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formerly mac tonight
MoonMan was probably the best meme Holla Forums tried to popularize
Lisa knows what's up
Homer introducing that cardboard figure as a surrogate father is such a strange non-sequitir that it seems easier to believe he's latched onto the moonman meme and wants to covertly redpill his family.
yeah, it made way more sense when he promoted Bart to the man of the house in another episode
I know, everyone knows Moon Man hates the yellows almost as much as blacks.
Homer's Kux and Klan
it's also the episode where Homer gets sent to streetshitter island.
formely Carl's
american education
Shut up and fix my internet, Samir
You're a retard.
There's lots of islands populated with streetshitters that are therefore streetshitter islands.
sri lanka
imagine a country where humans and animals all shit together in the open roads. how could expect such people to ever know proper hygiene?w
Top 10 moments when The Simpsons went too far
When did you get offended by the Simpsons?
that suicide bomber Homer was pretty good. he actually wanted to blow up the entire town meeting, and only failed because Bart didn't wire the bomb properly
You mixed race people are very, very weird.
Homer is racist now.
was it rape?
fuckin' classic
there's an outtake of that where instead of "Get out of the way, Marge", the Who guy says "Shut the fuck up, Marge"
That was kino
how did they get away with this?
The episode should have been focused on Abe Simpson instead of feminazi bitch Lisa.
can you solve the riddle?
but did you actually solve it, or did you learn the solution by watching the episode?
not him but the symbols looked palindromy so i just dragged the picture to the edge of the browser and saw the numbers.
I solved it. I don't remember the episode and at first I thought it was a bunch of nonsense symbols with no actual solution. Then I noticed the symmetry and figured out what it was.
what did they mean by this?
they just can't let Flanders have anything, huh?
Woa fucking spoilers man
it happened two years ago
you're doing it wrong. it's supposed to be a longer time than it really is
It was back when I saved it
ok, that's actually even sadder than if you'd just made it now
It was a longer time last year?
Holla Forums - Chuck's Fuck and Suck
Sneed's Feed and Seed
You've gotta be a city slicker to get the humor.
seems out of character for Lisa to say that spics and niggers need to hang from trees