Jennifer Lawrence is TIGHT

Just saw Red Sparrow. Jennifer Lawrence slimmed down nicely UMMMMMMMF
that body is tight

Attached: red-sparrow[1].png (1000x562, 748.77K)

Her buttcrack and butthole look like they smell. I bet they do smell because she doesn't wipe correctly.

She was just like Emilia, so fucking close to perfection and then they throw it away because the media will rip you to shreds for being chubby unless you're a plastic armenian thot.

Attached: jennifer_011.jpg (375x520 890.17 KB, 45.28K)

Americans and English don't use a bidet for some reason. Be warned.



Seriously, why do tards shill this plain looking ho?

Because they are not autistic people looking for the wife of their white children, they just want the slut that will eat their dicks like breakfast.

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Even by those standards you could do better at the bar near your nearest suburb. Basically what you are saying is you don't go outside often enough to find anything better than this outstandingly average looking chick that Hollywood tries to push for reasons.


If you need that many words to put down a girl, usually it means she is actually great and you are the one with issues.

It's pretty funny that the only successful movie she was in was Hunger Games and literally everything afterwards has been a trainwreck. Stupid whore should've stayed in school, she's literally a one-trick bicycle that not everyone even wants to ride.

I don't want to be le "2/10 would not bang" neckbeard, but Jlaw literally only looks marginally better than the average woman I see walking down the street. Without makeup, she would probably be on par with the girls I see working at chic-fil-a.
She's artificially hyped as fuck, and one of the reasons that it worked is because she looks around 10 years younger than she actually is (she looks legit like a HS senior). I bet she sucked Harv or an equivalent off a ton to get to where she is now.
I also bet that there's some psyop they're pushing here, like promoting dysgenics and destroying beauty ideals.

"Plain-looking skank retard," is all I need for JLaw. It was your logic I was questioning. Or are you saying that you are a grill? In that case tits or gtfo, attention whore.

not bad tbh

Attached: 01 - oHb5VTB.jpg (2448x1836, 621.6K)

In the picture of her bent over she has a shit tier ass. Those tits only look good because the bra is preventing them from sagging unevenly and non-cutely. Her face is busted.


Attached: 013LdUhhEW.jpg (765x1024, 206.18K)

no ass and im talking about the other one where you can see her face

idk, most women look good from that angle, post a pic of a woman with a good ass in the same position

Attached: 06 - dbgPQRF.jpg (597x800, 99.85K)

Attached: 02 - eWCfvQI.png (768x1024, 925.56K)

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Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-17 02-50-56.png (458x417, 196.77K)

Yep this one. Look at that compete shit tier back and ass and legs.

Time is not going to be her friend going forward. Only twenty-something and her face is a mess.

For some reason I can't help but think of a plucked chicken. Weird.

Why's her neck so long.

Attached: 6ffd0789771653deacaaa5ce6201a96d4ea6f9d6bb1619b7aa762deeed1e24ce.jpg (521x406, 43.99K)

jennifer, please.

go away.

my dude

What the fuck is that?

So she can swallow the whole cock.

Oh no no the amerimutt doesn't even know how a bidet works
He actually walks around with a shit encrusted ass pfffftttttt

I saw her butthole in the leaked pic.

Yes Jen you look good, you always look good and you would even if you were fat.

And thank you for having bangs women today don't appreciate bangs as much they should, their too busy doing stupid shit like:
dyeing their hair grey in their 20s or
pulling all their hair back into a big weird ball on top of their head

would not even smell panties


Attached: one dunny... and one bidet.mp4 (640x272, 1.95M)

Jennifer Lawrence's career is so artificially propped up by more powerful Hollywood kikes that she needs to pay people to go to online communities and shill for her.
In that waifu poll we had the other day, she was the only one to end it with zero votes. That was out of around 370 votes, which granted lots of fuckers were probably IP hopping is still an indicator of just how many Anons here actually give a shit about her.

They built her career up with The Hunger Games, and she's just going to keep pissing it away with pretentious gay shit that tries and fails to be "artsy".

Jennifer Lawrence was hotter an more "human" when she was fat.


This one doesn't, fuck off cunt.

You probably don't consider hew attractive because she isn't black or a spic, right, mutty? oooga booga

You fucking wish Moishe.

Why not just cut out the middleman and dump your whole 56% folder right now slugger?