What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


sounds like Amy's might be in a self-defense situation

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In other news water is wet

Link please?

the absolute state of your judgement


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What did he mean by this?

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Daily reminder he still denies being jennayfag

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Lyin' Ghoul strikes again.

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This explains a lot actually.

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Between that and a certain someone getting sucked off by the Holla Forums BO, I'm starting to wonder about the moderation around here.

exodus when

Hey Holla Forums which jewess is worse Amy Schumer, or Sarah Silverman?

That's a good question. I will have to think about it. They both make me want to retch.

Physically/politically they’re about even. Would go with silverman though just because she actually made me laugh once.

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Damn user, next time could you have the decency to spoiler that crap?

Silverman at least has Wreck it Ralph, I can't think of anything halfway tolerable that had Amy Schumer in it.

BG Kumbi is an ironic shitposter, newfag

Next we're going to find out a certain cuck porn spamming hapa managed to worm his way into BO status after years of trying.
This board just keeps btfo'ing my assumptions that it can't get worse.

Wait.. wait.. so.. Gahoole is a waifufag?

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My bad

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fuck off hypocrite

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So this is why our board is so fucking shit?
The only reason people come here is the name, had somebody else picked up this board and he moderated a board like /film/ people would use this place instead.

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Don’t be silly is this the face of someone who would deceive.

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ITT: Zach and Margcuck think they've found a connection between Gahoole, this board, and why nobody likes their old news whores and will be using this to spam the board for the next year in a grand conspiracy where they will never consider that maybe, just maybe, the real issue is that they're fucking autistic and their waifus a shit

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Waifufags are so fucking annoying and autistic but our mods are fine with us being Holla Forums so they don't ban them.

All those posts are making fun of blacks. Left second to bottom she says cultural differences are why interracial dating is wrong.

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Nope, kill yourself. A loser last year, a loser this year, a loser next year, a loser until your death.

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Who’s zach anyway? Get he’s your latest boogeyman and all but what’s the deal with the name and picture.

How embarrassing, lol.

Hey Zach.

Why are the white boy and the black boy wearing the same pants and shoes?

Looks like the face of someone who's out to enrich my genetics.

Margaret won though.

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Hey patrick

Even if she did suprise: she didn't that disqualifies her.

The black boy stole them from the white boy.

Maybe to a leftycuck such as yourself, sure.

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The black boy beat the white boy for them before he went to fuck his girl. Thought that wouble be obvious…

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Why are people putting their refrigerators in the water?

For someone who claims not to be a waifufag you’re sure salty about jennay losing.

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I am so flooded with peoples opinions I don't care about what anybody has to say anymore except my close friends and family.

She’s never fucked anyone + never even taken a pic with a black
It was shut down by niggers what are you talking about
t. Bernie voter

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leftycuck confirmed

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Your life is a joke and your waifu is a niggerfucking shitbagger. There is no argument you have. Take your samefagging back to Mewch.

kek you've got nothing

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Sure, whatever you want to tell yourself. Go back to Mewch now.

Absolutely pathetic.

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Whatever you need to tell yourself, proud Zionist. gb2 Mewch.

Marg will always be Official® but Tay is 2018 Queen according to YOUR OWN POLL. You should be focusing your impotent rage on her instead.

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If I can point it out, both Marg and Zach are nu/pol/ retards who openly support Zionism. They both may very well be Jews. Let that sink in that, once again, it's nu/pol/ that is fucking this board to shit.

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Repeat yourself again. Let's see how many times you can reword it.

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Who is Zach? All I know is he’s an emmafag gool hates for some reason.

You're a cuck porn spamming hapa faggot that is no better than any other sperg.

Yeah yeah guess what you got me I am zach, now could you pls explain who I am? You know for newfags and such.

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