American comedy

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What did they mean by this?

The Pence family released a children's storybook about a rabbit (ages 3-8). John Oliver released a "parody" book about two gay rabbits. A children's book. It currently holds 3 of the 6 Bestseller spots on Amazon; celebrated as "brilliant" by retards.

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No, that's when you pay homeless people to fuck with hipster kids.
What you've got there is Jewish propaganda.

Of all the brits comedy central could get they choose the one with the worst teeth and most punchable face, go figure.


Sounds like straight up brainwashing to turn our children gay.

Oh well. We have ways of turning them straight.


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Like what?

It gets even better - it wasn't even written by Mike Pence but his daughter Charlotte, who is not involved in politics. The money from the book goes to an anti-slavery organisation and art therapy for sick children. Imagine telling little Timmy with Leukemia he won't be getting to paint today as a comedian needed to virtue signal on TV. The absolute state of modern "comedy". Pics related of from said art charity that is being boycotted by John Oliver.

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these people are disgusting. this kind of shit leads to gulags

LMAO, only impeachment can save druntf now!

""""charity""""" from FACISTS is no charity at all, sweetie, those children are better off sick then receiving money that was literally stolen from gassed jews and minorities

I miss the days when kindle books were just erotica for women instead of TRUMP! 24/7

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i think he's talking about the tendency for righties to be child molesters

Everyone hates retarded religious cumskins like Pence, but this is just pointless virtue signaling from the other side of the capitalist spectacle. It's like putting an anti-Trump sticker on your car instead of just beating right-wing ass.
I don't get it.


JO confirmed /ourguy/

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ok lol this is funny

Somebody with social media accounts needs to spread this.

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That is not parody. the artwork is identical. nothing transformative happens on the cover besides LWT placing their name over the material. Not Fair Use, someone needs to report this!!1! :^)

The book looks cute too. The absolute state of the clown world. The time telling man pushing a jewish book about sodomite bunnies is a new low. It's like liberals are just an inch away from broadcasting explicit shows about gay nigger pozzing adventures targeted at kids just to stick it to white goys.

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The only thing more annoying than a smug liberal is a British one. Given that this guy is involved with the US who is the worst of the worst over in England? I just realized I only know a handful of English politicians and commentators and they're all conservative types.

American comedy died with Jackass

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The two books are pretty much a perfect microcosm of politics, the gross-out spiteful jewish liberal drivel and the positive, hopeful and pure aryan bunny ideal. One driven by hate and perversion, the other by a wish to help people and sending a good message.

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/r/-ing "how to spot a psycho" eye chart, pretty sure all three of these wackadoos are on the bad end of the scale.

Maybe they should outsource it to china

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who could be behind this post?

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Actually yes. It's like that thing Goebbels was talking about. Also, the nature of the jews shine through even in their propaganda. Their preference of the sick, perverted and diseased. Their inability to create and desire to destroy. It's all there. Even the classic "the jews screams out in pain as he strikes at you" is represented, there's an accusation of the Pence family being hateful yet the entire book is created out of pure hate and malice.

I don't really have a stake in this, they're all liberals and the US can collapse for all I care but it's clear who's who here. There's a simplistic clarity to this whole situation that anyone should be able to see.

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Are you goddamn brain dead?

Only one of the books is propaganda, you fucking brainlet cunts. The original one is written by a little girl, devoid of politics.

Nice try

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everything is politics sweetie

Jesus fucking christ you are dumb. Let me put pontificate so you can understand it.

The two books are pretty much a perfect microcosm of politics, the gross-out spiteful jewish liberal drivel and the positive, hopeful and pure aryan bunny ideal. One driven by hate and perversion, the other by a wish to help people and sending a good message.

Replace Aryan with Christian and you're correct.

Didn't read because you're a faggot trying to inject politics where there were none in the first book. A childrens book made by a child is apolitical, no matter how much you want to push a narrative with your sides propaganda.

Reminds me of an old B movie that I haven't got around to watching yet.

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I actually prefer Holla Forums over Holla Forums, but thats just pathetic

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That wasn't Holla Forums, that was me. I also did the one that was anti-christian with Thor pics. Actually I do that shit a lot. I don't even kow why other than it just gets people fighting.


and people say Holla Forums is full of conspiracy theorists Jesus mate


RLM fans, everybody!

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Yeah, Oliver's major deal seems to be that Pence shilled for the book at an "anti-gay" event or whatever.

But isn't John Oliver British?

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In some regards yes, but what I specifically meant by it was the empathic kinship with animals which as far as I can tell is a germanic trait.

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You should.

Combination of both

Morgan Pierce is the worst

Can you even call this comedy anymore?

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There's several levels of satire and irony in that headline alone.


post-fact era

Sharing with a fkn James Comey book no less.

anything that trigger Pencer & his retard followers is a good thing

Go back to Holla Forums

Most adorable horror movie ever!

Yeah, fags are great and white people are the worst, Goldberg.

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What's the bet someone writes a book about a communist rabbit to counter it? There will at least be a heavy shot or two on evil capitalism and how communism totally works.

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So John Oliver supports human trafficking. Good to know.

What do else do you expect from a bong?

Isn't America?

I thought America had no identity?

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It did until WWWII2

That's a funny way of spelling revolutionary war 2…


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You dumb fuck! You were supposed to rename it first before you posted it!

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Best Selling Author of Hit Children's Book John Oliver Gives Exclusive Interview to Seth Meyer

So Donald Duck is a Nazi and Bugs is a communist
really makes you think

Are we sure he's not Jewish?

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Pure faggotry

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"Buy this book it annoys someone"
Sadly it works as a marketing strategy

antisemitic image, reported

The Jewish attitude has so thoroughly permeated our mass media that it's very had for anyone to escape its influence.

True, but who's really annoyed in this case? It just comes off as parasitic.