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Pet me.
I'll full truth you...
Hail lord Satan~
that would be a refreshing change of pace.
I don't know where to take it from here.
it's still early. you'll wake up soon enough.
*indiscriminantly atomic pets*
I feel like I should be adding to the beatings counter, though.
that counter is starting to get into coma inducing territory I think.
I really hope Peridot and Lapis get together.
-gives you the softest of pets-
I really hope you don't spoil shit for people who haven't watched new episodes yet.
although I guess I could be watching it now.
Nothing in the new ones.
They are just who I ship in general.
shipping is for homos.
You know it.
wow 16 new episodes to watch. I need to pay more attention to shit.
I would not dare disgrace that woman.
At the very least you'll be wearing pants and sleeves for a good while now.
the promises keep being made and yet my skin remains unbruised.
I mean, I'm not magical, I can't beat you over the internet.
I need more irl Erio photos
everything is the worst. what else is new.
Ika post asshole.
I will not
Do it, you slut.
I would never, i have class
Now show that ass.
Nope, not my style
Need to buy a soft rope anyway.
already have that covered.
Yeah, but how soft is it?
I don't want it to give you rope burn.
I mean, it's doing my job for me at that point.
it's a silk rope. more like a strong ribbon.
what a time to be alive
I'm going to go grab coffee.
see you soon then.
Serious question.
If I went red like this, what would you think?
I think it would look pretty cute. you never know for sure until you do it, but yeah. a darkish red would look good on you, I think.
You got rekt.
That's what I've been thinking.
Kind of wanna go to a darkish auburn or otherwise browny red when I get my hair cut.
I'd say go for it. worst that can happen is you don't like it, and it's easy enough to fix in that case.
Hardcore action.
I suppose going to a lighter colour is significantly easier to fix than going to a darker one.
both are plenty fixable.
I guess insofar as letting it grow back out.
I was thinking more immediate fixes, which, if I recall correctly, bleaching dyed hair isn't... the best idea.
I'm not a stylist though, so what do I know.
Maybe I should ask my cousin.
Im red woo
Post pics of hair?
you could always ask a few questions while you're there getting your hair cut.
I've been doing this stupid thing where I want to get my cousin to cut it, since she's a hairdresser, and I don't really like most people handling my hair.
But I can never seem to catch her at a good time anymore.
Maybe I should suck up my pride and just go somewhere.
Red headed nibble git.
That's a nice red.
Natural brunette?
Better red than bread
that's not pride, that's a pretty normal way of thinking when it comes to your hair. especially when you've been growing it for so long. I've had the same stylist for like 10 years, no way in hell am I letting anyone else touch my hair. still, if you can't ever get your cousin to do it you might need to ask around and find yourself a good stylist and just get that relationship rolling.
If I don't use my cousin, I'm probably going to use my friend's stylist.
But he is much less picky about his hair so I don't know how much I like that idea.
I would dare be a ginger ew disgusting
all you can do is ask around or check whatever canada's version of yelp is or something like that. just make sure you go to a real stylist and not some stupid 9 dollar hair cut place and you should be okay.
yeah but you will.
I'm saving this to the folder, even though it doesn't really feel right.
Just because it's so great.
That's a very real point.
Maybe I'll see about going to my mom's stylist.
Because regardless of how I feel about her, I do have her hair, and she does keep on top of that.
Or she did when she was still living in town.
Hopefully darker though.
And more browny red than redhead red.
... If you understand what I'm trying to say, and am thinking about.
I have red hair. Fite me.
My dread necro has to have alcohol at hand for one of her spells.
I kind of want to make it not uncommon for her to be having a drink.
And to offer drinks to just about anyone and anything.
Even better if she has a zombie whose only job is to follow her around with wine.
I'd gladly pay well for someone to handle my hair, if they did it with care.
that seems like a good lead to follow.
I think I do. your hair would definitely look better a darker red than mine. a brownish dark red.
yes you do, and it's lovely.
