Other urls found in this thread:
nah. she would.
Especially with how awful Holla Forums is at retaining names. The only reason for no thread IDs is for moronic self posting. Which you can still do once per thread or if you proxy. Or if Holla Forums has a sage option. Also if you're looking for a post and somebody changed their name in a thread you can just search their ID. IDs are just so much better.
Don't you want steel buns?
It is pro anonymity, it's a per-thread ID. It's just asinine at that point.
Also what Mordin said last thread I agree with.
shes not you
who wants free e-bjs
she slutty tho
Rolling for I.D-
That's pretty much the only reason people want them off.
IDs also let you filter people who constantly change their name to avoid filters.
I'm pretty sure this is why most people like them.
Also a great point, there would be way more stupid bans if people couldn't do this.
Go suck an admin's/mod's dick to turn them back on then. idk
Changing trip to avoid filters because I can't fucking stand when people filter and annoy me.
Like, what the shit people?
I mean, I don't filter, but it certainly should be an option for people who can't just ignore shit on their own, or don't want to.
It's easy to tell someone putting a tripcode as plain writing into the namefield apart from the real thing just by the different in boldness.
slutty slut
I'm fine without them. I do miss the colors.
I honestly thought that was the real Mordin and didn't bat an eye.
It is important to have the option there, even if it is never utilized.
I don't know why it was changed in the first place, this has all been discussed before.
this tbh
I would never.
pretty triggered.
I just do not get why you'd even want them off, other than the people that say they're leaving and just user post for neenees.
Just because I can.
Denial's an impairment of your fear
I agree. I like them on, I just don't care if they aren't.
I know :(
I don't know.
All the ones with Rin at the front were fucking hideous.
Eat like a whole bag of dicks.
Only on the brink
Can we see so clearly
You're still replying to me even if you don't link me.
you ignore the parts that aren't the name you wanted I am so mad right now holy shit
whatever, I don't care.
oh really? this is new information.
It's sorta silly to claim that the board is pro anonymity when you're expected to be able to identify all the anonymous posters anyway.
You were the one who just the other day was saying trips have to look nice.
I don't think anyone is expected to, it's more like everyone has at least one person who can always pick them out so it's pretty much impossible to be anonymous entirely.
I wish I had candy now
Down with Anonymous.
and looking nice means the name is at the front.
Sic Semper Anonymous.
They all avatarfag and/or talk in a manner where they expect people to know who they are anyway really. It's like you'd be yelled at if you didn't know who they were.
And also that it doesn't look fucking hideous as a whole.
Of all the returns I had, the best looking ones didn't have Rin at the front.
mordin is pretty dumb tbh
It's still easier and faster to filter someone in 30seconds and never have to do it again than doing it with their ID once every thread.
You don't even know who !ummmmmmmm. is, what do you know?
Well probably to you.
You can still filter by name.
You can just also filter by ID if they keep changing names or going anonymous to specifically avoid being filtered.
I remember that happening now and then back in the pony threads, but so far the only person I've seen get pissy about people not knowing him while anonymous but not anonymous was drunky. and he might have been kidding.
I certainly didn't care when I wasn't using my trip. most people care way too much about anonymous poster's identity, so it's usually them who are desperately trying to figure it out, not the poster desperately wanting to be known even while anonymous.
Having IDs is asinine as well, we really don't need them because we know who we are.
then you just keep looking. a three letter trip is so easy to find you could crank out about a million results a day.
You mean the Holla Forums where you used external scripts to have trips and names even though it was forced anonymous, even to the point where you were getting banned because of it?
It's just another layer of convenience without any downside. Unless someone likes changing their name a lot in a thread and doesn't have a VPN I guess? Seems like a very specific and cancerous use case.
I heard somebody was giving out free blowjobs.
It's Cupcake.
everything is new to me. because I care so little about it I always forget.
Yeah Gil/Tsuchi
I mean, you can turn off flags if you want. I don't care about flags.
