You'll never see Subaru being dismembered
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We here 1218895
^ someone seems upset ^
How do I ship xanax?
Plastic wrap, don't let the dogs smell it
michael likes it when i call him papi and he is mexican so it makes sense that it is just a term of endearment in their culture.
you dont
God I wish I still had my folder.
Correlation does not equal Causation
Do you actually need advice or are you fucking off?
there you go taking me seriously again
fish fish fishy ohh
There you go thinking I'm taking you seriously again.
It was dumb
You have these tiny plastic figurines and you "battle" them which consists of throwing one at the other
And if you win you take the other person's figure
= a lot of confrontations lol
That was posted nearly 24 hours ago
oh you bitch you got me
ky yourself
Hi scoots.
This sarcasm through text thing is getting old
I justhad the best idea ever
what if you made drone beyblades like they have helicopter blades on them to make them spin
or can I not into physics
maybe you could have like huge metal inductors in the board and sortof make them spin like with electromagnets
itwould probably be pretty dangerous though
i can mix things up
You mean you're not going to be redundantly snarky?
Hug me ^^
-hugs and doesn't let go-
People put flamethrowers on drones in robot wars
Spinning blades might be even easier than that
Yeah there are reasons the audience sit behind bulletproof glass in that show
I can be whimsical and delightful.
When Neru doesn't want to talk to you
or if they were the size of a hamster you could have like a literal swastika of air tubes inside it and insert tanks with pressured air and release the air to make it spin
Ihave no idea how long it would spin though
somebody should fund it
Tell me a joke.
and use actual sharp blades and put dank hologram thingy on top.
What exactly are the victory conditions anyway
my life
idk what to respond to that ;;
Such is my life.
How be you?
I'm watching an Eric Andre show compilation and my god, suprised I didn't find out about it earlier.
There's that cynicism again
im good bro... just back from a road trip.
You actually replied. I feel a little bit happier.
I have so many Steam Trading cards I don't even want anymore.
Wait, Grass Dragon is a 4x to ice.
I don't like it anymore.
okay okay for real this time
what happens to a frog's car when it breaks down? It gets toad away.
i'm better at situational comedy.
If you are trying to build it and police look in your house they will think you're a terrorist
Knocking the other person's figure off the table/surface with your own
Of all the school fads it was probably one of the worst :c
teleport buffs when
what was the six afraid of the seven?
because seven had a 9 inch dick
You're starting to worry me
Which was the best then ?
That hurt my eyes.
He stopped replying.
So, if someone wants to answer now.
Is Drunkard Naomi-onee-chan?
Do you remember the time when Goggles hovers your post and doesn't mind her business when you reply to someone else
im out of control you gotta stop me
Goggles is cancer
Someone validate me being here.
I want to have fun before I lose a tooth.
Pokemon cards were the original
Googles and I are tight so she can hover over my post and not mind her own business when I reply to someone else whenever she wants.
What a coincidence.
So am I.
So much sad today
You're going to make me stop responding to you if you react like that.
i dont like that blue haired cue ball head.
*pets gently*
*purs sexily*
Because you know nothing about her, and haven't watched the show, because of your foolish sense of pride over an unfounded opinion.
That's kind of you Rin ^^
^_^ i just watched a movie about a cute kitty, called Keanu
I feel like it's to be expect though, ehhe.
oh yeah
that movie i havent seen but ive heard is somehow okay despite all odds
Ugh, had to get up and do some stupid bullshit.
I don't even know what to talk about.
Wowoawoowa, how long was that journey?
the cat makes the whole movie worth :D
otherwise... it's kinda funny... i guess.
but yeah... it's all about that cat~
Did you cap the : I reaction faces in konosuba?
Shit is gold and I realized it too late
bout 13 hour round trip... 2 day layover
cap moar
dont leave me drunky
And where was you travelling to?
See a friend or landmark?
Details! :3
he's bernie!
I might. This might be worth it. You could use it on 95% of the posters here too
I haven't left.