That D.Va one is -way- bigger than I was expecting.
I need more recent pictures of you.
Yeah, like...
I dunno, I'll look into it sometime though.
How do you feel about bangs?
I wouldn't mind either, but my old barber quit a few years ago and now I've just got my hair cut at this small place, but then again I never task them with anything else than the usual buzzcut with top remaining.
Kind of like Scoots hair.
Sides and back super short wew
Going full red next time though
well then.
Yours is easier than mine.
I just wanna get it brought back to, like, the shoulders or so, or to the shoulder blades.
Maybe bangs.
they can be cute. easy to just cut them back if they don't look good.
Team Lovely!
Come at me, brah.
Do you have old ones? I can't remember.
6mm around and back hair line with a fade.
And a bit from the middle since my hair gets way too thick.
Well, it's still something as ^ mentions.
I used to have one of those thick emo haircuts before, kind of cut it for military and now the haircut has been stuck with me.
we'll use that on the ticket when we run for office in four years.
Oh i will and you wont like it
Fair enough.
I'm wondering if they'll suit me.
Get on steam, and I'll show you what you gave me three years ago, lol.
Makes sense.
Kind of miss that haircut sometimes, because it was fluffy.
But then again not really all that /fa/
if I had to hazard a guess I'd say they'd look cute. but bangs are really hit and miss, so you never know until you try.
8mb limit strikes again
Dad-gummit, we are the ONLY choices for Wyoming Comptroller and State Auditor!
What's not to like about whoopin' your ass?
Uh oh. Maybe I don't want to see.
I love my hair, but I don't really wear it.
I could, it's just so much work, and since I usually end up putting it up anyway, the work isn't worth it.
Fair enough.
To be honest, I think Ram's better than Rem.
But I like Rem more regardless. She's my spirit animal.
Scoot. Check this out.
That's why I need something more recent, obviously.
they'd be insane to choose anyone else.
You're doing that whole samurai bun thing?
I've got a feeling they will bring her back somehow.
Hahahaha only in amwrica whaaa!!!!!! XD
And you can try whooping my ass baby doll but I don't think that is happening:3
>When you're that thirsty
I know this feel.
I know it well.
No, I just put it in a tail.
My old coworkers told me to do that bun thing a lot and I was always just like "No...?"
All this can be solved if they come as a pair
I hope so
If not, she has a place on my desk
that's good. a bun is bad. pulling your hair back too tight and leaving it like that leads to early hair loss apparently.
But I'm not cute anymore.
Cattle futures? More like our children's futures!
You're gonna be wearin' your ass as a hat when this is all over, Scoob.
Ah well, I think the bun could work as well.
Would look like one of those new-age programmers.
Well, considering that Subaru Impreza still knows about them and they've got that whole skill, well, could just reverse a whole lot back.
More like ur gonna be eating ass by the end of this
They don't?
If memory serves, that's been disproved more than proved.
Same with hats and hair loss.
You'll always be cute.
I wanna look like one of these programmers.
more like our cattle's children's futures!
I'll show you hair loss, missy.
The hair I'd want to lose isn't the hair on my head.
Anus hair
Due process? Do wheelies!
Goob. :3
The steaks have never been higher.
never mind. we can't run together. they won't want a dirty liar on the ticket.
I was just doing that thing you always do.
I don't know enough about Wyoming to keep making jokes about it.
Find out this Sunday night, for 20 minutes of suffering and another cliffhanger!
Somehow they have to fit in the box they arrive in
All I know is they have lots of horses and an alien landing pad.
Gonna set a reminder to see his ads tomorrow after work
W. E. W
very well, then our first order of business will clearly need to be sending horses into space.
I realize that now.
Can I be shipped in a box with you?
Samurai bun then.
I feel like the only appropriate way to watch the show is to watch it when it's airing now, because the cliffhangers will kill you.
I don't think-...
Subtle, do any New Game! have a samurai bun?
no need to pout.
