My waifu is best yours a shit

My waifu is best yours a shit

Attached: Madelaine-Petsch-Sexy-Fappening-2.jpg (1200x1964 1011.24 KB, 279.85K)

how loud are her braps

Nice ass but that faceā€¦.

My waifu is best

Attached: toni.gif (220x220, 246.8K)

10/10 no makeup

Attached: madelaine-petsch-video-s2-fan-qs.jpg (300x300, 82.22K)

I'd like some of that jingle jangle.

Pick one, normalnigger.

Back to >>>/a/ or whatever tranny-owned weeb shithole you came from

Waifus are only from Anime and Japanese media with manga style visuals, not Celebrities nor cartoons.

That's the rule.

cry moar weeb boi


Attached: nattsun00101.jpg (351x416, 32.88K)

That's a shonen bruh

Attached: madelaine-petsch-popular-cover-exclusive-pics-06(2).jpg (904x1222, 120.07K)

Also a cartoon will never be pretty

Attached: Madelaine_Petsch_Environmental_Media_Association__XbnhNt4uUgl.jpg (400x600, 54.19K)

Not even best waifu in her own family

Attached: Fat Koma-chan Ass.png (700x961, 444.68K)

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her ass in that 1st pic literally made my mouth water. saliva pooled up real fast on on my bottom, near the front of my tongue on either side

That's fairly typical behavior in niggers such as yourself

Congratulations, you are a soyboy.

did someone say best waifu??

Racemixing was a mistake.

your waifu is litereally shit

Attached: 767347f34942d225be57aa82d1324a89--madelaine-petsch-red-heads.jpg (640x640, 53.5K)

they're all equally inferior to Bliss

Attached: bliss with bliss swag.jpg (1536x2048, 385.31K)

Agreed. These shiksas just don't stack up to our queen.

Attached: WIN_20180129_190736.JPG (1280x720, 151.42K)

If part of your existence includes artfully posing to show you have a nice ass and would be suitable for breeding, you don't get to rule the world. Checkmate, feminists.

it's great that you like Bliss, but dressing up as her is maybe overdoing it a little

Attached: heard you was talkin shit.jpg (1238x1214, 261.46K)

But what about an ass figurehead with no real power?

Rude! These are pics of 2018 Queen of Holla Forums Alexa Bliss. Get used to it, cause she's queen all year.

Attached: WIN_20180129_191321.JPG (1280x720, 141.3K)


Attached: Toni.jpg (961x1200, 247.57K)

God I love ass.

Post more thick wymen bros.

Attached: 54a72dd6213ea78679629d7f06c12a82854524cb2329a32cd6142ba2425e2ff0.jpg (960x1260, 185.79K)

Bliss's friend here begs to differ

Attached: big belt.jpg (1200x1200, 114.65K)

Awesome waifu.

Oh look who took my Cherie picture;_;

Attached: DWFaPTKUMAUZWjs.jpg (916x1199, 121.29K)


Attached: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg (744x924 360.41 KB, 125.98K)

Yup, I had to steal it.

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would you like some salt with that lard?

No I am not your brother user, definitely not my type of body but really love Cherrie's face.

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Come back when you learn to embrace superthick

Attached: i5QFllf_d.jpg (640x480 34.6 KB, 594.65K)

Lol nope I have a slim and athletic built, I am attracted with people like me.
Caitlin LDN is my limit I think in terms of meat, I still want a flat stomach. Fat people are an insult to god exactly as Jews and Muslims who all must be purged.

Attached: BIZKs1cCIAAHBiJ.jpg (640x640 92.65 KB, 37.74K)


el oh el

Attached: 29087444_390773404727924_583419303697580032_n.jpg (533x667, 95.86K)

Fat =/= Thicc

Come back when you learn the difference, son.

Thicc is an ebonic term should not be used by humans.

that is genuine leather and gold, dude. you want to see a toy belt, look at

Attached: wink.gif (541x304, 8.03M)

We had other terms, but the chubby chasers stole them for their own disgusting fetish, just like how they are trying to steal "thicc" now.

reported for Ebonic propaganda

Attached: DA_0607_DARLINGS-MADELAINE-PETSCH9-790x1024.jpg (790x1024, 221.46K)

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Doesn't matter what it's made of, in the hands of Bliss it's worthless.

