this thread is my thread.
this thread is your thread.
this thread is my thread.
this thread is your thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm drinking a little rum and just chilling.
Why haven't you done that yet anyways?
It's like you're dream.
Arizona is full of retirees.
This is just gay as fuck.
And I'm taller and in comparable shape to you.
from California
to the New York thread land
Speaking of fio
Do you have her new skin?
Wet pool noodle waving around lmao
the fx are amazing though
Well I'm about to head off to get Ramen, free spot for food AND drink with me
anyone else read that as cum?
they can't hmm like tracer can. no one can.
project ashe when...
feels like it's been ages.
^ ^;
only you, sloot
chug chug chug
They made a Spanish Iron Maiden album?
I'm way bigger and stronger than you.
you're like a little baby .
So I can, and so it is.
ban drinks like any underage person.
way too much.
Well I got a cock meat sammich for you. you won't be hungry for good long while.
That is a great 90s song... im disappointed in you
I already had strawberries.
But thanks anyway, MFF
You wanted hugs I assume?
Your heart will never be complete.
The description is on that upload.
The album is entire English.
There's a song called El Dorado but it's still English.
But the first song is all about getting lost in space and realizing there's no coming back from the mission.
Sure you are.
Good things?
You drink until you pass out nightly.
Shut up.
just you
I don't club
not after that florida incident
leave the kid alone
I think MF wears the theme better personally
I got a second TV to use as a third monitor today
sure... let's stick with that ♥
the coconuts man
I love popping someone with a crit q and they just fucking die
my musical tastes are firmly rooted in the 70's with only the best from other eras managing to make the cut.
well we were making jokes before but now you're just hitting where it hurts.
not nightly.
only passed out drinking once in recent memory.
that was only a couple days ago...but still.
Iron Maden copied a song from David Bowie's Space Oddity?
fuck off
come to newport and I'll gladly put your smug ass on the floor.
Hey, could have been only you
Don't do that
same same
I can imagine ban just swinging his old skateboard at tsuchis face
You know.
It'd be helpful for listening if I plugged the cable into my headset after I plug the jack into the headphones port.
Not bad, at the least.
Well, drat.
Sure, sure.
Enjoy your problem.
s a m e
k brb
Ban come to Thousand Oaks you fuck
I'll teach you how to skate
I'm not gay
I think adcs aren't much my kind of fun
Also bot lane is terrible.
Never heard of many songs written by science fiction writers of the 50's and 60's.
me either
I subject myself to bot lane
didn't even say anything
>colbs always going bottom
thats like an hour and 40 minutes away.
Literally Star Child.
World star!
also me
you transported it with your mind
Honestly it just takes time for you to learn to get the vibe from your support and the enemy, and then just play off of that
I just kept doing it until I got it
you end up getting games like this
It was far too big to be called a skateboard...
he was made to supp honestly
matches his personality perfectly
Come on, has to be better than that
I really like these mashups way more than I like any of the individual songs.
too true
He's probably drunker than you.
I hope he makes up for it in the next ep
I am a healslut, I accept this.
no probably there.
Space Oddity was made before Star Child.
you after 2 games
You two are destroying your families.
I won't know how good it is until the future.
I have certification as a healslut.
hng thats good
you never had one
I am a member of the healslut union
me irl
I hide it from my family
pretty impossible
That's because it actually takes talent to be able to sew them together in a way that actually sounds decent
It looks like that new healer makes mercy useless now
How good is the friend?
You are the WORST!
It's not like I ever expected it to happen, the main heroine is really defined from the start. But even so, it was sort of blueballing.
I am so glad you've never tried coming onto me
me irl
Mmm EH.
Kennen is pretty cool.
fuck emilia
not cuz of this
but because shes a stuck up bitch
2001 was written and directed before Space Oddity.
They know, Cuppers.
They know.
They just don't know how to help you and get you into treatment.
his ult is fucking insane
combine that with a protobelt
ana is good
but mercy still good for 6-8k + sustained healing
not a chance. I hid that I was gay for years, I can hide excessive drinking on weekends.
Also, take a shot, Cuppers.
I just legitimately don't like guys who aren't white
wait what why
n u h
The bridge. ♥
No, I mean, like.
I literally have a card.
In my wallet.
That marks me as an emergency healslut.
