good day? Because that gif was my trump card i'm not sure what else to do if you aren't. maybe like. emote.
get raped.
"That's my penis."
"That's your penis, alright."
this ones fantastic
oh hi rin
You some Alex Jones-type conspiracy nut?
I'm trying to decide what to do for lunch. Help!
I will wait for Plane Jesus to take me into His wings.
i'm havin' a pretty fantastic day, Lolo. And that gif only made it better. I'm hungry though. Can't decide what to do for lunch.
i'm super glad. I can cook you lunch. it will take a while to get there though i'm not sure if that's a problem.
anything else?
"From the first scene to the last, it’s an absolute mess, one whose harried pacing, jumbled narrative, and blaring soundtrack of radio hits suggests a desperate post-production attempt to reconfigure what Ayer got on set into something palatable and poppy."
Chilli Dog or BBQ
Hi, Boo.
whats wrong?
i told you scoots
it was dead the moment BvS premiered
I may turn inside-out soon.
Leak harmful chemicals into an underground reservoir?
Woah. I didn't expect chili dog, and that sounds great. Maybe some tots on the side.
I'll reserve judegemnt until after I have seen it.
If you think I would be at the whim of faggots from the internet and their hastily wikipedia ssembled avant-shit opinion you are wrong.
i would still like you even if you were inside out
The searing pain you would be in every second would be a hurdle i admit that but it's nothing we can't get over
that said eat something please.
what's up? you seem sad
Pulling out the wild card there.
You know a good place for le dog?
what about you
quality posting guys
hey rin
how are you feeling?
After our last movie talk, I have decided to maintain an optimistic attitude and give things a chance. (Though I know I'm going to be annoyed by Will Smith. It's just a given!)
There's a deli nearby that makes great chili dogs. I don't know if they have tots though. If not, I may hit up Sonic.
I'll be back! (Maybe.)
I'm about to go get my grub on. You guys have fun in the meantime! *squish*
I'm going to refuel. That's not a plane metaphor. I'm seriously about to get lunch.
this thread is awful
Feeling fine.
Sorry, not really paying attention, mostly just lurking.
“We’re bad guys!” smirks Harley Quinn when a stodgy soldier questions her behavior. And then, after a dull sequence in which our anti-heroes fight off a phalanx of anonymous CG baddies (like the Avengers) while exchanging witty banter (like the Avengers) and using their various abilities to emerge victorious without breaking a sweat (like the… you get it), Deadshot goes out of his way to reorient us : “Don’t forget, we’re the bad guys.” The most damning thing about this painfully PG-13 movie is that the reminder actually feels necessary."
its a meta four
why the melancholy pictures then?
im pretty sure thats bloodchan
fucking bebop lol i hate that cuck
Happy eats♥
I usually have them these days.
I can't sleep. Send repose.
buffs when
I cry myself to sleep every night
maybe you should take a break from threads
Maybe next season. Support oriented ones of course.
is there an online test i could take to see if im gay?
project ashe
Leaving threads wouldn't cure the root issue.
You already sound too gay to be straight.
this is it
asking for a test is pretty telling
i think im gay
Hi, Gay.
I'm Dad.
im like 99% sure thats you though bloodchan
u even had an email on when u first impersonated lol
wanna play OW in a bit
You're going to be soldier76 as canon.
I just woke up and am reeling from the pain right now.
Let the Norco kick in.
He is pretty sexy.
Master ?
uh, ok?
What? Why would you sexualise him. He's supposed to be the dad you never had.
I ended up taking that nap.. I'm sorry
I had surgery.
Just need to let the meds kick in.
Shhh, Daddy issues.
Still doesn't change anything.
ok i put on trip for my friend bc
at least until we go somewhere where cuckbop isnt in power
shoo shoo roach
Gays can't be dads.
use Failtrap4u
thtat trips shit
idk how to respond to this but ok
ree name was too long
I'm sure they can adopt. Also soldier76 doesn't seem gay.
