Hi guys
Hi guys
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Hi Grim
Wow Luka, that spoiler
You're the one who you let me have it, you get the entire rest of the series and canon to back up your ship ;~;
Dislike working harder to make up for someone else.
She needed to go.
Hi Luka
Hi guy
Short girls are much cuter than normal girls.
I think I might be acting a little irrational here recently so I would like to apologize to everybody I've spouted off at for really no reason Earlier. I think I will take a short break to see if I can mature a little bit I feel really childish. Im sorry everybody and when I get back I would like to try to make things right
I dont mean to be all Erin crazy
What the Chinese have REALLY discovered on the moon.
What I don't know will shock you.
Hi Adachi
I'm not Lloyd.
okay freklz
You make me sad.
its drunky you retard
Agreed. I know this incredibly cute short girl who I'd like to talk to if I had the balls to do so.
That's me. But I'm afraid I can't remember your name. Probably because, it doesn't look like you have one.
What's new Grim ? Anything good lately ?
*hugs back*
Am I doing it right ? I hope I'm doing it right.
fuck me
and fuck you I'm going through a rough time right now
This was my first name.
You won't tell us what it is and you're being a huge fucking bitch in discord and here about it.
Like. I want to help you.
5 feet or 4 feet master race
i wanna dick one
talking to a drunk friend
having fun all in all
chill fam
I'm a bat.
Sure you do, you're just a little grumpy today!
Can my canon shot little mini Rems?
Nah, but I'm not going to pretend to know your situation. All I can do is give you the general "hang in there."
Have a good cry... or .. drink. Or hit, or go beat up a trashcan or the neighbors dog. Whatever helps you deal.
I'd offer an ear, but it's not like you know me anyway.
what the fuck
post pictures of me again see what happens
yes this is me threatening you
sounds about right
As long as they don't get hurt and land in a safety net at the end
Lol what a newbie
How many drugs was he on in this?
hes rite u no
lenko a chubby
I'm going to post YOUR [redacted] on /soc/ in a gay bj thread
I'm confused.
Gosh I'm glad. You're too nice to me.
I don't speak American.
That sounds nice. Do you Overwatch btw ?
Cato ! Now that I think about it, I don't know much about you except for the Horo pics.
They use their horn to keep themselves from flying too fast
Only most days!
He said: "Fuck Ian, he doesn't even have a chin"
"Fuck that bitch ass kike ass jew ass butt-hair havin ass bitch"
I like rocks, specifically space rocks
I was drunk
Every day.
I don't. I would, but I'm not paying $40 for it.
If someone would buy it for me I'd love to join everyone
About the pic
pls calm
wat is this?
Wow, cuttin' me real deep here.
lsd is a hellava drug
alcohol and life
message me in private because I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and I'm liable to do terrible things to you right now
yeah niggga fuck you
There was that one day not thaat long ago!
lol did one of you fuckers actually dose Ian?
this is the last time I'm going to ask
tell me what pic you're talking about
You just drank too much at then end so you dont remember it!
soto's trap friend matthew gave everyone acid at the convention
I took it myself because I am a retard
you guys are fucking dicks you know that
bard is a dick*
my new phone is estimated to arrive on the 17th.
That's oddly specific.
Actually, I'm the laughing one, since I have a good measurement system.
Indeed. Can I know it ?
You're pushing it Grim. Also, expensive games often (but not always, far from it) mean good games. Better than the trash on that pic.
i was going to defend you but i didn't want to clutter up your inbox. sorry love
I forgive you
feel better
I remember everything, during or after I drink.
You're seeing it.
Erin ripped a tooth out of her own mouth
This is a fact of something that happened
oh I get it
i am not "crazy"
that's a whole different kettle of fish
erin is crazy is literally a fucking meme at this point
This made my fucking day
You are a silly man. Very susceptible to peer pressure. You and I need to go on a three day mushroom binge and make a Snapchat story of it
you morphed into shai hulud
this is a fact that happened
Still angry @ (you)
you will feel my wrath Soon™
she also fucking kicked the shit out of her neighbor. if that's cray i don't want to be sane
All I see is a void as empty as my love life.