Many years ago the great derby horse, Asbestos Volt, who was to die on the set of Vikings, was asked why did he want to fly to the moon. He said, "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Brrrrr. *snort*."
it's that kind of passion that makes me so proud of our horse space program. the horses are just as invested as we are.
Hey there chicken nugget
How are you today?
"I don't think-..." was directly to you.
The rest was to Subtle, on the same thought.
Pouting's fun.
You still lost me.
but I thought you didn't want to appear cute
Nu Tokai might get mad
It can be better the binge watch shows like this.. I prefer to binge watch ones I'm emotionally invested in 'cause week-long gaps between episodes can make it difficult for that
Hifumi is the closest, if your hair is long enough I think you could do it with a cute bow
We need one of those so bad
They aren't saddled with our doubts and petty budgetary concerns.
Extra sleepy today. I need you to call in a bomb threat so I can go home. How about you, darling?
pretty sure that new pikachu looking thing is one.
which is exactly why we need to saddle them with our hopes and dreams. it's our last shot to help this great nation.
That's the appeal it currently has.
Because it tears you apart.
I might be a bit masochistic.
Yeah, Mimikyu is
Sun and Moon need to hurry up and come out
"One of these programmers" was in reference to the picture I posted with the comment.
She's a character from New Game!.
You then said "Samurai Bun then."
So I was asking Subtle if anyone from New Game! Has a samurai bun.
Eh, I have my moments.
We could get shipped to Tokai.
Thank you~
agreed. can't wait to play it.
capped for posterity. and winning of later arguments.
Uhm okay but uhm can I getcha number? Can I getcha number?
Heh its friday wooooooooo!
Plans this weekend?
Is it stream weekend?
Ah well, I'm not really up-to-date with animus.
Exactly ^^
It's not physical, that's different..
I-I don't wanna intrude on you two
Any time ^^
Well, I don't really know what to call that, because I'm dumb duh.
You gonna go with Sun or Moon?
I never decide until I see the full pokemon list for both games.
Which legendary do you like better tho?
smiles is a dyke with a big dick.
oh. I dunno actually. the lion one is super cool looking.
I'm going with ghost bat
Night > day
I like smiles, she is senpai
oh right, that's what that one is. I do like bats.
Maybe catharsis, the purging of emotions. Some people are melancholic and series like that make you feel something.
Tragedies have been popular for a long time after all.
I'm out of horse jokes. *squish*
(817) 454-5965
I could use a good steam.
Or did you mean Steam Steam?
Have fun! Wear a dental dam though, ok?
oh thank goodness. I was too.
Seems like you learn something new every day.
Ever since the first game was like "You like bats, huh? Here's a fucking billion of them in every cave!"
you gonna be the giver though.
I meant stream •_•
And we could sauna sometime, senpai
did you just post your phone number? sabrina you are a crazy person.
I actually like zubat a lot.
Crobat was one of the best additions in gen 2 tbh
I caught a nedoran earlier and called it niddy minaj
yes. finally giving that line something that can learn fly. and even if you are pretty lax on the friendship building you'll almost always get crobat before level 40.
Ha! I'm so old now, Scoot. I need bifocals to read your tiny typing.
I haven't made any plans, so we should be able to stReam. Fun fun.
So you finally admit that you're the bottom?
crazy. person.
I might have to peeba :3
Make a night of it
And it's so FAST
with pretty decent attack. I really like him main game wise.
and this ruins all three series for me. shoddy attention to detail. disgusting, really.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Too bad it took till gen 4 to get some decent attacking moves
don't even get me started on how stupid the movesets for everything are until gen 4, and they don't really get good until gen 5 at least.
Perfectly fine :^)
perfectly fine.
1st gen only gen
Wing Attack was the only viable flying move
at least it had 35 pp :^)
Moment of silence for poor Delibird
Such a neat Pokemon that just... Just sucks so much
anything with a four times weakness to rock deserves to be shit. he has no one to blame but himself.
Yeah, weak shit like Ho-oh and Talonflame
literal garbage who know one plays you mean? yes.
