Is he right? Is Ready Player One gonna be problematic?

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Why should I win a women's affection if I'm entitled to it?
How can I be entitled to a women's affection if she doesn't like me?

This fur guy has to go in the oven.

80s lol

oi vey

Just stop.
Also the movie isn't even out yet how does he know the plot of the movie has it been leaked?

i think it played a bunch at SXSW

This soycuck must be especially thirsty for vagina. Also, I hope someone big connected to the production of RPO is found with a dead, underage hooker in his car trunk, that's about the only thing that will stop this abomination from being unleashed upon mankind.

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Is the movie not just going to be an adaptation of the book?

This is actually 100% spot on and accurate and is a pretty big problem amongst the bug-population, its a shame the rest of of his points immediately desolves in a feminist soyrant instead of expanding on point 1.

I will never understand how these bugmen think this will help them get a girl. You can see the same pattern of behavior everywhere, anime, cartoons, books, movies et al. Do they honestly think women get moist when these white knights tell Chad's to be more sensitive or is this the only recourse left for them to secure a mate?

His first point is that men are not (pretending to be) subservient to women enough. Maybe if we all cross whatever line in the sand he imagined he'll finally get to fuck something.

The government should really set up a program to hire hookers for soyboys so they can get it over with. Maybe actually fucking an actual human female will stop them from whining this much.

How do you compare porn to drug abuse and not stop to realize that maybe you have a problem?

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How does one end up hating himself that much and why isn't he content on simply destroying himself and leaving the rest of us alone?

Soycucks are leftists, they only breathe to make everyone around them as miserable as they are.

what a fucking loser kek

So ready player one is basically kosher neuromancer with hyuk hyuk pop culture

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I don't think it is a forward thinking strategy the adopt with the expectation of attracting a woman. It is more that since they can't get the real validation they seek from women, sex and a relationship, they settle for headpats on social media because their thirst for female validation is so strong that they get high off of shit like this.

The jewish idea of love, is literally to shit on something you like. I'm not even joking.

As a sophisticated, western European, your belief should be that 'omnia vincit amor'. Love conquers all.

I keep seeing this phrase more and more, even had a dumbass coworker try to show me some image on his phone somehow relating to it. I just ignored him but I just wanted to say how thankful I am that I have no idea what that shit is and have zero interest in it either. Have a sage for your efforts.

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just reads like the usual hypocritical trolling crap

First they make out like if you expect to meed a basic need you're entitled, but of course, if you have a vagoo you;re entitlted to be happy and exist in supportive environments.

You just know that this guy has a severe case of the Soylent grin. He talks like one of those typical "nice guys" who's really just an asshole but doesn't have the confidence to admit it.

Christ, his idea of masculinity is probably shaped solely from shitty TV just like how all of these faggy writers for TV/movies think that all of the jocks are just going around stuffing nerds in lockers and whatnot like every 80s and 90s trope told you.


Not really. What most of us need, and lack, is healthy and stable relationships. From personal experience I can assure you that you tend to beat off a lot less when you've got things on the go, friends to hang out with, and a girl who is into your benis :DDD.

Again, just some tool whose whole faggy gimmick is to pretend like life is The Big Theory. Just a manchild who wants to play with Star Wars toys and doesn't get why chicks don't drop their panties at the thought.

That's what happens when you lack a father and watch televisio: Homer Simpson literally teaches you what male identity is.

He is absolutely spot on about the first point, for both men and women. The rest is just rampant faggotry to try and make himself feel better about all the women he has tried to assault.

i'm replying to myself here sorry but it is still staggering how these people actually wind up thinking like this.

Like, do they actually believe what they are saying or are in on the corporate cultural warfare strategy ?

If they believe it, how do they wind up in this bizarre headspace where they can semi-reason, talk in big words and believe in their minds that they're making some kind of bulletproof argument when they're literally arguing that someone shouldn't have a reasonable expectation from reality based on some shit their ancestor might have done or their sex or their skin color and I know there's the arguments about race realism or whatever, but these people aren't supposed to be believing in that anyway

Why? Faggots like this don't deserve even midway-attractive women, they deserve to die alone and sexless for this shit.

