New queen of Holla Forums!
New queen of Holla Forums!
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nice try
New queen of Holla Forums!
unless she farts into a paper bag and lights it on fire I don't give a damn
Holla Forums deserves a real queen.
Can’t they give her a robot suit like Darth Vader?
better than Maisie
Holla Forums is a democracy
you don't just get to claim things whenever you like
Holla Forums is a street in India, friend. A queen here is a queen of shit. An election here is to decid what happens to an avenue of dysentery and cholera. Democracy, fascism, communism. It does not matter. It will always be the designated shitting street of Holla Forums.
what did they mean by this?
In other words your waifu lost, and now you're bitter.
It's meant to make you laugh, by putting a tranny as women's champ
I really don't care who won that poll, I just think it's funny that Jennifer Lawrence ended with zero votes.
Makes me glad that even if I scoff at some user's preferences and they at mine, there are certain standards that most of us do share.
ok, I guess I understand that, but what's the pic with the little asian girl surrounded by people in black robes?
We shall defend our waifu standards whatever the cost may be
I like it when she rubs her stumps together
what did wwe mean by this?
But that's IMPOSSIBLE!
Nothing is impossible
We both now what's in that link.
It's key and peele skit about nothing being impossible
Oh. In that case I have no idea about it.
that's stupid