White girl has a Giant African Snail as a pet

u mad whitboi??

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What the fuck America sort your shit out


SNAILED! Right in her slime hole

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Have you subscribed Sweetie?


I don't recall whites looking so asian.

Really interesting.

there was a doujin where a tomboy saved a snail when she was at a track meet, and then she went home and started masturbating, and the snail turned into a dude and walked in on her schlicking, and then started to tentacle rape her to help her get off. it was pretty nice, havent been able to find it in years though


Isn't that a britbong accent?


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I want to cover myself in vaseline and slither all over her.

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found it
its a slug, not a snail :'(

try to imagine how many times she lets the slime crawl on her

Didn't think I'd see it outside pokemans.

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Attached: SNAILED.png (500x500, 393.72K)

Don't talk shit about animals. Being a leftist, they are superior to you.

i dont usually read japanimation funny papers but in that one with spirals these guys turn into snails and have gay homosexual hermaphrodite sex, that one's not supposed to be hot i guess

lol, amerimutts already losing their identity

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This is why everyone is making fun of you

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What did he mean by this?

I want to eat that snail!

Aren't those fuckers technically banned from the US? I heard they are a destructive invasive species in places like Florida.

no no, there are lots of africans in florida

Good boy
t. fbi