If you could KILL my mothafuckin ass what would you do to me huh Holla Forums?? You fucking Losers!!!
If you could KILL my mothafuckin ass what would you do to me huh Holla Forums?? You fucking Losers!!!
Fucking subhumans
Holla Forums doesnt kill
Holla Forums hugs sweetie
*hug hug hug hug hug
reaches around from behind u
tug tug tug tug tug ;^)
Globally reported.
I wish that you could all KILL YOURSELFS like that 18 year old Muslim kid did 2 days ago YouTube!!!!! _|_ _|_
you wouldn't survive a day in the deepweb kid, we eat scrubs like you for breakfast
oh by the way I've been tracing you're IP address this whole time
*teleports behind you*
*stabs you with katana*
nothing personnel
God , that second webm is why I pray to Anubis and Mars to slay every subhuman nonwhite on this earth every Tuesday. Truly these abominations and mockeries of human beings deserve nothing but death and pain.
I have more material is just that the uploading is slow as a bitch today.. Maybe because of the rain :/
Das rayciss
Animal cruelty offends me on a spiritual level. I think it's because the white man and canine survived the ice age together and share an eternal bond. Both are still alive today because one looked after the other. Animal cruelty is inimical to the white man's empathy for his fellow beast and is a mark of subhuman shitskin behavior.
Top jej
It offends me on a spiritual level but more because I have sworn my flesh and blood to Mars, Lord of War. And Mars' sacred animal is the wolf and the dog. It is a sacred duty to my god to destroy those that needlessly harm his familiars, and to see their civilizations made to ruins. Thus is the divine punishment of the Patriarch of Rome.
wtf. Did we meme someone into becoming a Praetorian Guardsmen now.
pretty based tbh
Patriarch of Rome? More like Fatriarch of the Basement! Somebody's been playing too much of those 'Gods of War' videogames on his little game boy… And those cakes you are reducing to ruins might be very large but they aren't civilizations. You might be better served swearing your flesh and blood to WeightWatchers.
pretty good I will admit
but humor will not save you from the clanging prayer-swords of Mars. They hunger for the blood of weaklings.
More like banging Gayer-Swords. Something tells me you hunger for more than blood (like the cum of other men). So obvious that you want to fist them with your 'Hand of Sagaybius'. I bet you would take the knot from Mars' sacred animal if the other worshippers told you to do it. "Yo brah just fuck this dog it'll be totally spiritual we promise we won't laugh brah". And you'd do it because you are gay for a mars bar, actually homosexually in love with a chocolate bar. You didn't even go gay for a cool planet like the Sun, lmaoing my ass off over here.
I'm gonna call you the boy who was gay for chocolate bars from now on, hope that's cool brah
youre pretty funny man
You too boy who is gay for chocolate bars (alternatively the chocoboi, the chocolate fairy or Natalie Mars)