Stunning and brave.
*Blocks your path*
I'd fuck her tbh..
Go to south east Asia, there are chicks far better looking ten to a penny there who will do anything for the white D.
Sounds too good to be true.
It's not.
t. someone with first hand experience.
Anglin, is that you?
My first bj was from a hapa tbh
Nice, when they go white, they see the light.
She ended up marrying a white cuck.
the interesting thing is we have the technology now that they could digitally replace her with an attractive asian for the blu-ray release
Now if only we can replace the marysue with Luke Skywalker the disney movies might start to make a bit more sense.
harmony or death
I would accept a formal apology and an animated adaptation of Heir to the Empire with Mark Hammil doing Luke's voice
i didn't know asians could be that fat and also ugly
I feel so bad for this chick, nobody knows who the hell she is, costume or no costume, you're in one of the biggest franchises of all time and nobody recognises or praises you
I like her because it challenges traditional stereotypes of female beautifullness
This guy gets it.
And it doesn’t threaten tumblr landwhales who would see a typical asian woman (and the white male reaction to her) as threatening.
They somehow made her uglier for the movie. The Tumblr hair accentuates her dumpiness.
your mom has been made uglier for the movie
Lowkey GaHoole2 thread?
Her sister in the movie was actually sort of good-looking, but of course (((they))) killed her.
Thought the same thing lol
Vietnam is the best city in Japan.
ur gay tbh
Where exactly would you recommand my fine connoisseur friend?
woah i didn‘t know gahoole was a hollywood actor