Nigger Man flops in China

Nigger Man flops in China

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When you stop to think about it: It's sad how far America has fallen.

Everything wrong with the modern world can be lain at their feet.

It did a good amount the first weekend. And grossed 40 million this weekend domestically nigga.

This early in the morning but shills are already here. Kys.

Let me guess, German?

No, Mexican

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Nigger Panther did poorly or mediocre outside of america.

but flopped only in China

based chinks

I declare this thread an amerimutt-free zone. Move along: whatever your half nigger brain is howling to you, no one here is interested in hearing it.


It isn’t the meme that is so annoying, it’s your unfounded sense of superiority when by all measures you are inferior.

This isn't a surprise asians hate niggers, especially chinks.

But, user, I want to shit on black panther too…

Not surprising.

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It did well with the South Korean chinks though.

It's a thoroughly negrified culture. Every standard white kid's taste in music is like Lil Pump tier shit. Evola was right.


gooks are turbo americanized

I would react thew same way

Ah yes but German is practically the same thing as Mexican, we are actually all white.

maybe in 2004

asians hate asians even more than niggers

Why is Asia called Asia and not Eurasia? If you look at a map you can see that Europe and Asia are clearly just one continent.
it's racism

future is Chinese

This. America at 56% has more white people than any Europoor country.

you can play bingo with you amerimutts

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Ultimate proof China will still be China in 2100, while Europe and North America will be extensions of Africa and Spic America respectively.

And this is one of the most redpilled authors currently alive in the West and even he couldn't help himself and had to inject (willing) cuckolding into the story.

Except for the based Slav Belt

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Does playing little games make the truth hurt less?

Not at all, why would the fact that burgers are amerimutt mongrels hurt me?

The fact that your own countries are becoming less white should hurt you retard. When your nation's capital is 50% white and falling, you're throwing stones from your glass house.

China has always been based when it comes to niggers, and with the Chinese markets being very important to the atrophying Jewlywood market. Meaning, in order to get shekels, the kikes may actually start to slowly put forced diversity aside in their propaganda to court the chink market. Thank you China

Meme magic is scary.

Attached: Straight Outta Austria.mp4 (640x360, 1.79M)



Memes, jack

Europe is highly segregated and even at this point of the migrant invasion, the number of aliens is vastly below 1. percentage of non-caucasian americans and 2. percentage of mixed rage americans.

So awoogaa boogaa, my dear mutt. Now you realize why part of you likes hip hop.

That's like the pot calling the kettle black. You're both fucked.

We're not talking about the entirety of Europe. The slav parts save you pathetic fucks from looking as bad as you really are in the stats. London is less than 50% white, as is Paris and most likely Berlin.

Keep calling us mutts while the caliphate installs itself in your country you retarded fuck.

We're not breeding with the muslim tho, so we're not mutts. You are. London can be less than 50% white, but at least it's divided into 50% whites and 50% shitskins. America is 100% mongrel.


tell that to the thousands and thousands of young white girls who have been getting serially gang raped for the last few decades.

you're not breeding with them, but they're certainly breeding with you. whether you want to or not.

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That's right eurocuck, the muslims are breeding you. With their roving rape gangs and pedophile grooming gangs turning your young girls into whores into sluts hungry for halal cock.

You're pathetically deluded if you think your situation is better than that of the Americans. Its several times worse in reality.

kek, whatever makes you sleep better at night, little mutty ;^)


ausfag here.

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Australia is literally just as bad as America. You're obnoxiously proud of having no culture, you're rapidly being replaced by chinks and lebos, and in terms of nanny state you're actually worse than the mutts. Get the fuck out of here.

Australia is probably the worst country in history

Has an Abo ever stole your Petrol?

And Australia roasties are just pig disgusting

Fuck you, nigger.

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I would be scarred too! How the fuck that animal got into the country?

These guys used to be vikings, they used to pillage and rape. Now they're complete pussies.

They used to to capture and sell 10 year old European children and maidens to sell them to muslims as sex slaves.
They are getting exactly what they deserve.

They don't have war crime tribunals to stomp down their hatred by putting enemy combatants on trials in front of (((impartial judges)))

I can really appreaciate how they picked the "diseased feces" shades of green in relation to muslim population.

This. The Vikings were snow niggers who used to attack unprotected villages. When they fought armies they got fucking stomped.

Who cares, they were white. Kys, soy

That's almost as bad as TLJ's drop

Hilarious to watch Disney garbage bomb.

and TLJ had only one nigger

Entire movie is a meme Hwood laundered money through. Nothing to see here.


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Scandinavia was a poorly populated area whose nations were fundamentally a network of fishing hamlets. You might as well be admiring the Esquimos, if you like snow niggers.

This is literally fake news.
The nigger tried to rape a chink girl and the villagers caught him, cut of his penis and were about to lynch him until the cops arrived.

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Yes we saw your thread last week sweetie.

It didn't poorly to mediocre everywhere outside Burgerstan, sorry to disappoint you, friend.

Americans are the only ones who have money to spend on luxury cinema, sweetie.

And that's why all the non-nigger blockbusters make more money oversees?
Amerimutts like niggers, we get it, now fuck off.

Lucky trips of truth confirm.

Americans like things that are fresh, while shitworlders get excited to see the same shit they paid to watch a year ago.

Isn't that the exact description of amerimutts?
Amerimutts like niggers, we get it, now fuck off.

stop being gay

lol SBC

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stop being shill

It's worse, Americans are very proud but they can also be humble and even self deprecating at times.

Australians all think their shit smells like roses, but in reality they live in a China-cucked wasteland.

no u

no u

no u

no u


That's burgerclaps, alright

Did the cops lynch him at least?
If I was a policeman i'd stop lynchings just to do it myself, properly.
After all i was trusted with the monopoly on violence to provide justice


You mad nigga?

The nigger is lying, which is to be expected. The nignog raped a Chinese girl and a mob of chinks caught him and did what any sane human would do to a nigger.

I remember back in the 60s or 70s the chink police letting Chinese students beat the living shit out of nigger exchange students.

they didn't hang him

Not for lack of trying. The police stopped them.

they should have been more efficient

They cut off his dick. You don't get more efficient than that.

He's not hanging from a tree. Not efficient enough.

You wouldn't have done either. Not really seeing where you are in any position to judge their methods tbh.

Compared to the West they were hyper efficient. At least now niggers know what happens if you try and muh dik in China.

Is this was american south he'd been hanging before he had a chance to say ooga booga where da wyte womyn at


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Didn't they get kicked out of Dublin because the locals just got sick of them after awhile?
