(((amerimutt))) """comedy"""

>(((amerimutt))) """comedy"""

Attached: formerly cucks.jpg (600x461, 30.66K)

t. Chuck

Chuck's Feed & Seed

New Mecca, formerly London

hora okanemochi! mezurashii doitsu no kuruma de…

Chuck's fuck & suck
there you go, happy now?1?

London's Fondon & Sondon

Formerly Chuck's

that makes no fucking sense you brainlet

i still dont get the meme behind this image

its a Deliverance reference

New Mexico, formerly… wait it always was New Mexico you fuckin spic

Attached: dee.png (1931x1172, 2.3M)

Attached: 1509680757671.png (1531x1723, 809.68K)

No lewdposting please, there are waifus around.

Attached: images (3).jpeg (512x288, 16.95K)

fuck your waifu you dumb virgin

ahhhh get away from me

Attached: 298ecca96a22fb3582eba59af921df47153717508c86a97967788063cf6b6a98.gif (411x488, 830.84K)

wow rude

Attached: 1495397475114.png (311x355, 17.56K)


Formerly Sneed's

Attached: images (1).jpg (201x251, 6.82K)

Formerly Chuck's

scarily accurate to (((2018))) media

Attached: 1506872033348.png (987x740, 612.37K)

milhouse isn't a meme

fuk you

Attached: notmilhouse.png (250x250, 42.22K)

Attached: 804428ffc91d4da29cd92d2211744822.jpeg (640x480, 42.21K)

Attached: 2006.webm (320x240, 3.08M)

But Milhouse not being a meme is a meme. Doesn't that make him a meme?

Attached: images (5).jpeg (304x483, 19.42K)

nevar forget

In retrospect, most of these memes are utter cancer.

absence of memehood becoming a meme does not alter the property of non-memehood i.e. it does not make what was not a meme, into a meme, rather it creates an entirely new meme
Milhouse is not a meme, regardless of how popular that statement becomes

in the truest definition of the word meme, milhouse has been a meme since the 90s, just like clintons succ of dic.


formerly, charlene

god i wish that was me

Attached: bane lisa.png (621x480, 187.12K)

Attached: DQlT-16WAAEgJye.jpeg (901x1200, 133.65K)



milhouse is a meme


Attached: mildubs.png (547x428, 24.24K)


Attached: 1109f38db80e05d094c134e06c0fd7aac93b8c28e2436687e0c2598287b08946.png (554x400, 71.45K)

this is what they died for on Omaha beach
god bless

Attached: 8e5.png (547x626, 17.9K)



Attached: 81d7a74556e9c7cb9eba7f1c8294a8ede01ba74e9c8ffc7cecd6c11a2e20151e.png (544x594, 449.14K)

They only seem that way now because they've since been coopted by utter faggots.
longcat is loooooooooooooooong xD

also if you want to point fingers over Israel I'll remind you the USA provides most of its foreign funding and the US-Israeli lobby groups in Washington are 100x stronger than the ones in London, plus just look at the USS Liberty attack I mean we created Israel while pulling out of the area after WW2, but the US had no same excuse to get involved in the development of Israel

Attached: a92ccc28e5748dad74beb74a7339efd5bf7342dc7dcf519731c1dfbf428c4b17.jpg (5344x3776, 2.93M)

Attached: unnamed (2).gif (177x177, 298.74K)


Attached: rekt by trillhouse.jpg (640x960, 439.19K)

Attached: LsOKxHZ[1].jpg (301x474, 16.23K)

Attached: 1335441405578_.jpg (304x400, 105.26K)

Attached: 1466495156165.jpg (300x300, 23.72K)

Attached: 1466495223243.jpg (300x300, 18.39K)

Attached: 1466495273550.jpg (300x300, 16.43K)

He's a big boy.

Attached: milhouse.jpg (1466x1072, 151.19K)


Attached: lol.PNG (777x930, 390.53K)

Attached: cced2628604a78f2f62bb06107e9afbeaae422cc0b7b8b9a24ea85175775a8fa.jpg (736x723, 102.36K)

Attached: PURE BLISS.png (640x482, 341.52K)



dont compare flapjack to that kike


Attached: disgusted bliss.png (627x625, 368.42K)

Attached: FlapjackStub.jpg (524x469, 26.2K)

america is the best country in the world

Attached: something in my teefs lmao.jpg (1400x1569, 792.99K)

reported. enjoy your ban

More like israel takes whatever it was from america, even when its citizens cannot pay for healthcare and housing


no they give it. how else will those oil pipes run?

please help a poor dumb mutt to know what site to do this onunless you did this yourself which is JUST, and impressive

no idea where they get ascii art from. i tried looking for a way to make it but all i get from google are shitty results and ascii art from 2001.

I think you can generate ascii graphics from pics

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Its based off of pic related
I think i fucked it up though

Attached: bd22fdf6803a4c585b4558da72e6bedb1bf8882950fd04d4ea59334f6d72c6de.png (795x1000, 98.19K)

I thought it was the Twitter bird tbh