
==A new shitty movie puts the corrupt player Justin Wong (who is a paid shill for Capcom, getting bribes to promote failed games) and other nobodies to play Street Fighter V against "the personification of Gamer Gate"==.

Never forget this, and never give money to Capcom.

and for those in the FGC, stay away from events and cons involving those corrupt, gamer-hating idiots. Especially, stay away from E.V.O.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is Capcom even involved with that movie?


All that PR really paid off, didn’t it, GamerGate?

Your impotent rage sustains me.

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Your brain is leaking if you think gamergoy cucks had anything to do with that. You should go fund another feminist though.

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Muh PR never works, but since the army of Israel fights with pen instead of swords, eventually it comes down to taking away that pen too

hay man facism is cool either way whether you're wearing the boot or licking it

I love how you assblasted always bring that up despite the fact that was a joint Holla Forums and Holla Forums op to mine salt and show the feminists for the hypocrites that they were.
But keep repeating like a mongoloid, someone might actually believe you eventually.

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I thought its about "muh ethic!", oh I forgot, gamergoy like to change their objective whenever it suit them.

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How did the GamerGate Harassment Patrol defeat Gawker? It was Thiel and Hulk Hogan who destroyed Gawker.

And it definitely wasn’t the #StandwithBahar crowd who got Trump elected.

I forgot about that, GG actually helping its enemy to prove that they're the "good goy" and stand against censorship,even though said censorship was used against them multiple times. What more hilarious is that Bahar basically cucked GG by not acknowledging it.

but what if you couldn't care less about strictly identifying as a 'gamergater' or claiming credit for a goon nest dropping ?



i just want to point out that I literally have no idea what this is so I seriously doubt it's what got Trump elected. You;re either trolling or pants down retarded.

She did acknowledge it by laughing at them and saying it changed nothing; that she should be free to say white men should be killed and whites should go to jail for saying the opposite.

Fucking newfag.

Your new is showing

look at those two posts

positvely bot like, or humans trained to reespond int he same way to certain stimuli

>>>/reddit/ is 2 blocks down faggot

Gotta be the saddest thing Holla Forumsedditors and Holla Forumsumblrinas believe. They are a literal drop in the ocean compared to the millions of boomers and rural small town voters that actually got Trump elected. And what thanks do you get for your tireless shilling of the Don? That's right, you get your guns and videogames taken away! That's a good Holla Forumsedditor, yes you are, yes you are! Sit for Drumpfy boy!

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oh cool it's only 2 blocks away ?
so like just a couple of minutes walk ? Ok cool

Why do goons, like the ones itt get so mad at GG?
You already destroyed comics and /tg/, you had your wins, does the fact that a group of people didn't roll over for you offend THAT much? Is a group of people telling you to fuck off that soul shattering to you?
You lost, get over it.

this is who really runs /pol

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Yes, when someone acts like a newfag they get called out on it. You need to lurk more.

listen man, at least pretend

you so mad you aren't even pretending, look at where you're actually posting and what that means

This is what too much hugbox does to someone, they start thinking everyone who doesn't tow the line 100% is a blue haired communist bent on destroying their naked jap volleyball games. Holla Forumsedditors are inherently mad about Holla Forums because it is moderated properly and doesn't remove posts and ban people who hurt their fee fees

Pic related is you right now

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So much hatred in your heart.

Gawker got bought by Univision.

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This is OP.

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Is that Freddie Wong's brother? Whatever happened to him?

This is pretty sad tbh.

A goon is here, fellows.