No one would pay you for one anyways.
Bebop thinks we all deserved banned, so whatever.
Except for spotting Manaka.
Besides TPs, I mean, which was just "IDs are stupid because I say they are."
Eh, fuck it.
I'm gonna go get ready for bed.
Three letters? A whole day?
I could easily get a couple trillion.
Ay girl how you doin?
Hey bb
the type of people who would need to pay me would not be the type of people I would give a blowjob to even if they paid me, so it's a bit of a moot point.
basically just proved my point for me.
To which I say touche.
You'd have to pay someone to let you give them a blowjob.
We really don't need them. If we did then it'll be turned on years ago
those people could get much nicer people than me to pay for that, so it's another moot point.
Are you referring to what I was saying?
Don't worry, you don't have to pay me.
I just want id's to filter sci honestly
Aw man
that was some good ass ramen
shame the liquor store was closed
We don't NEED them, but they are HANDY. Just because we didn't have a good thing before doesn't mean we should throw them out because we've lived without them before. What a stupid reason for not having something.
well in that case...
am I the only girl still here?
Grim, did you drink soy sauce instead of alcohol again?
Ah right, I thought it was odd because I said something similar in
yet it was pro ID
No, Cupcake is still here.
filtering by name/trip is easy as hell and the only people here who use more than 2 names are sci and blood-chan, blood-chan using the most(5?). it's incredibly easy to deal with them and if they become an actual problem then they can be taken care of
people never had this problem on 4chan though and you had no mods to baby everyone with their wants and needs.
yes exactly
I don't get it. What is the point of this post if you're gonna try to be against what I'm saying?
Cry more? I haven't done anything to you yet here you are bitching and moaning acting like my decisions for this place are directly to oppose what you want, even if that is reverting what you disliked.
Topical liberal argument
Get a life
There's Test.
I was pondering on getting a couple of bottles of sake at the restaurant, but they were a bit expensive
That's as far as I'm taking this.
nice to see you again. been a few days.
There's literally no reason to disable IDs.
None whatsoever.
Filtering by name and trip is good, filtering by name, trip, and thread ID is better. It is also handy to have to keep straight who you're talking to. Or if you're searching through a thread for something.
The three replies mean I agree with what he was saying. I don't think "anonymity" is a good reason for not having thread IDs. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm calling you an idiot because arguing is more fun when I call the person I'm arguing with an idiot. I also think that you're wrong aside from that though.
I don't care about the IDs at all. All that "yeah, you guys totally deserved to be banned on Holla Forums tho, fam, also xd im a mod rifk" continues to irk me.
Would you have said "Sake it to me, baby!"
Because you should never, ever say that.
I promise to keep my name as "Ikarous" from now on
Go ahead and filter me
Bebop turned off ID's because he can't user post at Lexi anymore.
shut up bc
Absolutely not.
come voice
Hey guys, I'm new :)
I know, I've been posting far too frequently lately. How are you this evening?
When you use insults in an argument you've already lost
Great, you're not every poster that will ever come to this board. Also they're handy apart from filtering purposes.
oh you.
you know I don't like that question. today was particularly bad, but whatever. how are you?
No, I don't think that's how that works. And you were calling me a liberal? What a joke.
IDs are boring, I like the mystery
Being a liberal isn't an insult
im a 15 y/o girl irl btw way
lets e-cyber-phone-sex
Wait, what?
Also a terrible reason. It's just bad.
Now you're just baiting and switching. If you're going to call me a liberal derisively and then give me a loony extreme liberal "if you hurt my feelings you lose the argument" response, I'm going to call you a liberal derisively back. Fuck off.
I never asked for this hell.
nobody fuckin cares
just tell her to shut up
to her credit, overwatch is pretty shitty
Why, TP?
