I have a mission for Holla Forums

I have a mission for Holla Forums

Talk to Greg landsky about Angie varona. Look like she's ready for porn.

What a shame. Everyone gawking at her and judging her and…what's that? She's constantly still posting sexy pics online? Oh….ok.

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and don't care lol

Minor are not allowed here…

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Eat a bullet, cuckold.

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What the fuck? What's wrong with this guy…

Vixen bro.

This girl is a huge whore, I bet there's already stuff out there, we just know it yet.

I have a bad news. >>>Holla Forums7827999

Greg Lansky is going to get euthanized and his corpse made to ashes

I hope.

Or good news, depending on how it plays out.

She'd get bimbofied by the kike producers and by the time she makes her first porno she'd look hideous.

You're right.
She can't scream "rape" without video.

Knowing her that's exactly what will happen, with a camera she set up. Just like when her pics first started going around she went on a talk show and cried about how scary it all was, then went home and posted 40 new pictures of her ass. There was another girl that this happened to, the same forum too. Holly simmering, except she was actually scared and did what a scared girl would do, delete everything and drop off the internet for half a decade. She turned into a communist though. Damn shame, she was 10x hotter than Angie.

Post more.

What's the other girls name?

sure, I'll have a chat with him later tonight when he comes over for the shabbos

does he have negroes carrying him?

you're thinking of Dalton Castle

is that a wresting joke? i don't get it.

perhaps lansky has a career for bliss lined up when her current gig doesn't pay the cocaine anymore.

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What the hell are you talking about?

you are the blackest gorilla nigger retard i have ever seen


It was in my post. Holly simmering.

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Tony ferguson is based.


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Girl on the right?

Selina Elias

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If she’s mentally damaged enough, she’ll do it on her own. Otherwise, she’s no different from your average college slut. She’ll put out, but she won’t fuck anyone on camera.

The girls are typically hot enough, I don’t get why they do that, they just make them freaky.

not really a joke, just a fact