Or Eyebrows, which I kinda doubt.
Erin u cray but ily
I'm still fucking laughing
I'm interning at NASA working on meteorites
but not THAT time!
Oh god I don't wanna think about it
nice is good
Because it didn't happen.
buy me overwatch pls
shai hulud is the worm from dune
anyway, today my internet was down, so i spend my day printing pictures of steve buscemi and sticking them up around my house and building
every time somebody takes one down i've been replacing it with two more
Buy Overwatch for yourself you shit
not crazy
You doubt yourself too much
but you wouldn't know that!
It really isn't.
Please tell me there's more than just that 5 second clip
my gut is literally tearing
He just wants to go full Luka.
this is the first thing you've said that I've truly enjoyed.
don't take that as an insult. I've barely seen anything you say.
there are like 30
I would know my thoughts and emotions better than you would.
There is not
Don't even
oh shit whadupp nigga
underboob a best
Not if I'm a psychic!
somebody took this one
Psychics are implied to be intelligent.
so i put up more
It's still fucking funny.
Dude, you would be a show and a half on serious hallucinogenic drugs
Colbs let's fucking hang out
everything from the neck up and just under the belly button down is just a fucking mess
you dont have to be intelligent to be a good con artist
Oh, that sounds nice. And I thought only desperate people comes here.
Well, it's good, you can't deny it. At least they're more worth than Evolve at its launch.
Sounds like an indirect way to say you're good. But I'd agree.
I'm pretty sure the function of a name is to designate someone, so yours doesn't fulfill this basic function. This is a stupid name.
I know. I blame my social environment and my father especially.
Might be a trap though. I don't know why, there's something about it.
No pls.
probs south african
sorry I just want to feel loved ;~;
there are loads inside, like everywhere
You said you wanted to play with me.
And you are working now.
The attempted dreadlocks on a white person is how you know they're trailer trash.
This imagery is making me feel better only a tiny bit
Not relevant.
That's the joke.
Colbs yes
Yes I want to play with you
Its Sunday right now
Yo Subtle
chill out
I got upset too
but chill
this was a picture of my dad
who is that in the second one
I just do science, doesn't mean I am well-adjusted socially
You can do it!
And the canon is aimed at people so everyone gets their own little Rem
That was the point, wasn't it?
Just like strap a go-pro on Colbs, dope him up on a smorgasbord of uppers and hallucinogens and set him free on LA.
on point, Erin. Good attention to detail.
got one in my purse
dreadlocks on anyone is disgusting. even if it looks cool on some people, all I see is filthy, unkempt hair.
and yes, I realize it's perfectly possible to have clean dreadlocks. that does not change this.
pls like me
Also, thank you for reminding me that underboob is a thing and that Makoto Nanaya is best waifu, at least until I remember another one.
Wut ?
I know this feeling too well.
That's a terrible joke.
*pointless answer*
Thank you. Having people putting faith in you is important.
The end goal was for me to give you a mixed drink recommendation. Which you've yet to get.
adatchi post peen
this is why filters are bad
david, my flatmate
Because I had to explain it to you.
Too hairy for ya
oh shit I think there was a cosplay of her at ax or something
freeman might have posted it
You scare me
the bathroom is different, it has carlton banks
midget ass lookin ass bich ass
This is true!
Not really, I know you probably won't.
The main goal is to keep a conversation going with you.
BUt saying that probably works against it
I only know about this from the token stoner black friend of our group in high school.
They're only unwashed while they're "setting".
Once they're set and just growing out, it's actually the opposite issue: most wash them too much and have to use a bunch of leave in products to replace the natural oils so it just doesn't break constantly.
oh I just realized you're back
you should get in the discord, it's pretty lit
join my discord please
like I said. it's not about what it is, it's about what it looks like. and it looks disgusting.
Conversations are meant to convey information, not lull for time.
A Makoto Nanaya cosplay ? SHOW ME
Bump !