Tomorrow will be better, I'm sure. I just got back from dinner a bit ago so I'm still feeling pretty stuffed and I'm fighting the urge to go lay down.
getting harder to tell myself that.
why fight it? feels good to lie down after a big meal.
I sit and listen to you talk about your manbaby cartoon dolls, you can sit and listen to this. Harrumph.
blah, i'm bored now, goodnight
blah blah blah
if you don't like IDs then go kill yourself
That is Blood-chan's entire pre-Holla Forums experience.
see ya ika
I'd listen to you drone on for 3 hours no problem
To which I say...touche.
Great non-response, good to see you are totally and absolutely out of anything substantial to say. I really liked the part of your argument for not having IDs where you said you like a vague feeling of mystery which you then did not qualify. Very convincing. Suck the shit out of my asshole and swallow it.
I believe.
If I do I probably won't wake up until 3am again and I still have things to do tonight.
What kind of candy?
You'll probably get the chance over and over and over again, because I am an idle man.
then I'll let you do the believing for me.
why not do them at 3am? seems like a sound enough idea to me.
Getting bother by literally anything he does is just pointless.
It's like talking to a literal potato who will make the same five comments or call you a liberal/nigger even if the topic at hand has no political element whatsoever.
feel free to skype me anytime
Good team candy.
My brother and his girlfriend are staying with us for awhile, but I'll keep that in mind.
I don't tilting at windmills so much. So long as it's a good tilt.
Yeah that wasn't so fun. I think we are switching to a war game now.
I gave overwatch a shot
It was shit.
Fun stuff.
Believe in the me that believes in you!
Some of those things involve another person who I presume will be sleeping at that time.
It's not worth 40 dollars.
the only reason people tell others to buy it is to play with them, not to have fun
yes ban?
ugh. that line.
oh? well then I guess you'd better stay awake. if you want some company you know where to find me. not like I have anything else to do. and it would be at least somewhat enjoyable
IDs also won the strawpoll 8/2
Not that it was taken by every threader. But it would probably maintain that ratio.
More than half the fun is playing with other people. Read: League of Legends.
Blame the old man
ID's gave me a decent idea if it was worth posting with the UID counter in the thread.
I liked ID's
Blame the people who thought we didn't need a lucio, but two roadhogs.
Thats my favorite don't post it.
yeah. we should turn them back on so that smiles might come here to talk to the three people she talks to instead of talking to them other places.
sorry, you posted it so much I started to like it. it's mine now.
understand that bebop is a HUGE cuck for bloodchan
he only took it off because he/s in love with him and he told him too
I talk to anyone who would like to talk to me.
I'm sorry that I'm not some beggar for other's attention.
no need to apologize. I was making a joke.
You're just upset that you'll never get my private hm's.
well, now I am.
shut up
I liked Ban's alternative explanation as well.
a couple weeks ago Lenko and I were making a list on who is a regular
there's ~55people here at least every other day
Do people honestly have fun when doing that though? I know I don't but I know I'm a different breed of gamer.
I imagine TP is blowing you while you're blowing Bard to complain about this shit, using the same logic you all do here.
we don't even talk anymore
New board with ids and no bebop when
thats probably also another explanation
im totally down for migrating somewhere else though, maybe back to Holla Forums
anywhere without this cucklord
fuck off its mine.
if you post something and I like it, I will take it. you can share.
I know, I said it wasn't a representative poll, just that it does seem to be the more popular sentiment by a pretty fair margin. I don't know why it was switched without any warning because one person wanted it for some vague reason that was never really elaborated.
I have had fun with it, it can be frustrating and awful too, but there were lots of good times with friends.
friend is being a depressed little bitch while i'm dealing with all of your shit
the fucker lives in LA and dropped out of high school and is now saying if he turns 20 and doesn't have a job he's killing himself
he doesn't go out looking for a job and sits and home complaining all day like he's 40 and know how that shit works
"well actually you can but it's for this job(which pays decent)"
why are people so fucking picky about this shit. if you want to work then fucking work. he's my friend and all but thinking like that is complete shit.
