Which is the definitive version?
Original or Redux
Both are shit.
Both still had this amazing spectacle of practical effects, that makes the capeshit enjoyed by this faggot to shame.
Reddit: The Film
Redux because it has the most /kino/ scene in it
neck urself off my board my dude
All me
Original, the new parts are unnecessary and take away momentum from the story. It's supposed to be a sucking descent, but the extras are all sidesteps.
There some parta of redux which is good but others not so much. But I would still say Redux
Your taste is just bad, friend
The one that has the dude punch a mirror.
Original because of the lack of plantation scenes. Without them, redux.
Original, then you can get through this shit quicker.
All amerimutts like capeshit, it's literally like cows eating grass all day long. They want nothing more, can't even imagine how it would be different.
redux minus french plantation
not even the tits were good
Literally, what was the fucking point of it and why did the captain autismo almost got the entire movie cancelled because he was so adamant on filming it?
Saigon? Am i still i Saigon?
Piss off, Zach. I can almost smell the dorito dust on your desk as you type this because you mistakenly believe that Full Metal Jacket was better.
Found the butthurt Amerimutts who can't deal with the fact that the US created vietcong to cuck France and ended up cucked themselves
I prefer Redux except I always skip the plantation scene
Sargon? Am I still in Sargon?
First time round watch the OG. Then redux to flesh it out for comfiness
Platoon > FMJ > aPLEBelipse now
The boot camp scenes in FMJ > Apocalypse Now > Apocalypse Now Redux > The rest of FMJ >>> shit > Platoon
This man and his dubs speak the truth. The boot camp scenes are kino, even if the rest is a flick that shows how pretentious Kubrick is.
That said, I liked Redux more, the plantation scene is a pleb filter.
platoon up until the last quarter of the movie was kino and you faggots know it
Just watch the last half hour for the stellar Dennis Hopper performance