I wish more people could understand that. It's incredible how miserable some humans end because no one believes in them.
there is one carlton in the living room though, in the mirror
I didn't save that shit
I meant since you are working now you should have money.
What kind of like are we talking here? I don't mind playing with you.
I'm not sincerely upset, just a bit disappointed :c
Only Rem lovers get one, she's too precious to go to everyone
I know but have you been reading my posts
I want someone to buy me the game so I can feel loved
poke poke nudge nudge
Oh, ok
Yeah same
I don't really feel like talking much.
Yeah, it's like a rat's nest of hair grown together.
It's gross because it looks gross.
Not particularly unsanitary at least, like the majority of long hair on guys where it looks as though it hasn't been washed in over a week.
come listen
Not always
it can be about connecting to a person, even though that might not be the right way to say it
Are you watching Re:ZERO?
i want to feel loved.
yeah, you get what I'm saying.
you're right, long hair is the same. one of the reasons I am so rigorous about keeping it clean and nice.
yg4rgedfwxczj 5tygusxc,zlCDMKIx,lcdfkl,xz
fine. for a little while at least.
quality fucking posting right here
so yeah, that was my day.
You have bad taste Grim
Nope, I was told it was bad.
Luka, you're a girl and you were told you're cute, you can get plenty of love.
It's going to put me in the hospital
well done.
those tatts tho
When and by who?
one of the best Anime I have seen in ages.
i guess...
ban is very drunk.
i doubt it
Oh boy.
Time to wait for him to pop a single 5mg Norco and lose his shit again.
The fact that you have this pic saved instead of a Makoto cosplay only makes me more correct.
Can you remind me the story ? Or the beginning, to avoid spoilers.
I kinda feel betrayed once again reading this.
Nah, I'm sure of it.
tats or marker?
he keeps saying everything is "bitch ass"
I like how you throw the shroom first
I bet you go to trap nights and have anal sex
No, in all reality, was your artist on speed?
capping tcs is fun af
I approve of this.
And the go-pro would be the only expensive part of this plan.
You poor, gullible man.
The only time I can distinctly recall him being drunk here was when he completely lost his shit in the funniest possible ways.
I apologize for goading you about pulling your tooth out because I am on the edge of finding some pliers myself.
the two in that pic were my friends krystal and beth
we were drunk
got to make him feel that ohshit for a split second you know
he's pretty amusing right now, I won't lie.
You're in a major city.
Just find a dentist with a sliding scale.
go for it, worked for me
Your everyday below average guy that has done nothing better with his life than read manga gets dropped into a fantasy world where whenever he dies, he goes back to the last 'checkpoint'
You really get to see how it affects his mind and all the things like that. it can get very hard to watch, but it just works very well.
No slamming!
I lost my shit once...
full pics?
As long as it's not the "xd so durnk rite nwo gusy" type.
I'm just going to wait to get it pulled.
Michael got me gel. Nowhere is open though and I work tonight. Threw up 'cause the pain.
it was flushed down the toilet.
check toilet
Capping what ?
You can't imagine. My life is so empty that I hold to the slightest hint of hope.
Yup, that's the anime we were talking about. The person I talked to said it was SAO bad.
I want to push push shove shove something
he's speaking, so that sort of thing is actually amusing. it will grow old soon enough and I will leave, but for now it's a nice distraction.
You tried to steal my joke.
neru post more dank anime butss
It has some of those vibes starting out, but it is very different from SAO
badum tssss
i have thousands of tattoos
well, like 23 or something
so we are sure as shit not going through all of them
poor thing :c
Seriously, just google "sliding scale dentist" and you'll find the kind of dental place where it's dentists trying to get their dental school debt paid off by federal programs.
They'll require proof of income but it's better than just ripping it out yourself.
thats so fucked
nice keep it cumming
You are a reckless individual
clean up your room
Not really though.
You say whatever you want, but I'm sitting here giggling like a giddy little schoolgirl because for some reason that registered as clever in my mind.
just kill yourself already
that's not my room
i'm an adult, i have my own house, and relax in my living room
I don't know. Honestly I don't watch a lot of anime recently, I haven't founf any good website to watch them.