It was actually switched with warning. I said I was going to before I even put them on that it was going to last a few days and I said a day before and then hours before and then right before I switched it, there was plenty of warning.
People keep thinking oh I'm listening to one person or something
New board with Test admin when?
Animus is my legacy.
I would hope it survives a bit longer.
test wouldn't be able to measure up
Some people don't really want any answers, they just want to bitch. You're probably not in a position to actually do much for him.
Okay, fine. I just didn't hear any of the warning, and the way bc put it, it sounded like it was a request followed by a switch. Why didn't you open with that while everybody was arguing? And are you going to make IDs a regular thing now that the test run was successful, or are you going to try more intensive polling?
low blow
I hear what you're saying, I really do ban.
but no.
It's more of a causation than a legacy.
the only kind test can relate to
Make a new board Tuschi.
You're just saying that because you want to bang an admin's sister.
Should just make a bot that only deletes CP and make that the admin.
but then what would you all endlessly bitch at on a daily basis?
laughing so hard I forgot to type the text.
no need to get short tempered here.
Point taken.
I would hope not.
Hm hm.
I know that but he is actually trying to ask me for help. The fact that he's coming off from taking xanax isn't helping though.
Blood-chan started to say it was that because Boo shilled the fucked out of this place saying that she said to and that I'm fucking them so I had to.
Why didn't I open with me not listening to people about the warning? The warning bit didn't seem necessary because nobody else cared and I've been telling everyone off about that shit but nobody listens because they're all too blind to see the truth, they see what they want.
If I am going to poll everyone I'm not going to ask a small group of people, I'm going to do what I did before with it and literally ask every single person who posts here for their opinion and go with the majority.
The last time this bullshit happened people were very pissed off about it because it was all done in a shorter time than this thread.
There already is one but it isn't perfect.
geez test, you really have a short fuse today.
These puns are so recycled it hurts.
So what stuff do you start out with?
very good webm
/aneki/ destroyer.
Har har har.
I want to date Test's sister just to make my moves on turning Test into my short gf.
I guess I am a little short on ideas today.
and I feel way to sick to do anything about it
good because I was worried about all the stuff you'd be able to do if you weren't hungover.
Poll more then, that's fine, I just didn't know a process was going on at all. I'd never heard about it. You probably should open with that in the future, so what if people hear what they want to hear? That's not a good reason to ignore disseminating correct information, especially when there isn't a newsletter or anything. How am I supposed to know that you're not just dinking around? You have to say so.
Usually I'd say you put way too little effort in to achieve that goal, but in this case, little effort seems like exactly the tool for the job.
I'm sure we'd find a way.
Seems like a tall task unless they'd use the same pictures every time.
Then I'd just cuck Boo by winning Test.
And probably dump >her after that fact.
You've never even watched Jojo, though.
You hurt me inside.
I'm done now.
Boo would just scoop 'em up on the rebound. He doesn't care if it's your sloppy seconds. Do you know how gay that boy is?
What's going on
This hasn't happened in a while
how're ya'll?
It's too late, I'm crying and downing the antidepressants and alcohol as we speak.
footnote: tsuchi will not win test+test's sister over me
I guess I was just too short on time.
Free to play.
Not free to have fun quickly.
Resist the urge to compulsively stir things. You're stronger than this. You've beat it before.
And just how do you intend on stopping xim?
Well damn, I laughed at that one.
I would just force Test to crossdress to humiliate him and dump him.
nothing is really going on right now. so welcome to the party.
always end on the best one.
Have a good night.
I might just go for a walk
but I have my alcohol here
Sounds like a blast
People should probably learn not to assume things and realize I am only going to go off of what they tell me right now. Sure usually I would add more to it and not just talk about everything they directly say but I'm currently dealing with a bunch of other things.