Although I will have to in about five hours when my shift starts.
Until then, I'll be around. Maybe nap or something.
Scratch that nap.. I have to go get cigarettes. Back in ten.
to visit with my youngest daughter
just some old guy
how could this happen to me
ive made my mistakes
Anyone want to play Overwatch?
Use it!
i want to see~
and the faces they make..... sooo
now what?
Oh wow, I didn't know you was a father.
I thought only hopeless faggots came here.
Hop on Discord.
I have to leave in a bit to get a tooth pulled though.
So can't play too long.
As soon as I'm not busy so, winter
Also grinding competetive
Finally rank 60 is in reach
hmph... whatever...
so bored i cant even go back to sleep:(
aim for rank 1
...you wont like my answer to that >:)
Literally nothing I said in that statement was excluding you.
Stop being a victim.
not my fault... you bully me.
twice... and assuming things baselessly is an outward representation of intelligence level
'cause you aren't a worth while person.
Lose the victim complex and you can join us now and then.
we've been over this...
i wont let you define my worth.
you dont get to put me lower than you.
we have?
Too late.
Everyone already does.
Guess you won't be joining after all.
yes, many times
you're wrong.
i dont remember.
i figured
Have fun staying excluded.
I'm back.
But now I'm gone.
Gonna fry some Matzo and watch TV.
Later, thread.
George, if you'd like, I'll have my phone on me. Can't promise I'll be actively watching it though
your actions caused this.
Well it has been said I am dumb as a bag of rocks.
Honestly wouldn't think a person with kids would have time for this stuff though.
traveling long distances for days at a time to visit them implies they dont live with me
There's that victim complex again.
today is a holiday.
There's your excuses again.
Ohhh, right; sorry for the heavy handed dumb discussion, I didn't really think.
I hope you enjoyed your trip though.
which one lol
BC day (BC)
civic holiday (all provincial)
heritage day (AB)
Natal Day (NS, PEI)
New Brunswick Day (NB)
the first one :)
The irony being I'm not the only one who chose to ban you from the Discord you so presumptuously tried to join uninvited.
it was a great trip...had alot of fun
"I-it's not like I wanted to play anyway"
BC is best tho... you know im originally from there?
Literally this.
Did you eat anything fun?
if only you had treated me better.
nah it was alot of convenience foods and whotnot... travel does that sometimes.
i didn't know
where in bc you from?
Eating trashy food makes me smile. It is a very human experience.
Not like you can do anything about it.
yeah... a shame i'm the way you painted me.
heh... i still managed to eat as healthy as possible. nuts and jerky are great for roadtrips
little boxes on the hillside
Awesome, I'm currently at my family's now, just generally chilling then trying to do this abandoned ruin I found on Starbound
tell me more
where in van city
how many years ago?
was it cheaper back then?
*hides scaredly from you*
was there a wall in your country?
i saw a wall in a simpsons vid
west vancouver... 12 years ago
yes, it was a little cheaper
I thought I was over the pokemon hype but then started talking about it with my friend and I'm super excite again.
Until you drop the victim complex you aren't joining the Discord.
That was actually Norwegian settlers in America, the wall wasn't in Norway.
Feels good, man.
Can I join discord? I'm never on it, but this strikes me as a funny time to get invited to the group.
go outside...
fancy... west van was the nice part...
now it's like a mil + for anythign there...
and i hear rent is like around $1400
Can't let old dogs die.
I'm not doing anything. i don't know what youre talking about.
was 900 for the 1100sqft flat i had
oh... all i noticed was the flag was neru's
Even though I died like 8 times.
If you try to join I'm banning you Luka.
Not just kicking.
how do you figure out sqft?
Wow, this viscerally empty experience is what Luka is pining for? I would be lying if I said I didn't completely understand.
1 square foot = 0.000022959 acres.
1 acre = 43,560 square feet.
been in murica too long... into the metric
Length in feet x Width in feet
I was just tickled shitless to kick them.