Are we talking pokemons? I brought pokemons can I stay?
No. Leave.
I guess so.
F..... fine I'll take my pokemons and go
Really?! I'm getting conflicting messages
Right? Especially with garbage abilities like Regenerator and Gale Wings
Only if you can tell me what TM contains the move Tombstoner
pokemon is for children
don't listen to that other guy. he's gay.
abilities that might as well just say "pure garbage" because that's what they are.
find me a kid who could beat my level 100 charizard with ember, fire blast, flamethrower and fire spin and I'll agree.
Yus senpai
But..... which?
which what?
Seriously though what the fuck were they thinking giving those abilities to those Pokemon? Light good god, they were already good
Half of the move's name fits perfectly
Which is gay?
How are you doing?
I want to cum inside Nadeko.
everyone is. listen to no one.
pick one.
Okay and you?
give of mouth. I'mma beat you.
But you are Nadeko.
I'm not snek
WRONG. Now you have to battle be before you get to fight Blaine
Requires some more support than usual, maybe
seems like a lot of work. I'll just use my seven inch tablet screen with an emulator and an xbox controller
Hello, Boo, you ruddy sack of cat turds.
You did not say you wanted it to be with affection.
Simply a hello.
Answer my question.
not really dark souls
i just woke up
we should p[lay something else
I just want Articuno to be a god like it was in gen 1 :(
Your other option is OW, because I got a TV for retro games and if not one of those then that.
Which DS do you guys okay, 3?
Pokémon sucks no
he is worthless trash because of stealth rocks. like everything else you love. accept it.
I need a nap. back in a bit.
I wish they would do something other than shitty ass turn based bullshit
Fair assessment cutebat
It's chill I got pokemons to spare
ill play some overwatch
you should play the saxophone
Or at least make the games harder like Pokemon reborn
Well the special stat split didn't help either, and its defensive typing being shit with its tank stats
Sleep well
Flawless game design
Difficulty options are a thing you fucking retard
In an RPG like Pokemon? No, they are not.
K well they should be because the official games are shit
discord got a new update
its now 1 step away from being a skype replacement
You're shit.
Play some reborn then come talk to me kid
why would i play sober
Beat me in competitive and I'll consider it
I always do
why would i play sober
Hai, threaders~
I keep Ice Heal on me at all times, because I'm too cool
Hey bae
Chill af
You know it.
How goes it?
Colbs,I stayed up too long last night so I dont wanna g2w now
Story of my life tbh. At least it's Friday!
👌 when shit (💩) goes ham(🐷) at work(🤑) and you have to lose out on money(😭)
Ooh, you're right!
Now to find something to do tomorrow :(
You have any plans this weekend?
Probably just playing Overwatch with the nerds. I need to go to the post office and change my home address and whatnot too
I should probably do that as well considering I've been living here for a year now lol
There are 2 days in the weekend, silly. And yes, that's a good idea lol
I should explore my new town more
I work Sundays.
You should definitely take some LSD for your exploration :^)
Oh, whoops
Welma no, never again, I am not cut out for acid
Lol lsd
It made a great story though.
Went to ride my bike to my job to get my paycheck
So many bike riders
the entire square is a flush with people on bikes and not
at least 1000 of them I've seen
if not more
today is going to suck dick
whats up with you folks?
I'm sorry, daddy.
Fuck that's so cute
I got it off /vr/.
Literally the only board on 4chan other than Holla Forums and /hm. I go to.
Holla Forums
What you want?
i want DP to pull out of me and cum on my stomach
videogame friendship time
remember when boo wasn't a slutty faggot
what are you some kind of sisiboi?
I'm just kidding I'm Ikarous
well played
It has it's uses.
Not like this site has much of worth.
Fucking rolled, nerd.
IDs are useless
Someone doesn't know about storytimes, win-o-threads or capeshit movie discussions
mfw the depression hits and I alienate everybody who was ever kind to me
Which Anime should I watch?
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