I would rather get cancer than have a gay dad
Drugs are for cool kids.
He's too manly
Nigga what
aight tell me when you want to play
shoo shoo roach
its definitely my favorite trip
You're worse than sci with this nagging thing
I was looking for Failtrap4U case ssensitive at one point because it's so beautiful, but I gave up on that, lol.
Anyone here have good Trump memes like this? I need more things to shove up Tumblr's asshole.
Literally anything that comes out of his mouth works fine
Things related to rape and racism seem to spread the best; the political side of Tumblr is kind of what you'd expect it to be.
I mean pro-Trump propaganda, or anti-Hillary.
I thought that was Grim for a second
Is there any difference between pro trump and anti Hilary ?
I'm angry
last night I spent the last of my dollars on some d soda to drink with and two candy bars so I could eat one before bed and freeze one for today. I hid it behind my bag of cherries in the freezer and someone had the fucking nerve to steal from me. I dont like being taken from and now i have nothing to fucking eat
How do I deal with this anger in a rational and healthy way
Whether it's focused on making Trump look good or Hillary look bad.
It seems to be much easier to find things that make Hillary look bad.
four gay dads
Lol poorfag
I'm not going to break a 20 for a single fucking candy bar you niggerfucker
That picture with that post. Hora Hora.
somebody stole pastries from me once too
I put a lock on my fridge and has ever since
You're really something
shoo shoo roach
yeah i have a ton
not gonna go dumping them though
I didnt know we had such similar tastes, Rin
you use a minifridge?
American politics is more about hating the opposite side than it is about supporting the side you're on.
whoa what crawled up you ass?
I am so happy that i am not american and have to deal with these political shenanigans.
There's a reason why I used that trip before I found MYdoe/Rin.
Get fucked
nooo a medium one
Sounds like something a communist would say.
very true
doesnt mean there still isnt a right side though
Do you even have to deal with any political strife?
That happened pretty recently though once all the evangelicals got into politics and turned everything into right or wrong instead of what's best for the people
Back with a happy tummy.
It's an abstract kinda four.
Scoot, I'm sorry. I didn't have a chili dog. I had a taco instead because I'm weak.
Whatever thats best for the people.
Nope and i'm happy about it.
Wanna draw a face on your tummy
a big smiley face for a happy tummy
Okay cunts its fuckin' on
Us against the world
Lets make a team and win fat dough
Sign up is free, literally nothing to lose
What does your news consist of?
I don't watch TV or read newspapers.
Feel free to upload them to imgur or something; I have a lot of followers at this point so things take off pretty well. Otherwise I'll just harass Holla Forums for more memes again next time I run out.
It's a fun ride. :3
TF2 is FREE, Jack
But you ALWAYS eat tacos.
Whats the reason?
Neither do I, that's why I asked, lol.
i heard about this
This is a scam
Literally free money if you win
wow putting together an actual Holla Forums team would be tough
and a hufsles for you too
people just hateon stuff they did not grow up with like I grew up not liking cheese and I dislike cheese but people who grew up liking cheese tend to like cheese
Well I've never really seen evidence that you have anything besides frog pictures anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ok, but if it tickles, I can't guarantee your safety.
What's wrong?
I have a problem! ;____;
Its too much effort.
As long as i get my money and fresh air and sit here i am happy. I could literally wish for nothing more.
Excepts for the thing called love but thats not relevant now.
Yeah, but I'd have to pay for Overwatch. :3
Do we need to be in a ranked team for this?
Or is it just competitive casual games?
Stop advertising, jackal.
Did you grow up with gay dad's?
I didn't grow up with one so I don't like them? But I'd want one?
Its worth it. Like Witcher 3. Actually worth it
Its a pretty serious tournament with a considerable prize pool but who gives a shit
Anyone can join
It would be lulz
Wanna see it happen
You are a scam
It'd be hypocritical for me to dress you down over that.
