Are you still going on cuckchan Holla Forums?
Are you still going on cuckchan Holla Forums?
Why? Cuckchan is faster.
Only for Holla Forums and Holla Forums, because the 8ch versions are shit.
Looking at 4/v/ and 4/pol/ catalogs right now is not showing any appreciable difference in quality to me.
I'm joking.
I don't believe you.
4/pol/ is still shit, just less so because it lacks the turkroach. 8/v/ is infinitely better than 4/v/
I swear.
Might as well at this point, but no.
I only go to cuckchan for /gif/ and the other porn boards because there is no fast Holla Forums alternative yet.
Holla Forums is such a fucking gay hivemind, don't you dare shit on their ZX Spectrum grandad games or their weeb trash grindfests or they will sperg out and post 50 smug cuckime reaction images. Just like here they will refuse to just try indie alternatives and would rather keep screeching about how da joos ruined all their games.
lol goon
Like clockwork
Hah, goon.
Smells like a 10 bux chump
Sounds like you got BTFO of Holla Forums and for good reason. Fuck off back to SA.
Thanks for confirming my theory that the cuckimetards and politispergs on this board are also complete Holla Forumsedditors. Any time somebody goes against the hivemind the goon card is pulled because the truth hurts. How does it feel to be stuck in 2015 gamergate tier shit and never moving on?
What does the Holla Forums BO have to do with a porn board?
(((indie alternative)))
Spoiler that shit!
Are you angry?
8/v/ is full of actual faggots and soyboys. Even the board kike gets so triggered that he bans people for posting numale memes. 4/v/ is no better since you can't even post spoilered porn and people have gotten unironically banned for "racism", but at least they actually talk about vidya there.
You need go back.
Independent games (just like their cinematic counterpart) have been some of the best games of recent years, the only reason people ignore this fact is so they can keep moaning that everything is shit like the whiners that they are.
I didn't say that you projecting loser.
Mobile tier trash. Opinions forever dismissed.
Hi Jenny =^_^=
I go there sometimes to far, but only if I'm really desperate.
God damn this board has been extra fucking shit for the past week.
Fucking /cow/, they just had to go piss off the sudohapa.
The day /cow/ graced your little board was the most important day of Holla Forums's life. For /cow/, it was just another milking.
Why Holla Forums is so slow?
Yet you are still more likely to get banned on 8chans Holla Forums or Holla Forums
1) Your bait is shit
2) Your banter is shit
3) You're a shitskin
Bans that don't matter at all because VPNs aren't restricted for hurting janny feels by taking away their fake internet power.
Personally I have a easier time finding a unbanned server for Holla Forums Holla Forums than 4chans
Every board besides Holla Forums and Holla Forums are dead. So when Trump cucked on guns got butthurt over video games and endorsed Romany all in the same week it really took the sails out of the internet right thus Holla Forums.
4chonz doesn't allow VPN my dude
Last I remember every vpn was banned permanently upon discovery on 4chan. Have they changed that policy?
Why do faggots always come to this board to whine about other boards?
Nobody fucking cares.
Goons are the jews of the net, jewish goons doubly so.
No, cuckchan is full of Holla Forumsfags and redditors
I'm not sure what you are talking about. I have no problem posting on 4chan with servers in Vietnam or the Philippines for the past 5 years, It seem impossible to get a unbanned server in North America or Europe though. Where as with Holla Forums I can find unbanned servers on every continents but its just takes a lot longer to find one that hasn't been banned for "chronic shitposting" or "shareblue d&c". I've used both NordVPN and VPNarea
The rules, dumbass
Never mind. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
8/v/ is way too contrarian for my tastes. You take an incredible risk by saying you like "x" game. The safest posting on that board is just to shit on the latest poz-fest AAA title. Other than that, I wouldn't dare to bring up my own taste in games because I would just get rofl-stomped and clowned into oblivion or banned for a week for some esoteric board rule.
The alternative Holla Forums is no better. It's full of literal redditors and people from resetera/NeoGAF. I got warned for making a thread about how the FGC looks like people from a third world banana republic/way too brown. If racism is in your OP, you will get warned or banned. Any vaguely racist post will be met with "Holla Forums was mistake", "Holla Forums please leave", etc. At least on 8/v/ the majority of the posters still have the imageboard mindset and aren't reddit crossposters.
dob jeg
captcha and draconian leddit mods was the final straw for me. only banned here on Holla Forums and Holla Forums because those g*rman pseudo philosophy cucks cant handle my radical centrism.
VPNs are heavily rangebanned and haven't been there since early 2015. I sometimes lurk through the 4pleb archives since the main site has a bitcoin miner.
*posted there