When I say people hear what they want to hear I am they are doing the conspiracy theorist THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO KILL US ALL type of shit. There is a point to where it goes from okay you think X about Y and want some change and then there is TMZ style gossip bullshit trying to make a difference with how a place is run.
I had talked about for a small time if people thought it would be a good idea if I just made a thread telling them about all this shit on the front page but instantly got everyone who was there to go "muh front page" "dont want scroll down far!"
It's actually not that hard. There is a HUGE database of hashes shared between hundreds of websites to counter this shit. The big problem here isn't actually CP but advertising, which is also something the bot is being taught to autoban.
Unless you actually mean physically force, probably leading with a date rape drug, I don't see this happening.
Night, Grimmu.
I'm buying a starter pack.
I don't want to be a noob.
I will not.
oh yeah, it's pretty much the most fun you'll have all night.
My validation of you as a girl is what you'd strive for.
I couldn't even find any Gurren Lagann pictures in my folder so I had to download that one real quick for emphasis. I'll probably be on in a bit.
You're like Mel Gibson from What Women Want, but for dudes. You have a line straight to that man's head.
Bye Grim
People are never going to learn not to assume things. Never going to happen.
It's fine, we got to where we needed to get, it was just inefficient.
I think a sticky announcement post is a good idea, personally.
Got a free thing from Humble Bundle.
Sent you the code.
Just make that stupid welcome post that nobody reads into an announcement thread instead. Problem solved.
such dedication to the bit. I'm a little proud of you.
I could just go play pokemon then sleep
if you want to, sure. nothing stopping you.
I aim to please.
quite the sharpshooter, you are.
booze is stopping you from playing pokemon?
before I drink it all it is
and no chugging!
Jesus, just get plastered already since you're going to anyways.
I don't quite see why you can't play and drink at the same time.
unless you're talking about pokemon go. I just remembered that's a thing.
You can drink and do that, too.
Just walk around plastered.
most places frown on public drunkenness. and it's much easier to get noticed being drunk if you're drinking at the time.
I know the area he lives in. You can wander most of it on foot shitfaced and no one will never say anything.
I know this but I did this exact thing.
seems like this conversation should involve cato to some degree.
yes I know. I'm wondering why he hasn't chimed in since.
I'm not doing that again
I already opened a beer and it would be a shame if it got warm
and I don't want to put it in the refrigerator because I'll forget it
yeah, it's the latter
He's probably just chugging rum from the bottle again.
and I'm watching x-files on the other screen, that's why it is slow
Also I'm squad leader.
Just one drink!
i am bored
well then drink up. and be safe out there.
you're a rum bottle.
and the mystery of the missing cato is solved. good work team.
mada mada
Hello bored
you are a real detective
Just move onto the room and roam around playing drunken Pokemon GO.
My urine is black rum.
I should probably go to urologist about that.
Yes yes, get back to the game.
Is there another name for it?
how could I not be, after so many episodes of psych
or just drink more water.
hey friend
hey friend
Was fun.
well that was fun
Not as good of one as you would be if it was that many episodes of x-files
x files is one I've been meaning to watch actually. fell in love with david duchovny when I watched californication.
Showers make me feel better
showers are good medicine.
I dont know actors
Isn't that a good thing?
Made my head stop hurting.
uh yeah?
what was fun
hi cato hows life
he's mulder.
I dunno.
It really is.
I'm tempted, not going to lie.
Then why the frowny pictures?
Life is pretty good right now!
Because I was drunkenly yelling in discord like 2 hours ago.
so the actor is someone I like. which makes me want to watch other things he acts in. in this case, that would be x files.
kinda sucks
take care of me okay?
fantastic conversation skills bernsa
not terrible. not great, but not terrible.
don't worry. the quality of the picture is too low for my tastes.
you know me, always the talker.
Wow, that is impressively drunk
Is he the main guy in x-files?
How would I take care of you?
this is why I don't post new things
it was like 40% or something which is a lot for me.
