Movie Podcast

Starting a movies podcast with some guys this Sunday. Format will probably be extended reviews of a certain film along with news and discussion on current new film announcements and other shit.
We're looking to start with giving our two cents on Blade but I wanted to see what films Holla Forums would like to see discussed that aren't as highly talked about anymore that you think would make for some good discussion?

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Audio or visual podcast?


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In 2018?
You're Cray-Cray.

are you trying to shill your Kumite-tier 'banter' stream on Holla Forums?

Eyes Wide Shut

Audio but live-streaming through jewtube

Looks interesting I’ll check it out

Literally who?

I still haven’t seen this movie but I want to. Do torrents of the directors cut still exist?

Only visual with a huge breasted cute presenter.

Also girls have shit taste in film more often then men do anyways going by their gender ranked imdbs

She just have to read the script.

Sure but going back to the original point the only """Girl""" we'd be able to find would either be a tranny or a post-op

And what's the problem? I'm sure there is some qt trap over at /trap/ just waiting to become the face of your new hit podcast!

Try getting debates between different famous Holla Forums characters and waifus, it would be like a localized bloodsports.

Anyone in particular you've got in mind? Zach? GaHoole2? Blissfag?

Sorry I don't understand, what do you mean by debates between characters as in just talking about good or popular genre characters?

I think ill pass on that suggestion. [spoiler]I knew someone from high school who became a tranny so i'd rather keep that degeneracy the fuck away from me/spoiler]

What on Earth are you doing here then?

My advice would be to stick to meme films and mid-tier flicks like RLM, don't touch anything good unless you've studied film and made short films of your own, otherwise you will embarrass yourself

Guess I won't be tuning in then

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Holla Forums is nowhere as bad as some of the horrible shit actual trannys push and discuss

Thats actually pretty good advice. Only experience ive had in film was a college tier course i did in high school for animation (maya mostly) and basic video production so I probably can't talk much about that.
Also i only do jewtube for convenience, is there a better site for podcasts that can live stream and archive unlimited video time that would work better you think?

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I wish I wasn't but seeing shit like this changed my mind

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I was just making fun of you using nu/pol/ memes, use youtube if you want my dude.

Oh I see. I honestly don't even go there anymore because its just a waste of time, its gotten exponentially worse since i first went on 4/pol/ back in 2012..


this should really be on Holla Forums but im curious what business did he make? last i checked he begs for money to stay in his apartment. also if soylent did that too him im afraid what it will do to Brian Kibler. He devours that crap

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