When you think that you can just sit outside in the sun and not worry but some price somewhere else starts a war and you're wondering why you're being instantaneously incinerated like Sarah Connor.
noooo I did not butI do not hate people who did
Well it matters because if we play through a ranked team in ranked games then we have to be near the same rank.
If it's custom games we don't.
It is good that you do not hate. Good on you for changing the game.
remember sabs, if you struggle it'll be a declaration of war
i'm not sure you want to escalate things with me when i have a marker in hand. i am deft at drawing moustaches on people.
All I do is demand memes from Holla Forums and then siphon them into Tumblr. I've never made a well-thought-out post; propaganda is much more effective on the average person anyway.
It seems like just another TF2, though. But whatever; maybe I will actually buy it since I have a couple of months before my teaching English to ching chongs class starts.
neru loves me?
:\ nothing important.
we would be team animus
and we'd be rank 1
and every one else would be in bottom ranks of low 100
If we do a ranked team for money I'm not playing with Luka.
Also summer update is out, its full olympics now, skins emotes brawl, all the shit
We stand no chance anyway. I just wanna see how the fags here can work together as a team under pressure
Its really good if you have people to play with, and people are easy to get
Thousands of dollars/kopf
I second this
im not playing with cuckwork
we're rich!
Well, this didn't get far
I have no idea who Sarah Connor is.
And thats your thing. I just say i don't give a shit about american politics.
I don't really have much experience with that kind of game, but I'm sure I could at least do better than Luka.
Did you even watch terminator 1 and 2?
I have but that was years ago.
I have no idea what to say other then the fact that I'm speechless.
Yeah! There's that. But I did feel a little guilty. Maybe I'll get a chili'd dog next time. :3
What're ya doin'? Fun stuff?
I think I'd look dashing with a mustaching. So nyeh.
Hm. You suuuure?
yeah you probably would
Damnit i'm powerless
I ultimately maintain an ironic distance as well. Tumblr's tears will definitely be delicious when he wins, though. The political side of it really is full of faggot dumbasses.
I couldn't even all you what your country has produced to compete of you don't know the value of the second film.
Ask you -
we already have 4 in squash's
There is always next time. Don't sweat it. You made yourself happy. T'was always just something to get yo mind and tummy thinking.
I am getting really really REALLY drunk tonight.
I've reached the top of my threshold and need to jump.
Work stuff.
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There is a free loot box looks like worth opening just sayin'
༼ つ ° ʖ ° ༽つ
Yeeah, hush mode. Besides, drawing on each other would be fun, so it's a win-win.
Are things rough at the office? Rougher than usual, I mean.
Holla Forums didn't post all the parts of that emoticon. Reminder that Hot Wheels is TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could into emotes like that
Paizuri with Yoshika on a hot summers day would be so soothing, as long as you can handle the smell of roasting flesh.
Yeah i suppose anyway i don't wanna waste more time on that.
Well we've done a few good, but most of it is pretty shit.
Atleast you know English to see American film.
Designing patterns on your back would be nice. and something about the thought of me having a bunch of silly drawings on my face makes me giggle.
Correct, if i didn't i wouldn't go here either.
For you maybe.
Why this even?
I am being transferred for the near future to another workplace. Nothing I have done wrong or that anyone has done wrong. But circumstances have changed in my current place.
So I have to go somewhere else for god knows how long.
It isn't THAT much of an issue. But I just don't know when I am next working. I could be given a totally new Rota tomorrow... The day after... Next week., who knows.
Also current feeling in my place is getting hot under the collar with us all.
We are having to deal with extreme circumstances and its grinding us all down.
My move is an attempt to alleviate said pressure on everyone.
We've practically had to do our job without support from amanagement for the last 4 months. The last month has been too much.
Think it qualifies as rougher than usual.
Don't worry about me though. I'll survive. I always do.