How much did you drunk?
that's literally what I've been saying. do you not know the names of the main characters in the show you've watched but I have not? agent mulder is david duchovny. silly.
I have noticed you are slow to do so. I don't steal everything you know, and I'm not going anywhere so you might as well post whatever you have.
that picture is great by the way.
Bluegrass music festivals aren't as fun as you'd think
I should stop going
Ugh work is so boring
I havent watched x-files in yeeeears!
and I always forget names!
but you said you're watching right now. you'd think the names might come up at some point in the episode.
I'm not sure if I should have a conniption or laugh
an amount
You'll probably leave at some point.
seems unlikely, given the reasons for leaving in the past and the likelihood of them happening being very low. but anything is possible. the question is, are you really going to wait for that unknown time to post your pictures freely?
*them happening again
Seems about how you operate.
They dont say each other's names very often in the middle of a season
The laugh would work better
is that a specific ammount?
money and cummies
youre pretty talkative for an anime poster
when the mood strikes me. or I need more than a few words to say what I want to say.
seems highly suspect.
No to the money and probably not to the cummies
I am bad at names!
you crazy kid.
apparently so!
Let him down more gently.
Boo is a sensitive girl.
not really in the mood to talk gonna go play games
love u guys
I give it a week before you accept his terms.
see ya boo. mada mada
Wow, Cato.
Hello, Cato.
Is my opiate tolerance just extreme as fuck for some reason or is this a legit medical issue.
I'm the best kid.
I know, it's a problem
I've known him for a long time and it hasnt happened yet
that was Boo?
How're you doing, it's been a while
This week will be different. I will die full of naive optimism.
Didn't we talk the other day? And my tooth hurts a lot. I regret coming to work.
So, what you're saying is, you can't handle the tooth?
Cato you need to get better at telling who people are.
Call him back
I take everything back
YOu didn't say it was Boo!
Did we? Work has been tiring me out
And that sucks, have you been to a dentist.
Besides being tired, all is going great
I'm having lunch with a couple of the head curators of space materials for NASA weekly
We did. And that's cool. Hopefully it furthers your career. NASA is pretty impressive.
Sucks that you have work, but we live in a world that has walls.
You knew it was Boo in your heart of hearts.
Yeah, now I have to get serious about searching for grad schools
I need the money.
Well keep me updated. Here's to doing well.
You need the money to exist, and the money needs you to exist. Such is the nature of deepisms.
We recently got a tour of the robotics facility and drove around on the ultra-mobile car.
the controls are very interesting, the steering wheel is basically wasd and it as a joystick that works like a mouse.
That sounds fun. It's surprising to see a poster have such a fulfilling job.
I'm not any better than any other poster
I just put most of what I care about into this instead of something else.
That is probably the art way to go about it.
I really hope so
to say your not smarter than posters like luka or lenko is really silly
They just need to apply themselves.
I don't know. Kenji always falls short of expectation.
I think there are a lot fewer legitimately dumb people out there than people think
Or you could say that he walks to the beat of his own drummer.
Was making a short joke, bit no, he's legit just an angry tard. Most everyone agrees.
I don't know how tall he is. Or isn't, as the case may be.
can't sleep
too hot
5 foot 8 inches or shorter I think.
I too know the woes of being too attractive. I just can't tear myself away from that mirror when I'm brushing my teeth.
Eh, not really short enough. Height jokes seem like a bit of a reach for him.
heat hot
i'm not nearly as attractive as anybody
That's a very succinct way of putting it. I bet the people who ignore your dating profiles really appreciate you not mincing words. Buy a bunch of fans and never move. Works for me.
It is our job to raise posters to our level, Squash. We must succeed for them where puberty failed.
Eh. I'm too indifferent to go that far.
Sometimes the hardest things are the most rewarding. Sometimes they're not, though.
new thread
new thread
new thread
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new thread
new thread
new thread
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new thread
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new thread