These points are valid.

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das rite, hooker programs should be for ahmeds and jamals only

What did they mean by this?

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I'm glad I never used Twitter.
It's such a shitpile of negativity, not the negativity you'd find here but a type of constant depressive state that's covered in a layer of smug arrogance. You end up caring about shit like this with a lot of intensity.

Take your bait-and-switch bullshit somewhere else, Moishe.

Identifying the problem but coming up with all the wrong solutions is actually quite common, don't you think? Even an alcoholic realizes he's in deep shit.

You're delusional if you think the people responsible for Ready Soyim One aren't specifically doing everything they are doing out of malice.

1 and 5 are valid complaints.
The rest is generic garbage you get from overanalysing films and can be said of almost every single fucking film, and of the few that manage to not offend women, there's a lack of men (ala every Anthony Sparks adaptation, or romcoms in which women compete for men and it's just a joke)

They're doing it because the capeshit crowd will lap up anything that makes ebin reddit references every 10 seconds.

Apparently there's a scene that mimics The Shining. I'd bet London to a brick that more retards would notice a 2 second flash of some shitty Overwatch character than a classic Kubrick film which even normalfags have heard of/seen.

Speaking of Overwatch, how fucking sad that they adapt this book and shove in lots of references, but things like Overwatch have already faded and lost 50%+ of their userbase.

Games nowadays are not made to last (just like everything else). The normalfag is meant to play it for a month or two before getting bored and buying the next overhyped piece of shit.

What's up with jews and anuses / excretions? Everything they do is revolved around it

>(((white))) dudes

if gibson wrote like this

Gotta recognize the faggot for having a bit of self-awareness about the trend of media overconsumption and feeling smarter/more worthy for doing it Rick and Morty fans BTFO. But he easily gets sidetracked by non-issues like muh women, easily falling for the yid tricks.

At least the propaganda is not resonating fully with everyone.

Even I'm not that autistic though and I've never had a father/male figure in my life, not even a brother/close male cousins/close uncle or grandfather. I think that dude is just exceptionally beta.

I learned about male identity from video games.

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Oh no…

Problematically shit. At least I hope this stops the sjws, who are the primary audience, from watching it.

This dude is so fucking close to the redpill but so far away

Even these nerds think he's a joke. Ernest Cline, bottom of the food chain.

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Yes, both are fiction.

Probably read the book.

This explains womyn perfectly

This may actually have been what he had in mind – "exclusiveness"

He's right for all the wrong reasons.
I have to wonder what these people want. They don't want to out in the real world. They don't want you escaping to fantasy. They don't want you to have women. They don't want you to swear off women. Should we all just kill ourselves?

Social media was a mistake.

tell me one thing that isnt

That's the whole point. Who is most likely to vote against their progressive interests? Men, white people, "normal" people, conservatives, the religious. That's why these are the groups they're always attacking. That's why there's no right for them.

Celebrating every other culture is good, celebrating white culture is racist, white people taking part in other cultures is cultural appropriation, white people should share their culture with everyone else though. Want to move into another country? You're a colonizer. However if you don't let everyone else into yours you're a bigot.

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Wait you've never seen Ready Player One?
You must not be as smart or cool as CEEFURN

No. Men have just stopped caring when it comes to trying to "woo" women . It's now seen as sexual harassment, assault, etc. And it's completely one sided. Bring on the VR fuck bots and women will become completely obsolete.

Mark my words, this twitter fag is only playing the SJW in the hopes that it nets him some pussy.

No, because it doesn't have the "you're racist if you don't see it" marketing that Blank Panther had by Disney.

It's a mating strategy. He's trying to tell women that he's a better class of male than the next guy.

Standard beta tactic.

t. MGTOWfag