Kinos about latina women?

kinos about latina women?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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why are spics such violent subhuman niggers? you would think things would improve 500 years after the Aztecs got their shit canned and the Spaniards tried to show them the way of civilization, but no, these retarded bean-farting crypto-niggers continue to behave like literal demons, flaying peoples faces and sticking them to soccer balls, killing women to prove the strength of LAAAA RAAAZAAAAAAA and generally being obnoxious pieces of filth.

And they wonder why we want to build a wall


why don't you go down to mejico and personally express your displeasure directly to los mejicanos?
be the change you wanna see user..

And you wonder why amerimutt memes keep being posted

trying to match the inhumanity and brutality of Brazilians is an exercise in futility. they are always outdoing themselves. Mexico comes really close though.
you would think that being the birthplace of the hottest women in the world, Brazil would be alot more peaceful. :(

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You wanna tell me about how goose shit is better than cow shit too?



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Nice try, Ghoul.


Who is the hottest spic of all human history?

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She is spanish

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not even close. she has nice tits and that's all. the average miss Mexico contestant is hotter than this washed up bitch.

Irina Baeva

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No native blood = no disgusting spic face and thus, pure spic kino


wrong, sweetie.

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user I..

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now THIS is reddit

Cubans are just northern Spaniards, they don't count

How big is her penis?


How naive can you pretend to be?

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i wish.
she would make an excellent trap :(

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whiter than you raj

Attached: two_broken_arms_in_brazilian_jail.webm (480x360, 3.41M)

A lot of "latinas" are actually Sephardic Jewesses, fun fact for you, brainlet.

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god she needs to get bleached

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"she" has the face of a jock

Attached: brazilian_dude_stabbed_to_death.mp4 (640x360, 6.4M)

that jaw is either gook or much more likely celtic

what did he mean by this

it's better in motion tbh


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You're right, Brazil is better than most of the rest of Latin America. In fact it's one of the few spic countries that actually has a positive net migration and not negative.

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Attached: Brazilian_mob_justice_-_shovel_in_head.webm (176x132, 1.17M)

don't try to fight it, user-sama

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Mob justice? What did he get punished for?

I would only racemix with a non-white Hispanic if I was in some shithole Latin country and I found a lost Indian tribe who worshipped me as a god. Breed all the women and make the men invade other tribes for shit.

Why are latinas thirsty for white men?

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there aren't any lost tribes left but that shouldn't stop you from breeding these ugly darkies and creating god-tier Castizas. the world needs more of them user. do your part.

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there's no shame here user. latinas were made for white cock and white cock only.
you were a very good goy today.

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ugly mestizo manlets with tiny cocks can never truly satisfy them. only superior white chads can.

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have fun once they have 8 kids, gain 100lbs, and stick you with child support for 18 years. spics get pregnant at the sight of jizz.

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spic dads will lay shingles in 100 degree weather just to barely provide for all the spiclets they produce. the world could learn a thing or two from their stoicism.

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or they could just get a snip after the first litter is born

Literally the only race that doesn't work hard for and instead abandons their children is blacks. Shill harder next time, Jose.


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Attached: Brazilian Woman Shot in Head Before Beheading with Machete – Miscopy.mp4 (264x480, 1.53M)

Attached: Woman Beats Man on Street Next to Port in Veracruz, Mexico – Miscopy.mp4 (202x360, 1.02M)

This was made for white dick.

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Fit spics make me HHHNNNNGGGGGG. I’m jealous of the conquistadores sometimes, one moment you’re killing dozens of Aztec warriors, then you’re banging the fuck out of some fit jungle Mayan chick.

Of course, that was when whites weren’t in danger of extinction and conquistadores had no foresight.

One race: the human race.

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da comrade. race and gender are social constructs of the bourgeoisie patriarchy, amirite?



Who in the fuck is that

Reyna Angelica Marroquin. Only good type of Spic.

Spaniards were getting dicked by the Arabs for hundreds of years, so it was Arab+Aztec mixes when beaners were created. Could you imagine how fucked the west would be if they all converted to Islam?

Fuck off Pablo. Holla Forums is a pure Aryan board.

denisse gomez

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she's lebanese. most notable mexicans are greek, lebanese, or predominantly spaniard.

bless your heart user


don't forget korean.

she's funny because she's a shitskin herself

If your shit is that shade of brown then something must be wrong with your diet

yes, therein lies the irony she was going for. good job spotting that out user. not a single one of us noticed that.

Just because she's a shitskin doesn't mean she has to fuck shitskins. She wants to get bleached.

I thought South America was at least a little more civilized than Africa. It needs to be re-colonized. That's an entire, beautiful continent going to waste in the hands of these people.

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imagine being this gay


In the House of the Spirits
From Dusk 'til Dawn

10/10 - would racemix with while hypocritically screaming about spics on Holla Forums

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Dios mio

sure thing, fag

ooga booga

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that's not what happens on /pol

that would probably actually get you banned because what you think are other people screaming about spics are jews thinking they've found the ip of a racist to sell to the government


not rly kino but it was dece

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she was a teen model lol. her name was Tatty from wals studio.

Is that the same woman he's married to now? What happened?

Why is there so many b*rnds in this thread.

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I always had a hard time telling Hayek and Cruz apart.

Hayek has a huge manjaw.
Cruz is cute.
How hard is that.

they look nothing alike are you retarded

Sure, whatever you say.