I'm on it, Top
Why does necrophilia have to be so complicated ? I'd let the maggots nibble on my chest while I fuck the corpse if I have to be honest though
there is?!
eh... looks like you're busy with loco instead.
luka you are welcome to fight me on league for sabrina's affection
Are you around here much these days?
Are you calling me "Top"? Lewd. :3
Its on and off. I have other places i go to more.
Is it true that white people become ugly at age 30?
I'm a terrible artist though, so it'll mostly be stick figures, hearts, and wieners.
I can't even imagine the stress. I'm so sorry your life's being disrupted by this. Is the new place far from home? Or do you know? :(
I'm busy with you too. See? Postin' right at ya.
It not sooner!
"Top" is used in the military by tank crews when the crew refers to their tank commander
ikt Vegas
Mr. House Vegas
NCR Vegas
Legion Vegas
I'm glad I'm a quarter Asian now
Legion easy
i'm a terrible artist too so it's a completely pressure free environment
Draw like a tapestry about the fall of a civilisation on me. like from the opening of Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. on my body.
Keep eating lots of watermelon. Hydration is key to healthy skin.
I'm still trying to kill the whole Legion army with unarmed but it's impossible
All whites are ugly
why must it be fighting?
...i dunno. it just doesn't feel... the same?
Is it? I shall drink more water than... I'm not very hydrated atm...
Funnily the place is closer to home, shorter commutes. But the issue mostly I am having is I feel like I am not going to be there for my workmates when they need me. That I am essentially cheerleading from afar and unaible to really be there if they need me.
Also the staffteam at my current place are my babes, i've trained and worked with them for the last 2 years. We all are thick as thieves. At risk of sounding prideful, me and my BFF from that place are the hot properties of the staff team.
Positive is though that maybe me not being there will enable the person I am swapping for, short term, to positively help the transition that is going on.
The main anxiety is mainly coming from the not knowing.
Hm. In other news You-know-who said we need to have a catch up soon.
Something wrong with number 51.
House seems okay
It's the nature of things. These bloodsports we play.
wanna see subtles ?
I haven't been that interested in posting here recently either; I guess I'm back in a phase of being sort of bored with it.
Well, I guess people in the military have to do certain things with each other to work their urges out while they're away from home. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
get your mind out of the gutter!
Honestly if i could leave i would.
I don't see neetori
they're in the 70s
What a garbage list.
Don't bully her she only did it by looks
wanna play overwatch with me and my friend?
My response remains the same: It will mostly be wieners and stick figures. I may have missed any wieners in Nausicaa.
Do it! You don't wanna get leathery.
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a jerk or anything. Did I say something wrong?
I've noticed how passionate you are about your job and your team, and I know I'd miss a lot of people here if I ever had to move elsewhere. I wish I could help somehow.
Cute! I've got my fingers crossed. :3
I have to leave pretty soon I'm just opening that crate
She only picked by looks...
i'm going back to work soon
We don't have to pander to any movie executives or ratings committees. you draw all the peeners you want.
Probably will be only short term though. Your well wishing is super appreciated though.
You could help me by Being the best Senpai you can be
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I will keep you posted on that other thing. I know how piqued thine interest gets. A mutual interest I may add.
Also if you're on when I get home i'll drink like you wanted.
no blood
you didn't say anything wrong. i just feel like an outsider.
naahh i'm part azn so I'll look good forever
Do not bully my mistress
idk if I can go on voice tonight :c
Why does that slut have a piece of paper hanging from her head?
good afternoon
It's a spell card or something idk ask zun. I think it's cute
hello darkness my old friend
just wait until tomorrow ?
post more dva
anti-decomposition charm.
Oh I didn't know she literally put it on her
I forgot that I can kinda sorta draw basic bunnies too. So that's cool, right?!
Good. I don't like it when you're unhappy,and this is stressing you out too much. I know you can handle it, but still. *squish*
You shouldn't though. You're my friend and I don't want you to be sad.
I figured you'd know things like that
Later, I'm headed out for coffee
You're so knowledgable on anime man
What does that even mean? Is she decomposing?
oh... hey sabs
bunnies are cute.