Literally no poo in me.
what does it look like?
Sh sh sh shh, goodnight sweet prince.
I nearly flipped when 76 dropped the old dog line though.
I didn't know he said that prior to changing my name.
Of course there isn't poo in you, you've been getting a 24 hour enema for the last three years.
what DID it look like 11 years ago?
west vancouver... s15th st. close to ambelside
Not even kidding.
I use to use this name like a year ago before teh game was announced.
I have a screen shot on Steam to prove it.
You would need to find proof.
https:[email protected]/* */,-123.156327,3a,75y,35.28h,118.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1st2L3kH9Zr64dk1_UuaZSXw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
looks pretty good
Go to my profile and look at my only screenshot.
Check the date.
I think it's from back in Feb.
i see
must have been fun
Sure sure~
How do I know you didn't just hack Steam through the Facebook API?
Anyway I might be back high as a kite depending on what they give me at the dentists.
Later, all.
bye squash
it was...then i took a transfer offer to the states
Make sure someone is with you so that they don't take all of you teeth away in their dental lust.
Is Dangan Ronpa 3 any good?
I will do soon, takes me 2 hours to walk home, never really liked to be in town though.
is gaia online any good
is neopets any good
Yes in anime version.
She wasn't talking to you
No i was talking to them.
what do you do now?
same thing i did then...
time for a nap... ^_^
Whaddyamean anime version?
Oh, it is an anime now.
Oh well.
Well, my wishlist just seems to get bigger as my bank account shrinks.
lol i liek trains
train rides!
ill trade u for a day lol
not my division... overseas containers only
Yeah, they made the first one in anime too.
1000 years of cum
aww :(
I think I'm missing a meme here or something.
ok... really going
nap tiem
Yeah, a quote from nanners reads gelbooru.
I couldn't sit and listen to it all, like my god...
I don't know what nanners or a gelbooru is.
Competetive became 250% more tolerable
Oh, I mean nyanners.
And gelbooru is the website where you can find hentai or pics of various animu characters, like danbooru and stuff.
Here is the example.
not many cunt more annoying than that one
I just want to stab Cherub in the nuts
I have a high tolerance for annoying.
But the cringe of the comments... oh god... I can't handle that shit.
I didn't even see that
lemme check
Does the thought make you wet? I bet it does. I have a recurring thought of strapping you onto a bed while digging that knife deep into your throat till you choke on your own blood.
This is almost alicefag lvl cringe
I-i'm just kidding you know
this is definitely alice level cringe
Clearly you haven't met the same edgy people i have.
They met me
I keep winning, earned like 9 ranks up without a sweat
Trust me, this is water next to what i've seen.
cute nyanners meme being ironic
rekt all the people who took her seriously, lol
i should try.... one day.
Try now
Still didn't do your placement matches?
eh, i think i'll go out side instead. after a shower.
i'll think about it though...
playing a real game... playing real placements
and being placed in 80+
sooo low.
Ironic retardation is still just retardation.
Thats full pro
60 is already good enough, top 10%
Also stop turning me on
We talking about cringe?
I knew a person so cringey, that I've talked to them drunk, sober, stoned and off my tits on amphetamines; and every time under any influence I couldn't stand their company.
Imagine, being on drugs that are supposed to kill the ego and bring a sense of togetherness and openess inside you; and be like 'Yeah, no dude, I gotta go and do stuff'
No one gets placed 80+.. the most you can get is 69/70 if you go 10-0 :c
I already got to 52 easily
where you at
no isn't being number 1
or top 10 make better sense??
out of a hundred?
you should reach to become top rank 25
80 seems extremely low though?
try hardssss
But I haven't been able to play in something like 2 weeks
Meanwhile my friends got to 68 without me xD
Luka, I know this is hard to comprehend, and I'm about to burst some bubbles for you, but..
Wanna play?
