Does Holla Forums like this scene so much because it hits close to home?

Does Holla Forums like this scene so much because it hits close to home?

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stupid ass movie

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Is this Virgin Soyboy Depression: The Flick?

Fuck off

t. soy

t. Asshole cunt

t. soy

t. soy

The rain reflects the sadness and the artificial neon lights represent the artificialness of humanity on such a technologically advanced state. The protagonist is very isolated in a world designed to cater to pleasure. I've been around long enough to see this standard kino formula used numerous times, under different guises. But essentially this film is only kino to those who have never seen kino before. There are several films that have more abstract levels of emotion layered over this archetypical contrast resulting in a feeling of alienation, but I won't bother to list them here, seeing as that would be doing your homework for you.

3/5 on the kino scale.

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Whats a 5/5 on the Kino scale

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I think it's an important self examination in the age of modernist artificiality, both the current social isolation and loneliness of the liberal industrial society and how hollow our attempts to fill that void is.

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Mildy erotic scenes like this,

I need me one of those

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We like it because it was daring and meaningful. To a jew, everything boils down to body fluids: recognizing they are the filth of the earth, they seek to be first among the filth. On the other hand, to a western man the priority is mind and spirit.

You literally become unable to comprehend humanity, after you become a materialist. Life becomes a struggle against that higher dimension everyone else feels connected to, but you stubbornly suppress. Up to and including art and dreams.

I heard that the IMAX version actually showed her giant pink pussy

I wish I could have seen it

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underrated movie

don't taunt us, post proof

This is the point where he starts fighting for himself. The Revenger turn.

Also, this: you jew scum.

Study his face in this scene, learn it.
You're going to be seeing a lot of that expression in the coming years.

it would have been uncropped

take your meds, reddit

Why are her eyes black?

Reddit is leftist, comrade. They all think the same because they're like you.

They're the windows to the soul. Nothing's there.

Black like the emptiness of space, representing an unkowable void.

I literally slept halfway through the fucking flick, and I've never slept watching a snail paced Tarkovsky kino. Jesus Christ, is this what (((amerimutts))) regard as art cinema? It's shallow and pretentious as fuck, there's zero novelty, it's the same old dystopian capitalism theme that has been rehashed a million fucking times. The """""philosophical"""" question was extremely facile. The soundtrack was fucking garbage, sounded like cheap 80's slog tune played on a really cheap synthesizer. Gone are the vibrant colors of Blade Runner 1982, it was so dark and edgy, I couldn't see shit.

I though BR1982 was the most pretentious flick (((hollywood))) has ever produced, but now I've seen Soy Runner.

Teen flick disguised as high art.

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Villeneuve is actually one of Europe's favorite directors. Only amerimutts dislike his kino. You must be a mutt at heart.

the colors are atrocious to look at

Nah, he's a fucking leaf.

Get a load of this guy! A flick is the LOWEST form of cinematic entertainment. Bladerunner gets the noggin' joggin' and if you don't agree, maybe something like star wars would be more on your intellectual level.

Macrophilia fetish in a film for pretentious faggots.

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The only thing it jogs is your dick.

Does Villeneuve fap to jerk off instruction?

why is there nudity on youtube?

It's the future we both yearn for and dread

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