I don’t like memes. They're forced and unfunny and irritating… and they get posted everywhere

I don’t like memes. They're forced and unfunny and irritating… and they get posted everywhere.

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Anakin did nothing wrong

You were the chosen board! You were supposed to destroy the cancer, not join them!
You were supposed to bring balance to Holla Forums, not leave it in darkness!

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I hate you!

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You were my brother Holla Forums! I loved you.

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I know this is all the samefag, but I lol'd. So, here's your (you).

I only got one (You) :(

Where is Holla Forums? Is it safe? Is it alright?

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Is Obiwan supposed to be Holla Forums?

Obi Wan is pre-2016 election anons.

Luke, did I ever tell you about Truthseeker? He was the best shitposter in the galaxy. And he was a good friend.

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Is he losing it, Holla Forums?

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no, because obi-wan is actually capable of rational thought

Luke did I ever tell you Dunkaccino? It was the funniest thing to ever grace this board. And it was a forced meme.

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Star Wars is Reddit tier garbage.

Hey Zach.

Dunkaccino? That's a name I've not heard in a long time…

I agree

Dunkaccino? I wonder if he means Old Dunkin Cino?

I like how you can tell how old and naive someone is by whether they parrot the mainstream media numale-usage of the word "meme". It's real fucking convenient.
These kids usually misuse words in general, they tend to call things "reddit", "soy", or "cuck".

t. dawkins

Ok reddit, calm your cuck face and drink your soy.

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It's funny how disney soy wars don't even have any memes attached to them

soycuck redditor on suicide watch, BTFO by the gods of infinity

It's just gone underground

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There was that one incredibly forced traitor one where the marketers couldn't even agree on a spelling.

You haven't noticed the huge amount of Simpsons "memes" that started getting posted after Disney bought Fox?