Is this kino?

Is this kino?

Attached: Stormy Daniels - Wrong Side Of Town - Celebs Roulette Tube.mp4 (608x336, 2.33M)


So you're okay with having an adulterer in the White House?

Yes, that's why I supported Bill Clinton.

That was different.

Did I miss the context between Trump and the OP?

Is that Dave "nobody" Bautista?

Wrestling champion doing porn?

Attached: jane-darling.jpg (520x696, 60.06K)

those plastic hangers are disgusting.
Fake tits should only be allowed on trannies, and only to a D cup at most.

t. faggot

Yes. He was elected to lead the Executive, not for his marital fidelity.

I am glad that you're not ashamed of your homosexuality.

Drumpf impeachment within 6 months, for having illegal scoop amount.

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Yeah Bill Clinton had the sex in the White House

He's a true American Hero.

Yes, and the other guy is RVD.

Fake tits are gross.

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Not really, some are but a very good plastic surgeon can fool most people. Ava Addams and that one who killed herself because she didn't want to fuck a gay man comes to mind.

Most breasts loose their beauty and some are not good looking from the start. You posted the great breasts which is overwhelmingly not the norm. I will teach you the order you mammary apprentice.

Great tier
Okay tier
Meh tier
Shit tier

If I could draw a bell curve you would see that the absolute best breasts are without a doubt natural breasts but good plastic surgery is better than the norm of most woman and the norm of most woman is better than bad plastic surgery.

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Your priorities are fucked, friend.

t. plastic surgeonstein
for the first free consultation use promo code SHALOM

you could always hope your 70 year old wife still has some good ones.

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Guess who's next.

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Schwing !

There's already a lot of hardcore pics of her. She fucks a lot of dudes that are staffers and young and fit, but not the wrestlers themselves. Every so often they get a sneak shot. Just fucking google it.

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Prove it.

You just don't know tits tbh and I have seen hundreds of men who insist they hate fake tits and then they are shocked to find out their own wives or girlfriends had implants. People hate fake tits because of Pamela Anderson.

Just because America makes a mockery of the profession does not mean everybody who is involved a jew. Reconstruction is a vary large part of the profession.

Well you can hope to win the lottery life has other plans

Whatever floats your boat.

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Those tits are disgusting.

I enjoy Bautista, but I really need to know: Is he a literal microcephalic? Because it looks like he's got a pinhead thing going on, there.

t. europlastic surgeonstein

I hate obvious fake tits. I prefer all-natural, but a pair of tits installed by a master craftsman is also enjoyable.

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We all do that is why I posted a webm of a woman with a good boobjob.

Those are not fake tits

That's where you are wrong.

They already made a movie about that.

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Shit. Wrong thread.

Frasier was a man who understood the art of cartoons