Now I'm thinking it may actually be fun to do a complex drawing on you. i have this precision felt tip here on my desk that i'm playing around with and it looks like it could do the job. I could tattoo you up or use you like canvas.
she's a chinaman zombie.
Thanks ♥
You are a diamond and are too good for doodar.
What is to be done once you are finished work? How is your work going? Anything exciting? Did you catch anymore critters?
She's a zombie who protects a mausoleum and has a decomposition spell on her so she doesn't rot, I didn't know that the spell card on her was that though..
i know, but that's how it feels.
Hi! ♥
Best lazy Sunday ever.
Work started out kinda depressing. I had to help look over some copy about the balloon crash. The pilot's history has raised a lot of questions about FAA standards concerning balloon operators. It's a whole mess.
But my cousin stopped by to give me a thank you card his daughter made for me and it made my day! She's having knee surgery soon and wanted to go to a huge water park here before it, so I called in a favor. Worth it!
Don't be sad, Luka. *squish*
hey how ya goin
danmaku !
Why? Whats up with the pilot dude? Sorry its such a grim story to follow up on :/ Why can't bunny news sell as well?
C-can I make a pun?
AAAAAAAAAAAAW poor little girl! Atleast she got to have fun. :( poor baby.
Is it a macaroni glitter masterpiece?
what are you mixed with?
Which Touhou character fits me the most?
9ball obv
i would ask more of you... but know that it wouldn't be everything.
Trust nobody.
NOT even.
can you imagine if I spend hours on this drawing on your back, and it's the most beautiful thing ever
And then we just wash it away. Like a zen exercise in accepting impermanence. just rinse it down the drain.
It's relaxing to think about.
Do you like trap?
Wuuuh ?
Kinda beautiful.
No, I'm straight and don't like to be confused with my penis
They are trusting
Scoot, you're really starting to worry me.
Great, since I had lunch. Got that taco powah! What's up with you, homie?
He was convicted of DUI four times, and served prison time for a drug charge. He's also had multiple crash landings in the past. But under the current FAA regulations, he didn't have to disclose his priors to keep his balloon license, and he never faced any official scrutiny of his priors. There's no evidence he was impaired when the balloon crashed Saturday, but people are wondering why balloon pilots aren't held to higher standards like commercial plane and helicopter pilots.
Aaaand the card is colored pencil on glossy paper. I'll try to scan it later and show. Her surgery will keep her down for a little while, but I know she'll bounce back. She's got too much energy! But that's what happens when you play commie football.
That's one of the most gorgeous things I've ever read. I can imagine, and it's beautiful.
i got placed rank 50
I'm not entirely sure. My mom's side are, as far as I know, a mix of Czech, Irish, and Northern European. My dad was from Brazil and mixed, but I never met him so I don't know for sure.
That happens very often.
Oh god, that is an absolute nightmare! I mean, the FAA will be getting decimated for it. Hindsight is a biatch
Commie Football?! You trying to say.... That... She plays...???????
And you'd scan it? Aw ^^ I am going to get diabetes... I can put it with my AIDs
i think i'll just go now.
i'll be back later.
Oh my DNA tester comes tomorrow.
I wonder what my make up is.
fukken worked late, stayed up late.. woke up like an hour ago. today off tho (still on call) waking up with coffee... could chew my hand off.
need pancakes
I kind of do that already. I draw on newsprint, partly because it's cheap and I like how it interacts with my pencils, but I use it vs. these big sketchbooks I have around because it's non-archival. So in a few years time all the sketches I've made are going to start fading or rotting or whatever it is newsprint does when it's not in a vacuum. It's so I don't get attached to the drawings, but to my ability to make them.
Boo and Test are actually a great group for ranked OW.