He's a good friend, I don't mind him knowing I drink.
He's a bit of an alcoholic though.
Grim it's a joke
I just don't try to sex people who are't into it
You've already got someone~?
Not a song.
I have a certificate framed, bitch
Pokemon Go
Omg.. I might actually play
she just said she's not into girls
learn to take the hint
no e-lesbian shit for you tonight
I'm on team Valor
oh shit
better grab the whiskey
Luka I'm a girl in real life
Please have lesbian sex with me
So mercy heal does outdo ana constantly shooting someone?
I haven't looked at the math
Yeah, her
Hiding is what the worst would do
The good times alcoholic or the 'this is negatively affecting my life' alcoholic?
I never use that
I like nashor's tooth and then rylais
I also like DFT because it's annoying and he has a decent amount of single target damage.
She's just as generic as main heroines come. I don't like or dislike her, she's just a copy paste.
I was expecting you to say "i dont care" just to spite me into drinking.
But I'm gonna go finish watching this episode so I can chat with someone.
Stream it I wanna see your attempts ^^
Try Death's Hard or Sekai's Insane
You can say smiles
have fun with smiles
Hey Ban u faget are you gonna play Ark
I was told you would shovel shit for us and do general slave labor
I've never played him but I feel like RAW ap is way better than something tooth would provide
I thought the same about rem and ram at first
boy was I wrong
I can't tell if you're missing what I'm implying or not.
Seems like somewhere between the two sometimes.
This episode was so good because emilia's character didn't actually play into it
You got me from dark moody jazz to happy pop songs and overall make me feel really happy quickly.
*comes out*
I was asked to but I don't really wanna do slave labor
ana is a 3 tick per shot
mercy is a full hp bar in 2-3 seconds
mercy reliable
ana for utility
Much better!
I'll pay you 300 berries an hour
Are we bros now? are we bros!?
are you really on blue team?
Berries are money, right?
Oh please, he could've meant Alexis.
That's because I love you.
You aren't allowed to be upset when I'm around.
oh god I'm actually so bad though
not likely, and you know it.
brojob when
Only talks about conversing with you here.
Logical to assume it'll be with you as well.
Also could literally be anyone else on the planet.
aticuno is ice
the leader is a pretty and smart lady
and they have a smart catch phrase!
but yea i like Ice
even tho i think zapdos looks kewl.
Why isn't it online already
Probably but I like to duel and it makes w procs easier because higher attack speed and more damage. so yeah
I have a boyfriend.
No brojobs from me.
yes master I'm sorry
Don't you dare dump your cripple man on me.
When did he become a cripple?
wow we aren't on the same team......i'll destroy you
I bet you feel so loved
So Ana is a similar spot to music guy
eh, then it really is a 'wait and see' situation.
I can only be really really thankful
It's a little silly how irrelevant Ram is. She is so irrelevant she's not even in the OP anymore.
Well she's gonna have to be in the rest of the season after this, I can't imagine Rem taking up too much of the remaining time now.
I knew that would catch your attention.
Do you two want to play a game?
Hey Bloodchan
Oh well.
I don't know.
Let's just play a game of something.
Do both of you guys have world of tanks or something?
I'm going to make it my life's work to learn this song and to sing it while grinding a staff.
You betcha.
As I said.
That's enough.
I'll grind ur staff
congratulations! u did it!
My name is Ikarous
Always has been
People call me Blood-chan because Erio told them to
Good TokiToki
Exactly, they will actually flesh the character out. This has been one of the few anime romances that has made sense, why would he go with rem when the whole motivation behind everything he has done up to this point been his love for emilia?
I've War Thunder, And World of Warships. Out of the five games you play.
You were right all along
Well Captain you only ever want to play those military simulator games.
Did what?
As I often am.
It's a good change in the usual twin girl meme
We could play LFD2.
Shame she doesn't have Overwatch.
I've called you Bloodchan 5 times in the past month.
The first time you said "How did you know it was me?!"
Hello Cato
We can play either. Or LFD2.
Whichever Lexi Rather.
Whatever you want.
Worst case you'll have to use your birthday wish for Overwatch. We'll see.
These lips weren't made for kissing.
So that's not what they'll do.
I'm sorry I underestimated you
Ever considered overwatch?
I hate that name...