Attached: Belt Queen.jpg (1080x1350, 183.04K)

stay jealous

Attached: look at this nerd.jpg (1741x976, 255.51K)

I don't get it lads, I can't find the ass anywhere in these pics.

Honestly, I'd rather use a different keyword but the BBW faggots and fat-acceptance SJWs just keep stealing them and appropriating them for their own fat shit.

It's fucking annoying tbh, it's like trying to look for "blow job" but instead of blow jobs you get some inflation fetish bullshit.

Jealous of what?
having better taste?

Attached: ToniTime.jpg (1080x810, 102.49K)

Attached: one sweet me bro.jpg (640x800, 72.42K)

Why not using the word voluptuous?

Too many syllables.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (160x200, 50.77K)

Too formal.

Attached: tomomi-motozawa-7.jpg (1280x833, 120.62K)

Kairi and Toni are actually talented, unlike whatever you posted.

Attached: 28428976_1594854477216422_3899596911950168064_n.jpg (1080x810, 105.96K)


I want her to sit on my face until I sufocate

I would eat sushi off that ass.

Attached: 490638ce91e332f970b410036ff292b5.jpg (564x777 23.7 KB, 32.2K)

You left out a "h" and a "f". =
I want her to s"h"it on my face until I suf"f"ocate


I don't understand this 4cuck meme. I've never heard a fart that sounds like that

Attached: meme-fart.mp4 (460x258, 255.9K)

jesus christ


Attached: DV9PGd8X0AAXjd2.jpg (1031x1200 39.43 KB, 246.97K)

Anything is better than Roberts


capeshit or no capeshit, a young, attractive blonde is good in my book

Attached: DEBUsjKXoAEJLfk.jpg (684x1024 105.67 KB, 94.09K)


Sounded like a shart

Sounds like Donald Duck having a stroke.

Apparently nobody on this board knows what a decent ass looks like.

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Shit taste, but what would you expect from a cuckchanner

Including you.

It's a fembot, so of course the filename comes from cuckchan.

The thick ginger is a wondrous specimen, perfectly suited to large Catholic litters.

More like this please

Same fembot. I think are a few more pictures, but I don't have them.

Attached: 1516214302446.webm (1000x740 1.93 MB, 98.64K)

sarah big butt

Attached: f26a6a0c5bbcd1c49ac76732ad51fc779e2ddd01.jpg (1053x1200, 712.45K)


Attached: 0767.jpg (339x351, 48.15K)

She's a female incel/social outcast who posts on /r9k/.


she burns cole

You don't have the whole picture. She is probably mentally ill.

Fembots usually hate niggers, even the femnigs want to be colonized.


The absolute state of cuck9k. Then again this is the same place that mainly subsists of posting traps and failed normalfags bitching about their retail job.

It's capeshit, if it was no capeshit we wouldnt have an issue.

So anyway, I'm looking forward to Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Attached: daisyridley.jpg (1286x1883, 385.51K)

I feel the same way. Then after I penetrate her virgin pussy, I want to lick her sweet manjaw

Slightly disappointed, from what webm I thought this woman would be ripping serious ass but in most of her videos they sound pretty weak and generic.

I'd smash a bitch with a fat ass. But if I had Madelaine, they'd be pigs in comparison.

Attached: REEF031-682x1024.jpg (682x1024, 94.29K)

Sarah Big Butt > Little Miss Toots

Hairy vag?

i want to be madelaine's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her madelaine blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo madelaine blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her madelaine hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her madelaine hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her madelaine face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

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None of your business, newfag.

Agreed, LMT looks like Maisie

More anime girls farting please.

She's better, sadly I can't find one of her videos from way back when in the days of IRC.

This is the peak female body, can't get any better than this.

Attached: 3c065731165efa2ef30642ac18b5f2d7b152403103ac2823dbf82e13844656e9.jpg (720x587, 28.61K)


Holt crap

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delete this

This kills the nepfag.

She needs to do panty scenes.