I did some digging and found out that the head of the NTSB wrote a letter to the head of the FAA two years ago recommending that balloon pilots be held to higher standards on par with plane and 'copter pilots. The FAA basically said that balloon rides aren't as common, so the increased safety standards wouldn't result in "significantly higher operational safety" statistically. For real.
Letter: ntsb.gov
Later correspondence: ntsb.gov
Anime is weird
True, I worry a lot.
I wish I had friends to play OW in EU.
Touhou isn't anime though !
Ok. Please feel better. I didn't mean to upset you or anything.
Sama, we're too old to be burnin' the candle at both ends like this! Is there someone there who can make you pancakes?
I know this will sound dumb, but I kind of want to make a short film about you. But I guess that would clash with the impermanence.
So... they essentially... couldn't be bothered? Is that a correct assumption... Like they couldn't be bothered to add further "work" and beauraucracy to the industry?
It happens. How goes?
make a film
and then burn it
just me and the cat...
It's all porn to me :3
Could always just play with us on the US server.
I don't think there's a lot of lag.
...that's acceptable just don't call it anime
so helpful scoots...thanks very much. faggot
Pretty much, yes. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Rather than just have uniform standards that apply to every pilot every day, they just kinda inspect the balloons at the occasional festival. No biggie.
No no, I just...I meant...
I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ♥
I could film on old stock, then let people pass it around without proper protection and in bright, humid conditions.
Worried. My unproductivity kind of kills me inside. I must work for school but I have trouble with it.
I might try, but the biggest problem for me is the fact that I can't voicechat easily. Parents and all.
If you want to stay on text chat that's fine.
Nobody is going to be angry.
nani ?
...ima just take my rickety old ass to the geriatric store for some old people food.
i can feel the love...
*withers away into dust
jack u wanna join our overwatch team
we have 4 maybe 5
I'm just raping everyone's feelings today!
What if she looked like this?
yeah you raped mine earlier today
Or if you had an exhibition, you could put a counter on it. Say like 1000. And every time someone plays it the counter goes down, and there's a sign informing you that when the counter reaches zero, the film is going to be drenched in acid or whatever. Make sure it's really good and the word of mouth gets around and it's like a peep view so it can't be recorded on a camera. And see how far down it gets.
Yikes! WHat a bunch of asses. At the end of the day they have a duty of care to the people they are taking up. Grrrrrrr.
Try doing a little play a little work. Equal?
Damn you have a whole mess of races
Hey, its okay, I have a rape fetish
b moar nais k pls thnx
Too bad you have to be pretty to be raped.
when sabs is raping everybody but you and it hurts your feelings
Wanna know a way to stop aging?
Who says I am the rapee?
Like you could actually overpower anyone.
leave? find a nice lady my age and settle down?
See you at AX, lover boy~
This is a trap... This is the point where I go "I defo can, wanna see me try..." no. I will not get entrapped by a fucking furscum.
I was gonna ask you to buy me a beer, but you're CLEARLY not old enough.
Damn it!
This is why you're the idea man!
Yeah, the FAA does not look good here.
Yeah, I'm a mutt.
So you've thought about it.
I'm betting $20 Steam dollars Scoots has Native American blood running though his veins
you wouldnt like the old man beer id pick out...
No a bullet
From now on you're English
i regret typing that honestly
you didnt lol
i just make shit up, remember?
Are you planning to go to AX next year?
i am but honestly dude 50% of my time there is gonna be trying to fuck/fucking hot cosplayers and maybe some of soto's friends
idk if i want to make time for just a regular twinky guy
and i dont think i'd want to bottom
Get on steam. There is something i'm curious about.
i like your idea more if you could find someway to prevent copying
it becomes like this mythic folk thing
I wanna be a mythic folk thing
The worst part is it has taken 16/17 deaths to prompt a change in a policy that many right thinking people would say ought to be there.
I hope they get sued to high hell.
its bloodchan retard
I would love to go, and plan on starting small saving jars to build up enough money for things.
I would mostly hang out with Grim.
He's like the main reason I want to go at all.
