Kino you don't understand

Angel cop.

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Cartoon. Not kino.

Censored in America and Europe.

Kino confirmed!

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Rodrigo duterte killing bad people. It's easy to understand.

You must have a very high IQ

Yeah, I even watch Rick and Morty.

why is angel cop's head bursting?

Do you watch Colbert?

The jews fear the samurai.

Angel cop was just a shitty anime rip off of Robo cop (a bad film to begin with) and only gets talked about today on English language ibs because Israel is the antagonist.

what is it with japs?

it's always brightly colored pedoshit or edgy violent stuff

Is there no middle ground over there?

Most of that show goes right over my head.

That depends if you have the 56 percenter definition of pedo

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That girl doesn't look quite 18

You've underestimated the power of Japanese technology you evil bitch.

i dont understand how can anyone over 8 unironically watch cartoons.

here come the pedo apologists


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when did you realize that gore is tasteless shlock for 13 year olds and invalidates any work of art?

I think it was when I was 17, and first watched robocop.

little girl face, pedo as fuck


Didn't even fuck it up she=17.

How did westerners end up becoming so wimpy that they can't even be allowed to watch Chinese children's cartoons with censoring any political content?

While robocop wasn't terrible, it falls flat compared to Angel Cop and ends up feeling like a bland retreading of the same old hollywood anti-capitalist whining.

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I finally really payed attention to American Psycho. Was Bateman just delusional??

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I don't understand how anyone over the age of thirty can still be shitposting on Holla Forums but here you are.

so complex :( can anybody explain it to me?

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dude 8 layers of succ lmao

What's that gory anime movie? It was like genocyber or something?

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real human bean

Watch the Japanese version.

It's actually clever because it shows how Israel uses communists to commit terrorism. Nothing in the show clicked for until Antifa happened.

jokes on you kiddo im 12

Genocyber is great fun.

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fuck off edgelord

Angel's Egg

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No he definitely killed those people. The book makes it clearer.

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Not everyone possesses the gift of intellect

Are "Lame-Os" proto soyboys?

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enjoying being 13?