Do you like my angel avatar?
hmm maybe
Would that put me under your command?
What'd I do?
Like everyone always does.
Hm hm.
well now that's a shame
Lets just play overwatch.
I honestly didn;t notice.
You did IT
Don't I still have 350$ available from earlier?
I think it's a cute avatar, yeah.
I think it's a cool looking game. I'll never really play it though.
We're all just friends here.
Well I don't have it though.
why do you only post at night?
its ok
should I get drunk at the restaurant or just buy some alcohol on the way back and get drunk later tn
Old man will buy it for you
but don't you want a lil extra?
Hm hm.
Can't lump them both together.
I only post when I can get away with it.
I don't want him spending money on a game I'll only play like once a month at best.
I dunno i'm gonna go eat some food though.
Held on to my tentacle?
I already have you.
It's one of those games that you just play when you have other people to play with, though
That's how I see it, at least.
Do you work all day or something?
maybe the latter then
I work most days all day.
Seems like a game I'll never play.
I figured.
I don't even like that you're so adamant about it.
not a feet guy
Being blamed for things is my fetish.
sounds like you could be playing it right now.
Want to use my account to play with them?
Haven't brought it up in about a month.
Wouldn't call it adamant.
When do you sleep?
can't believe smiles used to cyber cato when he was 16
Pick one of those war games then
To be honest, I find Ram significantly more attractive.
But Rem is my spirit animal, and favourite.
my heeart..
You'll let me use your account?
Yeah yeah.
Looks like we're playing overwatch.
Touko is a goddess.
We might play overwatch actually.
Only when she's wearing the glasses, sure.
That's mine, can't use it.
I'm not going to be using it tonight
okay I'll download and install it.
how do I download this game?? client
I think you have to download first
Like starcraft or wow
Log into with an account that's purchased it
battle net you dumb
Do I download the battlenet client?
Whats the bnet on it?
It may be a shitty- game,
but the music's okay.
Yeah the client is small
Then from there you can actually DL all the games Blizzard has
Holy shit, this is what my father felt like when I taught him how to use a tablet a while back.
God damn it.
watch your language, this is a blue board
Do I need to log in before I download it?
I don't see a download link anywhere?
I just sent you the info, logging in will make it easier, if nothing else
friendly begging for the mosquito to stop sucking out my blood, I need that.
Don't worry about it, I'm being weird.
Doesn't matter
it was the first to came up
I like your weird
Am I cute?
Your anime girl version of you is
Back off faglord
Test, are you here?
Murder is disgusting
In every sense of the word
You're too evil to be cute...
make me
i guess?
ana's ult is a mix between music guy speed boost and mercys dmg boost built in.
how much money does this say you spent on League?
help me be good at osu master
So a mix of a the music guy and mercy. the utility leaning of whatshisname and the single-target healing of mercy.
Why you posting cute crayon dress girl?
This is acceptable
I am a cute evil though. At least I think so. Sort of like you~
I still think I have a better personality than like half of the gay furs
log in~
to see
how much you spent on lol
do you play pong
I think you are destined to be bad forever, gomenasai
That is not a very high bar.
that's a very good way to put it
Ahhhh I don't wanna be bad !
n-nani ?
Ana ult doesn't heal
it doesn't give invuln either... so don't go using it on a low HP ally
it only reduces the dmg the person you ulted takes.
Fite me
I'll play her when I don't actually need to be working
Neko x Tokai nig off.
Like beer pong or the old game?
It is a bar though.
thats not what i implied at all you retard. ghostbusters wouldve done bad with or without the female cast, so stop assuming this is about attacking the movie for it being a female protagonist movie because there are tons of those that do great, you just cant come to terms that the movie is shit and keep running back to you muh womens argument you incompetent little bitch
*does 1940's combat stance*
i win
I will hurt you.
And I will cut her into pieces.
You outnig a nig?
just be accurate.
heal freinds, escape enemy ults with her sleep dart, and ult rly good people on ur team.
and for tough situations her jar of healing will give you a short strong healing boost and make enemys not able to heal.
looks like you need bed
fuck I meant fite
i like to think im a bit more civil than that
*lesbo wink*
*lesbian butt*
You're exceptional
Any scene with her is so goddamn awkward.
I really hope people stop posting her soon.
a bit intimidating
I can't for the life of me see what anyone sees in rem. dull as fuck.
