
Should I watch it, Holla Forums?

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I see it with my eyes, therefore it's television.


So you promise to not talk about your penis then?

What went wrong?

They also all act like autistic teenage boys. Every single time.

Depends. Most people say it peaked at S2 and S3 was trash. I personally couldn't stand the first two seasons, but Sakurako's percocious idiocy stole the show in S3 and made it one of my favortie anikino of all time.

Attached: Yuru_Yuri_English.webm (800x450, 7.8M)

Chinatsu is kawaii

Literally a psychotic lesbian sadist.

Attached: Yuru Me Yuri.webm (640x360, 1.32M)

If it keeps pedos off the streets and in their basements, it's a good thing.


Attached: yry61.png (864x1216, 508.65K)

Even Maisie is more attractive.

verdict: anikino

Gay shit, no go.

somebody finally said it


Yuri means lily, not lesbian.

Yes, but only for my dick.

Watch this Yuri instead.

Attached: yuri.jpg (488x356, 36.5K)

Was he /ourguy/?




Saint in the streets, whore in the sheets

Attached: yuri-with-poo.jpg (320x204, 26.83K)

men who don't like yuri are what we would call homoexuals

I only saw season 1 and it was a struggle to get through it. It sucks, i didn't find any of the characters too interesting nor their interactions. Thaose fantasys that nosebleed girl got old really fast yet they were there the whole season. Watch some other shit like Non Non Biyori which is much better.

This place sucks, fucking newfaggots.

if you go to to /goontl/, you should probably rope yoruself
