Documentary In France


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fake news, delete this. leftists do not commit any violent acts ever

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Corporate Marxism was a mistake.

"antifa" tried to disrupt Sargon's conference at a university.
The whole thing looks staged because none of those "antifa" attacked Sargon. He didn't even look worried. In the end he took their flag and proudly displays it in every videos since.

that confirms Joe's Theorem


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>>>/soyboys/ thread?

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Sargon is a pretty cool guy. It's a shame /cow/ can't see they are being used by Jim to push his SJW narative. Remember Jim was the guy who infiltrated and tried to subvert Gamergate. Jim was the one who ran away after he got found out.

Sargon is the good guy here and /cow/ is stupid enough to let themselves be led along by a right wing SJW.

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Mods can you guys remove the hooktube link and replace it with an embed?


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Holy shit those are some sexy triple dubs.

Don Vito is in France? I thought he died.

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He looks like Marilyn Manson


no, he just got so sick of Bam's shit that he faked his own death

I think you can be 'good' and even 'necessary' while also being a lolcow who is entertaining to laugh at when he spergs out.

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He is single handedly saving western civilization. Do you see anyone else taking a stand against the collapse of western values? He doesn't sperg out and frankly speaking you owe him a little respect. Who do you think is the sole person fighting to protect your anonimity? Who do you think is standing up against the SJWs so that you can have free speech. Sargon is the lone voice of humanity alone in the darkness fighting the good fight.

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he looks like sam hyde

No. He doesn't.

uhhh yah, he does

You're blind.

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Centrists, pls. Ya gotta stop.

ahahahaha righties are so fucking pathetic, I'm loving all this pearl-clutching and hand-wringing they do when we hit them with bike chains. stay mad, rightysoys.

Rape? Exploitation? Pillaging? Capitalism? Genocide?
Good, into the fire with them.


leftypol spotted and reported
You failed those dubs 1488

I have never seen a leftist male who looks like he has normal levels of test. They are the least intimidating people on the planet, and the establishment is naive to believe that they can act as any sort of police force for them in the long-term. They can only do that now because a preponderance of right-wing force is being held in check by the state.

These people would be seriously fucked if SHTF ever. It wouldn’t even be close. These upper-middle-class cummunists haven’t a clue how quickly right-wing militias would crush them.

That’s a amerimutt 54% face! France is actually white.

>>>Holla Forums

Antifa are a bunch of skinny vegan faggots that would make someone like Sargon look like a chad in a confrontation. It's not a conspiracy.

Wait, antifa is a real group?

Billionaires use clueless “anarchists” and “communists” to attack real threats against the system, i.e., the right-wing.

Proof? Turn on your news and see which group the corporate media kvetches about on a daily basis.

If you want to change things, regardless of how you want to change them, you become right-wing. The left-wing is not a threat… to really anyone at all. They’re ignorant college brainwashees, the latest crop of glow-in-the-dark recruits. What we call in America: suckers.

Is this like how goons like to pretend there's no such thing as goons?

I thought Antifa Sarcasian was a girl from something called gamergate?

What's a goon?

man france is more 56 than we are in the USA…

Yeah right, keep dream, nigger.

The US doesn't have mudslime "no go zones," goontard.

heh tell that to ahmed's wife am I right fellow amerimutt?

Europe is a fucking joke. If yo don't let your kids get raped by Ahmed, they send you to jail. What your'e doing is called projection.

Yeah? What's Los Angeles?

fuck off amerimutt

Time to resist against Jewish influence, faggots. No matter who you are.

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a beautiful and diverse place

heh heh ikr? britcucks away fighting for social justice while ahmed fucks their wife. america is the future of whites!