Not since I was in college to both of them
Because she is a rather lifeless character fans of her that make her a waifu can make her suit their needs.
I think she's nice thoughh
I'd let her intimidate me
my 14yo brother wants me to buy this for him
I know you would
Buy him a skirt and dildo so he can take after you.
how much it say about you
Disown him
So I am not cute then?!?
I started feeling sober as someone was sending me a picture of their butt
what have I done?
a steal!
Was it Desu?
he's no fag.
you ought to check out
but I can't recommend safety yet until in some days, I ordered to check if its good.
Hi Ban
sup dude
How'd you know ?
Didn't you used to say you were no fag either?
You still drunk?
A very small amount.
I can make a heart with my hands 4 u
You're gonna need a bigger "subway" for a size queen like him.
I have knowledge
still not a fag until proven otherwise
I guess that is cute
I like how you scream boi
I'll never stop.
Do tell
I do?
What if I fall asleep in your lap?
Improper use of that image, Colbs.
I keep thinking it's you until I check the name. it's horrible.
I don't.
Mordin please stop.
Make me welma
Mordin and Desu posting shitty twins is great.
Because they're basically the same, shitty cumdumpsters as each other.
It'll only get worse when they release an OVA covering the AU arc where he actually does run off with her.
secret knowledge
and I do too
I cannot allow that
You must tell me
I'll just talk to other people then.
I will bully you
Oh, when you put it that way...
Read me a bedtime story.
Sounds lonely.
oh well
no mean!
I need to think of some english one.
how do you want it?
Reveal your secrets !
lonely :(
very thirsty vlad chasing at very high speed
I illegally burn CD's
Is that even a thing people do anymore?
I got nostalgic for my cute little akai cd player and proceeded to put a ton of my music on cd
when they have no firewood :(
He didn't charge either of those E's...
No please... I don't swing that way
That sounds incredibly depressing.
Well played.
and he missed ult
yay validation
Y-yeah.. I just got done crying, actually :(
Something like this.
I don't know if you're joking or not.
Do I even want to know what that means?
No jokes.
he did not
it jsut procced faster than I have ever seen a vlad ult proc
Why this time?
Oh my God it's raining cats and dogs
Who turned thread IDs off?
Bebop did it for his boyfriend.
I asked Bebop to turn them off
nothing wrong with physical copies.
t-that's not a song, but I'll take it very much so
Well that's idiotic.
You are an idiot. Also hi.
I had a miserable day and all I wanted was somebody to just hold me irl but that doesn't really happen in my life so it's been really frustrating and depressing lately.
Sorry Tokai meant that for Ikarous. I'd never say hi to you.
Hey, love
This is the perfect time to work out to your Buns of Steel tape.
are you 8?
that's not my generation
Why would you ever want thread IDs off? It's stupid how useful they are.
I wish, chicks love 8 year olds.
You're 22, right?
I don't have a television. Or a VCR.
Limp Bizkit's version was better.
I wanted this place to feel like the ol' 4chan days
You're the one who asked.
I thought you'd only go after 8 feet dogmen.
i didn't like IDs but now that they're gone i kinda miss them
I just meant you could set the tape against a wall and work out in its general direction.
There was also a period where 4chan had thread IDs, and it was much, much better.
The kind of women I'm into you can't tell apart form 8 feet dogmen.
I do not own any tapes.
The heyday of Holla Forums posting for this community was when IDs were there.
You are the worst.
I know but this place should be pro-anonymity and pro freedom
Blue is talking to me, back up
I'm the same way about a lot of things.
No downside to IDs what so ever really. People always complain about attempted samefagging and people trying to create new identities and what not, ID's makes it somewhat harder to do that.
The only reason I could see for someone wanting IDs gone in a place like this would be so that they could remove their flag and try to pretend to be someone else.
that slut would probably like getting hit by those
I doubt it
Especially with how awful Holla Forums is at retaining names. The only reason for no thread IDs is for moronic self posting. Which you can still do once per thread or if you proxy. Or if Holla Forums has a sage option. Also if you're looking for a post and somebody changed their name in a thread you can just search their ID. IDs are just so much better.
Don't you want steel buns?
It is pro anonymity, it's a per-thread ID. It's just asinine at that point.
and you can filter ids