That's an odd fetish you got there.
You first, Pajeet.
Clean up your house
Also post lewds. You have pretty ankles
this guy sleeps on the couch on the reg, but he's moving to glasgow soon.
its not a fetish
Wanna watch 2hu anime with us
really nigga?
you even posted rei
THats not acctually grim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. That...doesn't sound bad.
Sure Grim. Sure.
I miss living like that. Waking up every day to another faggot passed out on my sofa.
thank you
It should have been pulled years ago.
It's black I guess. I can't see it, but that's what he tells me.
The school here isn't open right now.
My insurance would cover the majority of the expenses, but my father married a dental hygienist so I've got a good source of help when it comes to financial and general advise.
I actually thought it was funny
I do crunchyroll, it is easy and doesn't cost much if you really dont want ads
anime butts is not my specialityy
Wadafak who has Grim's trip
That's such an odd thing to compliment.
It's like those people that say "you have nice armpits".
I just don't see how there's even an attraction.
wanna hug grim
tell him i understand
probably sci
anime butts driver me nuts
he broke my macbook yesterday. spilled wine on it and now it won't charge. so i have this shitter netbook till he gets me a new one.
There's not. I gave a generic compliment to encourage her to take her clothes off.
I know anime buts
another series unintentionally
I will be gold and plat without even trying soon
Which one, the couch guy?
I like how you even posted rei
I was thinking about that, but it looks like they lack a lot of anime, like the Monogatari Series. The most important one. UGH.
That's not very subtle
I know subtle butts
it is so hard to consistently lose like fug
I have to pick like literal troll stuff like wikwok top or teemo adc to lose I think
you arent
Yous just said the same thing twice!
It was a lie
Now that makes more sense
Does anyone care?
I even use lowercase
Hah. Good joke.
Mine covers like...a cleaning annually and uses a type of collective bargaining so prices are lower but I still have to cover almost all of the expenses.
"You can also share a man with another bed"
-user 2016
you know you can turn trist into lulu with a cheat codE?
Fair enough then.
this is a fucking game
what the fuck
I have pretty decent stuff I'm told.
Anyway it would probably only run me like, 400 tops.
I can get a payment plan for what my card won't get.
apparently yes, given someone replied with a question, you overweight moron
What? When?
cute lulu pic *huffs*
I don't think grim understands what the term "lit" means. you have to be almost dangerously inebriated to enjoy this conversations.
whywould you ever trade away tristbutts
Why are you still alive?
I dunno. I don't feel like I can trust anyone lately. Not you especially, I'm saying in general.
toobad there is no pix ;;
- s
that's for earlier.
is the one i use
Too late. It's in your history now.
fuck you cup
I'm gonna be just as lit tonight
Ah, I thought finances were the reason you were avoiding a dentist and just going to rip it out yourself.
Then yeah, just call Monday morning to set up an appointment and make sure they in network and get it done sometime this week. Infection risk for something like that down yourself just isn't worth it.
for neru buttss
its risky
pix is cool?
Wait, you do butt stuff?
Well, I have enough money for gas this week so I made rice to live on for a while.
But Michael is helping me out and I"m just paying them back.
aha I never knew about this
Erin what color are your nipples?
Trusting people or not trusting them ?
Coral Blue #5
I'm confused.
why are you still talking to me
you are worthless, unloved, and the thought of your massive fat rolls makes me feel physically sick
crawl back under your enormous rock you smelly triple bypass faggot
sometimes, but i don't own a dildo
may have to change that the way things are going wink wink
no you aren't.
I love Ika if only to be contrarian.
like nipple colour
the average one
i guess
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You said that you thought it was funny twice
well, two different ways
post this at him
You're going to have to elaborate.
thisis one of my weirder luge images
Yeah, but you have reliable income that it won't be a problem to pay back anything or whatever payments on the dentist bill.
Just one of those things where it's always better to not do it yourself.
Anyways, best of luck.
Thank you, Gilligan.