Lowest player is rank 2, he must have serious autism
I will not be seeing Suicide Squad because of Will Smith
I can't waste a good $17 on him anymore
I'll catch up, cur
wrong picture
And i meant the post was a test.
Why should i?
the overwatch rank system sounds complicated and backwards
brb going in the shower to go outside now
Git it ;;
Going for a jog shower, bbl
get overwatch
I don't know
Do you want more?
nnn I have seen clips and itis not my kind of game
Volumizing shampoo ftw~
Should I run a Yveltal?
dyslexic get
No wories Luka I'm sure you can get your 25 without much of an issue.
Gotta go, see you in 2 hours.
I'm scared
Good luck on your jog
About what?
of falling in love
We all are at some point.
no ur a fag xd
ily velms
No u, fag
We're all fags. Why do you think we are here?
you broke my heart
From number 3
Again or still?
I need new flip flops :(
cant go wrong with quicksilver
they are all i wear
both ;_;
except I have to toothbrush first
I think I want to run a Curse/Baton Pass Eeveelution
So I can ditch my speed for attack and baton pass into Mega Mawile.
Thats their address
I'm just not ready for it
I like to just get the $1.00 ones so I can have a pair of like every color^^
never love somebody that doesn't love themselves, Boo~
I'm so confused x_x
Neither am i to be honest.
The thing is just... is Umbreon a good defensive pokemon?
It's really tanky, but...
would Sylveon be better? It's not as physically tanky, but its type may be a better choice.
But another no-speed Mawile might be able to take it out before I can set up.
Which, like, isn't that big a deal, but having that curse into Baton Pass would let me free a move on Mawile.
ur mom's a tank
where do we go from here?
OOOKK bedtim for real
nini mgd
the only time i ever played comp pokemon i just used a rain build with two ludicolos
I want to build a comp team and beat at least one person before Gen7.
Then I want to see what all Gen7 changes.
Like, can the Mystic Artes be used in comp?
here i am
i found this on twitter
kinda want
Thats a very gay looking picture.
He has a weird face.
too thick for my taste
ur a gay looking picture
no u
pls, jojo is supposed to have tree trunk tier legs
When nobody wants to talk to you because you're an autistic snake
Name pls.
Hi everyone else c:
You're like one of the only people here who know what I look like, rude.
so whats up with you?
What's new bc
im just not attracted to masculinity
show me those buns hun and ill take it back
Nuffin, why is Goggles an "autistic snake"?
Because he's an aspie and can't make friends, that's the autism part
The snake part is because he's manipulative, lying, and passive aggressive
I dunno man
most true thing ive read all day
show me those pursed cheeks fam, you know you wanna
Oh he's the same way with me... also making me feel like I'm the cause of his problems...
Xth for its cute posting time
Post cute opened mouth
jojoposting ~= dick posting > cuteposting
I'm really lazy though.
do it for dio
why does swedish come in here everyday to call himself cute?
because she is cute
Dio is pretty gay though.
This is straight up the only picture on my phone with my mouth open
I don't know do you want it to go on?
because nobody else compliments them
Lol cute
Go on?
lol oh my
Hot, do that more often
may i have a hug?
Do you find value in that hug?
o bby that half dead look is gr8
Oh no no no
Don't group link me with other people
What do you think about running a Curse/Baton Pass Umbreon with Trick Room?
Pretty solid, but you're gonna have to play around trick room really heavily
In always half dead. Dead inside Byron stuck in a living vessel
Why does it keep hurting?
-licks your tears-
because you're too strong
This is a realization I had when I started looking for the slowest speed Pokemon that can learn both Curse and Baton Pass.
I'm not sure how much I like having a team so heavily based around a set up.
aint nothin gay about jojo or anyone on or in it
awaken my masters
Just lots of posing.
I'm not that strong.
aint nothin gay bout that
How often do you pose?
You kinda are iirc
whenever i lift, sometimes when i play the flute
I wanna cute post too :(
I wanna see a pose.
There's a new thread coming