Squash. You are being a baka.
...afk an hour-ish
this is offensive to me
how do you think it wouldnt be?
Mmh, I don't know. I'd need to find a moment for that though, and I don't know when would be the best for you all.
Ew. Ew ew ew. Nope. Nope nope nope. Penises are gross. Except mine, because it's attached to me, you know ?
I should, but I have a hard time doind anything meaningful. I kind of feel shame and guilt at any action I do, and the difference between work and play is just that when I work my mind is not busy enough to hide the guilt.
I wish I could give you answers to the issue, sorry. I am impaired.
I love you, Scoots.
I miss seeing your Steam.
How is that offensive to you?
We play whenever someone wants to really.
And I'm on medical leave for most of the week.
nice maymay
Aye, gov'nuh!
I got duuuuuuped!
You billy ropin' branch manager!
You prison flea!
I would like to film something on VHS and have it spread among VHS enthusiasts though. RIP VCR, BTW. They reportedly made the last one Sunday in Japan.
I'm sure the company that pilot owned will be in court soon. I don't think you can sue the FAA as an entity, but you can sue individual employees if you can prove gross negligence. That'd be kinda tricky here, I think.
me and subtle play on EU but I never played with him yet I think.
I play with subtle on eu also >:.)
it will live on in vaporwave forevermore.
I miss cartridges. It feels nice to slot something big and bulky into something else. we need more of that.
i have a little bit of an orgasm every time i switch games in my 3ds
A crying shame. The pain man inflicts on his fellow man. Amicitia vera illuminat.
Grrrrr, gah, working on anything light?
But aren't you Cherub?
youre a social retard kyle
Oh sabs, did you know about HD VHS? they could play 50GB of data and 1920x1080 in 2002.
Don't worry, even with my whole lifetime I haven't figured it out. I don't expect you to magically find an answer.
Well, I'll see one of these days. I don't know when yet.
Sounds nice. My Battle ID is the same as my LoL id, so you should know it.
This pic. It's beautiful.
It comes with not having many friends IRL my whole life.
lucky i tolerate you then
shoo shoo roach
dont be so sad
im not gonna comfort you because you never helped me out
that was low energy attacking
you could do better
I don't follow.
thats because:
now you understand the cycle of life
What did I even say to offend you?
i thought that topic was dropped years ago
i already forgot about it
I'm beyond lost.
i know you are kyle
tell me when youre ready to play
im really bored
we dont have to play OW
Yeah, I often have this feeling here sadly
Just e-fuck already so we can get back to winning purple money.
lewds are you watching ti ?
there were no sexual connotations there
do you think squash has DST?
or maybe you niggers can buy EDF like we should have a long time ago
I'm ready when you are.
Norco kicked in.
With you two there's always sexual connotations, come on.
I have DST and DS.
We're on OW btw.
Yeah, hoping ESC takes it
if you look very closely you can actually see boo physically struggling not to beg squash to press him into the pillow and drill him like an oil well
Yeah! I saw a video about that a while back. They even had menus! I think the same guy did a video about metal audio cassettes that was interesting.
I have to get going for now, but I'll try to bug you on Steam.*big hug* Thanks for helping me smile today. I sure needed it. ♥
Light and breezy! I'm almost done, then I'm sneaking out early. I'll try 'n' check in on Stteam and bug ya some more. *squish* ♥
Please stop calling me BC, I'm ika or Ikarous from now on
hallow point
how did you know?
She won't fuck you with it though...
I like ice3 and lanm too much to root against them, plus they play carry naga. Their last game made me nervous though
I thought you said you had a great day.
bye. ♥♥
Stranger danger?
Era goes back too long for me to not cheer for his team.
Keep safe darlin'
♥ Squishbeba
Stranger danger?
Keep safe darlin'
♥ Squishbeba
Are you playing the summer games ?
Don't care. Nothing beats a girl with no penis in my opinion.
Nah. I'm not into weird modes.
hows that mean?