Name kino that are the literal embodiment of pic related

Name kino that are the literal embodiment of pic related.

Attached: download.png (412x122, 6.13K)

blade runner

which one?

The best one.

I went there back in the day but remember next to nothing about it.

Taxi Driver

I haven't gone back there since pic related happened.

Attached: 679px-Hiotwheelzshit.png (679x599, 324.77K)

nice pic for ants, faggot

Here you go, faggot

Attached: Hiotwheelzshit.png (1319x1164, 561.3K)

much better

Fat thot pussy is still better than fapping to anime in your 30s.

this tbh. being a weeb virgin in current years is normie as fuck.

why do you have no self respect?


How did he even fuck? What's his dick like?

That video of the cuckchan /r9k/ guy blowing his head off with the KSG shotgun that's making the rounds today.

post link pls

A pick of his dick leaked years back but I can't find it

sauce on that pepe?


Attached: 6e3cfc4bf14ce515f49a46a31b65b4919158c1d5c81740741aa7c32693862136.webm (720x402, 917.29K)

Ribbit is trying to "clean house" and because of this video they closed out /watchpeopledie. Surprising how they didn't even when they posted the capture of that girl who hanged herself on kikebook live.

Attached: 6d3149d6dfc228e479fe3034a9fee0eeb0bc9206f3499c36dff73dc02a3b1900.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

there is a jap film that I cant remember the name of in which the main character sends cyborgs modeled after his fav j-pop singer back in time to be his no-sex-gf

What was so special about this guy that makes everyone want to cover it up? This shit happens all the time.

Black Panther.

His gay mouth piece made it kino


Probably the "bye /r9k/" part, which perhaps they perceive may encourage copycats

hotwheels has a very nice penis, I could post it but I wont out of respect also its a guilty secret pleasure because its such a nice cock

at least have some self respect if youre gonna kill yourself

hey it looks futuristic, like he got it from Halo or something
I dig it